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C/C++ Source or Header
3,134 lines
* *
* IFS Lab, Copyright (C) 1992 by N. Zeldes. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Version 1.0, April 9, 1992 *
* *
* An interactive program for exploring the IFS Code method of Fractal Image *
* representation and reconstruction. *
* *
* Requires the Fox/Dawson freeware req.library in libs: directory. *
* *
* Compile under Aztec C 5.0, with -ff option (Fast floating point) *
* and -safmnpsu options (code optimization). *
* Link with +cd option (forces sprite and image data to load in CHIP RAM). *
* Link with IFF files (from CBM IFF Disk, Fish disk #185), and with the glue *
* module for the Fox/Dawson requester library, thus: *
* *
* cc -ff -safmnpsu -i IFF -i req IFSLab.c *
* ln +cd IFSLab.o IFF/putpict.o IFF/ilbmw.o IFF/packer.o *
* IFF/iffw.o IFF/readpict.o IFF/ilbmr.o IFF/unpacker.o IFF/iffr.o *
* IFF/remalloc.o req/myreqglue.o mf.lib c.lib *
* *
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
/* exec/memory.h required to use AllocMem() */
#include <graphics/text.h>
/* graphics/text.h required for font TextAttr structure */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> /* Floating point math: sqrt, fabs, trig functions */
#include <errno.h> /* Required by myatan2() */
#include <graphics/display.h> /* needed for definition of INTERLACE */
#include <stdlib.h> /* stdlib.h needed for rand() */
#include <time.h> /* time.h needed for time() */
#include <string.h> /* needed for memset */
#include <ilbm.h> /* Header file from IFF Disk (Note that */
/* ilbm.h #includes compiler.h and iff.h) */
#include <readpict.h> /* From IFF Disk */
#include <remalloc.h> /* From IFF Disk; For ChipAlloc(), RemFree() */
#include <libraries/dos.h> /* For IFF file I/O stuff */
#include <libraries/dosextens.h> /* For the Process structure definition. */
#include <reqbase.h> /* Fox/Dawson file requester header file */
#include "IFSLab.h" /* PowerWindows-generated structures and defines */
#define GRAPHICS_REV 31L
#define OUTLINE 0 /* parameters for SetMode() */
#define COLLAGE 1
#define FREEHAND 0 /* drawmode values */
#define LINES 1
#define ERASE 2
#define FILL 3
#define VECTOR 4
#define CODES 0 /* parameters for AboutText() */
#define IFS_THEORY 1
#define HELP1 2
#define HELP2 3
#define AUTHOR 4
#define DEMOTEXT 5
#define WIDTH Window->Width
#define HEIGHT Window->Height
#define GZZWIDTH Window->GZZWidth
#define GZZHEIGHT Window->GZZHeight
#define MAX_N 19 /* max permitted piece index */
struct Screen *Screen = NULL, *ImageScreen;
struct RastPort *scrp; /* Pointer to Screen RastPort */
struct Window *Window = NULL, *NumWindow;
struct RastPort *r; /* Pointer to RastPort of main editing window */
struct Window *ImageWindow; /* Window for rendering Image */
struct RastPort *Textrp; /* Rastport of Text Window */
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL;
void *MathBase = NULL;
void *MathTransBase = NULL;
struct ReqLib *ReqBase = NULL; /* Fox/Dawson Requester Library */
int drawmode = FREEHAND;
/* Current mode - FREEHAND,LINES,ERASE,FILL (outline) or VECTOR (Collage) */
int exists_outline = 0, exists_image = 0, exists_numwindow = 0;
int renderwidth = 640, renderheight = 400; /* initialize to default */
int renderdepth = 1; /* initialize to default */
long mx, my; /* Current Mouse coordinates in editing */
struct pixel {
long x;
long y;
struct piece {
double a, b, c, d, e, f;
double s1, s2, r1, r2;
double dens;
double p;
double det;
UBYTE *piecemap;
struct pixel boxo, boxx, boxy, boxz;
struct piece *pieceptr[MAX_N + 1]; /* Array of pointers to piece structures */
int N = -1; /* Index of highest existing Piece Initialized to zero pieces */
int selpiece; /* Index of currently selected Piece */
char curcor; /* Currently dragged Box corner ('o','x','y','z') or none ('0') */
struct pixel ghboxo, ghboxx, ghboxy, ghboxz; /* Current corners of ghost Box */
struct pixel tmpboxo, tmpboxx, tmpboxy, tmpboxz;
struct piece *AllocPiece();
double myatan2(); /* My version of atan2() which is missing in Manx mf.lib */
char *fname, *GetFileName();
struct Library *OpenLibrary();
void *AllocMem(), *AllocRaster();
UBYTE *outlinebufptr=NULL; /* ptr to buffer holding outline in collage mode */
long i; /* handy as a loop index */
/*** IFF error messages (external) */
char MsgOkay[] = { "(IFF_OKAY) A good IFF file" };
char MsgEndMark[] = { "(END_MARK) IFF Loader Error" };
char MsgDone[] = { "(IFF_DONE) Well Done!" };
char MsgDos[] = { "DOS Error - Aborting Load!" };
char MsgNot[] = { "Not an IFF file - Aborting Load!" };
char MsgNoFile[] = { "No such file found - Aborting Load!" };
char MsgClientError[] = { "(CLIENT_ERROR) IFF Checker bug"};
char MsgForm[] = { "(BAD_FORM) IFF Loader Error" };
char MsgShort[] = { "(SHORT_CHUNK) IFF Loader Error" };
char MsgBad[] = { "A mangled IFF file - Aborting Load!" };
char *IFFPMessages[-LAST_ERROR+1] = {
/*IFF_OKAY*/ MsgOkay,
/*END_MARK*/ MsgEndMark,
/*IFF_DONE*/ MsgDone,
/*DOS_ERROR*/ MsgDos,
/*NOT_IFF*/ MsgNot,
/*NO_FILE*/ MsgNoFile,
/*CLIENT_ERROR*/ MsgClientError,
/*BAD_FORM*/ MsgForm,
/*SHORT_CHUNK*/ MsgShort,
/*BAD_IFF*/ MsgBad
struct FileRequester MyFileReqStruct; /* File Requester stuff */
char filename[FCHARS+1];
char directoryname[DSIZE+1];
char pathname[FCHARS+DSIZE+2+4]; /* +4 to permit space for appending '.ifs' */
struct Message * GetMsg();
void ReplyMsg();
struct IntuiMessage *message;
ULONG class;
USHORT code, MenuNumber, menuid, itemid, subitemid;
struct MenuItem *ItemAddress(), *ItemAddr;
long labs();
int w; /* temporary int variable */
int hitgadget; /* GadgetID # of last gadget hit by mouse */
struct Gadget *hitgadstruct; /* Gadget Structure of last hit gadget */
int numgadgpending; /* GadgetID of unserviced coeff gadget, or -1 if none */
struct piece tmppiece; /* will be used to hold temporary trans' coeffs */
long mx0,my0, mx1,my1; /* coords of endpoints of ghost line in Lines mode */
int pendown = 0;
/* 0 if mouse SELECT button is currently pressed in window */
SHORT WindowBdrArray[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* will be filled later to corners of inner GZZ Window */
struct Gadget *gad; /* used as a temporary variable */
/**** Initialize stuff, set up edit window in custom screen etc. ****/
OpenDisplay(); /* Open Outline Sketch window in custom screen */
SetAPen(r, 2L);
WindowBdrArray[2] = WindowBdrArray[4] = GZZWIDTH - 1;
WindowBdrArray[5] = WindowBdrArray[7] = GZZHEIGHT - 1;
/*** Allocate memory for Outline buffer bitmap */
if ((outlinebufptr =
ShowError("Can't allocate Outline Buffer Memory!");
/**** Main Loop ****/
while(1) {
mx = (long)Window->GZZMouseX;
my = (long)Window->GZZMouseY;
if (pendown == 1) {
/*** Do Mouse editing to board per drawmode and mouse coords */
switch (drawmode) {
Draw(r, mx, my);
case LINES:
SetDrMd(r, JAM1|COMPLEMENT); /* COMPLEMENT used for ghost line */
Move(r, mx0, my0);
Draw(r, mx1,my1); /* Undraw previous ghost line */
Move(r, mx0, my0);
Draw(r, mx1 = mx, my1 = my); /* Draw a new ghost line */
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
case ERASE:
RectFill(r, mx - 2, my - 2, mx + 2, my + 2);
case FILL:
case VECTOR: /* Change the Ghost Vector Box */
if (exists_numwindow || curcor == '0')
/* Check for attempt to size box to a point */
if ( (mx==pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x && my==pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y)
&& ( (curcor == 'z') ||
(curcor == 'x' &&
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x == pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x &&
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y == pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y) ||
(curcor == 'y' &&
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x == pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x &&
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y == pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y)
mx = (mx == 0) ? 1 : mx - 1; /* If attempted, tweak mx to avoid */
ComputeNewBox(); /* Compute New Ghost Box from mouse coords */
ToggleGhostBox(); /* Undraw old ghost box */
ghboxo = tmpboxo; /* Update ghost box variables */
ghboxx = tmpboxx;
ghboxy = tmpboxy;
ghboxz = tmpboxz;
ToggleGhostBox(); /* Draw new ghost box */
} /* End Switch */
} /* end if pendown == 1 */
/* Get an IDCMP event, if any, from Window */
if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(Window->UserPort)) {
class = message->Class;
code = message->Code;
else /* no message */
class = code = NULL; /* so event routines below will be skipped */
/*** Go case by case over possible events from port */
if (class == MOUSEBUTTONS) { /*** Respond to user mousebutton clicks */
if (code == SELECTDOWN) {
pendown = 1;
if (drawmode != ERASE)
exists_outline = 1;
switch (drawmode) {
case ERASE:
Move(r, mx, my);
case LINES:
mx0 = mx1 = mx; /* Attach both ends of line to pixel */
my0 = my1 = my;
case FILL:
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
SetAPen(r, 2L);
Move(r, 0L, 0L);
PolyDraw(r,5L,WindowBdrArray); /* temporary border to prevent */
Flood(r, 0L, mx, my); /* messes on flood fill to edge */
SetAPen(r, 0L);
Move(r, 0L, 0L);
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
case VECTOR:
if (exists_numwindow)
/*** Decide which corner, if any, the user clicked on */
curcor = '0';
w = selpiece; /* Just to keep source lines shorter... */
if (labs(mx-pieceptr[w]->boxo.x)<5&&labs(my-pieceptr[w]->boxo.y)<5)
curcor = 'o';
if (labs(mx-pieceptr[w]->boxx.x)<5&&labs(my-pieceptr[w]->boxx.y)<5)
curcor = 'x';
if (labs(mx-pieceptr[w]->boxy.x)<5&&labs(my-pieceptr[w]->boxy.y)<5)
curcor = 'y';
if (labs(mx-pieceptr[w]->boxz.x)<5&&labs(my-pieceptr[w]->boxz.y)<5)
curcor = 'z';
if (curcor != '0') { /* Set up ghost box for starters */
/*** Update ghost box variables by calling ComputeNewBox() */
ghboxo = tmpboxo; /* Structure Assignments */
ghboxx = tmpboxx;
ghboxy = tmpboxy;
ghboxz = tmpboxz;
ToggleGhostBox(); /* Draw initial ghost box */
} /* End switch */
} /* End if SELECTDOWN */
else if (code == SELECTUP) {
pendown = 0;
switch (drawmode) {
case ERASE:
case FILL:
case LINES:
SetAPen(r, 2L); /* Draw final line (Jam onto last Ghost line) */
Move(r,mx0, my0);
Draw(r, mx1, my1);
case VECTOR:
if (exists_numwindow || curcor == '0')
ToggleGhostBox(); /* Undraw Ghost Box */
/*** Compute all coeffs from ghbox corners, put into tmppiece */
tmppiece = *pieceptr[selpiece]; /* Structure assignment */
tmppiece.s1 =
sqrt((double)((ghboxx.x-ghboxo.x)*(ghboxx.x-ghboxo.x) +
tmppiece.s2 =
sqrt((double)((ghboxy.x-ghboxo.x)*(ghboxy.x-ghboxo.x) +
tmppiece.r1 = myatan2((double)(ghboxx.y-ghboxo.y),
tmppiece.r2 = myatan2((double)(ghboxo.x-ghboxy.x),
tmppiece.a = tmppiece.s1*cos(tmppiece.r1);
tmppiece.b = -tmppiece.s2*sin(tmppiece.r2);
tmppiece.c = tmppiece.s1*sin(tmppiece.r1);
tmppiece.d = tmppiece.s2*cos(tmppiece.r2);
tmppiece.e = (double)(ghboxo.x)/GZZWIDTH;
tmppiece.f = (double)(ghboxo.y)/GZZWIDTH;
/*** Erase Plane 3 before transformation delay */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFF8); /* Write-protect planes 0,1,2 */
SetRast(r, 0L);
/* Transform the selected piece per user drag of vector box */
pieceptr[selpiece]->piecemap, &tmppiece);
/*** Erase Plane 2, then Blit Selected Piece from piecemap to it */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFF4); /* Write-protect planes 0,1,3 */
SetRast(r, 0L);
SetAPen(r, 4L);
(long)Window->BorderLeft,(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L,
/* Rastport WrMask will be restored in DrawBox() called below */
/*** Recompute probabilities and update piece structures */
tmppiece.boxo = ghboxo; /* structure assignment */
tmppiece.boxx = ghboxx; /* structure assignment */
tmppiece.boxy = ghboxy; /* structure assignment */
tmppiece.boxz = ghboxz; /* structure assignment */
