Club Amiga de Montreal - CAM
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Text File
1,986 lines
Graphics and user control for Geavity-Well
Gary Teachout
Copyright July 1989
lc -x -cs GW-Interface To compile with Lattice 5.0
#include "GW-Include.h"
void startup()
int i ;
char *p ;
IntuitionBase = ( struct IntuitionBase * )
OpenLibrary( "intuition.library" , 33 ) ;
if ( ! IntuitionBase )
cleanup() ;
GfxBase = ( struct GfxBase * )
OpenLibrary( "graphics.library" , 33 ) ;
if ( ! GfxBase )
cleanup() ;
DiskfontBase = ( struct Library * )
OpenLibrary( "diskfont.library" , 33 ) ;
if ( ! DiskfontBase )
cleanup() ;
rfont = OpenDiskFont( &rtext ) ;
if ( ! rfont )
cleanup() ;
ns.Font = &stext ;
screen = OpenScreen( &ns ) ;
if ( ! screen )
cleanup() ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
SetRGB4( &screen->ViewPort , i , clut[ i ][ 0 ] ,
clut[ i ][ 1 ] ,
clut[ i ][ 2 ] ) ;
controlnw.Screen = screen ;
viewcontrolnw.Screen = screen ;
mainviewnw.Screen = screen ;
topviewnw.Screen = screen ;
rightviewnw.Screen = screen ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ )
viewcongadg[ i ].GadgetID = i ;
viewcongadg[ i ].NextGadget = ( i < 11 ) ? &viewcongadg[ i + 1 ] : NULL ;
viewcontrolnw.FirstGadget = &viewcongadg[ 0 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 45 ; i ++ )
controlgadg[ i ].GadgetID = i ;
controlgadg[ i ].NextGadget = ( i < 44 ) ? &controlgadg[ i + 1 ] : NULL ;
controlnw.FirstGadget = &controlgadg[ 0 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 14 ; i ++ )
controlgadg[ 31 + i ].SpecialInfo = ( APTR ) &controlinfo[ i ] ;
controlinfo[ i ].UndoBuffer = undobuffer ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
controlinfo[ i ].MaxChars = 66 ;
controlgadg[ 31 + i ].GadgetRender = ( APTR ) &textbox ;
for ( i = 4 ; i < 14 ; i ++ )
controlinfo[ i ].MaxChars = 33 ;
controlinfo[ i ].Buffer = &numberbuff[ i - 4 ][ 0 ] ;
controlgadg[ 31 + i ].GadgetRender = ( APTR ) &numberbox ;
controlinfo[ 0 ].MaxChars = 100 ;
controlinfo[ 0 ].Buffer = filename ;
controlinfo[ 1 ].Buffer = g.filecomment1 ;
controlinfo[ 2 ].Buffer = g.filecomment2 ;
controlinfo[ 3 ].Buffer = &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].name[ 0 ] ;
textbox.XY = &xytextbox[ 0 ] ;
numberbox.XY = &xynumbox[ 0 ] ;
control = OpenWindow( &controlnw ) ;
if ( ! control )
cleanup() ;
SetFont( control->RPort , rfont ) ;
openmainview() ;
if ( ! mainview )
cleanup() ;
SetAPen( control->RPort , BPEN ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 90 , 10 ) ;
Draw( control->RPort , 90 , 217 ) ;
Draw( control->RPort , 638 , 217 ) ;
SetBPen( control->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
SetAPen( control->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
Move( control->RPort , 10 , 21 + ( i * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &numbertext[ i * 3 ] , 4 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i ++ )
Move( control->RPort , controlgadg[ 20 + i ].LeftEdge + 4 ,
controlgadg[ 20 + i ].TopEdge + 9 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , controlgtext[ i ] , 8 ) ;
SetBPen( control->RPort , 0 ) ;
SetAPen( control->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "<-" , 2 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 48 , 21 + ( 0 * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "*" , 1 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 48 , 21 + ( 1 * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "*" , 1 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 48 , 21 + ( 2 * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "*" , 1 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ )
Move( control->RPort , controlgadg[ 31 + i ].LeftEdge + 5 ,
controlgadg[ 31 + i ].TopEdge - 7 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , conlabel[ i ] , conlabellength[ i ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 150 , 23 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"Gravity Well Celestial Motion Simulator" , 41 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 150 , 38 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"by Gary Teachout Freeware Copyright 1989" , 45 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 130 , 197 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "Scale:" , 6 ) ;
p = gcvt( g.scale , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 197 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] , strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 130 , 211 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "Elaped Time:" , 12 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 88 , 346 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "X" , 1 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 88 , 360 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "Y" , 1 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 88 , 374 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "Z" , 1 ) ;
menustrip[ 0 ].FirstItem = &menu0[ 0 ].item ;
menu0[ 0 ].item.ItemFill = ( APTR ) &menu0[ 0 ].text ;
menu0[ 0 ].text.ITextFont = &rtext ;
menustrip[ 1 ].FirstItem = &menu1[ 0 ].item ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i ++ )
menu1[ i ].item.ItemFill = ( APTR ) &menu1[ i ].text ;
menu1[ i ].text.ITextFont = &rtext ;
menu1[ i ].item.NextItem = ( i < 4 ) ? &menu1[ i + 1 ].item : NULL ;
