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Important Stuff - Read This First!
A ksh-like Shell for the Amiga
Version 2.0
(Copyright) 1988-1992
Steve Koren
May 25, 1992
Important: Please Read This First!
This archive contains the 2.0 release of SKsh, a shell for the
Amiga which is similar to Unix ksh. 1.2 was the first 'Re-
lease' version; 1.0 and 1.1 were beta versions.
SKsh provides a number of things that other Amiga shells do
not. I hope it will be useful to Unix users who wish to have a
similar environment on the Amiga. Unix provides many things
that SKsh does not, but SKsh comes closer than most other
Amiga shells.
Please understand that since the code can change at any time,
absolutely anything you read here is also subject to change.
Suggestions can be sent to me (Steve Koren) by one of the
methods listed in the "MiscInfo.doc" document.
The following files are included in this documentation. This
list is also subject to change:
Addendum?.?.doc - An addendum for each release
Bugs.doc - Bug reports, limitations, etc.
Diffs.doc - Very incomplete list of diffs from ksh
ErrorCodes.doc - The SKsh error codes
ExtCmds.doc - Reference manual for external commands
Hints.doc - A few hints for using SKsh
Install.doc - How to Install SKsh - important
MiscInfo.doc - How to report bugs, etc.
ReadMe_1st.doc - This file
Reference.doc - Reference manual for builtin stuff
TechNotes.doc - Technical and implementation notes
TinySKsh.doc - Briefly describes tiny_sksh
UserMan.doc - User's guide to using SKsh
View.doc - Describes the "view" command
The UserMan.doc file is an introduction and tutorial to SKsh.
The Reference.doc file is a more complete reference on most
SKsh commands except external binaries, which are described in
the ExtCmds.doc and View.Doc files.
The folowing SKsh and initialization files should be included:
sksh - the main SKsh binary + builtins
sksh.msg - the sksh message file
tiny_sksh - smaller, unsupported version of SKsh
.skshinit - initialization file for SKsh
.skshinit.pp - preparsed form of above
.skshrc - user customization file for SKsh
stuff.sksh - other useful functions
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 2 Readme Information
The following external binary files should be included:
bdf - list mounted disks
cat - concatenate files
cmp - compare files
cp - copy files
crc - perform crc check on files
cut - cut characters or fields
doc2man - split man page entries
du - check disk usage
encr - encrypt/decrypt files
fgrep - fast search for strings in files
find - find files in directory tree
fmt - a simple text formatter
fold - fold long lines into shorter ones
grep - search for expressions in files
head - obtain first few lines of files
indent - indent lines of files
join - join files together
ln - create filesystem links
num - number lines in files
paste - combine files into columns
printenv - print AmigaDos environment variables
split - split ASCII files into small pieces
srun - run command in background
strings - search for strings in files
tail - obtain last few lines of files
tee - copy input to files and std output
view - file type encapsulator
usecount - info about running shells
wc - count lines, words, and characters
window - window operations
xargs - execute command lines on parameters
xd - hex dump of files
The following SKsh commands are implemented as scripts and
should be included as well:
chext - changes extensions of files
cleard - clear the directory stack
dstack - list the directory stack
emacs_mode - use emacs command line editing mode
histlist - list saved history files
histload - load shell history from a file
histrm - remove saved shell history files
histsave - save shell history in a file
man - look up entries in manual pages
path - examine, set, or modify paths
popd - pop directory from directory stack
pushd - push directory onto directory stack
qrm - query remove files
quit_serv - stop SKsh ARexx servers
usage - print usage message for commands
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 3 Readme Information
vi_mode - use vi command line editing mode
These files should also be included, although their use is op-
Stuff.sksh - optional utilities, functions, aliases
view.magic - Sample magic file for the "view" command
tiny_sksh - A smaller, more limited version of SKsh
crypted_data - encrypted english text from encr
Install_?.?.sksh - a script file to assist in installation
If you do not have ALL of the above files, your version of
SKsh is incomplete.
Also, please carefully read the Installation guide. You *can-
not* simply type SKsh and expect it to run; you must follow
the directions there for proper results.
Also, please read the SKsh copyright statement contained in
the UserMan.doc file. SKsh is NOT public domain software.
SKsh Amiga Shell Page 4 Readme Information