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Baud Bandit terminal demo release
by Greg Cunningham
Copyright 1988 by
Progressive Peripherals & Software.
A soon to be commercial terminal program.
This is the commercial name to be looking for!
The first thing you'll notice is all of the nice cryptic items across the menu
bar. These may be selected by clicking the menu button while the pointer is
over the item.
In order from left to right, I have them labeled with letters.
Also right Amiga command sequences will work with some items, as noted.
2400 CCF8N1 S |XC X D/L U/L| SEND CAPT SUS B HU DN Phone Config TEXT
| |||||| | || | | | | | | | | | | | |
A. Baud - Clicking on this will flip it thru 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200,
Amiga-B then back to 19200.
B. Recieve CR 'C' or CR+LF 'L'.
C. Transmit CR or CR+LF.
D. Duplex 'F'ull or 'H'alf.
E. Lenght '7' or '8' bit word length.
F. Parity 'N'one, 'O'dd, 'E'ven, 'M'ark, or 'S'pace.
G. Stop bits '1' or '2'.
H. SplitScreen Use this for sending lines of text only at CR.
I. X Disable Highlighted for auto xON/xOFF, else off.
J. CRC Highlighted CRC, else Checksum for XModem only.
K. Protocol X - XModem
Amiga-X Y - TRUE YModem / YModem-Batch
T - XModem Text & WXModem Text Send
G - YModem-G
K - fake YMODEM / XModem-1K
W - WXModem
These may also be placed in the phonebook parameters.
When recieving YModem-Batch, it's optional to enter a
filename or just hit the [ENTER] key or the Okay gadget.
When sending YModem-Batch, you must select at least one file.
Entering the name in the string will not work.
L. DownLoad Calls up what I hope to be a good immitation TxEd
Amiga-D file requestor, like in the other terms.
The arrows beside the devices will scroll showing whatever
devices are currently active, including S: and C:.
Enter the filename in the string on the bottom, and the directory
(and PC-DOS/Amiga pattern if needed) in the string at the top.
Hitting return or Okay will start the process.
The number in the title is the bytes free on the disk.
It sorts now!
M. UpLoad see L.
N. Text Send Opens that requestor for a name (see L.).
Amiga-S The SEND item will dehighlight when done.
To stop the send prematurely, select this item again.
SUS will toggle suspending it.
O. Text Capture
Amiga-C Opens that requestor for a name (see L.).
If the file exists, the text will be appended.
The CAPT item will dehighlight when done.
To stop the capture prematurely, select this item again.
P. Suspend Selecting SUS will toggle suspending Text capture/send.
Q. Send Break Send break.
R. Hang Up Send (config) Hangup string.
S. Dial Next This will dial the first selected name in the phonebook.
Amiga-N If the line was busy, selecting it again will redial
Note: If a connection was made, the name is deselected,
and the next time DN is selected, it will dial the next
selected name.
T. PhoneBook This will bring up the phonebook.
Amiga-P this should be placed in the current 'S:' directory.
Dial Selecting 'Dial' will dial the top selected name and set it's
Amiga-R parameters (see A. thru G.) accordingly.
Example phonebook entry with offsets:
| BBS Name | Phone Number |Baud|Setup|Script Pairs 20 Max (?=!)
People Link 225-3444 2400 CCF8N1W (2400=\w\w\w\w\w@\w\r)
The character '|' at the beginning of a line donotes a comment
The character '-' at the beginning of a line donotes a seperator
Script There is also an optional script set, placed after the setup.
These work in pairs, and must be enclosed in parens '()',
and must have a '=' dividing them.
The first of a pair is the prompt, which must be one word,
such as for 'Your name: ' you would use 'name:' as the prompt.
Also this is case sensitive.
The second is the string to send.
Exaple: (Name:=Greg\r)
BBS says: Name:
Bandit says: Greg\r
Here's one I use for BBS-PC
([RETURN]=\r^PMy Name\rPassword\r)
BBS says: Press [RETURN]
Bandit says: return, control-P, name, password.
