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- ==============================================================================
- P O W E R P L A Y E R
- .....User-Manual.....
- ==============================================================================
- Copyright
- ---------
- PowerPlayer is FREEWARE, this means that it may be freely distributed as
- long as the package is distributed unaltered and complete with the files
- PowerPlayer, PowerPlayer.info, PowerPlayer.DOC, PowerPlayer.DOK ,
- PowerPlayer Music Cruncher, ReqToolsLib, PowerPackerLib, LhLib and the
- installation-script! If you want to make any changes -» contact ME ! I
- cannot guarantee that all files included in this package are freely
- distributable and/or public domain.
- The author of this software can't be made liable for the contents of this
- package and every damage caused by it.
- These freely distributable shared libraries are included in the
- PowerPlayer-Package:
- -ReqTools.Library © by Nico François
- -PowerPacker.Library © by Nico François
- -Lh.Library © by Holger P.Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel
- Version 3.4 (16 SEP 1992)
- ==============================================================================
- Greetings
- ---------
- Greetings go to
- -Mum
- -Flynn/TRSI for his great NoisePlayer
- -Holger P.Krekel & Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel for their lh.library
- -Bryan Ford (Mr.Multiplayer)
- -Nico François for his _GREAT_ reqtools.library & powerpacker.library and
- his hints concerning the reqtools.library
- -Teijo Kinnunen for his routines & 68030 tests
- ==============================================================================
- History
- -------
- V 1.0: Version with BUGS & no COOL features :-(
- V 1.1: Removed ALL bugs, added coool CLI-Interface & CLI-InfoPage, PMC
- V 1.2: Added the 4-Channel Oktalyzer-Replay
- V 1.3: Added DeltaMusic (finally got a song :-) ),
- corrected PowerPlayer to recognize SoundMon for ALL Versions,
- optimized ProTracker-Replay
- V 1.5: Added the possibility to start the File-Requester with a specific
- directory, the NoiseTracker 1.3D-Replay has been disabled for a
- strange reason -» FIXED
- V 1.6: In the meantime aged Req.Library has been displaced by the
- ReqTools.Library that generates i.e. nice 3D-Requesters.
- V 1.7: Instead of a VBlank-Interrupt, that replays songs with strange
- speeds when running on Amigas with NTSC or a 10 Hz monitor a
- CIA-Timerinterrupt is used.
- V 1.8: Added the "Restart"-function
- V 1.9: Improved the outputs for faults, the ECLOCK-Frequency will be fetched
- under OS 2.0 from the System, optimized Replays again
- found a bug that exists in ALL tracker-replays, that writes into
- unallocated memory. I don't know whether this bug exists in all
- other Module-Players, too. I recommend to use only PowerPlayer !!!
- V 2.0: Added a replay for TFMX-Modules WITH built-in replay-routine
- V 2.1: Added a replay for MED-Modules
- V 2.2: Now features a GUI (graphical user interface) with a CD-player-like
- button-system. Now uses a big Lh-Buffer for faster decrunching.
- V 2.3: Pressing the right mousebutton will iconify/deiconify the window
- now, the window will be centered beneath the mousepointer when
- launched, new shortcuts were added, code has been optimized
- V 2.4: New functions: First song, last song and random play !
- V 2.5: PowerPlayer will now display a busy-mousepointer when loading &
- decrunching a file and disable the IDCMP of the window.
- V 2.6: PowerPlayer will now look fine on a 2 color-screen
- V 2.7: A little bit more WB 2.0-feeling by adding 3D-Borders
- V 2.8: Included new Protracker-replay (V2.1A), hitting return while
- displaying requesters will activate the negative response
- (for all pessimists ;-)), the PowerPlayer-task is running with
- priority 1, optimized all replays again
- V 2.9: Included Sonix Arranger-replay, new commandline parsing routine +
- commandline flags, multiple modulenames can be specified in the
- commandline
- V 3.0: WorkBench tooltypes for all flags supported (please read the
- chapter "Calling PowerPlayer"), ARexx is supported with many commands
- (please read the chapter "ARexx support"), new "NoReq"-Flag for
- Workbench and CLI (useful for ARexx)
- V 3.1: You may optionally use the filerequester of the asl.library
- V 3.2: SoundMon-Replay now 100% resetable, fixed timing for CPUs
- faster than 68000, now 99.9% safe to use NoisePacker modules,
- new OctaMED pro replay
- V 3.3: New powerful compression, OctaMED 4.0-Replay, Soundmon fixed
- to play samples correctly, new BP-Soundmon type
- V 3.4: Hotkeys, now may used without window, AmigaDOS BREAKable
- ==============================================================================
- This version of the PowerPlayer supports:
- FutureComposer 1.4
- NoiseTracker (Protracker V2.1a Replay)
- JamCracker
- SoundMon
- Startrekker 4 Voice
- Fred
- SidMon
- NoiseTracker 1.3D packed modules
- NoiseTracker 1.3D packed modules with replay-routine
- Mark II Sound System
- NoisePacker 2.03
- Oktalyzer 4 Voice
- DeltaMusic
- TFMX with replayroutine
- OctaMED-Modules (MMD0 & MMD1)
- Sonix Arranger with replayroutine
- Morten Grouleff's Musicprogram
- ==============================================================================
- Installation
- ------------
- The PowerPlayer NEEDS the PowerPacker.Library and the ReqTools.Library in
- your libs:-directory. The script included in this package will install
- them for you. Optionally the Lh.Library is used. If you feel fit enough
- you can crunch your modules with the powerful PMC which uses the
- LH.Library.