*pieceptr[selpiece] = tmppiece; /* structure assignment */
pieceptr[selpiece]->det =
fabs(tmppiece.a * tmppiece.d - tmppiece.b * tmppiece.c);
if (pieceptr[selpiece]->det == 0.0)
pieceptr[selpiece]->det = 0.01;
ComputeProbs(); /* Adjust all piece probabilities */
DrawBox(); /* Redraw Vector Box for modified selected piece */
curcor = '0';
} /* End switch */
} /* End else if SELECTUP */
} /* End if MOUSEBUTTONS */
else if (class == GADGETUP) { /*** Respond to Gadget clicked in Window */
hitgadget = ((struct Gadget *)(message->IAddress))->GadgetID;
/* ID# of just-selected gadget structure */
if (hitgadget <= 3) /* a draw mode gadget in Outline mode */
switch(hitgadget) {
case 0:
drawmode = FREEHAND;
case 1:
drawmode = LINES;
case 2:
drawmode = ERASE;
SetAPen(r, 0L);
SetOPen(r, 0L);
case 3:
drawmode = FILL;
SetOPen(r, 2L); /* (A Pen defined before doing the flood fill) */
case 4: /* CLROUT (Clear Outline) gadget */
SetRast(r, 0L);
exists_outline = 0;
if(drawmode == ERASE || drawmode == FILL) {
drawmode = FREEHAND;
case 5: /* DONE gadget */
case 6: /* ADD gadget */
if (exists_numwindow)
case 7: /* DUP gadget */
if (exists_numwindow)
case 8: /* SELECT gadget */
if (--selpiece < 0)
selpiece = N;
if (exists_numwindow)
case 9: /* DELETE gadget */
if (exists_numwindow)
case 10: /* CLRIFS gadget */
if (exists_numwindow)
case 11: /* NUMBERS Gadget */
if (!exists_numwindow) {
numgadgpending = -1;
} /* end switch hitgadget */
} /* End else if GADGETUP */
else if (class == MENUPICK) { /*** Respond to menu selections */
MenuNumber = code; /* (First) item selection returned by IDCMP */
while (MenuNumber != MENUNULL) { /*** service multiply chosen items */
/* (if any) */
ItemAddr = ItemAddress(&MenuList1, (long)MenuNumber);
menuid = MENUNUM(MenuNumber); /* Extract menu, item from IDCMP code */
itemid = ITEMNUM(MenuNumber);
subitemid = SUBNUM(MenuNumber);
if (menuid == 0) { /* PROJECT Menu */
switch (itemid) {
case 0: /* NEW */
if (SetMode(OUTLINE) == 1) {
SetRast(r, 0L);
exists_outline = 0;
if (exists_image)
case 1: /* EDIT OUTLINE */
case 2: /* LOAD FILE (with subitems) */
if(ReqBase == NULL) { /* req.library missing - no file I/O */
ShowError("req.library not found!");
fname = GetFileName("File to Load:");
if (*fname != '\0') {
switch (subitemid) {
case 0: /* Load Outline */
if (SetMode(OUTLINE) == 1)
LoadILBM(fname, 0);
case 1: /* Load IFS */
if (LoadIFS(fname) == NULL) { /* If load failed */
case 2: /* Load Image */
LoadILBM(fname, 1);
} /* end switch subitemid */
} /* end if *fname etc */
case 3: /* SAVE FILE (with subitems) */
if(ReqBase == NULL) { /* req.library missing - no file I/O */
ShowError("req.library not found!");
switch (subitemid) {
case 0: /* Save IFS */
case 1: /* Save Image */
} /* end switch subitemid */
case 4: /* OPTIMIZE */
if (drawmode != VECTOR)
ShowError("No IFS to Optimize!");
case 5: /* QUIT */
} /* end switch itemid */
} /* end if menuid == 0) */
else if (menuid == 1) { /* DISPLAY Menu */
switch (itemid) {
case 0: /* SHOW CODES */
if (drawmode != VECTOR)
ShowError("No IFS!");
case 1: /* SHOW IMAGE */
if (exists_image) {
MoveScreen(ImageScreen, 0L, (long)(-1*ImageScreen->TopEdge));
ShowError("No Image!");
} /* end switch itemid */
} /* end else if menuid == 1) */
else if (menuid == 2) { /* RENDER Menu */
switch (itemid) {
case 0: /* RESOLUTION (with subitems) */
renderwidth = (subitemid > 0) ? 640 : 320;
renderheight = (subitemid > 1) ? 400 : 200;
case 1: /* GRAY LEVELS (with subitems) */
renderdepth = subitemid + 1;
case 2: /* START */
while(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(Window->UserPort))
ReplyMsg(message); /* Clean out IDCMP port before closing it */
ModifyIDCMP(Window, NULL); /* Disable IDCMP during rendering */
ClearMenuStrip(Window); /* remove main window menus during render*/
RenderImage(0); /* render the attractor in Image Screen */
SetMenuStrip(Window, &MenuList1);
} /* end switch itemid */
} /* end else if menuid == 2) */
else if (menuid == 3) { /* ABOUT Menu */
switch (itemid) {
case 0: /* IFS THEORY */
case 1: /* HELP */
case 2: /* AUTHOR */
case 3: /* DEMO */
} /* end switch itemid */
} /* end else if menuid == 3) */
MenuNumber = ItemAddr->NextSelect;
/* Loop back for next multiply selected item, if any */
} /* end while MenuNumber != MENUNULL */
} /* end else if MENUPICK */
/*** Get & serve an IDCMP event, if any, from Coefficients Window */
if (exists_numwindow) {
if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(NumWindow->UserPort)) {
/* Note that all events in this window are GADGETUP, GADGETDOWN */
if (message->Class == CLOSEWINDOW) {
exists_numwindow = 0;
numgadgpending = -1;
SetMenuStrip(Window, &MenuList1);
else if (message->Class == GADGETDOWN) { /* ENTER or string gadget */
if (numgadgpending != -1)
hitgadstruct = (struct Gadget *)(message->IAddress);
/* pointer to just-hit gadget */
numgadgpending = hitgadstruct->GadgetID;
/* ID# of just-selected gadget structure */
/**** Refresh all string gadgets except just-hit one */
for(gad = &NumAcoeffGadg; gad != NULL; gad = gad->NextGadget)
if (gad->GadgetID != numgadgpending)
RefreshGList(gad, NumWindow, NULL, 1L);
if (numgadgpending == 12)
numgadgpending = -1; /* It was only the ENTER Gadget */
else if (message->Class == GADGETUP) {
hitgadget = ((struct Gadget *)(message->IAddress))->GadgetID;
/* ID# of just-selected gadget structure */
switch (hitgadget) {
case 12: /* ENTER */
tmppiece = *pieceptr[selpiece]; /* Structure assignment */
/* Copy all coeffs from string gadgets to tmppiece */
sscanf((char*)NumNumR2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.r2);
sscanf((char*)NumNumR1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.r1);
sscanf((char*)NumNumS2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.s2);
sscanf((char*)NumNumS1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.s1);
sscanf((char*)NumNumPcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.p);
sscanf((char*)NumNumDenscoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf",
sscanf((char*)NumNumFcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.f);
sscanf((char*)NumNumEcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.e);
sscanf((char*)NumNumDcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.d);
sscanf((char*)NumNumCcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.c);
sscanf((char*)NumNumBcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.b);
sscanf((char*)NumNumAcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &tmppiece.a);
tmppiece.r1 = tmppiece.r1*0.017453293; /* convert degs to radians*/
tmppiece.r2 = tmppiece.r2*0.017453293;
/*** Erase Plane 3 before transformation delay */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFF8); /* Write-protect planes 0,1,2 */
SetRast(r, 0L);
SetWrMsk(r, 0xFFFF);
/* Transform the selected piece per user-entered coefficients */
pieceptr[selpiece]->piecemap, &tmppiece);
/*** Erase Plane 2, then Blit Selected Piece from piecemap to it */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFF4); /* Write-protect planes 0,1,3 */
SetRast(r, 0L);
SetAPen(r, 4L);
(long)Window->BorderLeft,(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L,
/* Rastport WrMask will be restored in DrawBox() called below */
/*** Compute new Box corners from new coeffs */
tmppiece.boxo.x = tmppiece.e * GZZWIDTH;
tmppiece.boxo.y = tmppiece.f * GZZWIDTH; /* sic! */
tmppiece.boxx.x = (tmppiece.a + tmppiece.e) * GZZWIDTH;
tmppiece.boxx.y = (tmppiece.c + tmppiece.f) * GZZWIDTH;
tmppiece.boxy.x = (tmppiece.b*GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH + tmppiece.e) *
tmppiece.boxy.y = (tmppiece.d*GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH + tmppiece.f) *
tmppiece.boxz.x =
tmppiece.boxy.x + tmppiece.boxx.x - tmppiece.boxo.x;
tmppiece.boxz.y =
tmppiece.boxy.y + tmppiece.boxx.y - tmppiece.boxo.y;
*pieceptr[selpiece] = tmppiece; /* structure assignment */
/*** Recompute probabilities and update piece structures */
pieceptr[selpiece]->det =
fabs(tmppiece.a * tmppiece.d - tmppiece.b * tmppiece.c);
if (pieceptr[selpiece]->det == 0.0)
pieceptr[selpiece]->det = 0.01;
ComputeProbs(); /* Adjust all piece probabilities */
DrawBox(); /* Redraw Vector Box for modified selected piece */
default: /* GADGETUP on any coefficient string gadget */
numgadgpending = -1;
RefreshGadgets(&NumGadgetList3, NumWindow, NULL);
} /* end switch hitgadget */
} /* end else if ... GADGETUP */
} /* end if message etc of coeffs window */
} /* end if exists_numwindow */
/*** Get & serve an IDCMP event, if any, from Image Window */
/* Note that all events in this window are MOUSEBUTTONS */
if (exists_image) {
if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(ImageWindow->UserPort)) {
if (message->Code == SELECTUP) { /* User clicked - push Image to back*/
MoveScreen(ImageScreen, 0L, (long)(-1*ImageScreen->TopEdge));
} /* End if exists_image */
} /* End while of main loop */
} /* End main() */
char * GetFileName(prompt) /* Returns pointer to a filename selected from */
char *prompt; /* a file requester. Prompt appears at top of requester */
/* window. If user selected CANCEL,returns a nullstring */
/* Places the requester in a custom 640x200 screen. */
/* Uses the Fox/Dawson File Requester; you must link */
/* with glue module myreqglue.o. You need to include */
/* reqbase.h and also libraries/dosextens.h (for the */
/* Process structure). */
struct Screen *ReqScreen;
struct Window *ReqWindow;
struct NewScreen ns;
struct Screen *OpenScreen();
struct NewWindow nw;
struct Window *OpenWindow();
struct Task *FindTask();
struct Process *myprocess;
APTR oldwindowptr;
/* Link the buffers to the FileRequester struct (all declared as globals) */
MyFileReqStruct.File = filename;
MyFileReqStruct.Dir = directoryname;
MyFileReqStruct.PathName = pathname;
/*** Open a window in a custom Hires screen for requester display */
ns.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize a NewScreen structure */
ns.TopEdge = 0;
ns.Width = 640;
ns.Height = 200;
ns.Depth = 2;
ns.DetailPen = 0; /* Colour of text in screen title bar */
ns.BlockPen = 1; /* Colour of screen Title Bar */
ns.ViewModes = HIRES;
ns.Font = &TOPAZ80;
ns.DefaultTitle = NULL;
ns.Gadgets = NULL;
ns.CustomBitMap = NULL;
nw.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize a NewWindow structure */
nw.TopEdge = 0;
nw.Width = 640;
nw.Height = 200;
nw.DetailPen = 0; /* Menu title text color */
nw.BlockPen = 1; /* Menu item box and title bar background */
nw.IDCMPFlags = NULL;
nw.FirstGadget = NULL;
nw.CheckMark = NULL;
nw.Title = (UBYTE*)" ";
nw.Screen = NULL; /* Will set it to ReqScreen after the screen is opened */
nw.BitMap = NULL;
nw.MinWidth = 0;
nw.MinHeight = 0;
nw.MaxWidth = 0;
nw.MaxHeight = 0;
/*** Open a Hires screen to place the requester in */
if ((ReqScreen = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen(&ns)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Requester screen!!!");
pathname[0] = '\0'; /* make returned buffer a nullstring */
/*** Open the Window to place the requester in */
nw.Screen = ReqScreen;
if ((ReqWindow = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&nw)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Requester window!!!");
pathname[0] = '\0'; /* make returned buffer a nullstring */
/* Set pointer to tell req.library requesters where to appear */
myprocess = (struct Process *)FindTask((char *)0);
oldwindowptr = myprocess->pr_WindowPtr;
myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)ReqWindow;
/*** Set up file requester structure fields to customize requester */
MyFileReqStruct.Title = prompt; /* Text at top of requester */
MyFileReqStruct.dirnamescolor = 3; /* colours of requester elements */
MyFileReqStruct.devicenamescolor = 3;
MyFileReqStruct.WindowLeftEdge = 0;
