Club Amiga de Montreal - CAM
Text File
243 lines
Siemens ST 400 Scanner an Image Processing Software
Author and Copyright 1991 by:
Frank-Christian Krügel
Rabienstraße 52
W-2862 Worpswede
Fido: 2:240/300.44
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation version 1.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program (file: GNU_COPYLEFT); if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
This program was born from the need of connecting a flatbed scanner with
SCSI bus to my Amiga. It controls size (A4 or A5), number of gray scales
(2 or 16) and threshold settings.
In grayscale mode the scanner sends one byte per scanner pixel and uses 64
steps of gray. These files take away a lot of memory (up to 16 Megs!) and
cannot be previewed on an Amiga, which can only display 16 shades of gray.
So the two least significant bits are thrown away. For printing or using
the scanned images in DTP programs grayscale pictures can be converted into
bilevel (black and white) pictures. Both Floyd-Steinberg and Ordered
Dither are available for conversion.
Images can be saved to disk as IFF either completely or only a small window
of them. Data can be written in uncompressed or compressed form.
An image load routine is also included in V2.0.
The file requester was changed from the Heath Requester to the file requester
from the req.library.
In the right bottom there is a button for switching between full page
display and window display.
Almost all scanner specific things are in the scan() function. So it should
be quite simple to adapt this program to different scanners. If there is a
need, simply send me the scanner and the manual, so I can create a
special version for it.
This program is not 'complete'. (Name a program and I tell you what should
be added!) It should be considered a first step to the final solution.
As a major enhancement image processing functions have been added:
The following functions only work with gray-level images:
Pixel operations:
- view occurrence of all steps of gray
- contrast enhancement
Local operators:
- low pass (two steps)
- high pass
- relief
- minimum, maximum and median operators
Conversion to bilevel images:
- Floyd-Steinberg dithering
- Ordered Dither
- Thresholding
The following functions only work with bilevel imagel:
- Conversion to grayscale image
- Thinning
- Vectorization (of a thinned image)
The following functions work with both kinds of images:
- Inversion
- Mirror (horizontal and vertical)
- Cut out an area
Bilevel images can be converted into vector format. The conversion
consists of three steps:
- Loading or scanning a bilevel image
- Thinning
- Vectorization
The vectorization routine outputs a text file that has the following format:
<x11> <y11> \
<x21> <y21> /First vector
empty line as separation
<x12> <y12> \
<x22> <y22> /Next vector
empty line as separation
This file can be loaded directy into IntroCad 2 using the "<--- TXT" function.
Other PD-programs as MPlot use this kind of format as well. With MPlot
there are some utility programs to convert the TXT file into ICAD native format,
Aegis Draw, or DXF.
Warning! While detecting the pixel chains each pixel that is recognized is
set to white in order to prevent processing pixels twice. So it's a good
idea to save the image before vectorization.
You need:
- This disk
- an Amiga
- at best a flicker-free screen
- as much memory as you can get (the largest pictures need 8MB)
- a SCSI interface with the Commodore 'Exec level Direct SCSI' programming
- a SCSI scanner with cable. When using not a Siemens scanner the program
has to be adapted and recompiled
With Version 2 a scanner is no longer necessary. Without scanner the
"Scan" and the "Test Scanner" menu items are disabled.
- Aztec C 5.0 (It should also work with Lattice, but this is untested!)
for Recompiling
- The "req.library" including header files from Fish 419.
Simply change to the directory containing all source files and type 'make'.
The program does not rely on specific path names etc.
Type 'stscan' or double-click icon. Make sure that the scanner is ready
when booting and when starting the program. Note: The Siemens Scanner
is hardwired on SCSI Unit 3, LUN3. Do not have any other SCSI device
with the same unit number connected to the bus
Still to do:
Compiling two different versions for PAL and NTSC machines isn't very nice.
An automatic detection should be added here.
Some parts of the image processing routines have to be optimized for speed.
The vectors generated by the vectorization module could be optimized,
so that there are longer but fewer vectors. Splines or Beziers would also
be very nice, but don't expect them before the fifth release.
How the Siemens Scanner works:
For a better understanding here is a short description of how the scanner is
1. Turn scanner light on:
Send 'Mode Select' with Vendor Specific Bit (bit 7 of 5th byte of cdb) set
Command Descriptor Block:
0x15 (Command)
128 (Vendor Specific Bit)
2. Wait 2 sec. for maximum light intensity
3. Send Window Descriptor Block to Scanner
Command Descriptor Block:
0x24 (Command)
Upper byte of data length, always 0
Lower byte of data length, always 40=0x28
Window Descriptor Block
typedef struct DefWindow
{ ULONG dummy1;
UWORD dummy2;
UWORD wpsize; /*data length - 8*/
UBYTE winnr; /*window number starting with 1*/
UBYTE dummy3;
UWORD resx; /*horizontal resolution in dpi*/
UWORD resy; /*verical resolution, same as horizontal*/
UWORD cornerx; /*left upper corner..*/
UWORD cornery; /*..of scanning area*/
UWORD width; /*size of ..*/
UWORD height; /*..scanning area*/
UBYTE dummy4;
UBYTE threshold; /*0..64*/
UBYTE size; /* temporary storage, ignored by scanner */
UBYTE halftone; /*0:bilevel 2:grayscale*/
UBYTE bitspixel; /*1:bilevel 8:grayscale*/
UBYTE dummy5;
UWORD dummy6;
ULONG dummy7;
Dummies are set to 0.
4. Start Scanning
Command Descriptor Block:
0x1b (Command)
5. Read 32k of Data until the complete image has been read
Command Descriptor Block:
0x28 (Command)
Upper byte of data length
Lower byte of data length
The scanner only has 2 MB of internal memory. Large gray scale images can
exceed this memory limit. In this case you have to divide to page into
horizontal stripes with the full width and a maximum height of
(0x200000L/width) raster lines, which produce less than 2 MB each. Then
scan each stripe as described above util the whole picture is processed.