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Internet Message Format
From prechelt@ira.uka.de (Lutz Prechelt)
Newsgroups: comp.ai.neural-nets,comp.answers,news.answers
Subject: FAQ in comp.ai.neural-nets -- monthly posting
Date: 1 Jun 1993 07:35:06 GMT
Archive-name: neural-net-faq
Last-modified: 93/05/20
(FAQ means "Frequently Asked Questions")
Anybody who is willing to contribute any question or
information, please email me; if it is relevant,
I will incorporate it. But: Please format your contribution
appropriately so that I can just drop it in.
The monthly posting departs at the 28th of every month.
This is a monthly posting to the Usenet newsgroup comp.ai.neural-nets
(and news.answers, where it should be findable at ANY time)
Its purpose is to provide basic information for individuals who are
new to the field of neural networks or are just beginning to read this
group. It shall help to avoid lengthy discussion of questions that usually
arise for beginners of one or the other kind.
This posting is archived in the periodic posting archive on
host trfm.mit.edu (and on some other hosts as well).
Look in the anonymous ftp directory "/pub/usenet/news.answers",
the filename is as given in the 'Archive-name:' header above.
If you do not have anonymous ftp access, you can access the archives
by mail server as well. Send an E-mail message to
mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with "help" and "index" in the body on
separate lines for more information.
The monthly posting is not meant to discuss any topic exhaustively.
Disclaimer: This posting is provided 'as is'.
No warranty whatsoever is expressed or implied,
especially, no warranty that the information contained herein
is correct or useful in any way, although both is intended.
>> To find the answer of question number <x> (if present at all), search
>> for the string "-A<x>.)" (so the answer to question 12 is at "-A12.)")
And now, in the end, we begin:
============================== Questions ==============================
(the short forms and non-continous numbering is intended)
1.) What is this newsgroup for ? How shall it be used ?
2.) What is a neural network (NN) ?
3.) What can you do with a Neural Network and what not ?
4.) Who is concerned with Neural Networks ?
6.) What does 'backprop' mean ?
7.) How many learning methods for NNs exist ? Which ?
8.) What about Genetic Algorithms ?
9.) What about Fuzzy Logic ?
10.) Good introductory literature about Neural Networks ?
11.) Any journals and magazines about Neural Networks ?
12.) The most important conferences concerned with Neural Networks ?
13.) Neural Network Associations ?
14.) Other sources of information about NNs ?
============================== Answers ==============================
-A1.) What is this newsgroup for ?
The newsgroup comp.ai.neural-nets is inteded as a forum for people who want
to use or explore the capabilities of Neural Networks or Neural-Network-like
There should be the following types of articles in this newsgroup:
1. Requests
Requests are articles of the form
"I am looking for X"
where X is something public like a book, an article, a piece of software.
If multiple different answers can be expected, the person making the
request should prepare to make a summary of the answers he/she got
and announce to do so with a phrase like
"Please email, I'll summarize"
at the end of the posting.
The Subject line of the posting should then be something like
"Request: X"
2. Questions
As opposed to requests, questions are concerned with something so specific
that general interest cannot readily be assumed.
If the poster thinks that the topic is of some general interest,
he/she should announce a summary (see above).
The Subject line of the posting should be something like
"Question: this-and-that"
or have the form of a question (i.e., end with a question mark)
3. Answers
These are reactions to questions or requests.
As a rule of thumb articles of type "answer" should be rare.
Ideally, in most cases either the answer is too specific to be of general
interest (and should thus be e-mailed to the poster) or a summary
was announced with the question or request (and answers should
thus be e-mailed to the poster).
The subject lines of answers are automatically adjusted by the
news software.
4. Summaries
In all cases of requests or questions the answers for which can be assumed
to be of some general interest, the poster of the request or question
shall summarize the ansers he/she received.
Such a summary should be announced in the original posting of the question
or request with a phrase like
"Please answer by email, I'll summarize"
In such a case answers should NOT be posted to the newsgroup but instead
be mailed to the poster who collects and reviews them.
After about 10 to 20 days from the original posting, its poster should
make the summary of answers and post it to the net.
Some care should be invested into a summary:
a) simple concatenation of all the answers is not enough;
instead redundancies, irrelevancies, verbosities and
errors must be filtered out (as good as possible),
b) the answers shall be separated clearly
c) the contributors of the individual answers shall be identifiable
(unless they requested to remain anonymous [yes, that happens])
d) the summary shall start with the "quintessence" of the answers,
as seen by the original poster
e) A summary should, when posted, clearly be indicated to be one
by giving it a Subject line starting with "Summary:"
Note that a good summary is pure gold for the rest of the newsgroup
community, so summary work will be most appreciated by all of us.
(Good summaries are more valuable than any moderator ! :-> )
5. Announcements
Some articles never need any public reaction.
These are called announcements (for instance for a workshop,
conference or the availability of some technical report or
software system).
Announcements should be clearly indicated to be such by giving
them a subject line of the form
"Announcement: this-and-that"
6. Reports
Sometimes people spontaneously want to report something to the
newsgroup. This might be special experiences with some software,
results of own experiments or conceptual work, or especially
interesting information from somewhere else.
Reports should be clearly indicated to be such by giving
them a subject line of the form
"Report: this-and-that"
7. Discussions
An especially valuable possibility of Usenet is of course that of
discussing a certain topic with hundreds of potential participants.
All traffic in the newsgroup that can not be subsumed under one of
the above categories should belong to a discussion.
If somebody explicitly wants to start a discussion, he/she can do so
by giving the posting a subject line of the form
"Start discussion: this-and-that"
(People who react on this, please remove the
"Start discussion: " label from the subject line of your replies)
It is quite difficult to keep a discussion from drifting into chaos,
but, unfortunately, as many many other newsgroups show there seems
to be no secure way to avoid this.
On the other hand, comp.ai.neural-nets has not had many problems
with this effect in the past, so let's just go and hope... :->
-A2.) What is a neural network (NN) ?
[anybody there to write something