- ==============================================================================
- Introduction
- ------------
- Hello and welcome to the world of PowerPlayer! This fantastic tool was
- written in 1991/1992 by Stephan Fuhrmann, using the outstanding abilities
- of the
- -ReqTools.Library by Nico François for the File- and Text-Requestors
- -PowerPacker.Library by Nico François for uncrunching powerpacked files
- -Lh.Library by Holger P. Krekel and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel for _BEST_
- compression of modules, executable simple cruncher included.
- The PowerPlayer is a tool for playing music made with one of the supported
- music-programs or compatibles with the good old AMIGA stereo digital
- sound-facilities ! There have been many of these programs before, but
- PowerPlayer is something different:
- -cool fast tricky optimized 100% assembly code, most parts PC-Relative
- -little pretty (?) play-window
- -maaaany optimized replays
- -PowerPacker-Library for using always the latest and fastest decrunch-routine
- -Lh-Library for deepest compression ever seen on modules (try it out !)
- -ARexx-Port for remote control of PowerPlayer
- -may be used in thousands of ways from WorkBench and from CLI
- -allocates its audio-channels with the audio.device
- But let us start at the beginning:
- Calling PowerPlayer
- -------------------
- WorkBench
- ---------
- DoubleClick
- -----------
- DoubleClick the icon of the PowerPlayer, choose the
- file in the File-Requester, hit 'OK' and enjoy !
- DefaultTool
- -----------
- You have a module with an icon. Select this icon and
- activate the info-function of the Workbench. Now
- select the DefaultTool. Enter the path of
- PowerPlayer and press <RETURN> to terminate the input.
- Press the SAVE-Gadget.
- Now everytime you doubleclick the project-icon
- PowerPlayer will be loaded and will play your song !
- MultiSelect
- -----------
- Move the mousepointer over the PowerPlayer-Icon and
- press the left mousebutton ONCE. Now press SHIFT and
- leave it pressed. Select the songs you want to hear
- with the mouse. Now doubleclick the last song and
- release SHIFT. Your songs will be loaded !
- ToolTypes
- ---------
- Place the mousepointer over the powerplayer-icon
- and activate it by choosing "Info" out of the
- Workbench-menus. You have got the possibility
- to add/change the following ToolTypes:
- QUALIFIER=(qualifier for hotkeys)
- This specifies the qualifier you want for
- the hotkeys
- DIRECTORY=(directory you want in the filerequester)
- This specifies the directory that will be
- displayed first in the filerequester
- Example: DIRECTORY=DF0:Modules
- PATTERN=(pattern you want in the filerequester)
- This specifies the pattern all files in
- the filerequester are matched with
- Example: PATTERN=MOD.#?
- LED=[0|1|M]
- This specifies the mode of the filter-LED:
- 0=Force filter-led off
- 1=Force filter-led on
- M=Let the module decide (default)
- Example: LED=0
- Tells PowerPlayer to pop up *NO* filerequester
- if it started without any files specified.
- Useful for ARexx since you can't control
- Nico's Filrequester with ARexx ;-).
- Tells PowerPlayer to open *NO* window
- on startup.
- Tells PowerPlayer to use the filerequester
- of the asl.library. You need OS 2.0 to do
- this. If PowerPlayer failed to open the
- library or the requester the reqtools-
- requester will be used.
- CLI/Shell
- ---------
- Filerequester
- -------------
- Everyone knows how to handle filerequesters, so I
- do not want to explain the very sophisticated one
- of the reqtools.library. Type the name of PowerPlayer
- in the CLI/Shell you have opened and add the
- parameter '-r' to the command. You will see
- a filerequester where you can select your songs.