menustrip[ 2 ].FirstItem = &menu2[ 0 ].item ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
menu2[ i ].item.ItemFill = ( APTR ) &menu2[ i ].text ;
menu2[ i ].text.ITextFont = &rtext ;
menu2[ i ].item.NextItem = ( i < 3 ) ? &menu2[ i + 1 ].item : NULL ;
menustrip[ 0 ].NextMenu = &menustrip[ 1 ] ;
menustrip[ 1 ].NextMenu = &menustrip[ 2 ] ;
SetMenuStrip( control , &menustrip[ 0 ] ) ;
openviewcontrol() ;
opentopview() ;
openrightview() ;
openviewcontrol() ;
set() ;
void cleanup()
if ( control )
ClearMenuStrip( control ) ;
CloseWindow( control ) ;
if ( viewcontrol )
ClearMenuStrip( viewcontrol ) ;
CloseWindow( viewcontrol ) ;
if ( mainview )
ClearMenuStrip( mainview ) ;
CloseWindow( mainview ) ;
if ( topview )
ClearMenuStrip( topview ) ;
CloseWindow( topview ) ;
if ( rightview )
ClearMenuStrip( rightview ) ;
CloseWindow( rightview ) ;
if ( screen )
CloseScreen( screen ) ;
if ( rfont )
CloseFont( rfont ) ;
if ( DiskfontBase )
CloseLibrary( DiskfontBase ) ;
if ( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( GfxBase ) ;
if ( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary( IntuitionBase ) ;
exit() ;
void openmainview()
if ( mainview )
WindowToFront( mainview ) ;
mainview = OpenWindow( &mainviewnw ) ;
if ( mainview )
SetMenuStrip( mainview , &menustrip[ 0 ] ) ;
setupdisplay( mainview ) ;
DisplayBeep( screen ) ;
void opentopview()
if ( topview )
WindowToFront( topview ) ;
topview = OpenWindow( &topviewnw ) ;
if ( topview )
SetMenuStrip( topview , &menustrip[ 0 ] ) ;
setupdisplay( topview ) ;
DisplayBeep( screen ) ;
void openrightview()
if ( rightview )
WindowToFront( rightview ) ;
rightview = OpenWindow( &rightviewnw ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetMenuStrip( rightview , &menustrip[ 0 ] ) ;
setupdisplay( rightview ) ;
DisplayBeep( screen ) ;
void openviewcontrol()
long i ;
if ( viewcontrol )
WindowToFront( viewcontrol ) ;
viewcontrol = OpenWindow( &viewcontrolnw ) ;
if ( viewcontrol )
SetFont( viewcontrol->RPort , rfont ) ;
SetMenuStrip( viewcontrol , &menustrip[ 0 ] ) ;
SetBPen( viewcontrol->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
SetAPen( viewcontrol->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ )
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 14 , 86 + ( i * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "<" , 1 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 78 , 86 + ( i * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , ">" , 1 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 18 , 22 + ( 0 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , " Follow " , 8 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 18 , 22 + ( 1 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , " Center " , 8 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 18 , 22 + ( 2 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , " Trails " , 8 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 22 , 22 + ( 7 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , " Reset " , 7 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 14 , 22 + ( 9 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "IN" , 2 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 62 , 22 + ( 9 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "OUT" , 3 ) ;
SetBPen( viewcontrol->RPort , 0 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 18 , 22 + ( 3 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "-Rotate-" , 8 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 34 , 22 + ( 4 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "Main" , 4 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 38 , 22 + ( 5 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "Top" , 3 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 30 , 22 + ( 6 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "Right" , 5 ) ;
Move( viewcontrol->RPort , 26 , 22 + ( 8 * 16 ) ) ;
Text( viewcontrol->RPort , "-Zoom-" , 6 ) ;
DisplayBeep( screen ) ;
void pixel( w , x , y )
struct Window *w ;
double x , y ;
long xx , yy ;
xx = ( w->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( w->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * y * 177.0 ) ;
if ( ( xx > w->BorderLeft )
&& ( xx < ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
&& ( yy > w->BorderTop )
&& ( yy < ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) ) )
WritePixel( w->RPort , xx , yy ) ;
WritePixel( w->RPort , xx + 1 , yy ) ;
void blankwindow( w )
struct Window *w ;
if ( w )
SetAPen( w->RPort , 0 ) ;
RectFill( w->RPort , w->BorderLeft - 1 ,
w->BorderTop - 1 ,
w->Width - w->BorderRight ,
w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) ;
void line( w , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
struct Window *w ;
double x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ;
long xx1 , yy1 , xx2 , yy2 ;
xx1 = ( w->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * x1 * 200.0 ) ;
yy1 = ( w->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * y1 * 177.0 ) ;
xx2 = ( w->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * x2 * 200.0 ) ;
yy2 = ( w->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * y2 * 177.0 ) ;
if ( ( xx1 > w->BorderLeft )
&& ( xx1 < ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
&& ( yy1 > w->BorderTop )
&& ( yy1 < ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) )
&& ( xx2 > w->BorderLeft )
