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Silencio_8_Anim ================================= 1991 by Alejandro Garza
(or... "Silence! #8")
Requirements: Kickstart 1.2 to 1.3.2 (sorry, no 2.0 compatibility)
and 1 meg RAM
To amiga animation fans:
Hola! The files contained in this archive are an example of what some ppl
like to call "traditional character animation". This involves drawing
each frame (cel) in the animation file by hand, first the outlines, of the
characters, then coloring them, and then putting them on a background scene.
The process is long ( hmmm... I won't say "painstaking" ) but the results,
I think, are rewarding (enough with the cliches!) I hope you enjoy my
small contribution to Amiga art, and please forgive me if you do not
understand a thing (the words are in spanish... so see below!)
Oh, and if anybody is (the slightest bit) interested in talking to me
or sending me mail, please look below for my e-mail address, and note
that I am regularly on IRC (Internet Relay chat) for those who have
access to the Internet network... I have the rough sketches and animation
cells before adding color (just in case you want to see "How It's Done")
Oh, and anyone kind enough to provide me with adequate sound samples
to add to the animation would recieve my infinite gratitude
("Muchas gracias, compadre! Te invito unas cervezas o un tequila!")
Here's a small translation so you know what the heck is going on:
"Gomfredo en su constante = "Gomfredo in his constant
búsqeda de la libertad de search for liberty of
expresión" expression"
(^^ Kind of like 2LiveCrew, huh?)
12:20 PM Miercoles = 12:20 PM Wednesday
Zzzzz = Zzzzz
"guardar SILENCIO en = "be SILENT in library areas"
áreas de Biblioteca"
(not terribly hard, I suppose)
Oh, by the way... there ARE Amigas in Mexico... here's proof!
| Alejandro Garza González/38-46-86/Monterrey, Mexico:: ^^^^^» |
| JanusMan- IRC :: :: (..) » (the hell?)|
| and for the moment, pa250225@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx :: /_ » o |
| // Only amiga, folks! ^(Internet addr) :: |_- _» ·° |
| \X/ "That's very intelligent of you... *NOT!*" :: == J'91! |