MyFileReqStruct.WindowTopEdge = 0;
MyFileReqStruct.Flags = FRQCACHINGM | /* Directory Caching */
FRQABSOLUTEXYM | /* Fix requester position in screen */
FRQNOHALFCACHEM| /* Don't cache half-read directories */
FRQNODRAGM; /* No drag bar on requester */
if (FileRequester(&MyFileReqStruct) == NULL) /* Call the File Requester */
pathname[0] = '\0'; /* If user selected no file, return a nullstring*/
/* restore pr_WindowPtr before closing the window! */
myprocess->pr_WindowPtr = oldwindowptr;
CloseWindow(ReqWindow); /*** Close requester screen stuff and return */
return(pathname); /* Will be the pointer to a string which now contains the */
/* full file name selected, or a NULL string if the user */
/* selected CANCEL or no filename */
OpenLibraries() /* Open needed libraries */
IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)
if (IntuitionBase == NULL) {
printf("Can't open Intuition library!!!!!!\n");
GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)
if (GfxBase == NULL) {
printf("Can't open graphics library!!!!!!\n");
MathBase = (void *)OpenLibrary("mathffp.library",0L);
if (MathBase == NULL) {
printf("Can't open mathffp library!!!!!!\n");
MathTransBase = (void *)OpenLibrary("mathtrans.library",0L);
if (MathTransBase == NULL) {
printf("Can't open mathtrans library!!!!!!\n");
ReqBase = (struct ReqLib *)OpenLibrary("req.library", 0L);
if (ReqBase == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't open req.library!!!!!!\n");
printf("IFSlab requires req.library in libs: to be able to do file I/O\n");
OpenDisplay() /* Open Outline Sketch window in custom screen */
/* NEWSCREENSTRUCTURE, PALETTE and NewWindowStructure1 are in IFSLab.h */
/* and, along with pointers Window, Screen, have been declared externally */
struct Screen *OpenScreen();
struct Window *OpenWindow();
struct ViewPort *vp;
/*** Open the screen */
if ((Screen = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen(&NEWSCREENSTRUCTURE)) == NULL) {
printf("\nCouldn't open screen!!!!\n");
/*** Link Custom colours defined in PALETTE to screen's ViewPort */
vp = &(Screen->ViewPort);/* ptr to viewport structure assoc'd with screen */
LoadRGB4(vp,PALETTE,16L); /* Change to custom colors defined above */
/*** Open the Window */
NewWindowStructure1.Screen = Screen;
if ((Window = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&NewWindowStructure1)) == NULL) {
printf("\nCouldn't open window!!!!\n");
scrp = &(Screen->RastPort); /* Screen RastPort,used to draw in outer window*/
SetDrMd(scrp, JAM1);
SetAPen(scrp, 1L);
r = (Window->RPort); /* Window's rastport, used for drawing in GZZ bitmap */
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
OffMenu(Window, NOITEM<<5 | 2); /* disable render menu and its items */
OpenNumWindow() /* Open Coefficients Window and disable menus */
/* Assumes window is not open already */
NumNewWindowStructure3.Screen = Screen;
if ((NumWindow = (struct Window *)OpenWindow(&NumNewWindowStructure3))
== NULL) {
ShowError("Error - Couldn't open coeffs window");
ClearMenuStrip(Window); /* remove main window menus while Coeffs window on */
SetWindowTitles(NumWindow, -1L, (char *)" Collage Editor");
exists_numwindow = 1;
CloseAll() /* Close everything neatly and exit program */
if (exists_image)
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) /* Dealocate Pieces' struct and piecemap memory */
if (outlinebufptr)
FreeMem(outlinebufptr, (long)RASSIZE(WIDTH, HEIGHT));
if (Window) {
if (exists_numwindow)
if (Screen)
if (IntuitionBase)
if (GfxBase)
if (MathBase)
if (MathTransBase)
if (ReqBase) {
PurgeFiles(&MyFileReqStruct); /* function in req.library */
int SetMode(newmode) /* Sets up and enters requested mode */
int newmode; /* newmode can be OUTLINE or COLLAGE */
{ /* returns 1 normally; returns 0 if user chose CANCEL in */
/* "IFS will be LOST" requester */
BOOL AutoRequest();
static struct IntuiText Cancel = {
3,0, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
JAM1, /* DrawMode */
6,3, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
&TOPAZ80, /* ITextFont */
(UBYTE*)"Cancel", /* IText */
NULL /* NextText */
static struct IntuiText Doit, ReqBodyText;
Doit = ReqBodyText = Cancel; /* structure assignment */
ReqBodyText.IText = (UBYTE *)" IFS will be LOST!";
ReqBodyText.TopEdge = 8;
Doit.IText = (UBYTE *)"Do it!";
switch (newmode) {
if (drawmode != VECTOR) /* already in desired mode! */
if (AutoRequest(Window, &ReqBodyText, &Doit, &Cancel,
NULL, NULL, 180L, 56L) == FALSE) {
/* Set IDCMP flags right in case AutoRequest() messed 'em up */
RemoveGList(Window, &CollageGadgetList2, 6L);
AddGList(Window, &GadgetList1, 0L, 6L, NULL); /* change gadgets */
SetDrMd(scrp, JAM1);
SetAPen(scrp, 0L);
RectFill(scrp, 280L, 12L, 316L, 117L); /* Blot out old gadget images */
RefreshGadgets(&GadgetList1, Window, NULL);
OffMenu(Window, NOITEM<<5 | 2); /* disable render menu and its items */
SetWindowTitles(Window, -1L, " Outline Editor");
drawmode = FREEHAND;
SetAPen(r, 2L);
if (drawmode == VECTOR) /* already in desired mode! */
if (exists_outline == 0)
(char*)outlinebufptr, (long)RASSIZE(WIDTH,HEIGHT));
RemoveGList(Window, &GadgetList1, 6L);
AddGList(Window, &CollageGadgetList2, 0L, 6L, NULL);
SetDrMd(scrp, JAM1);
SetAPen(scrp, 0L);
RectFill(scrp, 280L, 12L, 316L, 117L); /* Blot out old gadget images */
RefreshGadgets(&CollageGadgetList2, Window, NULL);
OnMenu(Window, NOITEM<<5 | 2); /* Enable render menu and its items */
SetWindowTitles(Window, -1L, " Collage Editor");
drawmode = VECTOR;
curcor = '0';
} /* end switch newmode */
DupSelPiece() /* Generate a copy of Selected Piece, make it highest */
{ /* numbered and Selected. Increment N. */
if (N >= MAX_N) {
ShowError("Too many transformations");
/*** Allocate and fill piece structure, make it Selected */
if ((pieceptr[++N] = AllocPiece()) == NULL) { /* Allocate Piece */
N--; /* if couldn't allocate piece */
if (N == -1) { /* No memory for even one Piece - Quit program */
ShowError("Re-run with more free memory!");
pieceptr[N]->a = pieceptr[selpiece]->a;
pieceptr[N]->b = pieceptr[selpiece]->b;
pieceptr[N]->c = pieceptr[selpiece]->c;
pieceptr[N]->d = pieceptr[selpiece]->d;
pieceptr[N]->e = pieceptr[selpiece]->e;
pieceptr[N]->f = pieceptr[selpiece]->f;
pieceptr[N]->s1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->s1;
pieceptr[N]->s2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->s2;
pieceptr[N]->r1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r1;
pieceptr[N]->r2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r2;
pieceptr[N]->dens = 1.0;
pieceptr[N]->det = pieceptr[selpiece]->det;
pieceptr[N]->boxo = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo; /* Structure assignment! */
pieceptr[N]->boxx = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx; /* Structure assignment! */
pieceptr[N]->boxy = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy; /* Structure assignment! */
pieceptr[N]->boxz = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz; /* Structure assignment! */
ComputeProbs(); /* Adjust all Piece probabilities */
/* Copy selected piece's piecemap to the new piece's piecemap */
CopyMem((char*)pieceptr[selpiece]->piecemap, (char*)pieceptr[N]->piecemap,
selpiece = N; /* make this Piece Selected */
AddDefPiece() /* Generate a default Piece of current Outline, make */
{ /* it highest numbered and Selected. Increment N. */
if (N >= MAX_N) {
ShowError("Too many transformations");
/*** Allocate and fill piece structure, make it Selected */
if ((pieceptr[++N] = AllocPiece()) == NULL) { /* Allocate Piece */
N--; /* if couldn't allocate piece */
if (N == -1) { /* No memory for even one Piece - Quit program */
ShowError("Re-run with more free memory!");
pieceptr[N]->a = 0.5;
pieceptr[N]->b = 0.0;
pieceptr[N]->c = 0.0;
pieceptr[N]->d = 0.5;
pieceptr[N]->e = 0.25;
pieceptr[N]->f = 0.16938406; /* = 0.25*GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH */
pieceptr[N]->s1 = 0.5;
pieceptr[N]->s2 = 0.5;
pieceptr[N]->r1 = 0.0;
pieceptr[N]->r2 = 0.0;
pieceptr[N]->dens = 1.0;
pieceptr[N]->det = 0.25;
pieceptr[N]->boxo.x = 0.25 * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxo.y = 0.25 * GZZHEIGHT;
pieceptr[N]->boxx.x = 0.75 * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxx.y = 0.25 * GZZHEIGHT;
pieceptr[N]->boxy.x = 0.25 * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxy.y = 0.75 * GZZHEIGHT;
pieceptr[N]->boxz.x = 0.75 * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxz.y = 0.75 * GZZHEIGHT;
ComputeProbs(); /* Adjust all Piece probabilities */
/* Transform Outline by this piece's transformation into its piecemap */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[N]->piecemap, pieceptr[N]);
selpiece = N; /* make this Piece Selected */
ComputeProbs() /* Recompute all piece probabilities */
double sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
sum = sum + pieceptr[i]->dens * pieceptr[i]->det;
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
pieceptr[i]->p = (pieceptr[i]->dens * pieceptr[i]->det)/sum;
DrawBox() /* Erase bitplane 3, and draw Vector Box of Selected Piece in it */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFF8); /* Write-protect planes 0,1,2 */
SetRast(r, 0L); /* Erase plane 3 */
SetAPen(r, 8L); /*** Draw Vector Box */
Move(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y);
Draw(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y);
Draw(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y);
Draw(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y);
Draw(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y);
SetDrMd(r, JAM2|INVERSVID); /*** Draw Corner "gadgets" */
SetBPen(r, 0L);
Move(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x - 3L, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y + 3L);
Text(r, "O", 1L);
Move(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x - 3L, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y + 3L);
Text(r, "x", 1L);
Move(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x - 3L, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y + 3L);
Text(r, " ", 1L);
Move(r, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x - 3L, pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y + 3L);
Text(r, "y", 1L);
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
ToggleGhostBox() /* Draw or undraw current ghost box, as given in */
{ /* ghbox? variables, in COMPLEMENT mode */
Move(r, ghboxo.x, ghboxo.y);
Draw(r, ghboxx.x, ghboxx.y);
Draw(r, ghboxz.x, ghboxz.y);
Draw(r, ghboxy.x, ghboxy.y);
Draw(r, ghboxo.x, ghboxo.y);
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
ComputeNewBox() /* Compute New Ghost Box from mouse coords, put in tmpbox */
{ /* variables. */
long dx, dy; /* increments of mouse position from corner's previous pos */
double s, a; /* Scaling and Rotation components of change in vector Z */
double cosa, sina; /* cosine and sine of angle a */
double Qx, Qy;
double tmp;
switch (curcor) {
case 'o':
dx = mx - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x;
dy = my - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y;
tmpboxo.x = mx;
tmpboxo.y = my;
tmpboxx.x = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x + dx;
tmpboxx.y = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y + dy;
tmpboxy.x = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x + dx;
tmpboxy.y = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y + dy;
tmpboxz.x = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x + dx;
tmpboxz.y = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y + dy;
case 'x':
dx = mx - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x;
dy = my - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y;
tmpboxo = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo; /* Structure Assignment */
tmpboxx.x = mx;
tmpboxx.y = my;