&& ( xx2 < ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
&& ( yy2 > w->BorderTop )
&& ( yy2 < ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) ) )
Move( w->RPort , xx1 , yy1 ) ;
Draw( w->RPort , xx2 , yy2 ) ;
void linelong( w , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
struct Window *w ;
long x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ;
if ( x1 < w->BorderLeft )
if ( x2 < w->BorderLeft )
return ;
y1 = y1 + ( double ) ( y2 - y1 )
/ ( x2 - x1 )
* ( w->BorderLeft - x1 ) ;
x1 = w->BorderLeft ;
else if ( x1 > ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
if ( x2 > ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
return ;
y1 = y1 + ( double ) ( y2 - y1 )
/ ( x2 - x1 )
* ( w->Width - w->BorderRight - x1 ) ;
x1 = w->Width - w->BorderRight ;
if ( y1 < w->BorderTop )
if ( y2 < w->BorderTop )
return ;
x1 = x1 + ( double ) ( x2 - x1 )
/ ( y2 - y1 )
* ( w->BorderTop - y1 ) ;
y1 = w->BorderTop ;
if ( ( x1 < w->BorderLeft )
|| ( x1 > ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) ) )
return ;
else if ( y1 > ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) )
if ( y2 > ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) )
return ;
x1 = x1 + ( double ) ( x2 - x1 )
/ ( y2 - y1 )
* ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom - y1 ) ;
y1 = w->Height - w->BorderBottom ;
if ( ( x1 < w->BorderLeft )
|| ( x1 > ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) ) )
return ;
if ( x2 < w->BorderLeft )
y2 = y2 + ( double ) ( y1 - y2 )
/ ( x1 - x2 )
* ( w->BorderLeft - x2 ) ;
x2 = w->BorderLeft ;
else if ( x2 > ( w->Width - w->BorderRight ) )
y2 = y2 + ( double ) ( y1 - y2 )
/ ( x1 - x2 )
* ( w->Width - w->BorderRight - x2 ) ;
x2 = w->Width - w->BorderRight ;
if ( y2 < w->BorderTop )
x2 = x2 + ( double ) ( x1 - x2 )
/ ( y1 - y2 )
* ( w->BorderTop - y2 ) ;
y2 = w->BorderTop ;
else if ( y2 > ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom ) )
x2 = x2 + ( double ) ( x1 - x2 )
/ ( y1 - y2 )
* ( w->Height - w->BorderBottom - y2 ) ;
y2 = w->Height - w->BorderBottom ;
Move( w->RPort , x1 , y1 ) ;
Draw( w->RPort , x2 , y2 ) ;
void interface()
struct FileHandle *fh ;
struct filedata *fd ;
long i , s ;
struct dv tv , vv ;
double x , y ;
char *p ;
if ( control )
while ( mes = GetMsg( control->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
switch ( class )
handelmenu() ;
break ;
if ( ( iadd->GadgetID < 20 )
&& ( g.objects[ iadd->GadgetID ].flags
|| ( g.awaiting == NEWPOSITION )
|| ( g.awaiting == NEWMASS )
|| ( g.awaiting == NEWCREATE )
|| ( g.awaiting == NEWVELOCITY ) ) )
Move( control->RPort , 58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 2 ) ;
g.objectnum = iadd->GadgetID ;
Move( control->RPort , 58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "<-" , 2 ) ;
setstrings() ;
if ( g.follow )
resetdisplay() ;
switch ( iadd->GadgetID )
case 20 :
g.awaiting = NEWPOSITION ;
screentitle( NEWPOSITION ) ;
break ;
case 21 :
g.awaiting = NEWVELOCITY ;
screentitle( NEWVELOCITY ) ;
break ;
case 22 :
g.awaiting = NEWMASS ;
screentitle( NEWMASS ) ;
break ;
case 23 : /* delete */
deleteobject( g.objectnum ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
case 24 : /* zero M */
for ( tv = zerodv , x = 0.0 , i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && g.objects[ i ].mass )
scaledv( &g.objects[ i ].velocity ,
&g.objects[ i ].mass ,
&vv ) ;
adddv( &tv , &vv , &tv ) ;
x = x + g.objects[ i ].mass ;
if ( x )
x = 1 / x ;
scaledv( &tv , &x , &tv ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags )
subdv( &g.objects[ i ].velocity ,
&tv ,
&g.objects[ i ].velocity ) ;
set() ;
break ;
case 25 :
if ( g.awaiting > 1 )
g.awaiting = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
g.awaiting = 0 ;
screentitle( 0 ) ;
g.stopflag = 0 ;
break ;
case 26 : /* load */
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
p = AllocMem( 4700 , MEMF_CHIP |MEMF_CLEAR ) ;
s = 1 ;
if ( p )
fh = Open( filename , MODE_OLDFILE ) ;
if ( fh )
ScreenToFront( screen ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"Loading file " , 29 ) ;
fd = ( struct filedata * ) p ;
i = Read( fh , p , 4700 ) ;
if ( i == 4700 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ )
if ( fd->tag[ i ] != g.tag[ i ] )
i = 20 ;
if ( i < 20 )
s = g.stopflag ;
g = *fd ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
Move( control->RPort ,
48 , 21 + ( i * 14 ) ) ;
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags )
Text( control->RPort , "* " , 4 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 4 ) ;
Move( control->RPort ,
58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "<-" , 2 ) ;
screentitle( g.awaiting ) ;
setstrings() ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 100 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
" " , 29 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR Not a Gravity Well file" , 29 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR While reading file " , 29 ) ;
Close( fh ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR Could not open file " , 29 ) ;
ScreenToFront( screen ) ;
FreeMem( p , 4700 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR Out of memory " , 29 ) ;
if ( g.stopflag && ( ! s ) )
stoploop() ;
break ;
case 27 : /* save */
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
p = AllocMem( 4700 , MEMF_CHIP |MEMF_CLEAR ) ;
if ( p )
