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- CEnvi Unregistered Shareware License Agreement
- 1. Your rights
- CEnvi and its related files are distributed as Shareware. It is
- not free, freeware, or in the public domain. You may use CEnvi
- Unregistered Shareware for a trial period of thirty days, at no
- cost to you, to determine if it fits your needs. If you decide
- to use CEnvi regularly, you are expected to register it and pay
- the applicable registration fee (see REGISTER.DOC).
- Everyone is permitted and encouraged to give copies of CEnvi
- Unregistered Shareware to friends and co-workers as long as no
- fee is charged and all related distribution files are included
- (see list below). Disk vendors who are Approved Vendor Members
- of the Association of Shareware Professionals may, without prior
- permission, include CEnvi Unregistered Shareware in their
- libraries and distribute evaluation copies via mail order and
- direct sales for their normal disk fees. Disk vendors who are
- not members of the ASP and vendors selling CEnvi on in-store
- racks must obtain written permission before distributing any
- version of CEnvi.
- All Bulletin Boards and Electronic Communications Services may
- post CEnvi Unregistered Shareware for downloading by their
- customers unless notified otherwise by Nombas. Non-profit user
- groups may include CEnvi Unregistered Shareware in their
- libraries and distribute evaluation copies for their normal disk
- fees unless notified otherwise by us.
- All others including anyone interested in bundling CEnvi
- Unregistered Shareware with hardware or software sales must
- obtain the permission and a license before distributing. Third
- party, consultant, and VAR licenses are available. Customized
- versions of CEnvi Unregistered Shareware, branded for your BBS or
- shareware library, are also available.
- 2. Your wrongs
- You may not modify or dis-assemble CEnvi, nor distribute any
- modified or dis-assembled versions of CEnvi. You are not
- permitted to upload or otherwise transfer copies of any
- registered version of CEnvi that does not include all of the
- files in the CEnvi Unregistered Shareware Package (see list
- below). You are not permitted to upload or otherwise transfer
- copies of any registered version of CEnvi to unregistered users.
- 3. Cenvi registered/unregistered versions
- You can verify that this is the shareware version by executing
- CEnvi.exe without any arguments; the help message will clearly
- state in the first few lines that this is an unregistered
- shareware version. Also, an untampered unregistered shareware
- version of CEnvi will occasionally (approximately every 7th time
- it is run) pause to print a registration reminder screen. You
- can verify that this message will display by running CEnvi with a
- semicolon (;) as the only parameter; approximately every seventh
- time this should print a reminder screen with registration
- information and then wait for any key to be pressed before
- continuing. If this screen does not occasionally appear then
- this is not an untampered shareware version and uploads are not
- permitted.
- -------------------------------- FILE LIST --------------------------------
- The CEnvi Unregistered Shareware package includes the files in the
- following list. You are not permitted to upload or otherwise transfer
- copies of any registered version of CEnvi that does not include all of the
- files in this list.
- *CENVI.EXE: CEnvi shareware executable for DOS, OS/2, or Windows.
- *CENVI2PM.EXE: Gateway program, executed trasnparently by CEnvi, for access
- to PM-dependent system calls (OS/2 version only).
- *CENVI.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 1: CEnvi Unregistered Shareware
- *CMMTUTOR.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 2: Cmm Language Tutorial
- *CMM_VS_C.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 3: Cmm versus C, for C
- Programmers
- *CENVILIB.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 4: Function Library
- *LICENSE.DOC: CEnvi Unregistered Shareware License Agreement
- *README.DOC: Introductory file. Read this first for quick intallation.
- *REGISTER.DOC: CEnvi registration form
- *INSTALL.CMM: Cmm source file for installing this shareware version
- * *.CMM, *.CMD, *.BAT, *.LIB: Many many sample programs using CEnvi. See
- CENVI.DOC for a complete list.
