Club Amiga de Montreal - CAM
Text File
91 lines
VIPER 1992 is a game created with Avantage/Accolade's "Shoot'em up
Construction Kit". Thank you Avantage, for making this program so powerful
and easy to use. I would still like to see SEUCK II, with more advanced
editing features, better drawing tools, more colors, and more options, such
as the ability to pick up better weapons and horizontal scrolling.
Changes in VIPER 1992:
VIPER 1992 was originally released as VIPER, but has undergone major
changes, enough to warrant this new version. The graphics have been almost
totally redone, with star clouds and supernova's added, along with a huge
amount of work done on the mother ships, including surface detail, more
structures, and lower deck levels to give a them a "3d" look.
Playablility has been greatly improved. The rotating "cycle" mines have
been removed, and you can now blast the asteroids to dust (if you're good
enough). I have updated the graphics on almost all the sprites, including
the Viper. You now have many structures to blast on the mother ships, to
rack up easy points and gain valuable lives. I've also thrown in a couple of
nasty surprises. If you already have a copy of VIPER, please delete it. I
would much rather have VIPER 1992 in circulation, as I feel that this is my
best SEUCK game to date.
The premise of VIPER 1992:
Your home world is being invaded! You alone must attempt to destroy the
invasion force. You must first navigate through an asteroid field while
scout ships from the Alien force try to pulverize you. Next, you must begin
a series of attacks on the invasion force itself, comprised of three ships:
A small cruiser, with two runways for launching scout ships. Next comes a
Destroyer, more runways, and the dreaded Skala Fighters, whose characteristic
"pulse" sound makes them easy to spot. You gain 1000 points for these guys.
Finally comes the Dreadnought. This ship is so big and powerful that no one
has yet attacked one and survived. Watch out for the Laser Cannon, and try
to shoot the bridge(s) on this monster for 5000 points each. If you survive
all that, one more challenge remains. You must navigate a large asteroid
field, much more dangerous than the first one, and here you may discover a
You can now destroy nearly everything, but don't waste your time
shooting at asteroids unless you can't avoid them. You don't gain any points
for destroying asteroids, and the large ones take many more shots than the
small ones to vaporize.
The Skala Fighters, while deadly, are not unbeatable. Their pilots are
not nearly as good as you, and tend to repeat the same attack patterns over
and over. There are, however, a few "mavericks" among them, so be on guard!
In the higher levels, the Skala's will attack in formation!
You have Solar powered Laser cannon, and you have plenty of sunlight!
Don't be afraid to shoot, you won't run out of ammo.
Blast the bridge on the mother ships for 5000 points!
You have been blessed with a spacecraft with the power of self-
regeneration. You gain new regenerative power with every 10,000 points. Your
best defense against the Dreadnought is this power, so try to build up points
on the scout ships. You'll need all the help you can get when you encounter
the dreadnaught!
Your first instinct may be to dodge everything and hug the sides or
bottom of the screen. While this may work for a while, you will eventually
be blasted. Sometimes it is in your best interests to attack head on, and
hang on as long as you can. You will almost certainly reap the rewards in
added lives and big scores. Remember, you have 3 seconds of invulnerability
each time your ship regenerates.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy this game, because I enjoyed making it,
and I spent a lot of time on it. If you wish to give this game to a friend,
or upload it to another BBS, please do so. Just keep all the files together,
including this text file, and don't charge anything more than a nominal
copying fee for it.
The artwork and images in this game are Copyright 1992 by Steve Winkler.
I don't care if you want to use the sprite or background graphics in SEUCK
games of your own, under the following small conditions: If you upload the
resulting game for free distribution, just give me whatever credit you feel I
deserve in your documentation. If you plan to release your game as
shareware, obviously we should talk.
I can be reached by calling the StarScan (sm) BBS in Montgomery
Alabama, (205)279-7313, or on GEnie as S.Winkler.
Steve Winkler
BTW, if you liked this game, look for Batman (the SUECK game), Vengance,
and soon (I've been promising this one for a year now) to be released,