fh = Open( filename , MODE_NEWFILE ) ;
if ( fh )
ScreenToFront( screen ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"Saving file " , 29 ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 200 , 62 ) ;
fd = ( struct filedata * ) p ;
*fd = g ;
i = Write( fh , p , 4700 ) ;
if ( i == 4700 )
Delay( 100 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
" " , 29 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR While writing file " , 29 ) ;
Close( fh ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR Could not open file " , 29 ) ;
ScreenToFront( screen ) ;
FreeMem( p , 4700 ) ;
Text( control->RPort ,
"ERROR Out of memory " , 29 ) ;
break ;
case 28 :
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
deleteobject( i ) ;
g.elapsedtime = 0.0 ;
g.timestep = 0.01 ;
g.magic = 100.0 ;
g.scale = 0.5 ;
g.trailson = 1 ;
g.follow = 0 ;
g.viewbasis = refobv ;
g.viewoffset = zerodv ;
g.filecomment1[ 0 ] = 0 ;
g.filecomment2[ 0 ] = 0 ;
setstrings() ;
resetdisplay() ;
if ( ! g.stopflag )
g.stopflag = 1 ;
stoploop() ;
break ;
case 29 :
g.awaiting = NEWCREATE ;
screentitle( NEWCREATE ) ;
break ;
case 30 :
create() ;
g.timestep = atof( &numberbuff[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.magic = atof( &numberbuff[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].mass =
atof( &numberbuff[ 2 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].radius =
atof( &numberbuff[ 3 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position.x =
atof( &numberbuff[ 4 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position.y =
atof( &numberbuff[ 6 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position.z =
atof( &numberbuff[ 8 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity.x =
atof( &numberbuff[ 5 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity.y =
atof( &numberbuff[ 7 ][ 0 ] ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity.z =
atof( &numberbuff[ 9 ][ 0 ] ) ;
set() ;
setstrings() ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
case 35 :
g.timestep = atof( &numberbuff[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.timestep , DBL_DIG , &numberbuff[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) ;
RefreshGadgets( &controlgadg[ 31 ] , control , NULL ) ;
break ;
case 36 :
g.magic = atof( &numberbuff[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.magic , DBL_DIG , &numberbuff[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ;
RefreshGadgets( &controlgadg[ 31 ] , control , NULL ) ;
break ;
if ( g.awaiting > 1 )
g.follow = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
if ( ! g.stopflag )
g.stopflag = 1 ;
stoploop() ;
break ;
if ( viewcontrol )
while ( mes = GetMsg( viewcontrol->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
switch ( class )
handelmenu() ;
break ;
ClearMenuStrip( viewcontrol ) ;
viewcontrolnw.LeftEdge = viewcontrol->LeftEdge ;
viewcontrolnw.TopEdge = viewcontrol->TopEdge ;
CloseWindow( viewcontrol ) ;
viewcontrol = NULL ;
break ;
switch ( iadd->GadgetID )
case 0 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.j , &g.viewbasis.i ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.i , &g.viewbasis.j ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.i , &g.viewbasis.k ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.k , &g.viewbasis.i ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.k , &g.viewbasis.j ) ;
break ;
case 5 :
rotatedvpair10( &g.viewbasis.j , &g.viewbasis.k ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
g.viewbasis = refobv ;
g.unviewbasis = refobv ;
break ;
case 7 :
g.scale = g.scale * 1.6 ;
p = gcvt( g.scale , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 197 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] ,
strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 20 ) ;
break ;
case 8 :
g.scale = g.scale * 0.625 ;
p = gcvt( g.scale , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 197 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] ,
strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 20 ) ;
break ;
case 9 :
if ( g.trailson )
g.trailson = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
g.trailson = 1 ;
break ;
case 10 :
if ( g.awaiting == NEWCENTER )
screentitle( 0 ) ;
g.awaiting = 0 ;
if ( g.follow )
g.follow = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
else if ( g.awaiting )
resetdisplay() ;
screentitle( NEWCENTER ) ;
g.awaiting = NEWCENTER ;
break ;
case 11 :
g.follow = ( g.follow ) ? 0 : 1 ;
break ;
if ( iadd->GadgetID != 10 )
if ( g.awaiting == NEWCENTER )
screentitle( 0 ) ;
g.awaiting = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
if ( iadd->GadgetID < 6 )
basis( &refobv.i , &g.viewbasis , &g.unviewbasis.i ) ;
basis( &refobv.j , &g.viewbasis , &g.unviewbasis.j ) ;
basis( &refobv.k , &g.viewbasis , &g.unviewbasis.k ) ;
break ;
if ( ! viewcontrol )
break ;
if ( mainview )
while ( mes = GetMsg( mainview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
switch ( class )
handelmenu() ;
break ;
case NEWSIZE :
blankwindow( mainview ) ;
setupdisplay( mainview ) ;
break ;
ClearMenuStrip( mainview ) ;
mainviewnw.LeftEdge = mainview->LeftEdge ;
mainviewnw.TopEdge = mainview->TopEdge ;
mainviewnw.Width = mainview->Width ;
mainviewnw.Height = mainview->Height ;
CloseWindow( mainview ) ;
mainview = NULL ;
break ;
if ( code == SELECTDOWN )
switch ( g.awaiting )