- This flag is obsolete, PowerPlayer will pop up
- the filerequester if there are no files specified
- on startup.
- Example: PowerPlayer -r
- Filename
- --------
- If you do not want to select the file by making use
- of the filerequester (i.e. in scripts) you may also
- add one or multipe modulenames with its/their path
- to the commandline.
- Example: PowerPlayer df0:MOD.PowerTheme ram:SID.Mega
- Information
- -----------
- If you want to see the cool information-page,
- enter: PowerPlayer ?
- Flags
- -----
- There are multiple flags that can make the time
- you pass using the PowerPlayer more convenient:
- -r........use filerequester (obsolete)
- -nr.......don't pop up filerequester at start when
- there are no files specified
- -nw.......don't open a window at start
- -dDIR.....set the directory of the filerequester
- i.e. '-dDF0:modules'.
- -pPAT.....set the pattern of the filerequester
- i.e. '-pMOD#?'.
- -qQUAL....set the qualifier for the hotkeys
- (see hotkey-chapter)
- -l0/1/M...set the mode of the filter-led.
- 0=force filter off
- 1=force filter on
- M=module controls filter
- -ASL......Tells PowerPlayer to use the filerequester
- of the asl.library. You need OS 2.0
- to do this. If PowerPlayer failed to
- open the library or the requester the
- reqtools-requester will be used.
- Play-Requester
- --------------
- The Play-Requester contains information about the module and some gadgets.
- If you start PowerPlayer without a window (NOWIN) and have specified a
- qualifier for hotkeys you are able to open the window by pressing qualifier
- and 'w'.
- Questionmark....displays the usual information concerning copyright &
- features.
- Key: '1'
- Eject...........ejects the current list of songs & asks you with a
- filerequester for a new one. Key: '2' or 'e'
- FirstSong.......will load & play the first song from the list.
- PrevSong........will load & play the previous song from the list.
- Key: '3','[','(' or '{' !
- Play............will play the song. Will automatically unpause, if you
- hammer the PLAY again the song will start from the
- beginning.
- Key: '4' or 'p'
- FastForward.....will play the song twice as fast as normal. This gives a
- nice FF-effect ! Rehammer will switch back to normal speed.
- Key: '5' or 'f'
- NextSong........will load & play the next song from the list.
- Key '6','<RETURN>', ']',')' or '}' !
- LastSong........will load & play the last song from the list.
- Stop............will stop the song. Automatically unpauses, unFFs and
- unplays!
- Key: '7' or 's'
- Pause...........stops the song until you repress pause or push play.
- Key: '8' or '<SPACE>'
- Reset...........will start the song again.
- Key: '9' or 'r'
- RND.............will load & play a randomly chosen song.
- Key: '~' or '/'
- Almost every gadget has an equivalent on the keyboard (Keys 1-9), ESC and
- CTRL-C will exit the PowerPlayer.
- CTRL-F resizes the window to full size and places it in front of all other
- windows.
- Pressing the right mousebutton will change to the iconify-mode. The window
- will shrink to a minimum height of 10 pixels. The gadgets will disappear,
- but you can still control PowerPlayer with the keyboard-shortcuts.
- To unshrink the window to its normal size you just have to hit the
- right mousebutton again.
- The display of the window contains
- -the name of the module (top of window)
- -type of the module & length of the module in bytes (middle of window)
- -the gadgets and the position-indicator that displays your position in the
- file-list.
- My GUI works with a recolor-routine that can handle crazy palettes in a clever
- way. It searches for the brightest and darkest colors for the shadows and
- it searches for the color with the biggest contrast to the background for
- text-output.
- Hotkeys
- -------
- Hotkeys enable you to use PowerPlayers standard set of keys -
- no matter what the active window or screen is. This means that you can
- control PowerPlayer from your wordprocessor without leaving the
- wordprocessors screen/window.
- This feature is turned on by the QUALIFIER ToolType or by the -q flag.
- Valid qualifiers are:
- To mix these qualifiers you have to seperate the qualifiers with a '!' or
- a '|':
- This is the recommended standard qualifier that is preset in PowerPlayers
- ToolType.
- ==============================================================================
- ARexx support
- -------------
- PowerPlayer offers an ARexx-Port named "PowerPlayer.REXX".