tmpboxy = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy; /* Structure Assignment */
tmpboxz.x = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x + dx;
tmpboxz.y = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y + dy;
case 'y':
dx = mx - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x;
dy = my - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y;
tmpboxo = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo; /* Structure Assignment */
tmpboxx = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx; /* Structure Assignment */
tmpboxy.x = mx;
tmpboxy.y = my;
tmpboxz.x = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x + dx;
tmpboxz.y = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y + dy;
case 'z':
s = sqrt((double)((mx-pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x)*
a = myatan2((double)(my - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y), (double)(mx -
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x)) - myatan2((double)
(pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.y - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y),
(double)(pieceptr[selpiece]->boxz.x - pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x));
cosa = cos(a);
sina = sin(a);
Qx = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x + s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y * sina -
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x * cosa);
Qy = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y - s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.y * cosa +
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo.x * sina);
tmpboxo = pieceptr[selpiece]->boxo; /* Structure Assignment */
/* Below, the conditional assignments assure rounding on the */
/* double-to-int conversion rather than truncation */
tmp = s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x * cosa -
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y * sina) + Qx;
tmpboxx.x = (tmp - floor(tmp) > 0.5) ? tmp + 1. : tmp;
tmp = s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.x * sina +
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxx.y * cosa) + Qy;
tmpboxx.y = (tmp - floor(tmp) > 0.5) ? tmp + 1. : tmp;
tmp = s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x * cosa -
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y * sina) + Qx;
tmpboxy.x = (tmp - floor(tmp) > 0.5) ? tmp + 1. : tmp;
tmp = s * (pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.x * sina +
pieceptr[selpiece]->boxy.y * cosa) + Qy;
tmpboxy.y = (tmp - floor(tmp) > 0.5) ? tmp + 1. : tmp;
tmpboxz.x = tmpboxy.x + tmpboxx.x - tmpboxo.x;
tmpboxz.y = tmpboxx.y + tmpboxy.y - tmpboxo.y;
} /* End switch curcor */
DeleteSelPiece() /* Delete the Selected Piece. If it was the only piece, */
{ /* replace it with a Default Piece. Rearrange Piece list */
FreePiece(pieceptr[selpiece]); /* free memory associated with the piece */
for (i = selpiece; i < N; i++) /* close gap in pointer array */
pieceptr[i] = pieceptr[i+1];
if (selpiece == N)
if (N == -1) /* if deleted last piece, place a default piece */
ClearIFS() /* Clear IFS variables, memory, and Collage image */
/* Clear all GZZ bitplanes except Outline plane */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFFD); /* Write-protect plane 1, Outline */
SetRast(r, 0L);
for(i = 0; i <= N; i++)
N = -1;
HiliteGadget(gadgetid) /* frame gadget of given ID# in Red */
/* Implements in software Gadget Mutual Exclude */
/* Because window is GZZ and gadgets are in its border, this routine */
/* Draws the frame directly on the Screen,not in Window. It is quite */
/* non-generic because gadget coordinates are coded in numerically */
int gadgetid;
long i;
/*** Define frames as border structures ***/
static SHORT Frame_data[10] = { 0,0, 36,0, 36,15, 0,15, 0,0 };
/* Gadget select frame data */
static struct Border OnFrame_Bdr = { /* Red (Selected) Gadget border */
0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
4,0,JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
5, /* Count */
Frame_data, /* XY */
NULL /* Next Border */
static struct Border OffFrame_Bdr = { /* Lt Green (deselected) Gadg border */
0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
3,0,JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
5, /* Count */
Frame_data, /* XY */
NULL /* Next Border */
/*** Unframe all gadgets, then frame selected one */
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
DrawBorder(scrp, &OffFrame_Bdr, 280L, i*18L+12L);
DrawBorder(scrp, &OnFrame_Bdr, 280L, gadgetid*18L+12L);
DrawCollage() /* Draw the current IFS as a collage image with */
{ /* vector Box of Selected Piece (wipe out old box)*/
/*** Erase all bitplanes except Outline plane */
SetWrMsk(r,0xFFFD); /* Write-protect plane 1, Outline */
SetRast(r, 0L);
/* Blit Deselected pieces from piecemaps to plane 0 */
SetWrMsk(r,0x0001); /* Write protect all planes except plane 0 */
SetAPen(r, 1L);
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
if (i != selpiece) /* skip Selected piece */
(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L, (long)GZZWIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT);
/* Blit Selected Piece from piecemap to plane 2 */
SetWrMsk(r,0x0004); /* Write protect all planes except plane 2 */
SetAPen(r, 4L);
(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L, (long)GZZWIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT);
DrawBox(); /* Draw Vector Box of Selected Piece */
/* Note that Rastport's WrMask is restored within DrawBox() */
double myatan2(y,x) /* atan2() as defined in Aztec C but missing from mf.lib */
double x, y; /* returns arctangent of y/x in range -pi to pi. */
{ /* If x=y=0, returns 0, sets errno=EDOM. */
/* Requires #include of errno.h and math.h */
#define PI 3.141592654
if (x == 0.0) {
if (y == 0.0) {
errno = EDOM;
x = 1.0e-10;
if (y >= 0.0) {
if (x >= 0.0)
return(atan(y/x)); /* Quadrant I */
return(PI - atan(-y/x)); /* Quadrant II */
else {
if (x >= 0.0)
return(-atan(-y/x)); /* Quadrant IV */
return(atan(y/x) - PI); /* Quadrant III */
ModifyMousePtr(Wind, n)
/* Change to custom mouse pointer in Window if n=1, or restore default */
/* arrow and free CHIP RAM if n=-1. Use in only one window at a time! */
struct Window *Wind;
int n;
static short *ChipPtr;
static struct ViewPort *vprt;
static long color17, color18, color19;
long GetRGB4();
/*** Define Custom mouse pointer sprite data */
#define ROWS 14 /* Number of Pixel rows in pointer */
static USHORT Mouseptr[] = {
0x0000, 0x0000,
/* ++++++++++++++++++ */
0x00f0, 0x00f0, /* + 3333 + */
0x03f8, 0x03f8, /* + 3333333 + */
0x07fc, 0x079c, /* + 333311333 + */
0x0ffe, 0x0e0e, /* + 33311111333 + */
0x0ffe, 0x0c06, /* + 33111111133 + */
0xafff, 0x0c73, /* +1 1 331113331133+ */
0xafff, 0x0cfb, /* +1 1 331133333133+ */
0xafff, 0x0ccb, /* +1 1 331133113133+ */
0xcfff, 0x0cdb, /* +11 331133133133+ */
0xdfff, 0x18c3, /* +11 3311133111133+ */
0xffff, 0x1ce7, /* +1113331133311333+ */
0xfffe, 0x07fe, /* +111113333333333 + */
0x7ffe, 0x003c, /* + 11111111133331 + */
0x1fff, 0x0000, /* + 1111111111111+ */
/* ++++++++++++++++++ */
0x0000, 0x0000
if (n == 1 && ChipPtr == NULL) {
/*** Get colors of default pointer in Window's screen */
vprt = &(Wind->WScreen->ViewPort); /* ptr to viewport of screen */
color17 = GetRGB4(vprt->ColorMap, 17L);
color18 = GetRGB4(vprt->ColorMap, 18L);
color19 = GetRGB4(vprt->ColorMap, 19L);
/*** Copy sprite data into chip RAM to be accessible to graphic chips */
ChipPtr =(short*)AllocMem((long)((ROWS+2)*4),MEMF_CHIP); /* Alloc block */
CopyMem((char*)Mouseptr,(char*)ChipPtr,(long)((ROWS+2)*4)); /* Copy data*/
/*** Attach custom pointer to window */
SetPointer(Wind, ChipPtr, (long)ROWS, 16L, -1L, -1L);
/*** Change custom pointer colors */
SetRGB4(vprt, 17L, 15L, 12L, 10L);
SetRGB4(vprt, 18L, 13L, 2L, 2L);
SetRGB4(vprt, 19L, 15L, 0L, 0L);
else if (n == -1 && ChipPtr != NULL) {
ClearPointer(Wind); /* Reset default pointer and its original colors */
SetRGB4(vprt, 17L, color17>>8, (color17>>4L)&15, color17&15);
SetRGB4(vprt, 18L, color18>>8, (color18>>4L)&15, color18&15);
SetRGB4(vprt, 19L, color19>>8, (color19>>4L)&15, color19&15);
FreeMem(ChipPtr, (long)((ROWS+2)*4)); /* release memory of pointer data */
ChipPtr = NULL;
DisplayBeep(NULL); /* Illegal call (called twice in a row with same n */
UpdateNumStrings() /* Update values of Coeff window string gadgets from */
{ /* selected piece structure. Redraw gadgets if the window is open */
double degr1, degr2;
degr1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r1 / 0.017453293; /* convert radians to degrees*/
degr2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r2 / 0.017453293;
sprintf((char*)NumNumT2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->f);
sprintf((char*)NumNumT1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->e);
sprintf((char*)NumNumR2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.lf", degr2);
sprintf((char*)NumNumR1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.lf", degr1);
sprintf((char*)NumNumS2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->s2);
sprintf((char*)NumNumS1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->s1);
sprintf((char*)NumNumPcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.3lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->p);
sprintf((char*)NumNumDenscoeffGadgSIBuff,"%4.1lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->dens);
sprintf((char*)NumNumFcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->f);
sprintf((char*)NumNumEcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->e);
sprintf((char*)NumNumDcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->d);
sprintf((char*)NumNumCcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->c);
sprintf((char*)NumNumBcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->b);
sprintf((char*)NumNumAcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", pieceptr[selpiece]->a);
if (exists_numwindow)
RefreshGadgets(&NumGadgetList3, NumWindow, NULL);
RecomputeCoeffs(gadgetid) /* Re-Calculate 13 coefficients based on */
int gadgetid; /* change in value of the one in the string gadget with */
{ /* the given gadgetid; put new values in string gadgets */
/* Does range checking on entered coefficients; If user */
/* entered an illegal value, will restore previous */
/* value and inform user before returning. */
double a, b, c, d, e, f, s1, s2, r1, r2, t1, t2, dens, p;
double sum, p0, det, olddet, olddens;
/* Put current coefficient values into temporary variables */
sscanf((char*)NumNumT2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &t2);
sscanf((char*)NumNumT1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &t1);
sscanf((char*)NumNumR2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &r2);
sscanf((char*)NumNumR1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &r1);
sscanf((char*)NumNumS2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &s2);
sscanf((char*)NumNumS1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &s1);
sscanf((char*)NumNumPcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &p);
sscanf((char*)NumNumDenscoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &dens);
sscanf((char*)NumNumFcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &f);
sscanf((char*)NumNumEcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &e);
sscanf((char*)NumNumDcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &d);
sscanf((char*)NumNumCcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &c);
sscanf((char*)NumNumBcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &b);
sscanf((char*)NumNumAcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%lf", &a);
while (r1 > 180. || r1 < -180.) /* Get angles to range -180 => +180 */
r1 = (r1 > 0.) ? r1 - 360. : r1 + 360.;
while (r2 > 180. || r2 < -180.)