* Limits 500 names per phone lib.
256 chars per entry
20 pairs per entry
Editing names. When selecting 'Edit' the top selected name will appear
in the edit line, hitting return will enter it in.
To Add to the list, select Edit with no files selected.
When return is hit the name will appear at the bottom of
the list.
Queue Dials all selected numbers in the phone book untill all
are deselected or ESC is pressed while dialing.
Load to load another phonebook in.
Save to save the current phonebook.
AUTO Toggles ON/OFF. To make the phonebook open when BUSY or
NO CARREIR is detected.
(When a connection is not made, and at logoff)
Quit Select the close gadget, or hit Amiga-P again to exit
the phonebook.
U. Config This is simalar like the phonebook.
Palette Open the color palette. Cancel restores, close gadget keeps
new colors.
LACE Toggles interlace.
Planes Flips planes between 1 (2 color), 2 (4 color) and 3 (8 color).
127C or 255C 127/255 character mask.
Buffer size Used for review and capture buffer.
Left mouse button increments. (+=2046)
Right mouse button decrements.
(This is the only thing that does'nt take effect untill rerun)
Save Config Saves all config strings, color, lace, planes, mask, auto,
buffer size, protocol, and current baud to 'S:Bandit.Config'
Edit works like the phone edit (200 chars max).
But you don't have to hit Edit if you don't want to edit the
current string.
Just entering the text and hitting return will place the text
in the highlighted string.
Slide the bar down to get to the config strings:
Phone : Path & phonebook file to load first.
Macro : Path & key macro file to load first.
Data : Initial path for file requestor to use for
Capture, send, U/L, and D/L.
Init : String to send modem when run.
Exit : String to send modem when quiting.
Dial : Prifix dial sequence.
Hangup: String to send modem for Amiga-H.
Font : font [space] size. Like 'Opal 9'
Capt : capture path & name.
Special commands for FKeys, script, & split screen:
\W Wiat half second
\L Send break
\F Form Feed (Clear Screen)
\D Drop DTR (use this for hangup if needed)
^c Control character, 'c' being any character from A to Z
Load Keys load another set of macros in.
Save Keys save the current macros.
Quit Select the close gadget or hit Amiga-M again to exit the
macro screen.
V. Flip to Time
Time shows current time, and connect time.
CT will initialize at DCD, and show how long you've been online.
CT will keep the time online after losing carrier.
While online, it may be reset by clicking somwhere in the
Also a helpfull input line display that updates ever so often
for use with the script stuff.
Review Buffer Hit any of the cursor keys to open the review window.
Cursor up goes up one line.
Cursor down goes down one line.
Shift+Cursor up goes up one page.
Shift+Cursor down goes down one page.
Cursor left or right closes the window.
Quick Key Reference
Amiga-B Flip Baud rate.
Amiga-C Start/End capture.
Amiga-D DownLoad
Amiga-H Send hangup string.
Amiga-K 'Kill' or deselect last number dialed.
Amiga-L send break.
Amiga-M Toggle Config/Macro screen.
Amiga-N Dial Next. Dials through selected names, or last
selected with pointer.
Amiga-P Toggle phone screen.
Amiga-Q quits GT if no DCD, Close Gadget works always.
Amiga-R Redial last number. Dials top number selected in list.
Amiga-S Start/End ASCII send.
Amiga-U UpLoad
Amiga-X flip thru protocol.
Amiga-W reset color/alt chars & clear screen.
HELP Shows all of the above Amiga keys and the text send
delay slide bar.
ESC Turns off script when online.
Turns off Queue when offline.
Ctrl-W Reset colors & alt chars without clearing screen.
A special thanks goes to Harv Laser and the poeple on PLink who helped
me the most with fixing the bugs.
If it goes out of San Antonio, the area code for the phone numbers is (512)
Please contact Progressive Peripherals & Software for info on release.
464 Kalamath Street,
Denver Colorado, 80204
Phone (303) 825-4144
Greg Cunningham, Nomad Development