Club Amiga de Montreal - CAM
Text File
120 lines
HiXL8R 0.9C(olour)
KAP of Deja Vu
Now in glorious colors. Haven't bother updating the docs that much. Just
skim through them to find the important parts.
Ok, we have all seen various IFF to ANSI converters. So what is so
different with this one? Well, it converts to hires ANSI. I haven't seen
any converter that does that before. Not that it is impossible that there
have been one before, since it is a rather simple thing to do.
This is a more or less a beta version. It certainly does its job and seems
to be bug free. But it is rather featureless.
The next version will feature;
O Much better optimizing. Since I've finished the colour version
now, I'll try to fix this now. But it's pretty boring :-)
O Choose between Hi- or Lores mode. Not much use before I write
the optimizing stuff, so it'll have to wait.
O More??? Send in your list of wanted features, and I'll
see what I can do about it...
How to use it;
The easiest way to use it directly without any parameters, it will then
try to open req.library. If it find the library it will use requesters
to get the needed information.
Usage with requesters;
Just start the program with "HiXL8R". Then...
First it will request which IFF file to use. It then checks if this
really is an IFF file, loads it, checks if 1 bitplane and not to large
(currently 640x256).
Next it requests "Offset from top" this is how many pixels from the screens
top you want the picture to wind up. This defaults to 12 which is just
below the titlebar in most cases.
Then a requester for "Height of picture?" comes up. If you don't want to
include the whole picture just change the default value to what ever
you want.
And now we come to "Place cursor on what row?". This is where the cursor
should be placed after the picture have been displayed. It defaults to
the first row after the picture.
Lastly, we have a requester for which filename you want the final ANSI file
to have. Apart from saveing to disk, you can also specify for example;
"*" the output will then go to the cli you started from. Or else you can
use "CON:" which then will open a cli and display the picture on it, and
close it when it finishes.
Usage with CLI;
You need at least two parameters, firstly the name of the IFF file which
should be converted, and then the name of the ANSI file you want the output
go to. And you can also start it with "HiXL8R ?", for more or less the same
information that follows.
Also there are a couple of flags, these should be placed before the filenames.
For a more thorough explaination of what they actually do read about using
it via the requesters.
-h Height (defaults to pictures own height)
-o Offset (defaults to 12)
-p Where to put cursor (defaults to picture heigth plus one
character row)
Well pretty awkward docs as usual. But you're probably a smart guy (gal)
and get the picture.
And then the usual ending;
There shouldn't be any bugs in the code. But if there is, please
contact my BBS and leave me a message so I can fix it.
And do call my BBS anyway!
My BBS now runs on a Amiga 2000 with 400 meg HD, 68020, 5 meg memory.
The Schismatrix +46 51530370, Sysop KAP of Deja Vu
Call it today, tomorrow it can be to late!!!
| If you feel like making a donation, or encourage me in some other way,|
= to ensure that I continue to write new utilities and support my old =
| ones. Then send it to this address; |
| |
= KAP =
| Bygården, Slöta |
= 521 05 Vartofta =
| Sweden |
= =
| Or why not support my BBS by uploading a couple of files today... |
= Any kind of support/donation will be most appreciated and will =
| certainly make me code even harder on all my projects. |
News in 0.9C(olour);
O You've guessed it... Added colour. Checks number of bitplanes and
creates a ANSI picture with up to 16 colours. Took almost 15 minutes
to write. Heck, the demo ANSI picture took longer time to do :-)