r2 = (r2 > 0.) ? r2 - 360. : r2 + 360.;
r1 = r1*0.017453293; /* convert degrees to radians*/
r2 = r2*0.017453293;
/*** Check that all coefficients are in legal ranges */
if (a < -1. || a > 1. || b < -1. || b > 1. || c < -1. || c > 1. ||
d < -1. || d > 1. || e < -0.25 || e > 1. || f < -0.25 || f > 1. ||
s1 < -1. || s1 > 1. || s2 < -1. || s2 > 1. || dens <= 0. ||
t1 < -0.25 || t1 > 1. || t2 < -0.25 || t2 > 1. || p <= 0. || p > 1.) {
ShowError("Coefficient out of Range!");
a = pieceptr[selpiece]->a; /*** Undo the error */
b = pieceptr[selpiece]->b;
c = pieceptr[selpiece]->c;
d = pieceptr[selpiece]->d;
e = pieceptr[selpiece]->e;
f = pieceptr[selpiece]->f;
p = pieceptr[selpiece]->p;
dens = pieceptr[selpiece]->dens;
s1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->s1;
s2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->s2;
r1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r1;
r2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->r2;
t1 = pieceptr[selpiece]->e;
t2 = pieceptr[selpiece]->f;
det = fabs(a * d - b * c);
if (det == 0.0)
det = 0.01;
sum = -(pieceptr[selpiece]->dens * pieceptr[selpiece]->det) + dens * det;
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
sum = sum + pieceptr[i]->dens * pieceptr[i]->det;
if (gadgetid <= 26) { /* id's 21 thru 26, matrix coeffs a - f */
s1 = sqrt(a*a + c*c);
s2 = sqrt(b*b + d*d);
r1 = myatan2(c, a);
r2 = myatan2(-b, d);
t1 = e;
t2 = f;
p = (dens * det)/sum;
if (gadgetid == 27) { /* density coefficient */
p = (dens * det)/sum;
if (gadgetid == 28) { /* probability coefficient */
olddens = dens;
p0 = det / (sum - olddens*det + det); /* What p SHOULD be with dens == 1 */
dens = p / p0;
p = (dens * det)/(sum - olddens*det + dens*det);
if (gadgetid >= 29) { /* id's 29 thru 34, geometrical coeffs s1 thru t2 */
olddet = fabs(a * d - b * c);
if (olddet == 0.0)
olddet = 0.01;
a = s1 * cos(r1);
b = -s2 * sin(r2);
c = s1 * sin(r1);
d = s2 * cos(r2);
e = t1;
f = t2;
det = fabs(a * d - b * c); /*** recompute det and probability */
if (det == 0.0)
det = 0.01;
sum = sum - olddet*dens + det*dens;
p = (dens * det)/sum;
r1 = r1 / 0.017453293; /* convert radians to degrees */
r2 = r2 / 0.017453293;
/* Put resultant coefficient values into their string gadgets */
sprintf((char*)NumNumT2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", f);
sprintf((char*)NumNumT1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", e);
sprintf((char*)NumNumR2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.lf", r2);
sprintf((char*)NumNumR1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.lf", r1);
sprintf((char*)NumNumS2coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", s2);
sprintf((char*)NumNumS1coeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", s1);
sprintf((char*)NumNumPcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.3lf", p);
sprintf((char*)NumNumDenscoeffGadgSIBuff, "%4.1lf", dens);
sprintf((char*)NumNumFcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", f);
sprintf((char*)NumNumEcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", e);
sprintf((char*)NumNumDcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", d);
sprintf((char*)NumNumCcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", c);
sprintf((char*)NumNumBcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", b);
sprintf((char*)NumNumAcoeffGadgSIBuff, "%5.2lf", a);
ShowError(text) /* Show error message in a Window, return on user */
/* clicking in the OK gadget. Text string must not */
/* exceed Window's width minus two characters. */
/* Window is used and not a requester so it is in front */
/* of coeffs window & GZZ Border of main Window */
char *text; /* The message to be displayed */
struct Message * GetMsg();
void ReplyMsg();
struct IntuiMessage *message;
int gadgetid;
struct Window *ErrWindow, *OpenWindow();
#define TEXTCOLOR 3 /* Text color for message and "OK" */
#define BGCOLOR 14 /* Color for Window and Gadget background */
#define GADGBDRCOLOR 3 /* Color for border of "OK" Gadget */
#define BDRCOLOR 3 /* Color for border of Error-window */
/*** Initialize Error-window structures */
static struct IntuiText OKGadgetMsg = {
TEXTCOLOR, BGCOLOR, /* FrontPen, BackPen */
JAM1, /* DrawMode */
4,3, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
NULL, /* ITextFont */
(UBYTE*)"OK", /* IText */
NULL /* NextText */
static SHORT OKGadgetCoord[18] = { 0,0, 23,0, 23,12, 0,12, 0,0,
24,0, 24,12, -1,12, -1,0 };
/* NOTE: Second line above gives 2-pixel-wide border for hires screen */
static struct Border OKGadgetBdr = {
0,0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
GADGBDRCOLOR, BGCOLOR, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
9, /* Count */
&OKGadgetCoord[0], /* XY */
NULL /* NextBorder */
static struct Gadget OKGadget = {
NULL, /* NextGadget */
-40,35,24,13, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height */
RELVERIFY, /* Activation */
BOOLGADGET, /* GadgetType */
(APTR)&OKGadgetBdr, /* GadgetRender */
NULL, /* SelectRender */
&OKGadgetMsg, /* GadgetText */
0, /* MutualExclude */
NULL, /* SpecialInfo */
99, /* GadgetID */
NULL /* UserData */
static SHORT BdrCoords[10] = { 2,2, 0,2, 0,57, 2,57, 2,2 };
/* 0's to be replaced later */
static struct Border Bdr = {
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
BDRCOLOR, BGCOLOR, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
5, /* Count */
&BdrCoords[0], /* XY */
NULL /* NextBorder */
static struct IntuiText ErrText = {
TEXTCOLOR, BGCOLOR, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
8, 18, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
NULL, /* ITextFont */
NULL, /* IText -- Will be filled later */
NULL, /* NextText */
static struct Image ErrWinBgnd = { /* Just a filled rectangle */
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
0, 60, 0, /* Width,Height, Depth */
NULL, /* ImageData */
0x0, 0xE, /* PlanePick, PlaneOnOff */
NULL /* NextImage */
static struct NewWindow ErrNewWindow = {
0,60, /* window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen */
0,60, /* window width and height */
TEXTCOLOR,BDRCOLOR, /* detail and block pens */
GADGETUP, /* IDCMP flags */
&OKGadget, /* first gadget in gadget list */
NULL, /* custom CHECKMARK imagery */
NULL, /* window title */
NULL, /* custom screen pointer */
NULL, /* custom bitmap */
5,5, /* minimum width and height */
-1,-1, /* maximum width and height */
CUSTOMSCREEN /* destination screen type */
/*** Compute and fill in text and window-dependent stuff */
ErrNewWindow.Screen = Screen;
ErrNewWindow.Width = strlen(text) * 8 + 16;
if (ErrNewWindow.Width < 44)
ErrNewWindow.Width = 44;
ErrWinBgnd.Width = ErrNewWindow.Width;
ErrNewWindow.LeftEdge = (320 - ErrNewWindow.Width)/2;
if (ErrNewWindow.LeftEdge < 0)
ErrNewWindow.LeftEdge = 0;
BdrCoords[2] = BdrCoords[4] = ErrNewWindow.Width - 3;
ErrText.IText = (UBYTE*)text;
if (Window->WScreen->Width = 320) /* If Lo-res -- remove vert. double line */
OKGadgetBdr.Count = 5;
OKGadgetBdr.Count = 9;
/*** Display the Error-Window */
if ((ErrWindow = OpenWindow(&ErrNewWindow)) == NULL) {
printf("\nCouldn't open Error Message window!!!\n");
DrawImage(ErrWindow->RPort, &ErrWinBgnd, 0L, 0L);
PrintIText(ErrWindow->RPort, &ErrText, 0L, 0L);
DrawBorder(ErrWindow->RPort, &Bdr, 0L, 0L);
RefreshGadgets(&OKGadget, ErrWindow, NULL);
/* Because DrawImage() obscured the OK Gadget image */
/*** Wait until user clicks the Error-window's "OK" Gadget */
gadgetid = 9999;
while (gadgetid != 99) {
if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(ErrWindow->UserPort)) {
gadgetid = ((struct Gadget *)(message->IAddress))->GadgetID;
OpenImageScreen(width, height, depth) /* Open a Custom screen & window for */
/* the Image; Set exists_image flag */
int width, height, depth;
struct NewScreen ns;
struct Screen *OpenScreen();
struct NewWindow nw;
struct Window *OpenWindow();
long numcols; /* # of colors in screen */
UWORD *colortableptr[5]; /* Array of Pointers to screen colortables */
/* Note: element 0 is not used! */
static UWORD colortable1[] = /*** Colors for 1-bitplane screen */
{0x000, 0x068, 0x0AF, 0x5CF};
static UWORD colortable2[] = /*** Colors for 2-bitplane screen */
{0x000, 0x057, 0x07B, 0xAF};
static UWORD colortable3[] = /*** Colors for 3-bitplane screen */
{0x000, 0x034, 0x046, 0x068, 0x06A, 0x08C, 0x09E, 0x0AF};
static UWORD colortable4[] = /*** Colors for 4-bitplane screen */
{0x000, 0x011, 0x012, 0x023, 0x034, 0x045, 0x046, 0x057,
0x068, 0x069, 0x06A, 0x07B, 0x08C, 0x08D, 0x09E, 0x0AF};
colortableptr[1] = colortable1;
colortableptr[2] = colortable2;
colortableptr[3] = colortable3;
colortableptr[4] = colortable4;
ns.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize NewScreen structure */
ns.TopEdge = 0;
ns.Width = width;
ns.Height = height;
ns.Depth = (depth == 1) ? 2 : depth;
ns.DetailPen = 3; /* Colour of text in screen title bar */
ns.BlockPen = 1; /* Colour of screen Title Bar */
ns.ViewModes = ((width == 640) ? HIRES:0) | ((height == 400) ? INTERLACE:0);
ns.Font = &TOPAZ80;
ns.DefaultTitle = (UBYTE*)" Click in screen to stop rendering";
ns.Gadgets = NULL;
ns.CustomBitMap = NULL;
switch (depth) { /* Customize Image Title and Border colors to depth */
case (1):
ns.DetailPen = 3;
ns.BlockPen = 1;
case (2):
ns.DetailPen = 3;
ns.BlockPen = 1;
case (3):
ns.DetailPen = 7;
ns.BlockPen = 3;
case (4):
ns.DetailPen = 15;
ns.BlockPen = 7;
nw.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize NewWindow structure */
nw.TopEdge = 0;
nw.Width = width;
nw.Height = height;
nw.DetailPen = ns.DetailPen; /* Title text color */
nw.BlockPen = ns.BlockPen; /* Title bar background */
nw.FirstGadget = NULL;
nw.CheckMark = NULL;
nw.Title = (UBYTE*)" "; /* Never seen - stays behind screen title bar */
nw.Screen = NULL; /* Will set it to ImageScreen after the screen is opened */
nw.BitMap = NULL;
nw.MinWidth = 0;
nw.MinHeight = 0;
nw.MaxWidth = 0;
nw.MaxHeight = 0;
/*** Open the screen */
if ((ImageScreen = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen(&ns)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Image screen!");
/* Link Custom colours defined above to screen's ViewPort */
numcols = 1 << ns.Depth;
LoadRGB4(&(ImageScreen->ViewPort), colortableptr[depth], numcols);
/*** Open the Window */
nw.Screen = ImageScreen;
if ((ImageWindow = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&nw)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Image window!");
(char *)" Click in screen to stop rendering");
exists_image = 1;
CloseImageScreen() /* Close image screen & Window, reset exists_image flag */
struct Message * GetMsg();
void ReplyMsg();
struct IntuiMessage *message;
/* Empty ImageWindow IDCMP queue if any */
while (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(ImageWindow->UserPort))
exists_image = 0;
DoDemo() /* Demonstrate IFS process, then NEW and return */
if (SetMode(OUTLINE) == 1) {
SetRast(r, 0L);
exists_outline = 0;
else /* User clicked CANCEL in IFS WILL BE LOST requester - Abort demo */
ModifyIDCMP(Window, NULL); /* Disable Editor Window IDCMP during Demo */
ClearMenuStrip(Window); /* remove main window menus during demo */
AboutText(DEMOTEXT); /* Show explanation of demo in text screen */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
/* Draw outline of Sierpinski Triangle */
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Move(r, 138L, 24L);
Draw(r, 24L, 172L);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Draw(r, 238L, 131L);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Draw(r, 138L, 24L);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Move(r, 82L, 98L);
Draw(r, 188L, 77L);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Draw(r, 130L, 152L);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
Draw(r, 82L, 98L);
exists_outline = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 150000; i++) /* Delay before entering Collage Editor */
/*** Place 3 Pieces to form Collage */
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
pieceptr[0]->e = 0.25;
pieceptr[0]->f = 0.045;
pieceptr[0]->dens = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[0]->piecemap, pieceptr[0]);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
pieceptr[1]->e = 0.045;
pieceptr[1]->f = 0.315;
pieceptr[1]->dens = 0.4;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[1]->piecemap, pieceptr[1]);
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
pieceptr[2]->e = 0.43;
pieceptr[2]->f = 0.24;
pieceptr[2]->dens = 0.7;
for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) ; /* Delay */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[2]->piecemap, pieceptr[2]);
for (i = 0; i < 300000; i++) /* Delay before rendering */
RenderImage(0); /* Render, until user clicks in image screen */
/*** After rendering ended, do a NEW (without IFS WILL BE LOST requester) */
RemoveGList(Window, &CollageGadgetList2, 6L);
AddGList(Window, &GadgetList1, 0L, 6L, NULL); /* change gadgets */
