This program was written using Microsoft Visual Basic. It requires
Windows version 3.0 and MS-DOS 5.0 as a minimum. Also the DOS program
FORMAT.COM (or compatible program with the same name) must be located in
a directory specified in your PATH, or in your windows default directory.
The purpose of this program is to simplify and speed up the task of
formatting diskettes from within the Windows environment. It is my first
upload, and my first Visual Basic application so I would sincerely
appreciate any comments or feedback from anyone. It is distributed as
FREEWARE, so you are free to use it and distribute it as you wish, and
at your own risk.
Speaking of risk, there really isn't any since the program merely provides
a "front-end" for the MS-DOS 5.0 FORMAT command. When you click on the FORMAT button, WinForm5 evaluates the options you selected, builds a DOS FORMAT command line, and SHELL's to DOS to execute the command.
Once again, please let know if you have any comments, or ideas for enhancements, they will all be considerred. Thank you for trying WinForm5.