- The ARexx-Port supports the following commands:
- PlEject acts exactly like the "Eject"-button
- PlFirst acts exactly like the "First"-button
- PlPrevious acts exactly like the "Previous"-button
- PlPlay acts exactly like the "Play"-button
- PlFF acts exactly like the "FF"-button
- PlNext acts exactly like the "Next"-button
- PlLast acts exactly like the "Last"-button
- PlStop acts exactly like the "Stop"-button
- PlPause acts exactly like the "Pause"-button
- PlReset acts exactly like the "Reset"-button
- PlRnd acts exactly like the "Rnd"-button
- PlQuit tells PowerPlayer to quit. Don't try to access the
- ARexx-Port after this command!
- PlLoad "<ModName>" loads <ModName> and plays it.
- ==============================================================================
- The PowerPlayer Music Cruncher
- ------------------------------
- PMC has been developed to crunch modules only and I think that it does its
- job very good. It beats the compression-ratio of _EVERY_ known cruncher/archiver
- on the AMIGA and it is very fast when crunching & decrunching.
- I have developed the new "SFCD" (Stephan Fuhrmanns Compact Density) mode
- which is based upon the old "SFHD" (Stephan Fuhrmanns High Density) mode.
- To crunch/decrunch "SFCD"/"SFHD" type modules you require Lh.Library v1.8+.
- ----------------+---------------+-------+-------+-----------
- SIZE (bytes) |320044 |189734 |210540 |237832
- SUCCESS |00% |40% |34% |25%
- CRUNCHTIME |0:00 |2:37 |2:47 |2:58
- DECRUNCHTIME |0:00 |0:17 |0:17 |0:07
- Using PMC is rather simple:
- PMC will load [SOURCENAME], crunch it (or decrunch, if already crunched)
- and save it as [DESTNAME].
- PMC writes "SFCD" type modules only, but it can read & decrunch "SFCD" and
- "SFHD" type modules.
- PowerPlayer reads & decrunches "SFCD" & "SFHD" type modules automatically
- if the Lh.Library is in your Libs: directory.
- I have seen some guys loading up modules on BBSs in the PMC-format.
- PLEASE use '.PMC' as suffix and note that they need PowerPlayer to replay.
- AND check the BBS wether there's PowerPlayer existing or not, they
- won't be very happy if they download the stuff and don't find the
- PowerPlayer !
- An example BBS-entry could look like this:
- SONG.PMC Very good module, use PowerPlayer to replay
- I recommend uploading the modules in the PMC-format without unimportant
- 'trash' in an archive. You don't have to decrunch manually, the file
- needs less diskspace (it's still crunched) and there's last but not least
- the PMC-format that has been developed ONLY for the PowerPlayer, so you
- _NEED_ the PowerPlayer to decrunch ß-} ! By doing this you can show your
- consent to the PowerPlayer!
- ==============================================================================
- Technical Information
- ---------------------
- PowerPlayer won't create his own process. It seems to be a modern feature
- to launch everything in the background, but I wanted to give the user the
- possibility to stop the computer i.e. in the startup-sequence as long as
- the song plays. I think this is the best way to realize this, if you want
- to create a background process for PowerPlayer you will have to "RunBack"
- it yourself !
- ==============================================================================
- Since there are sooo many music-proggies for the AMIGA, it is impossible to
- include all the existing replays. To give you and me the possibility to
- expand PowerPlayer to the best moduleplayer ever written, I will built in
- any replay-routine sent to me, if the following work is done:
- -Sourcecode of the Music-Routine in ASSEMBLY, PC-Relative if possible.
- At this time I can only include replayers at the base of the
- verticalblank-interrupt. The sourcecode has to be on a 3.5"-disk
- -Add a description how to recognize that certain kind of module or other-
- wise simply enclose 3 or more of those modules and I'll find out myself
- -In any case,though, I would like you to add 3 or more Songs that can be
- played with your replay, if possible. I have to test the routines, and
- a music-proggy with less than 3 adequate songs is surely not very useful.
- -If the disk has only ONE error, I'll take for granted that you do not want
- it back and shred it. So do use high-quality-disks formatted carefully
- before using (verify) !
- If you want some cool features added to the PowerPlayer, do this:
- -Write a detailed letter with all new features you think of
- -If you would like to have the new version
- -include a disk for PowerPlayer and 5 DM (DEUTSCH MARK) for my working on it !
- If you want an update, do this:
- -Include a disk for PowerPlayer and 5 DM (DEUTSCH MARK) for all the work
- (envelope, stamps...) !
- -I will send you the actual version of PowerPlayer
- Donations are always welcome and may speed up the answer!! Think of the work
- I had to do to make PowerPlayer to that what it is today.
- My Address: Stephan Fuhrmann
- Erikstr. 30
- W-2380 Schleswig
- Germany
- Always add the version of the PowerPlayer you are using and where you got
- it from!
- ==============================================================================
- (EOF)