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Debug Utilities
Enclosed are some tools I have found useful in debugging applications on the
Amiga. They comprise an integrated set which, when used with Enforcer and
Mungwall, give the programmer a powerful and flexible means to disect source
The files included here are:
Executable: ( Trace/bin )
debug - Provides debugging output independent of application startup.
tDB - Utility to change 'debug' internal parameters.
test.SAS - Short program to test tool set. Linked with SAStrace.lib.
test.Manx - Short program to test tool set. Linked with Manxtrace.lib.
Libraries: ( Trace/libs )
SAStrace.lib - Link library for SAS compiler environment.
Manxtrace.lib - Link library for Manx compiler environment.
Source: ( Trace )
debug.c - Source code for debug.
tDB.c - Source code for tDB.
test.c - Source code for test.
trace.c - Source code for library modules.
debug.h - Header for debugging. Should be #include'd in application.
trace.h - Header for compiling Debug Utilities.
Make.Manx - Makefile for creating Manxtrace.lib.
Make.SAS - Makefile for creating SAStrace.lib as well as executables.
Documentation: ( Trace )
debug.doc - This file.
Readme.db - 'Read this first' file. Contains important info.
These tools were written several years ago in an attempt to provide me with
printf() type output capability for tasks created under Exec (ie: without
AmigaDOS I/O capacity). However, I soon abandoned them when I found that
enabling the debug output often caused bugs to mysteriously vanish, only to
reappear when the debug code was removed.
Recently I discovered the wonders of Enforcer and Mungwall, and decided to
re-evaluate these tools. I was pleasantly surprised to find that with some
minor modifications to allow output to the serial and parallel ports I could
surround Enforcer and Mungwall output with very specific data regarding the
location of the hits within my code.
I hope you find them useful.
Mark Porter (fog...) Friday 08-May-92 22:58:01
Phoenix, AZ
BIX: fog
To obtain debug output the executable 'debug' should be started. Generally
it is easiest to start debug in the background by typing "run debug" at the
CLI prompt. Debug then opens a DOS console window and waits for messages to
arrive at its MsgPort.
The appropriate trace.lib should be linked with application code. In the
library is one function: Trace(). The action of this function is to send
an Exec Message to the MsgPort opened by debug. Debug will then output this
information to a DOS console window, as well as one or more of a disk file,
serial port, or parallel port.
To change any of the internal debug parameters the executable tDB is used.
Several arguments are supported by tDB (see below). tDB works much the same
as Trace() in that it sends messages to debug. The messages tell debug to
adjust its parameters for future debug output.
For interactive applications that spend much of their time waiting for user
input, the above technique allows for changing output characteristics de-
pending on which part of code one wishes to test. See the file test.c for
examples on how to use Trace().
Detailed Descriptions
debug - Provides debugging output capability to user applications.
debug [ level ]
Debug outputs information handed it by applications calling Trace() from
the trace.lib link library. The output is sent to a DOS console window
(default) as well as one or more of a disk file, serial port, or parallel
port. It is designed to work in conjuction with the trace.lib and the
executable tDB (see below).
Several internal parameters are utilized by debug to screen incoming
messages for output. These are:
Debug Output Destinations:
Debug information is always printed to the DOS console window (pro-
vided it meets the screening criteria presented below under DB_Function
List, DB_Screen, and DB_Level). In addition the user can specify three
other destinations (see description of tDB below for further explana-
1. Disk File.
Disk file output is enabled using "tDB -w [ filename ]".
2. Serial Port.
Serial port output is enabled using "tDB -s".
3. Parallel Port.
Parallel port output is enabled using "tDB -p".
The serial and parallel port output options were included to allow
debug to work in conjuction with Enforcer and Mungwall from Commodore.
Both of these utilities send output to the serial port (both also
have parallel port counterparts for users without terminal capability).
With either of these configurations Enforcer and/or Mungwall output
can be surrounded by debug information to help isolate the source of
bugs. I highly recommend debug usage in conjunction with these tools.