g.viewoffset.x = g.viewoffset.x
- ( ( mousex
- ( mainview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
g.viewoffset.y = g.viewoffset.y
+ ( ( mousey
- ( mainview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( mainview->MouseX
- ( mainview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( mainview->MouseY
- ( mainview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( mainview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos =
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ;
set() ;
break ;
create() ;
adddv( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ,
&vv ) ;
basis( &vv ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( mainview->MouseX
- ( mainview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( mainview->MouseY
- ( mainview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&vv ) ;
subdv( &vv ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( mainview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
case NEWMASS :
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( mainview->MouseX
- ( mainview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( mainview->MouseY
- ( mainview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
x = x - tv.x ;
y = y - tv.y ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].mass = sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( mainview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
break ;
if ( ! mainview )
break ;
if ( topview )
while ( mes = GetMsg( topview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
switch ( class )
handelmenu() ;
break ;
case NEWSIZE :
blankwindow( topview ) ;
setupdisplay( topview ) ;
break ;
ClearMenuStrip( topview ) ;
topviewnw.LeftEdge = topview->LeftEdge ;
topviewnw.TopEdge = topview->TopEdge ;
topviewnw.Width = topview->Width ;
topviewnw.Height = topview->Height ;
CloseWindow( topview ) ;
topview = NULL ;
break ;
if ( code == SELECTDOWN )
switch ( g.awaiting )
g.viewoffset.x = g.viewoffset.x
- ( ( mousex
- ( topview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
g.viewoffset.z = g.viewoffset.z
- ( ( mousey
- ( topview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( topview->MouseX
- ( topview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.z = -g.viewoffset.z
+ ( ( topview->MouseY
- ( topview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( topview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos =
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ;
set() ;
break ;
create() ;
adddv( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ,
&vv ) ;
basis( &vv ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( topview->MouseX
- ( topview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.z = -g.viewoffset.z
+ ( ( topview->MouseY
- ( topview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&vv ) ;
subdv( &vv ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( topview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
case NEWMASS :
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
x = -g.viewoffset.x
+ ( ( topview->MouseX
- ( topview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
y = -g.viewoffset.z
+ ( ( topview->MouseY
- ( topview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
x = x - tv.x ;
y = y - tv.z ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].mass = sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( topview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
break ;
if ( ! topview )
break ;
if ( rightview )
while ( mes = GetMsg( rightview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
switch ( class )
handelmenu() ;
break ;
case NEWSIZE :
blankwindow( rightview ) ;
setupdisplay( rightview ) ;
break ;
ClearMenuStrip( rightview ) ;
rightviewnw.LeftEdge = rightview->LeftEdge ;
rightviewnw.TopEdge = rightview->TopEdge ;
rightviewnw.Width = rightview->Width ;
rightviewnw.Height = rightview->Height ;
CloseWindow( rightview ) ;
rightview = NULL ;
break ;
if ( code == SELECTDOWN )
switch ( g.awaiting )
g.viewoffset.z = g.viewoffset.z
+ ( ( mousex
- ( rightview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
g.viewoffset.y = g.viewoffset.y
+ ( ( mousey
- ( rightview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.z = -g.viewoffset.z
- ( ( rightview->MouseX
- ( rightview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( rightview->MouseY
- ( rightview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( rightview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos =
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ;
set() ;
break ;
create() ;
adddv( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ,
&vv ) ;
basis( &vv ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
tv.z = -g.viewoffset.z
- ( ( rightview->MouseX
- ( rightview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
tv.y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( rightview->MouseY
- ( rightview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
basis( &tv ,
&g.unviewbasis ,
&vv ) ;
subdv( &vv ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].velocity ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( rightview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
case NEWMASS :
create() ;
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position ,
&g.viewbasis ,
&tv ) ;
x = -g.viewoffset.z
- ( ( rightview->MouseX