- ----------------------------- REGISTRATION -------------------------------
- This is a shareware release. Please register. As a registered CEnvi user
- you will receive:
- *The latest version of CEnvi for all supported platforms (currently DOS,
- OS/2, and Windows).
- *The CEnvi user's manual (almost 100 pages, including a description of the
- Cmm programming language, a tutorial for those who have never programmed,
- and descriptions and examples of the over 150 functions included in the
- CEnvi library).
- *Free incremental electronic downloads for new versions of CEnvi for all
- supported operating systems.
- *Unlimited support from Nombas and CEnvi/Cmm users through CompuServe
- (72212,1622), internet (bsn@world.std.com), the cenvi-cmm e-mail mailing
- list (cenvi-cmm@world.std.com), and the Nombas BBS
- (ATDT16173916595,,,,,44444).
- *Access to the growing list of CEnvi utilities and libraries (some of which
- are included in this unregistered shareware package, and others are
- contributed by Nombas and CEnvi/Cmm users to the electronic locations
- described above).
- There are three ways to register CEnvi version 1.008:
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- Please fill out and mail in this form, along with payment.
- Where did you get CEnvi? ______________________________________________
- Name: _________________________________________________________________
- Company: ______________________________ Position: _____________________
- Address: ______________________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Country: _________________________ (add ZIP code if applicable)
- Phone: ___________________________ EMail: ______________________________
- Diskette size: [ ] 3.5" [ ] 5.25"
- CEnvi Registered License & Manual.... Quantity _____ x $38.00 = $ _________
- License fee for additional CEnvi users at
- your organization (does not include additional
- manual or diskettes)...Simultaneous-User Count _____ x $15.00 = $ _________
- Additional CEnvi Manuals..............Quantity _____ x $10.00 = $ _________
- Shipping outside USA, Canada, or Mexico $4.00 ................ $ _________
- Subtotal $ _________
- Massachusetts residents please add 5% sales tax ............... $ _________
- Total $ _________
- Include a check or money order for this total, IN U.S. FUNDS AND DRAWN ON A
- U.S. BANK, payable to Nombas, or supply the following credit card payment
- information. Credit cards orders will be processed through a distributor:
- Custom Computer Systems of Medford, MA.
- Credit card orders (circle one): MasterCard / Visa / American Express
- Discover / Carte Blanche / Diners Club
- Card Number _____________________________________ Expires ____________
- Exact name on card (print) ____________________________________________
- Signature (REQUIRED) __________________________________________________
- Mail this form, along with payment or credit information, to:
- Nombas
- P.O. Box 875
- Medford, MA 02155 USA
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- CompuServe members may register directly through the CompuServe
- Registration Service. To use this service enter GO SWREG at your CI$
- prompt. Registration ID is 1354 for CEnvi for DOS, 1355 for CEnvi for
- OS/2, and 1356 for CEnvi for Windows (you only need to register ONE
- version). Nombas will immediately be informed of your registration, and
- the CEnvi registration fee will automatically be added to your CompuServe
- bill.
- ***************************************************************************
- ************ REGISTRATION METHOD 3: Public (software) Library *************
- ***************************************************************************
- You can order with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from Public (software)
- Library by calling 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398
- or by CIS Email to 71355,470. You can also mail credit card orders to PsL
- at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
- Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds,
- registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts,
- dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, must be directed to Nombas (see phone
- number and addresses below).
- To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify Nombas the day
- of your order and we will ship the product directly to you.
- CEnvi (all versions) is PsL product #11069. Prices (including shipping and
- handling) are: $42 US/Canada and $45 overseas.
- ***************************************************************************
- Thank you for trying this shareware copy of CEnvi. Mail inquires and other
- correspondences to:
- Nombas
- P.O. Box 875
- Medford, MA 02155 USA
- Nombas may also be contacted at:
- Phone: (617)391-6595
- Internet: bsn@world.std.com
- CompuServe: 72212,1622
- BBS: (617)391-6595 ext. 44 (e.g., ATDT16173916595,,,,,44444)