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Stimulus Generation and Association Programs
Brown University Neural Modeling Group
Release 2.0
March 29, 1989
James A. Anderson
Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences
Department of Psychology,
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912
(c) Copyright James A. Anderson, 1989
Page 2
This manual will tell you how to use a set of programs developed at the
Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown University. The programs are
research programs designed to generate, maintain, learn, and use sets of stimuli and
matrices used in neural modelling research.
The programs are written in VMS Pascal to run on a VAX. There are two programs
of major interest. One is called ASSOCIATE and generates the matrices that associate
pairs of vectors. (Sometimes a version of this program that involved a file transfer
through an MS/DOS system will name it ASSOC. Same program.) Actually, the internal
representation of a matrix is in the form of a FILE of a Pascal data type called
Neuron, but acts mathematically like a matrix. The other is a program with several
parts. It is called BSB. One part generates stimuli which are large state vectors.
These state vectors represent strings of 25 characters in a 200 dimensional system.
Once generated, the state vectors can be associated together using ASSOCIATE.
Another part realizes the dynamics of the simple non-linear model called the
`Brain-state-in-a-Box'. (See Anderson, Silverstein, Ritz and Jones, 1977, Anderson
and Mozer, 1981; Anderson, 1986; and Anderson and Murphy, 1986)
Several files must be ASSIGNed so the programs will know where to read and write
the data. Below is a set of ASSIGN statements in the appropriate form. The example
chosen is the file assignments from the `OHMS' demonstration, though the OHMS.COM
file actually contains more material than this, since it also runs the demonstration.
These VMS commands should be put in a command file (in this case, OHMS.COM) which
makes the appropriate assignments for convenience.
$assign fohms.stm ffile
$assign gohms.stm gfile
$assign tohms.stm tfile
$assign nohms.neu nfile
Then execute the command file by typing @OHMS to make the assignments. There are
enough files to make life complicated unless some systematic way is found to label
the files.
By convention, the input and output vectors are given the extension `.STM' and
the file containing the matrix are given the extension `.NEU'. As a general point,
the files constructed with these programs can be quite large. In the 200 dimensional
system the files associated with the matrix are 633 blocks long.
The first step in making stimuli is to RUN BSB. The program will ask you if you
are using a VT100 or not. (I am assuming you are in this manual.) Then some initial
information appears. The general pattern of displays in BSB is to have status
information on the top 5 lines of the screen and the command prompts on the bottom
line. Since the author of these programs was influenced by UCSD Pascal at an
impressionable age, extensive use is made of self documenting prompts. For example,
'T)hreshold' means that if 'T' (or 't') is typed at the command prompt ('>') the
threshold interpretation parameter can be changed from its default. In general,
typing a single letter, followed by <Return> will cause an action. All commands can
be upper or lower case and most are protected to some extent (not totally!) against
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erroneous inputs. Not all commands appear on the prompt lines, for reasons of space,
particularly for setting some of the less frequently used parameters in the
At first, there are no files present for BSB to work with. Let us assume you
want to create a series of stimuli for future use. The prompt line tells you how
many stimuli are present in the F File, the G File, and the T File. When the program
first appears, these values are all zero. F File and G File have the customary
meanings they have in our neural modelling literature: i.e. the F File is the input
set of state vectors and the G File is the output set of state vectors. The T file
contains a set of 'Test' vectors, usually partial input stimuli, which are used to
test the reconstructive and processing powers of the system.
Although this simple form of our programs only performs autoassociation, more
complex versions can have different input and output sets.
Input vectors are constructed from strings of characters. We will assume the
system is 200 dimensional. A character in the string is represented by its ASCII
number, i.e. 'a' is 97, '5' is 53, '=' is 61, and so on. These numbers are
converted into binary representation, so 'a' becomes '01100001'. Then the zeros are
replaced with minus ones, so we can maintain rough equality of numbers of positive
and negative elements which is convenient for the models, so the actual internal
representation of
'a' ---> -1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1.
Each character requires 8 vector elements, so a 200 dimensional system contains
enough elements for 25 characters. The parity bit is computed but not used in the
simulations at present. One reason for its presence, is that eight bits allow the
construction of `orthogonal' character representations, which can sometimes be a
convenience. If anyone wanted to actually
these programs for anything substatial
it is
that a less arbitrary way of coding letters be used. The
state vectors contain single precision floating point numbers. Currently no more
than 100 stimuli are allowed in any one file but this can be easily changed in the
programs if necessary.
The technically inclined might like to know that stimuli are a Pascal Record
composed of two pieces:
CONST Dimensionality = 200;
TYPE Vector = ARRAY [1..Dimensionality] OF REAL;
String = PACKED ARRAY [1..60] OF CHAR;
Stimulus = RECORD
Name: String;
Val : Vector;
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Figure 1. Initial appearance of the screen.
BSB Neura