- ( rightview->Width >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 200.0 ) ) ;
y = -g.viewoffset.y
- ( ( rightview->MouseY
- ( rightview->Height >> 1 ) )
/ ( g.scale * 177.0 ) ) ;
x = x - tv.z ;
y = y - tv.y ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].mass = sqrt( x * x + y * y ) ;
resetdisplay() ;
Delay( 1 ) ;
if ( mes = GetMsg( rightview->UserPort ) )
readmes() ;
} while ( ( class != MOUSEBUTTONS )
|| ( code != SELECTUP ) ) ;
set() ;
break ;
break ;
if ( ! rightview )
break ;
if ( ( g.awaiting != NEWPOSITION )
&& ( g.awaiting != NEWVELOCITY )
&& ( g.awaiting != NEWMASS )
&& ( g.awaiting != NEWCREATE )
&& ( ! g.objects[ g.objectnum ].flags ) )
for ( i = 0 ; ( ! g.objects[ i ].flags ) && ( i < 19 ) ; i ++ )
if ( ( i == 19 ) && ( ! g.objects[ 19 ].flags ) )
i = 0 ;
Move( control->RPort , 58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 2 ) ;
g.objectnum = i ;
Move( control->RPort , 58 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "<-" , 2 ) ;
setstrings() ;
void readmes()
class = mes->Class ;
code = mes->Code ;
mousex = mes->MouseX ;
mousey = mes->MouseY ;
iadd = ( struct Gadget * ) mes->IAddress ;
ReplyMsg( mes ) ;
void handelmenu()
long i ;
switch ( MENUNUM( code ) )
case 0 :
if ( ITEMNUM( code ) == 0 )
cleanup() ;
break ;
case 1 :
switch ( ITEMNUM( code ) )
case 0 :
openmainview() ;
break ;
case 1 :
opentopview() ;
break ;
case 2 :
openrightview() ;
break ;
case 3 :
openviewcontrol() ;
break ;
case 4 :
WindowToFront( control ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 2 :
switch ( ITEMNUM( code ) )
case 0 :
if ( g.awaiting > 1 )
g.awaiting = 0 ;
resetdisplay() ;
g.awaiting = 0 ;
screentitle( 0 ) ;
g.stopflag = 0 ;
break ;
case 1 :
if ( ! g.stopflag )
g.stopflag = 1 ;
stoploop() ;
break ;
case 2 :
set() ;
break ;
case 3 :
g.elapsedtime = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
g.objects[ i ].collision = 0 ;
g.objects[ i ].mass = g.objects[ i ].startmass ;
g.objects[ i ].position = g.objects[ i ].startpos ;
g.objects[ i ].oldpos = g.objects[ i ].startpos ;
g.objects[ i ].velocity = g.objects[ i ].startvel ;
resetdisplay() ;
break ;
break ;
void stoploop()
while ( g.stopflag )
s = 1 << control->UserPort->mp_SigBit ;
if ( viewcontrol )
s |= 1 << viewcontrol->UserPort->mp_SigBit ;
if ( mainview )
s |= 1 << mainview->UserPort->mp_SigBit ;
if ( topview )
s |= 1 << topview->UserPort->mp_SigBit ;
if ( rightview )
s |= 1 << rightview->UserPort->mp_SigBit ;
Wait( s ) ;
interface() ;
void resetdisplay()
char *p ;
blankwindow( mainview ) ;
setupdisplay( mainview ) ;
blankwindow( topview ) ;
setupdisplay( topview ) ;
blankwindow( rightview ) ;
setupdisplay( rightview ) ;
p = gcvt( g.elapsedtime , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 211 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] , strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 20 ) ;
p = gcvt( g.scale , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 197 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] , strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 20 ) ;
void screentitle( n )
long n ;
SetWindowTitles( control , -1 , titletext[ n ] ) ;
if ( viewcontrol )
SetWindowTitles( viewcontrol , -1 , titletext[ n ] ) ;
if ( mainview )
SetWindowTitles( mainview , -1 , titletext[ n ] ) ;
if ( topview )
SetWindowTitles( topview , -1 , titletext[ n ] ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetWindowTitles( rightview , -1 , titletext[ n ] ) ;
void setupdisplay( w )
struct Window *w ;
struct dv np , vv ;
long xx , yy , tx , ty , ux , uy , i ;
if ( ! w )
return ;
if ( g.awaiting > 1 )
basis( &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
if ( w == mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
xx = ( mainview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( mainview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( mainview , xx - 6 , yy , xx + 6 , yy ) ;
linelong( mainview , xx , yy - 5 , xx , yy + 5 ) ;
if ( g.awaiting == NEWVELOCITY )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( mainview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( mainview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
adddv( &g.objects[ i ].position ,
&g.objects[ i ].velocity , &np ) ;
basis( &np , &g.viewbasis , &vv ) ;
adddv( &vv , &g.viewoffset , &vv ) ;
tx = ( mainview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * vv.x * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( mainview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * vv.y * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( mainview , xx , yy , tx , ty ) ;
else if ( g.awaiting == NEWMASS )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( ( g.objects[ i ].flags )
&& ( g.objects[ i ].mass )
&& ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( mainview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( mainview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
tx = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 177.0 ) ;
ux = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 80.0 ) ;