SetDrMd(scrp, JAM1);
SetAPen(scrp, 0L);
RectFill(scrp, 280L, 12L, 316L, 117L); /* Blot out old gadget images */
RefreshGadgets(&GadgetList1, Window, NULL);
OffMenu(Window, NOITEM<<5 | 2); /* disable render menu and its items */
SetWindowTitles(Window, -1L, " Outline Editor");
drawmode = FREEHAND;
SetAPen(r, 2L);
SetRast(r, 0L);
exists_outline = 0;
SetMenuStrip(Window, &MenuList1); /* Restore menu strip */
ComputeBoxCorners(pcptr) /* Compute Vector Box corners from Piece coeffs */
struct piece *pcptr;
pcptr->boxo.x = pcptr->e * GZZWIDTH;
pcptr->boxo.y = pcptr->f * GZZWIDTH; /* sic! */
pcptr->boxx.x = (pcptr->a + pcptr->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pcptr->boxx.y = (pcptr->c + pcptr->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pcptr->boxy.x = (pcptr->b*GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH + pcptr->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pcptr->boxy.y = (pcptr->d*GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH + pcptr->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pcptr->boxz.x = pcptr->boxy.x + pcptr->boxx.x - pcptr->boxo.x;
pcptr->boxz.y = pcptr->boxy.y + pcptr->boxx.y - pcptr->boxo.y;
LoadILBM(fnam, dest) /* Load an Image from IFF file; If dest = 1, */
char *fnam; /* put image and colormap in Image Screen; */
int dest; /* if dest = 0, put plane 0 of image in Outline */
struct BitMap picbitmap = {0}; /* Empty BitMap structure to "Fill" */
ILBMFrame iFrame; /* ILBM Frame to be used by Reader Routines */
LONG file; /* File handle [we use AmigaDOS Open(), not Manx open()] */
LONG iffp;
char *blitbuffer; /* Needed for the Blit operation only */
struct BitMap tmpbitmap; /* used for 2-step blit to Outline */
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
/* Open the File to read */
if ((file = Open(fnam, MODE_OLDFILE)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Can't open file!");
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
/* Use EA IFF routine ReadPicture() to Read image from ILBM file into */
/* memory, modify picbitmap accordingly */
iffp = ReadPicture(file,&picbitmap,&iFrame,ChipAlloc);
if (iffp != IFF_DONE) { /* React to error message from EA routine, if any */
if (picbitmap.Planes[0]) /* free planes allocated by ReadPicture, if any */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
/*** Now image is in memory; copy it to the proper destination bitmap */
switch (dest) {
case 0: /*** Copy plane 0 of loaded image to Outline (plane 1 in Window) */
SetRast(r, 0L); /* Erase old outline, set drawmode to FREEHAND */
if(drawmode == ERASE || drawmode == FILL) {
drawmode = FREEHAND;
/* NOTE: Must use 2 steps because must blit (possibly part of) loaded */
/* image of arbitrary size, adjusting for GZZ borders, and from plane 0 */
/* to plane 1. Neither BltBitMap nor BltTemplate can do this in 1 step */
/* Step 1: Blit plane 0 of loaded image to temp bitmap */
/* (uses outline buffer as its single bitplane) */
InitBitMap(&tmpbitmap, 1L, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
tmpbitmap.Planes[0] = (PLANEPTR)outlinebufptr;
blitbuffer = (char *)AllocMem(80L,MEMF_CHIP); /* Allocate temp buffer */
BltBitMap(&picbitmap, 0L, 0L, &tmpbitmap, 0L, 0L,
MIN(WIDTH, picbitmap.BytesPerRow*8L),
MIN(HEIGHT, picbitmap.Rows), 192L, 0x1, blitbuffer);
/* 192L is minterm for Direct Copy; 0x1 is mask, will copy plane 0 */
FreeMem(blitbuffer, 80L);
/* Step 2: Blit the temporary bitplane from Outline Buffer to plane 1 */
/* of GZZ Window */
SetAPen(r, 2L);
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
SetWrMsk(r,0x0002); /* Write protect all planes except plane 1 */
BltTemplate((char*)outlinebufptr, 0L, WIDTH/8L, Window->RPort, 0L, 0L,
MIN(GZZWIDTH, picbitmap.BytesPerRow*8L), MIN(GZZHEIGHT, picbitmap.Rows));
exists_outline = 1;
case 1: /*** Set up a (new) Image Screen and blit loaded image into it */
if (exists_image)
OpenImageScreen(iFrame.bmHdr.pageWidth, iFrame.bmHdr.pageHeight,
/* Link colours read in from file to screen's ViewPort */
LoadRGB4(&(ImageScreen->ViewPort), iFrame.colorMap, 1<<picbitmap.Depth);
(char *)" ", (char *)" Click in screen to push it back");
blitbuffer = (char *)AllocMem(80L,MEMF_CHIP); /* Allocate temp buffer */
BltBitMap(&picbitmap, 2L, 11L, ImageWindow->RPort->BitMap, 2L, 11L,
MIN(ImageWindow->Height-13L,picbitmap.Rows-11L), 192L, 0xFF, blitbuffer);
/* 192L is minterm for Direct Copy; 0xFF is mask, will copy all planes */
/* 2L, 11L, 4L, 13L cause The blit to skip the window borders */
FreeMem(blitbuffer, 80L);
exists_image = 1;
} /* End switch dest */
if (picbitmap.Planes[0]) /* free planes allocated by ReadPicture, if any */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
AboutText(whichtext) /* Opens the text screen and displays in it */
int whichtext; /* the selected About text or IFS code table */
/* according to whichtext. Closes on click in screen */
/* whichtext can be: CODES, IFS_THEORY, HELP1, HELP2, AUTHOR, DEMOTEXT*/
struct Screen *TextScreen;
struct Window *TextWindow;
struct NewScreen ns;
struct Screen *OpenScreen();
struct NewWindow nw;
struct Window *OpenWindow();
struct Message * GetMsg();
struct IntuiMessage *message;
static struct IntuiText RedText = {
3, 0, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
&TOPAZ80, /* ITextFont */
(UBYTE*)"Click Mouse to Continue", NULL /* IText, NextText */
char codelinebuf[78]; /* Buffer for line of codes in CODES display */
static struct IntuiText CodesText = { /* Codes line for display */
1, 0, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
0, 0, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
&TOPAZ80, /* ITextFont */
NULL, NULL /* IText, NextText */
/*** Open a window in a custom Hires screen for text display */
ns.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize NewScreen structure */
ns.TopEdge = 0;
ns.Width = 640;
ns.Height = 200;
ns.Depth = 2;
ns.DetailPen = 0; /* Colour of text in screen title bar */
ns.BlockPen = 1; /* Colour of screen Title Bar */
ns.ViewModes = HIRES;
ns.Font = &TOPAZ80;
ns.DefaultTitle = NULL;
ns.Gadgets = NULL;
ns.CustomBitMap = NULL;
nw.LeftEdge = 0; /*** Initialize NewWindow structure */
nw.TopEdge = 0;
nw.Width = 640;
nw.Height = 200;
nw.DetailPen = 0; /* Menu title text color */
nw.BlockPen = 1; /* Menu item box and title bar background */
nw.FirstGadget = NULL;
nw.CheckMark = NULL;
nw.Title = (UBYTE*)" ";
nw.Screen = NULL; /* Will set it to TextScreen after the screen is opened */
nw.BitMap = NULL;
nw.MinWidth = 0;
nw.MinHeight = 0;
nw.MaxWidth = 0;
nw.MaxHeight = 0;
/*** Open the screen */
if ((TextScreen = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen(&ns)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Text screen!!!");
/*** Open the Window */
nw.Screen = TextScreen;
if ((TextWindow = (struct Window *) OpenWindow(&nw)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Couldn't open Text window!!!");
Textrp = (TextWindow->RPort); /* Window's rastport, used by p() */
p(NULL); /* reset screen print routine to top of screen */
p(" "); /* skip 2 lines to clear text window title bar */
p(" ");
switch (whichtext) { /**** Print appropreiate text into window */
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " IFS Theory Background", -1L);
p(" IFS is a method developed by Michael F. Barnsley that allows one to en\
code a");
p(" Fractal as a small set of numbers, the coefficients of an Iterated Funct\
p(" System (IFS) Code, and later to reconstruct it from those numbers. An IF\
S Code");
p(" is a set of Contractive Affine Transformations, which are transformation\
s of");
p(" the plane that combine a Linear Transformation (consisting of combinatio\
ns of");
p(" stretching and rotation) and a Translation of the origin. Each such affi\
p(" transformation can be represented by six real numbers. In addition, with\
p(" transformation is associated a probability value.");
p(" ");
p(" To derive the IFS Code for a given Fractal image, one must find a set \
p(" transformations of the image - reduced, deformed copies of it - that whe\
p(" taken together cover the original image. To reconstruct the image, one \
p(" with any point in the plane, picks at random one of the transformations");
p(" defined above, applies it to the point, and draws the resulting point. T\
o this");
p(" new point one applies the same procedure, and so on. The probabilities d\
p(" how often each transformation will be picked. The 'Collage Theorem' assu\
p(" that this process will in fact reconstruct the original Fractal.");
p(" ");
p(" For more detailed information on the theory and use of IFS, refer to:");
p(" - Barnsley and Sloan: A Better Way to Compress Images, BYTE, Jan. 88\
p(" - Peitgen and Saupe, eds.: The Science of Fractal Images, Chapter 5.");
case HELP1:
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " A Summary of Program Operation", -1L);
p(" This program requires two steps to generate an IFS Code for a Fractal:");
p(" ");
p(" a. OUTLINE EDITOR: This step allows you to draw the approximate Outline \
p(" the planned Fractal. The user interface is a simple Paint program, with");
p(" Freestyle, Lines, Erase (XXX), Fill and Clear gadgets. Note that the le\
p(" pixels you draw, the faster things will move later, in the Collage Edit\
p(" phase. When your Outline is finished, click DONE to enter the Collage E\
p(" ");
p(" b. COLLAGE EDITOR: Here you create the Collage, by defining the affine");
p(" transformations ('Pieces') to cover the Outline with. When you enter th\
p(" mode, you see your Outline, and one Default transformation - a half-siz\
p(" copy of this Outline, drawn in red. The box around it is the image of t\
p(" screen boundary under the transformation. You can modify the Piece by");
p(" dragging any corner of this box with the mouse. The corner marked 'O' w\
p(" translate the Origin; 'X' and 'Y' will stretch and rotate these axes; T\
p(" last corner will enlarge and rotate the Piece without deforming it. Cli\
p(" ADD to add a new Default Piece, or DUP to add a duplicate of the curren\
p(" Piece. The Piece drawn in red is the 'Selected' one; all editing action\
p(" apply to it. Clicking SEL repeatedly will make one Piece after another \
p(" Selected one, allowing you to modify (or delete, by clicking DEL) previ\
p(" defined Pieces.");
case HELP2:
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " A Summary of Program Operation (Continued)",
p(" You can click the NUM gadget to get a numeric display of the Selected");
p(" transformation's coefficients (a-f, p), as well as the associated Proba\
p(" Density (probability per unit area) and Scalings, Rotations and Transla\
p(" You can modify any one of these values in their string gadgets, and cli\
p(" ENTER to make the changes take effect. To quit the numeric window, clic\
k its");
p(" Close gadget.");
p(" ");
p(" When you've covered the Outline fully with Pieces, use the Render men\
p(" to generate the Attractor of the IFS in the resolution and gray level c\
p(" of your choice.");
p(" ");
p(" The Optimize menu item will modify the current IFS so that its Attrac\
p(" will fill the screen; it will also generate an exact Collage for it, by\
p(" the Attractor itself as an Outline.");
p(" ");
p(" File I/O menuitems allow you to save the IFS codes or the Image to d\
p(" to load IFS Codes from files saved by IFSLab and by most other IFS prog\
p(" and to load any Non-HAM IFF image file into the Image screen or as the");
p(" Outline.");
case AUTHOR:
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " Author Information", -1L);
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" IFS Lab written by Nathan Zeldes");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" Copyright (C) 1992 by N. Zeldes. All Rights Reserved. ");
p(" ");
p(" Thanks to C.W. Fox and Bruce Dawson for the File Requester");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
p(" ");
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " A Demonstration of IFS in Action", -1L);
p(" ");
p(" This demo will define and render the Sierpinski Triangle, a well known");
p(" fractal.");
p(" ");
p(" The program will first enter the Outline Editor and draw an Outline of\
p(" Sierpinski triangle. After a brief delay it will switch to the Collage E\
p(" and show how the Outline can be covered by three half-sized copies of it\
p(" When it has built this Collage, the program will initiate rendering of t\
p(" fractal. Note that this demo intentionally assigns unequal probabilities\
p(" the three transformations, which causes the uneven 'shading' effect in t\
p(" rendered image.");
p(" ");
p(" To start the demo, click the left mouse button. Do no more until the");
p(" rendering begins. When you've had your fill of the beauty of the emergin\
p(" image, click twice in the Image screen to exit the demo.");
case CODES: /* Display Codes Table */
SetWindowTitles(TextWindow, " IFS Code Coefficients", -1L);
