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LCrypt is an "industrial strength" data encryption/decryption program
which uses a cryptographic algorithm developed by IBM known as Lucifer.
Full credit is given to Graven Cyphers and Richard Outerbridge of the
University of Toronto for the Lucifer routines. These routines are presumed
to be in the public domain as the source file I have did not include a
copyright notice.
This program is placed in the public domain for the benefit and use of
all Amiga users who have a need for protecting data with a strong cipher.
Jack Radigan
LCrypt [de] [-directory] key filename [filename]...
d - Decrypt files.
e - Encrypt files. [default mode if neither d or e is specified]
-directory - Optional output directory. The '-' is required, otherwise
it will be interpeted as a key. A trailing ':' or '/' is
needed also.
key - The encryption/decryption key. Do not use a '-' as the first
character it will be parsed as an output directory if one was
not specified. AmigaDOS filename conventions for the '*', '"'
and space characters apply.
filename - AmigaDOS wildcards do not work here, use the more common '?'
and '*' characters.
All files will have a ".lu" extension added to the file name after being
encrypted. For example, foo.c will become foo.c.lu after encryption. The
extension doesn't have to be included when decrypting, wildcards can be used
also. So, foo.* will tell LCrypt to look for all files that match foo.*.lu.
The extension will be removed from the filename after decryption is completed.
LCrypt -SYS:crypts/ my_key ram:file.1 ram:file.2
Encrypts ram:file.1 and ram:file.2 and puts the encrypted files in the
SYS:crypts directory.
LCrypt d -ram: long.keys.are.good.for.security SYS:crypts/*.lu
Deciphers all the encrypted files in the SYS:crypts directory and
places the deciphered files in the ram: device.
LCrypt d "Quote keys that have spaces in it." /foo
Decrypts the file foo.lu in the parent directory and places the decrypted
file in the current directory.
LCrypte e short!key foo.bar
Encrypts the file foo.bar in the current directory.