uy = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 70.0 ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx + ux , yy + ty , xx - ux , yy + ty ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx - ux , yy + ty , xx - tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx - tx , yy + uy , xx - tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx - tx , yy - uy , xx - ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx - ux , yy - ty , xx + ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx + ux , yy - ty , xx + tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx + tx , yy - uy , xx + tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( mainview ,
xx + tx , yy + uy , xx + ux , yy + ty ) ;
if ( w == topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
xx = ( topview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( topview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( topview , xx - 6 , yy , xx + 6 , yy ) ;
linelong( topview , xx , yy - 5 , xx , yy + 5 ) ;
if ( g.awaiting == NEWVELOCITY )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( topview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( topview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 177.0 ) ;
adddv( &g.objects[ i ].position ,
&g.objects[ i ].velocity , &np ) ;
basis( &np , &g.viewbasis , &vv ) ;
adddv( &vv , &g.viewoffset , &vv ) ;
tx = ( topview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * vv.x * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( topview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * -vv.z * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( topview , xx , yy , tx , ty ) ;
else if ( g.awaiting == NEWMASS )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( ( g.objects[ i ].flags )
&& ( g.objects[ i ].mass )
&& ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( topview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * np.x * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( topview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 177.0 ) ;
tx = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 177.0 ) ;
ux = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 80.0 ) ;
uy = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 70.0 ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx + ux , yy + ty , xx - ux , yy + ty ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx - ux , yy + ty , xx - tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx - tx , yy + uy , xx - tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx - tx , yy - uy , xx - ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx - ux , yy - ty , xx + ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx + ux , yy - ty , xx + tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx + tx , yy - uy , xx + tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( topview ,
xx + tx , yy + uy , xx + ux , yy + ty ) ;
if ( w == rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
xx = ( rightview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( rightview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( rightview , xx - 6 , yy , xx + 6 , yy ) ;
linelong( rightview , xx , yy - 5 , xx , yy + 5 ) ;
if ( g.awaiting == NEWVELOCITY )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( rightview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( rightview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
adddv( &g.objects[ i ].position ,
&g.objects[ i ].velocity , &np ) ;
basis( &np , &g.viewbasis , &vv ) ;
adddv( &vv , &g.viewoffset , &vv ) ;
tx = ( rightview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * -vv.z * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( rightview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * vv.y * 177.0 ) ;
linelong( rightview , xx , yy , tx , ty ) ;
else if ( g.awaiting == NEWMASS )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( ( g.objects[ i ].flags )
&& ( g.objects[ i ].mass )
&& ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
xx = ( rightview->Width >> 1 )
+ ( long ) ( g.scale * -np.z * 200.0 ) ;
yy = ( rightview->Height >> 1 )
- ( long ) ( g.scale * np.y * 177.0 ) ;
tx = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 200.0 ) ;
ty = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 177.0 ) ;
ux = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 80.0 ) ;
uy = ( long ) ( g.scale * g.objects[ i ].mass * 70.0 ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx + ux , yy + ty , xx - ux , yy + ty ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx - ux , yy + ty , xx - tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx - tx , yy + uy , xx - tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx - tx , yy - uy , xx - ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx - ux , yy - ty , xx + ux , yy - ty ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx + ux , yy - ty , xx + tx , yy - uy ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx + tx , yy - uy , xx + tx , yy + uy ) ;
linelong( rightview ,
xx + tx , yy + uy , xx + ux , yy + ty ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
if ( g.follow )
subdv( &g.objects[ i ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position , &vv ) ;
basis( &vv , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &np ) ;
adddv( &np , &g.viewoffset , &np ) ;
SetAPen( w->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
if ( w == mainview )
pixel( w , np.x , np.y ) ;
if ( w == topview )
pixel( w , np.x , -np.z ) ;
if ( w == rightview )
pixel( w , -np.z , np.y ) ;
void set()
long i ;
g.elapsedtime = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
