Club Amiga de Montreal - CAM
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Text File
498 lines
struct IntuiText IText1 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"CRC-16", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem4 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,33, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
140,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText1, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText2 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Checksum", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem3 = {
&MenuItem4, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,22, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
140,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText2, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText3 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"1024 Byte Block", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem2 = {
&MenuItem3, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,11, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
140,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText3, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText4 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"128 Byte Block", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem1 = {
&MenuItem2, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
140,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText4, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu4 = {
NULL, /* next Menu structure */
297,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
120,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"Xfer Options", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem1 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
struct IntuiText IText5 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Send Text", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem11 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,66, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText5, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText6 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Capture End", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem10 = {
&MenuItem11, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,55, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText6, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText7 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Capture Text", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem9 = {
&MenuItem10, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,44, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText7, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText8 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Abort Xmodem", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem8 = {
&MenuItem9, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,33, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText8, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText9 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Recv Xmodem", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem7 = {
&MenuItem8, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,22, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText9, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText10 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Send Multi", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem6 = {
&MenuItem7, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,11, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText10, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText11 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Send Xmodem", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem5 = {
&MenuItem6, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
97,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText11, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu3 = {
&Menu4, /* next Menu structure */
189,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
102,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"File Stuff", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem5 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
struct IntuiText IText12 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"31250 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem19 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,77, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText12, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText13 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"19200 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem18 = {
&MenuItem19, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,66, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText13, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText14 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"9600 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem17 = {
&MenuItem18, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,55, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText14, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText15 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"4800 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem16 = {
&MenuItem17, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,44, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText15, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText16 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"2400 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem15 = {
&MenuItem16, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,33, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText16, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText17 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"1200 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem14 = {
&MenuItem15, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,22, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText17, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText18 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"300 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem13 = {
&MenuItem14, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,11, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText18, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText19 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
20,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"110 Baud", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem12 = {
&MenuItem13, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
100,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText19, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu2 = {
&Menu3, /* next Menu structure */
81,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
102,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"Modem Baud", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem12 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
struct IntuiText IText20 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"Quit", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem21 = {
NULL, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,11, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
41,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText20, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct IntuiText IText21 = {
3,1,COMPLEMENT, /* front and back text pens and drawmode */
1,1, /* XY origin relative to container TopLeft */
NULL, /* font pointer or NULL for defaults */
"About", /* pointer to text */
NULL /* next IntuiText structure */
struct MenuItem MenuItem20 = {
&MenuItem21, /* next MenuItem structure */
0,0, /* XY of Item hitbox relative to TopLeft of parent hitbox */
41,10, /* hit box width and height */
0, /* each bit mutually-excludes a same-level Item */
(APTR)&IText21, /* Item render (IntuiText or Image or NULL) */
NULL, /* Select render */
NULL, /* alternate command-key */
NULL, /* SubItem list */
0xFFFF /* filled in by Intuition for drag selections */
struct Menu Menu1 = {
&Menu2, /* next Menu structure */
0,0, /* XY origin of Menu hit box relative to screen TopLeft */
75,0, /* Menu hit box width and height */
MENUENABLED, /* Menu flags */
"Project", /* text of Menu name */
&MenuItem20 /* MenuItem linked list pointer */
#define MenuList Menu1
struct NewWindow NewWindowStructure = {
0,10, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
640,190, /* window width and height */
0,1, /* detail and block pens */
NULL, /* first gadget in gadget list */
NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
"Terminal v2.0", /* window title */
NULL, /* custom screen */
NULL, /* custom bitmap */
5,5, /* minimum width and height */
640,200, /* maximum width and height */
WBENCHSCREEN /* destination screen type */
/* end of PowerWindows source generation */