p(" A B C D E F P Dens S1 S2\
R1 R2 ");
if (N < MAX_N)
p(" ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ------- ----- -----\
----- ----- "); /* The underline is omitted to allow display of 20 pieces */
for(i = 0; i <= N; i++) { /* Put lines of coefficients in text window */
sprintf(codelinebuf, " % 6.3lf % 6.3lf % 6.3lf % 6.3lf %5.3lf %5.3lf\
%5.3lf %7.3lf% 5.3lf %5.3lf % 4.0lf % 4.0lf", pieceptr[i]->a, pieceptr[i]->b,
pieceptr[i]->c, pieceptr[i]->d, pieceptr[i]->e, pieceptr[i]->f,
pieceptr[i]->p, pieceptr[i]->dens, pieceptr[i]->s1, pieceptr[i]->s2,
pieceptr[i]->r1/0.017453293, pieceptr[i]->r2/0.017453293);
CodesText.FrontPen = (i == selpiece) ? 3 : 1; /* Selected piece in red */
CodesText.IText = (UBYTE*)codelinebuf;
CodesText.TopEdge = (N < MAX_N) ? 8L * i + 32L : 8L * i + 24L;
PrintIText(Textrp, &CodesText, 0L, 0L);
} /* End switch */
PrintIText(Textrp, &RedText, 450L, 190L); /* 'Click Mouse...' text */
/*** Wait with text displayed, poll IDCMP until you get a SELECTDOWN */
while (!(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(TextWindow->UserPort)))
; /* here any event must be a SELECTDOWN due to IDCMP flag definition */
while (!(message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(TextWindow->UserPort)))
; /* get rid of SELECTUP message following the SELECTDOWN */
CloseWindow(TextWindow); /* Close text display and return */
PutDefOutline() /* Place default Outline in Outline Bitmap */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
SetAPen(r, 2L);
SetOPen(r, 2L);
SetWrMsk(r,0x0002); /* Write protect all planes except plane 1 */
SetRast(r, 0L);
DrawCircle(r, 138L, 93L, 22L); /* Face outline */
DrawCircle(r, 138L, 93L, 13L); /* To become mouth outline */
SetAPen(r, 0L);
SetOPen(r, 0L);
RectFill(r, 124L, 80L, 152L, 100L); /* Blot out top part of mouth circle */
SetAPen(r, 2L);
SetOPen(r, 2L);
DrawCircle(r, 129L, 85L, 3L); /* Left Eye */
DrawCircle(r, 147L, 85L, 3L); /* Right Eye */
exists_outline = 1;
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
TransformPiece(source, dest, pc) /* Apply transformation of Piece */
/* To image in source bitplane, put result in dest piecemap. */
/* Return 1 if done OK, return 0 if a pixel overflowed plane boudary. */
/* Any overflow pixels are not put into the destination piecemap. */
/* Skips title bar and borders of source bitplane properly. */
/* Replaces doubles with scaled-up integers for speed. */
UBYTE *source; /* Pointer to 1st byte in a single Window-sized Bitplane */
UBYTE *dest; /* Pointer to first byte in target piecemap */
struct piece *pc; /* pointer to piece structure containing trans' coeffs */
#define LEFTBDRBITS 4 /* Width in BITS of left border of Window */
#define TOPBDRBYTES 440 /* bytes within Top Border of Window */
#define RIGHTBDRBYTES 5 /* bytes within right Border (must be integral) */
#define MAPROWBYTES 35 /* Number of bytes in a net row of piecemap */
#define MAPROWBYTESPLUS 40 /* Number of bytes in a gross row of piecemap */
#define PIECEMAPWIDTH GZZWIDTH+Window->BorderLeft
UBYTE *srcbyte; /* address of current byte in source bitplane */
int bitpos; /* bit position in byte (leftmost bit = 0) */
int rowbyte; /* number of current source byte within row */
int srcx, srcy, destx, desty; /* Source and destination pixel X-Y coords */
long ai, bi, ci, di, ei, fi; /* Scaled integer transformation coefficients */
long lbdri; /* Scaled LEFTBDRBITS */
int overflowflag = 0;
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
/* Erase piecemap */
BltClear((char*)dest, (long)RASSIZE(WIDTH,GZZHEIGHT), 1L);
/*** Convert coefficients to scaled integers */
ai = (long)(pc->a * 1000000);
bi = (long)(pc->b * 1000000);
ci = (long)(pc->c * 1000000);
di = (long)(pc->d * 1000000);
ei = (long)(pc->e * 1000000 * GZZWIDTH);
fi = (long)(pc->f * 1000000 * GZZWIDTH);
lbdri = (long)(LEFTBDRBITS * 1000000);
srcbyte = source + TOPBDRBYTES; /* Initialize srcbyte to after Top Border */
for (srcy = 0; srcy < GZZHEIGHT; srcy++) { /* Loop on source plane rows */
/* Loop on bytes in source row - up to right border only */
for (rowbyte = 0; rowbyte < MAPROWBYTES; rowbyte++) {
if (*srcbyte != 0) { /* If Source byte not empty */
for(bitpos = 0; bitpos < 8; bitpos++) { /* loop on bits in byte */
if ((*srcbyte & (128>>bitpos)) != 0) { /* current src pixel is '1' */
srcx = rowbyte * 8 + bitpos - LEFTBDRBITS;
/* do transformation */
destx = (ai * srcx + bi * srcy + ei + lbdri) / 1000000;
desty = (ci * srcx + di * srcy + fi) / 1000000;
if(destx < LEFTBDRBITS || destx >= PIECEMAPWIDTH ||
desty < 0 || desty >= GZZHEIGHT) /* Don't write transformed */
overflowflag = 1; /* pixel to dest - it is outside bitplane! */
/* write '1' pixel to destination. Expression to left of |= */
/* is destination byte address; 128>>bitpos is the bitmask. */
*( dest + desty*MAPROWBYTESPLUS + destx/8 ) |= 128>>(destx % 8);
} /* End if current source pixel is '1' */
} /* End loop on bits in byte */
} /* End If source byte not empty */
} /* End loop on bytes in source row */
srcbyte += RIGHTBDRBYTES; /* skip right border */
} /* End loop on source rows */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
SaveIFS() /* Save IFS coefficients, if any, to a disk file */
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
char *fnam, *p;
char *GetFileName();
int strcmp();
char *strcat();
long k;
if (drawmode != VECTOR) {
ShowError("No IFS to Save!");
/*** Open disk file,deleting prev rev if any; if error, exit function */
fnam = GetFileName("Save to File:");
if (*fnam == '\0') {
return; /* do nothing - user selected CANCEL or no filename */
k = 0; /* Set k to 1 if filename ends with .ifs */
for (p = fnam; *p != '\0'; p++)
if (strcmp(p, ".ifs") == 0)
k = 1;
if (k == 0) /* Add .ifs to filename if needed */
strcat(fnam, ".ifs");
if ((fp = fopen(fnam, "w")) == NULL) {
ShowError(" Cannot open file!!!");
/*** Save the current IFS codes to a disk file */
fprintf(fp, " A B C D E F P Dens S1\
S2 R1 R2\n");
for(i = 0; i <= N; i++)
fprintf(fp, " % 6.3lf % 6.3lf % 6.3lf % 6.3lf %5.3lf %5.3lf\
%5.3lf %7.3lf% 5.3lf %5.3lf % 4.0lf % 4.0lf\n", pieceptr[i]->a,
pieceptr[i]->b, pieceptr[i]->c, pieceptr[i]->d, pieceptr[i]->e,
pieceptr[i]->f, pieceptr[i]->p, pieceptr[i]->dens, pieceptr[i]->s1,
pieceptr[i]->s2, pieceptr[i]->r1/0.017453293,
fclose(fp); /* close disk file */
int LoadIFS(fnam) /* Load IFS Code variables from disk file */
char *fnam; /* Returns 1 if done OK, 0 if failed to load */
/* Skips lines of wrong form (e.g. text headers) */
/* and ignores excess info on a line (e.g. Geom. Coeffs) */
/* Calls Optimize() to create a Collage and assure */
{ /* Attractor will not overflow window */
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
int c, eofread, scan;
char linebuf[161]; /* Input lines will be truncated after 160 chars */
double mindens;
long xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
/* GZZ PIXEL coords of boundary rect of old (as-loaded) attractor*/
int j;
/*** Open disk file for reading */
if ((fp = fopen(fnam,"r")) == NULL) {
ShowError(" Cannot open file!!!");
ClearIFS(); /* Erase old IFS (if any), set N to -1 */
/*** Load the IFS codes line by line */
eofread = 0;
while (N < MAX_N && !eofread) { /* Loop on lines in file */
if ((pieceptr[++N] = AllocPiece()) == NULL) { /* Allocate Piece */
N--; /* if couldn't allocate piece */
ShowError("Couldn't allocate memory!");
if (N == -1) { /* No memory for even one Piece - Quit program */
ShowError("Re-run with more free memory!");
ShowError(" Aborting Load! ");
/*** Read in a single line from file into memory, then sscanf it */
/* (Don't use fscanf from file because it ignores end of line */
for (i = 0; i < 160 && (c = getc(fp)) != EOF && c != '\n'; i++)
linebuf[i] = c;
linebuf[i] = '\0';
if (c != EOF && c != '\n') /* Line has been truncated after 160 chars */
while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
; /* Remove any other stuff on the file line */
if (c == EOF)
eofread = 1;
/* Now a null-terminated line is in linebuf & the file is positioned at */
/* start of next file line or past EOF;eofread is set if EOF was reached */
scan = sscanf(linebuf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &pieceptr[N]->a,
&pieceptr[N]->b, &pieceptr[N]->c, &pieceptr[N]->d, &pieceptr[N]->e,
&pieceptr[N]->f, &pieceptr[N]->p);
if (scan == 7) { /* converted successfully 7 coeffs of one IFS */
/*** Check that coefficients a - d and p are in legal ranges */
if (pieceptr[N]->a < -1. || pieceptr[N]->a > 1. || pieceptr[N]->b < -1.||
pieceptr[N]->b > 1. || pieceptr[N]->c < -1. || pieceptr[N]->c > 1. ||
pieceptr[N]->d < -1. || pieceptr[N]->d > 1. ||
pieceptr[N]->p <= 0. || pieceptr[N]->p > 1.) {
ShowError("Coefficient out of Range!");
ShowError(" Aborting Load! ");
/*** compute the geometrical coeffs from matrix coeffs read from file */
pieceptr[N]->s1 = sqrt(pieceptr[N]->a*pieceptr[N]->a +
pieceptr[N]->s2 = sqrt(pieceptr[N]->b*pieceptr[N]->b +
pieceptr[N]->r1 = myatan2(pieceptr[N]->c, pieceptr[N]->a);
pieceptr[N]->r2 = myatan2(-pieceptr[N]->b, pieceptr[N]->d);
pieceptr[N]->det = fabs(pieceptr[N]->a * pieceptr[N]->d -
pieceptr[N]->b * pieceptr[N]->c);
if (pieceptr[N]->det == 0.0)
pieceptr[N]->det = 0.01;
pieceptr[N]->dens = pieceptr[N]->p / pieceptr[N]->det;
/*** Compute new Box corners from new coeffs */
pieceptr[N]->boxo.x = pieceptr[N]->e * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxo.y = pieceptr[N]->f * GZZWIDTH; /* sic! */
pieceptr[N]->boxx.x = (pieceptr[N]->a + pieceptr[N]->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxx.y = (pieceptr[N]->c + pieceptr[N]->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxy.x = (pieceptr[N]->b * GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH +
pieceptr[N]->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxy.y = (pieceptr[N]->d * GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH +
pieceptr[N]->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[N]->boxz.x = pieceptr[N]->boxy.x + pieceptr[N]->boxx.x -
pieceptr[N]->boxz.y = pieceptr[N]->boxy.y + pieceptr[N]->boxx.y -
else /* scanf failed to match 7 doubles on line - skip it! */
} /* End while loop on lines */
selpiece = N;
if (N == MAX_N && !eofread && getc(fp) != EOF) /* Exited loop at N==MAX_N */
ShowError("File too long; IFS may be truncated");
if (N == -1) { /* Not a single transformation was found! */
ShowError("No IFS found in File - Aborting Load!");
/*** If probabilities read from file were cumulative, convert to non-cum */
if (pieceptr[N]->p == 1.000) {
for (i = N; i > 0; i--) {
pieceptr[i]->p = pieceptr[i]->p - pieceptr[i-1]->p;
pieceptr[i]->dens = pieceptr[i]->p / pieceptr[i]->det;
/*** Normalize Piece densities so smallest one is 1.000 */
mindens = 1000000.;
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
if (pieceptr[i]->dens < mindens)
mindens = pieceptr[i]->dens;
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++)
pieceptr[i]->dens /= mindens;
ComputeProbs(); /* Adjust all probabilities in case rounding errors in */
/* file made their sum != 1.000 */
fclose(fp); /* close disk file */
/* Transform loaded IFS to fit in window if it exceeds it, */
/* and generate Collage */
int Optimize(mode) /* Creates an Outline from current Attractor, creates */
int mode; /* a Collage from it and displays it. If mode==1, also */
/* modifies the IFS so its attractor fills the window. */
/* If mode==0, does this only if current Attractor would */
/* overflow the window. */
/* Returns 1 if successful and 0 if it failed (because */
{ /* not in Collage Editor) and no modifications were done.*/
long xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; /* GZZ PIXEL coords of old boundary rect */
int px1, py1; /* GZZ PIXEL coords of Topleft corner of new boundary rect */
double x0,y0; /* REAL plane coords of Topleft corner of old boundary rect */
double x1,y1; /* REAL plane coords of Topleft corner of new boundary rect */
double m; /* Magnification to apply to attractor so it fills window */
double attrw, attrh; /* PIXEL Width & Height of old boundary rect */
struct piece tmppiece; /* will be used to hold temporary trans' coeffs */
int j;
if (drawmode != VECTOR) { /* Abort if not in Collage Editor! */
ShowError("No IFS!");
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
SetRast(r, 0L); /* Erase Old Outline and Collage */
FindBoundary(&xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax); /* Identify old boundary rect */
/*** If mode is 1, or mode is 0 but attractor exceeds window, modify IFS ***/
if (mode==1 || xmin<0 || xmax >= GZZWIDTH || ymin<0 || ymax >= GZZHEIGHT) {
/*** Compute required magnification and relocation of attractor */
attrw = (double)((xmax - xmin) + 1);
attrh = (double)((ymax - ymin) + 1);
if ((double)attrw/(double)attrh >= (double)GZZWIDTH/(double)GZZHEIGHT) {
m = 0.95 * (double)GZZWIDTH / attrw;
px1 = 0.025 * (double)GZZWIDTH;
py1 = 0.025 * (double)GZZHEIGHT +
(0.95 * (double)GZZHEIGHT - m * attrh) / 2.0;
else {