g.objects[ i ].startmass = g.objects[ i ].mass ;
g.objects[ i ].startpos = g.objects[ i ].position ;
g.objects[ i ].oldpos = g.objects[ i ].position ;
g.objects[ i ].startvel = g.objects[ i ].velocity ;
if ( g.objects[ i ].collision )
deleteobject( i ) ;
setstrings() ;
void create()
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].flags = 1 ;
g.objects[ g.objectnum ].collision = 0 ;
Move( control->RPort , 48 , 21 + ( g.objectnum * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , "*" , 1 ) ;
void setstrings()
char *p ;
controlinfo[ 3 ].Buffer = &g.objects[ g.objectnum ].name[ 0 ] ;
p = gcvt( g.timestep , DBL_DIG , &numberbuff[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.magic , DBL_DIG , &numberbuff[ 1 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].mass , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 2 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].radius , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 3 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startpos.x , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 4 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startpos.y , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 6 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startpos.z , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 8 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startvel.x , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 5 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startvel.y , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 7 ][ 0 ] ) ;
p = gcvt( g.objects[ g.objectnum ].startvel.z , DBL_DIG ,
&numberbuff[ 9 ][ 0 ] ) ;
RefreshGadgets( &controlgadg[ 31 ] , control , NULL ) ;
void deleteobject( num )
long num ;
Move( control->RPort , 48 , 21 + ( num * 14 ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 1 ) ;
g.objects[ num ].flags = 0 ;
g.objects[ num ].collision = 0 ;
g.objects[ num ].position = zerodv ;
g.objects[ num ].startpos = zerodv ;
g.objects[ num ].velocity = zerodv ;
g.objects[ num ].startvel = zerodv ;
g.objects[ num ].oldpos = zerodv ;
g.objects[ num ].mass = 0.0 ;
g.objects[ num ].startmass = 0.0 ;
g.objects[ num ].radius = 0.0 ;
g.objects[ num ].name[ 0 ] = 0 ;
void endtrail( i , j )
long i , j ;
struct dv op , tv ;
if ( g.trailson )
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , 0 ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , 0 ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , 0 ) ;
if ( g.follow )
subdv( &g.objects[ i ].oldpos ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos , &tv ) ;
basis( &tv , &g.viewbasis , &op ) ;
basis( &g.objects[ i ].oldpos , &g.viewbasis , &tv ) ;
adddv( &tv , &g.viewoffset , &op ) ;
if ( mainview )
pixel( mainview , op.x , op.y ) ;
if ( topview )
pixel( topview , op.x , -op.z ) ;
if ( rightview )
pixel( rightview , -op.z , op.y ) ;
if ( g.follow )
subdv( &g.objects[ j ].oldpos ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos , &tv ) ;
basis( &tv , &g.viewbasis , &op ) ;
basis( &g.objects[ j ].oldpos , &g.viewbasis , &tv ) ;
adddv( &tv , &g.viewoffset , &op ) ;
if ( mainview )
pixel( mainview , op.x , op.y ) ;
if ( topview )
pixel( topview , op.x , -op.z ) ;
if ( rightview )
pixel( rightview , -op.z , op.y ) ;
void updatedisplay()
struct dv np[ 20 ] , op[ 20 ] , tv ;
long i ;
char *p ;
if ( g.trailson )
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , 0 ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , 0 ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , 0 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
if ( g.follow )
subdv( &g.objects[ i ].position ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].position , &tv ) ;
basis( &tv , &g.viewbasis , &np[ i ] ) ;
subdv( &g.objects[ i ].oldpos ,
&g.objects[ g.objectnum ].oldpos , &tv ) ;
basis( &tv , &g.viewbasis , &op[ i ] ) ;
basis( &g.objects[ i ].position , &g.viewbasis , &tv ) ;
adddv( &tv , &g.viewoffset , &np[ i ] ) ;
basis( &g.objects[ i ].oldpos , &g.viewbasis , &tv ) ;
adddv( &tv , &g.viewoffset , &op[ i ] ) ;
if ( mainview )
pixel( mainview , op[ i ].x , op[ i ].y ) ;
if ( topview )
pixel( topview , op[ i ].x , -op[ i ].z ) ;
if ( rightview )
pixel( rightview , -op[ i ].z , op[ i ].y ) ;
if ( g.trailson )
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , LINEPEN ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
if ( mainview )
line( mainview , op[ i ].x , op[ i ].y ,
np[ i ].x , np[ i ].y ) ;
if ( topview )
line( topview , op[ i ].x , -op[ i ].z ,
np[ i ].x , -np[ i ].z ) ;
if ( rightview )
line( rightview , -op[ i ].z , op[ i ].y ,
-np[ i ].z , np[ i ].y ) ;
if ( mainview )
SetAPen( mainview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
if ( topview )
SetAPen( topview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
if ( rightview )
SetAPen( rightview->RPort , DOTPEN ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i ++ )
if ( g.objects[ i ].flags && ( ! g.objects[ i ].collision ) )
if ( mainview )
pixel( mainview , np[ i ].x , np[ i ].y ) ;
if ( topview )
pixel( topview , np[ i ].x , -np[ i ].z ) ;
if ( rightview )
pixel( rightview , -np[ i ].z , np[ i ].y ) ;
p = gcvt( g.elapsedtime , DBL_DIG , &ettext[ 0 ] ) ;
Move( control->RPort , 234 , 211 ) ;
Text( control->RPort , &ettext[ 0 ] , strlen( &ettext[ 0 ] ) ) ;
Text( control->RPort , " " , 16 ) ;