DB_Function List:
Contains a list of function names (ASCII characters) which are presum-
bly functions within the application being debugged. Output from code
executed within these functions is enabled based upon the setting of
DB_Screen (see below).
If the list is empty (default at startup), then output from within any
function is enabled, provided it meets the criteria for DB_Level.
This parameter can take on three settings: db_none, db_include, or
db_exclude (implemented as enum variables within debug).
1. db_none.
DB_Screen is ignored when determining output enabling.
2. db_include.
If the message from Trace() is being executed within a function
whose name has been entered on the DB_Function List, output from
that message is enabled. Any functions whose names do not appear
on the list will have their output disabled.
3. db_exclude.
Works opposite db_include. In this case output from a particular
function is enabled only if its name does not appear on the
DB_Function List.
The default for DB_Screen is db_none. When a function is added to
DB_Function List, DB_Screen is set to db_include. To change values
after this use "tDB -t" to toggle between db_include and db_exclude.
If the DB_Function List becomes empty at any time, DB_Screen is reset
to db_none.
The intent of this parameter is to indicate what nesting level from
within which the debug code is executing. This allows the programmer
to turn on debugging within interior nested loops, or other constructs
as necessary. Debug output will be disabled from any messages whose
level is less than DB_Level.
Screening from this variable is always turned on, and will over-ride
enabled output due to DB_Function List values. The default value is
zero, and can be specified on the command line at debug startup.
None known.
tDB - Provides a mechanism for changing debug internal parameters.
tDB [ options ]
This program passes messages to debug which tell the latter to change
the value of its internal screening parameters. Below are listed all
tDB's options.
-e Turn debug off. Debug has no internal mechanism for
returning to the Operating System. The message DB_QUIT
is sent from tDB when the -e option is specified. Debug
will then free allocated resources and terminate.
-a <func> Adds functions to DB_Function List. The value <func> can
be a list of names separated by spaces.
-r <func> Removes functions from DB_Function List. The value of
<func> can be a list of names separated by spaces.
-c Clears all entries from DB_Function List.
-t Toggles DB_Screen between db_include and db_exclude. If
DB_Screen is db_none, this parameter has no effect.
-l [num] Resets DB_Level to num. If num is not specified DB_Level
is taken as zero.
-w [file] Open disk file 'file' for debug output. If 'file' is not
specified the name of the file becomes "DB.out".
-we Terminate output to disk file and close it.
-s Send debug output to serial port.
-se Terminate debug output to serial port.
-p Send debug output to parallel port.
-pe Terminate debug output to parallel port.
If tDB is invoked with no command line arguments, debug internal status
is transmitted to tDB, which then outputs the information to the CLI.
This allows the user to check debug parameters whenever necessary.
None known.
Trace( level,function,message,arguments )
int level;
char *function,
unsigned arguments;
Trace() is found in the C link library trace.lib (two libraries called
SAStrace.lib and Manxtrace.lib are included in this distribution). It
should be called from within application code where debugging output is
Argument descriptions:
level Debug level at which to enable output (see tDB and debug
function Name of function within which Trace() is executing. In
reality this can be any type of char *, but debug provides
for interpreting this string as a function name, and its
output is geared toward that end.
message Output message. This string can be formatted exactly as
the printf() style output mechanism. For any run-time
evaluated variables the standard %s, %c, %d, %f, etc.
codes can be embedded. The last parameter 'arguments'
should contain variables whose type matches the % sequences
in 'message' string.
arguments Variables whose values should be printed in the % codes
of 'message' argument.
Trace() supports a variable number of arguments in exactly the same manner
as printf().
Trace() creates a MsgPort at each invocation. Were this not the case,
the programmer would be forced to include some initialization and shut-
down code in the application, which I felt was undesireable.
The book "Debugging C" by Robert Ward (Que Publishing Corp.) is an excel-
lent introduction to instrumenting C code. I have used the concepts given
in the book when writing Trace().
None known.