m = 0.95 * (double)GZZHEIGHT / attrh;
px1 = 0.025 * (double)GZZWIDTH +
(0.95 * (double)GZZWIDTH - m * attrw) / 2.0;
py1 = 0.025 * (double)GZZHEIGHT;
x0 = (double)xmin / (double)GZZWIDTH;
y0 = (double)ymin / (double)GZZWIDTH;
x1 = (double)px1 / (double)GZZWIDTH;
y1 = (double)py1 / (double)GZZWIDTH;
/*** Modify all piece coefficients to make new attractor fill window */
for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { /* Loop on pieces */
pieceptr[i]->e = m * pieceptr[i]->e +
(pieceptr[i]->a - 1) * (m * x0 - x1) + pieceptr[i]->b * (m * y0 - y1);
pieceptr[i]->f = m * pieceptr[i]->f +
pieceptr[i]->c * (m * x0 - x1) + (pieceptr[i]->d - 1) * (m * y0 - y1);
/*** Recompute new Box corners from new coeffs */
pieceptr[i]->boxo.x = pieceptr[i]->e * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[i]->boxo.y = pieceptr[i]->f * GZZWIDTH; /* sic! */
pieceptr[i]->boxx.x = (pieceptr[i]->a + pieceptr[i]->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[i]->boxx.y = (pieceptr[i]->c + pieceptr[i]->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[i]->boxy.x = (pieceptr[i]->b * GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH +
pieceptr[i]->e) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[i]->boxy.y = (pieceptr[i]->d * GZZHEIGHT/GZZWIDTH +
pieceptr[i]->f) * GZZWIDTH;
pieceptr[i]->boxz.x = pieceptr[i]->boxy.x + pieceptr[i]->boxx.x -
pieceptr[i]->boxz.y = pieceptr[i]->boxy.y + pieceptr[i]->boxx.y -
} /* End loop on pieces */
} /* End if mode==1... */
RenderImage(1); /* Render new attractor in OUTLINE Bitplane */
(char*)outlinebufptr, (long)RASSIZE(WIDTH,HEIGHT));
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
/*** Transform the new Outline (=attractor) into all pieces' piecemaps */
/*** Draw each piece into the collage as you go */
selpiece = N;
for (i = 0; i <= N-1; i++) { /* Loop on deselected pieces */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[i]->piecemap, pieceptr[i]);
/* Blit this piece from its piecemap to plane 0 */
SetWrMsk(r,0x0001); /* Write protect all planes except plane 0 */
SetAPen(r, 1L);
(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L, (long)GZZWIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT);
/* Now transform Selected Piece & Blit it from piecemap to plane 2 */
TransformPiece(outlinebufptr, pieceptr[i]->piecemap, pieceptr[i]);
SetWrMsk(r,0x0004); /* Write protect all planes except plane 2 */
SetAPen(r, 4L);
(long)WIDTH/8, r, 0L, 0L, (long)GZZWIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT);
DrawBox(); /* Draw Vector Box of Selected Piece */
/* Note that Rastport's WrMask is restored within DrawBox() */
RenderImage(z) /* If z == 0, Render the Attractor in Image Screen at current */
int z; /* resolution & depth settings; stop and return on click in Image */
/* screen. If z == 1, render it in Outline bitplane. */
/* Probabilities and coefficients are scaled to integers so can use */
/* faster integer math */
struct Message * GetMsg();
struct IntuiMessage *message;
int randprob; /* Random probability value */
double sum; /* cum probability */
int k;
long unitwidth, unitheight;
/* width, height in image screen pixels of unit square in the plane */
long iter; /* Iteration counter */
struct RastPort *imagerp; /* Pointer to rastport of Image window */
long pix; /* Color (Pen #) of a pixel */
long ReadPixel();
long ai[MAX_N+1], bi[MAX_N+1], ci[MAX_N+1],
di[MAX_N+1], ei[MAX_N+1], fi[MAX_N+1]; /* Scaled integer coefficients */
long xi, yi, tmpxi; /* Scaled integer pixel coordinates */
int cumprobi[MAX_N+2]; /* Scaled integer Cum Probabilities */
/* cumprobi array has MAX_N+2 elements because using MAX_N+1 caused a */
/* Crash for unclear reasons ?!?! */
/*** Prepare stuff for iteration loop ***/
if (z == 0) { /* Rendering is in Image Screen */
/*** Open Image Window in its screen (Closing any previous image screen) */
if (exists_image)
OpenImageScreen(renderwidth, renderheight, renderdepth);
/* OpenImageScreen() also opens ImageWindow */
imagerp = ImageWindow->RPort;
SetAPen(imagerp,2L); /* Will be modified in loop for Greyscale rendering */
SetDrMd(imagerp, JAM1);
SetWindowTitles(ImageWindow, -1L,
(char *)" Click in screen to stop rendering");
unitwidth = GZZWIDTH*(renderwidth/320); /* GZZWIDTH is of Collage window!*/
unitheight = GZZWIDTH * (renderheight/200);
else { /* Rendering in Outline plane */
SetWrMsk(r, 0x0002); /* Write protect all planes except plane 1 */
SetAPen(r, 2L);
SetDrMd(r, JAM1);
unitwidth = unitheight = GZZWIDTH;
srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL)%10000L)); /* seed random gen from sys time*/
sum = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= N; k++) { /* Scale Coefficients as longs */
ai[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->a * 1000000);
bi[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->b * 1000000);
ci[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->c * 1000000);
di[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->d * 1000000);
ei[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->e * 1000000 * unitwidth);
fi[k] = (long)(pieceptr[k]->f * 1000000 * unitwidth);
sum = sum + pieceptr[k]->p; /* Compute scaled Cum Probabilities */
cumprobi[k] = (int)(sum * (double)RAND_MAX);
xi = unitwidth / 3; /* Initial coordinates */
yi = unitwidth / 3;
/*** Iterate until user clicks in Image window or until 1000 points ***/
/*** (depending on z) ***/
for (iter = 0; 1; iter++) { /* endless loop */
/*** Select a Piece at random */
randprob = rand();
/* rand() returns a random # (between 0 - RAND_MAX) */
for (k = 0; cumprobi[k] < randprob; k++) {
/* the following IF is to trap problem case when randprob = RAND_MAX */
/* exactly and cum probability is RAND_MAX minus slight delta due to */
/* rounding errors */
if (k > N) {
/* Apply transformation #k to previous (x,y) */
tmpxi = (ai[k] * xi + bi[k] * yi + ei[k]) / 1000000;
yi = (ci[k] * xi + di[k] * yi + fi[k]) / 1000000;
xi = tmpxi;
if (iter > 19) { /* Render the pixel (except 1st 20 points) */
if (z == 0) { /*** draw in Image Screen, quit on mouseclick in it */
if (renderdepth > 1) { /* Grayscale rendering */
pix = ReadPixel(imagerp, xi, yi * unitheight / unitwidth);
if (++pix < (1<<renderdepth)) {
SetAPen(imagerp, pix);
WritePixel(imagerp, xi, yi * unitheight / unitwidth);
else /* B&W rendering - A Pen was set outside main loop */
WritePixel(imagerp, xi, yi * unitheight / unitwidth);
/*** Quit rendering loop if user clicked in ImageWindow */
if (message = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(ImageWindow->UserPort)) {
if (message->Code == SELECTUP) {
(char *)" Click in screen to push it back", -1L);
ShowTitle(ImageScreen, FALSE); /* Hide screen depth gadgets! */
break; /* From for iter */
else { /* z == 1, draw in outline plane, quit after 1000 iters */
WritePixel(r, xi, yi);
if (iter > 999)
break; /* From for iter */
} /* End if iter > 19 */
} /* End for iter */
if (z == 0) { /*** Wait for user click in Image screen to push it to back */
while (!(message = (struct IntuiMessage*)GetMsg(ImageWindow->UserPort)))
; /* Wait for a message */
(char *)" ", (char *)" Click in screen to push it back");
ShowTitle(ImageScreen, TRUE); /* OK to have depth gadgets now */
MoveScreen(ImageScreen, 0L, (long)(-1*ImageScreen->TopEdge));
else /* z == 1, unprotect Outline window planes */
SetWrMsk(r, 0xFFFF);
SaveILBM() /* Saves the current Image to an IFF disk file */
LONG file; /* File handle [we use AmigaDOS Open(), not Manx open()] */
UBYTE *savebuffer;
char *fnam;
if (exists_image == 0) {
ShowError("No Image to save!");
fnam = GetFileName("Save to File:"); /* Get the filename */
if (*fnam == '\0') /* User selected CANCEL or gave no filename */
if ((file = Open(fnam, MODE_NEWFILE)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Can't open file!");
if ((savebuffer = (UBYTE *)AllocMem(8000L, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_PUBLIC)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Can't allocate Save Buffer Memory!");
/* Use EA IFF routine PutPict() to save the image to file */
ModifyMousePtr(Window, 1); /* Bring up 'ZZ' pointer */
(char *)"");
ShowTitle(ImageScreen, FALSE); /* Hide screen depth gadgets! */
ActivateWindow(ImageWindow); /* To make title change take effect */
PutPict(file, ImageWindow->RPort->BitMap, ImageScreen->Width, ImageScreen->Height,
(WORD *)(&(ImageScreen->ViewPort))->ColorMap->ColorTable, savebuffer,8000L);
(char *)" Click in screen to push it back");
ShowTitle(ImageScreen, TRUE); /* OK to have depth gadgets now */
ActivateWindow(ImageWindow); /* To make title change take effect */
FreeMem(savebuffer, 8000L);
ModifyMousePtr(Window, -1); /* Remove 'ZZ' pointer */
struct piece *AllocPiece() /* Allocate memory for a piece structure and */
{ /* its piecemap. Return pointer to the piece structure */
/* Or NULL if can't allocate memory */
struct piece *tmppieceptr;
UBYTE *mapptr;
/* Allocate memory for piece structure */
if ((tmppieceptr =
(struct piece *)AllocMem((long)sizeof(struct piece), NULL)) == NULL) {
ShowError("Can't allocate Memory!");
/* Allocate piecemap CHIP RAM */
if ((mapptr = (UBYTE*)AllocRaster((long)WIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT)) == NULL) {
FreeMem((void*)tmppieceptr, (long)sizeof(struct piece));
ShowError("Can't allocate Memory!");
/* Clear piecemap */
BltClear((char*)mapptr, (long)RASSIZE(WIDTH,GZZHEIGHT), 1L);
tmppieceptr->piecemap = mapptr; /* Link bitplane to piece structure */
FreePiece(piecepntr) /* Frees the memory used for a piece structure */
struct piece *piecepntr; /* and its piecemap. */
/* Deallocate CHIP RAM of piecemap bitplane */
FreeRaster((void*)(piecepntr->piecemap), (long)WIDTH, (long)GZZHEIGHT);
/* Deallocate memory of piece structure */
FreeMem((void*)piecepntr, (long)sizeof(struct piece));
p(text) /* screen text output routine, similar to BASIC's PRINT */
/* puts text in consecutive lines in rastport pointed at by the */
/* external pointer Textrp. Line position is maintained between */
/* calls, but is reset to top if text==NULL. No overflow check */
char *text; /* is done -- text should fit in rastport area! */
static struct IntuiText Textline = {
1, 0, JAM1, /* FrontPen, BackPen, DrawMode */
0, NULL, /* LeftEdge, TopEdge */
NULL, /* ITextFont */
NULL, NULL /* IText, NextText */
static int line = 0; /* vert. position of line to be printed next (0 - 24) */
if (text == NULL) /* reset to top line of rastport */
line = 0;
else {
Textline.TopEdge = 8 * line; /* Put text into line on screen */
Textline.IText = (UBYTE*)text;
PrintIText(Textrp, &Textline, 0L, 0L);
line++; /* increment line for next call */
FindBoundary(xminp, xmaxp, yminp, ymaxp) /* Iterates IFS without drawing */
/* and returns PIXEL coords of boundary rectangle of attractor */
/* in variables pointed at by its arguments */
/* Uses float math, not scaled int, to avoid overflow on very */
/* large coeffs of loaded IFS files from other programs */
long *xminp, *xmaxp, *yminp, *ymaxp; /* Pointers! */
int randprob; /* Random probability value */
double sum; /* cum probability */
int k;
long iter; /* Iteration counter */
double xd, yd, tmpxd; /* Real pixel coordinates */
double xdmin, ydmin, xdmax, ydmax; /* Real boundary rect coords */
int cumprobi[MAX_N+2]; /* Scaled integer Cum Probabilities */
/* cumprobi array has MAX_N+2 elements because using MAX_N+1 caused a */
/* Crash for unclear reasons in RenderImage() ?!?! */
/*** Prepare stuff for iteration loop ***/
srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL)%10000L)); /* seed random gen from sys time*/
sum = 0;
for (k = 0; k <= N; k++) { /* Scale Coefficients as longs */
sum = sum + pieceptr[k]->p; /* Compute scaled Cum Probabilities */
cumprobi[k] = (int)(sum * (double)RAND_MAX);
xdmin = 1000000000.; /* Initialize boundary rectangle coords */
xdmax = -1000000000.;
ydmin = 1000000000.;
ydmax = -1000000000.;
xd = 0.3; /* Initial coordinates */
yd = 0.3;
/*** Iterate 1000 times without drawing ***/
for (iter = 0; iter < 1000; iter++) {
/*** Select a Piece at random */
randprob = rand();
/* rand() returns a random # (between 0 - RAND_MAX) */
for (k = 0; cumprobi[k] < randprob; k++) {
/* the following IF is to trap problem case when randprob = RAND_MAX */
/* exactly and cum probability is RAND_MAX minus slight delta due to */
/* rounding errors */
if (k > N) {
/* Apply transformation #k to previous (x,y) */
tmpxd = pieceptr[k]->a * xd + pieceptr[k]->b * yd + pieceptr[k]->e;
yd = pieceptr[k]->c * xd + pieceptr[k]->d * yd + pieceptr[k]->f;
xd = tmpxd;
if (iter > 19) { /* Adjust rectangle (except 1st 20 points) */
if (xd < xdmin)
xdmin = xd;
if (xd > xdmax)
xdmax = xd;
if (yd < ydmin)
ydmin = yd;
if (yd > ydmax)
ydmax = yd;
} /* End for iter */
/*** Convert real coords to pixel coords for returned values */
*xminp = (long)(xdmin * GZZWIDTH);
*xmaxp = (long)(xdmax * GZZWIDTH);
*yminp = (long)(ydmin * GZZWIDTH);
*ymaxp = (long)(ydmax * GZZWIDTH);