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Text File
276 lines
│ ▄▄ ▄ ▄ ▄▄ ▄ ▄▄ ▄ █ ▄▄ █ │
│ █▄▄█ █ █ █ █▄▄ █▄▄▀ █▄▄█ ▀█▀ █▀▀▀ █▀▀█ █▄▄█ █▀█ █ │
│ █▄▄▄ █ █ ▄▄█ █ ▀▄ █▄▄▄ █ █▄▄▄ █ █ █▄▄▄ █ ▄ │
Copyright (C), 1993 John Alway
There are two primary purposes for the EMSKETCHER. One is that it
may be used as a method of creating upper ascii diagrams which are
transmittable by e-mail without being garbled on the other end. In
this case the receiver will need EMSKETCHER to decode the image at
the other end.
The other is that it may be used to create upper ascii text file
diagrams much like this one which was created in EMSKETCHER. You
may type regular text in as you would a normal editor. You "export"
a diagram to get the upper ascii characters to a text file.
1) Create schematic diagrams with descriptions.
2) Create maps.
3) Draw pictures.
4) Create snazzy ascii file documents with diagrams and descriptions.
5) Make upper ascii logos similar to the one show above.
See the samples files for tangible examples besides this document.
Easily Accessible Tool Palette
Mouse and Keyboard Control (You don't need a mouse to use EMSKETCHER)
Pull Down Menu System
Cut/Paste utility
File Export to ascii function
Type "Sketch filename" from the DOS command line to load a specific
file, or simply type "Sketch".
Once in the editor you will note a tool palette similar to the one
shown below. You can select a tool from the palette by placing the
│ │ │ ┤ │ ─ │ ┼ │ ┴ │ ┬ │ ├ │ ┘ │ ┌ │ ┐ │ └ │ ╙ │ ╘ │ ╒ │ ╓ │ <F3> │
│ ║ │ ╣ │ ═ │ ╬ │ ╩ │ ╦ │ ╠ │ ╝ │ ╔ │ ╗ │ ╚ │ ╖ │ ╕ │ ╜ │ ╛ │ <INS>│
mouse in the box with the tool desired and pressing the left mouse
button, or by pressing [Ctrl+letter], where "letter" is the letter
above or below the tool wanted. If you highlight the upper tool
by [Ctrl+h] and you want the lower one, simply press [Ctrl+h] again.
There are two palettes, to select one or the other place the mouse
cursor in the <F3> box and press the left mouse button, or press the
[F3] key.
To toggle between insert and overwrite mode select <INS> with the
mouse or press the [Ins] key. The big block cursor indicates that
the editor is in overwrite mode.
Once a tool is selected you may type that character to the screen by
placing the mouse cursor in the position desired and pressing the
left mouse button... voila, that character should be typed to the
screen. You can do this via the key board by pressing the [F5]
key, or the asterisk, [*], key. [F6] allows you to toggle the [*] key
so that it either types an asterisk or the currently active tool. If
you use the key board the askerisk key seems to be more comfortable
for users.
You may move the text cursor to the position of the mouse cursor by
holding the [Shift] key down and then pressing the left mouse button.
This comes in hand for paste operations in the Cut/Paste utility.
The ascii letter tilde, is the only letter which may not be used.
Cut/Paste: isolate text via [shift+arrow], [Shift+PgDn],
[Shift+PgUp], and [Shift+Home/End]. To copy an isolated block
to a hidden buffer press [Shift+Ins]. To move an isolated block
to a hidden buffer press [Shift+Del] or [Del]. To paste the
hidden block to the screen press [Shift+Ins]. The block will be
inserted starting at the text cursors current position. You may
move the text cursor to the desired location by mouse by simply
placing the mouse cursor in the desired insertion position and
pressing [Shift] and while holding it down pressing the left mouse
button. To move the text cursor by keyboard simply use the arrow
keys as usual.
You may isolate text via the mouse by pressing and holding down the
right mouse button and moving the cursor along the screen. You
can then cut or copy the isolated text to a hidden buffer by moving
the mouse cursor to the menu and clicking the left mouse button.
The menu should pull down. To copy simply place the mouse button
over copy and press the left mouse button, and do the same for cut.
If you want to paste via the mouse you can do it through the menu
in the same way.
MENU: the menu may be used by the mouse or keyboard.
By keyboard: to get to the menu press the [Esc] key or press
[Alt+F] for file, and [Alt+E] for edit. Once there you may
highlight the selection desired by using the arrow keys. Up
and down arrows to select a menu item, and right and left arrows
to select a menu. The box at the lower center of the screen
gives a brief description of the highlighted function. You
may also execute any element in the menu by pressing the key
which has the capital letter of the element desired.
By mouse: to get to the menu by the mouse place the mouse cursor
over "File" or "Edit" in the upper left hand corner of the screen
and press the left mouse button. The menu should pull down. You
Then select an item by placing the mouse cursor over it and
pressing the left mouse button. To leave the menu place the mouse
cursor somewhere where on the screen where the menu isn't and press
the left mouse button.
Using Windows:
When doing various operations, such as loading files, windows will
appear. You can cancel these windows by pressing the [Esc] key
or by highlighing <Cancel> by the [Tab] and [Shift+Tab] key. Once
<Cancel> is highlight press [Enter]. The <Ok> key means that the
function performed in the particular window will be executed.
With the mouse you place the mouse cursor over the function desired
and press the left mouse button. If there is a window in which to
type a file name place the mouse cursor in it and press the left
mouse button. The text cursor should then show up there so that
text can be typed in.
Sliding Indicators:
On the right side of the editors screen, and in the file load window
░ there is a slide indicator which shows the current relative position
░ of the cursor in the text screen, and the highlighted filename in
░ the file list. You may move through the lists by placing the mouse
█ on the indicator and holding down the left mouse button and dragging
░ the indicator along the track. Then release the button and you will
░ see the screen or file list has been moved. You may also place the
░ mouse cursor on either side of the indicator on the track and click
the left mouse button this moves the text cursor up/down a line, and
the highlighted file right/left a line. By placing the mouse cursor
on the arrows at the end of the tracks you move the screen by page
up or down, and the file list by column right or left.
A slide indicator and track is illustrated to the left.
New File: select "New" from the file menu, [Alt+F] then [N], and a
new "untitled" file will be loaded.
Load File: select "Load" from the file menu, [Alt+F] and then [L],
and the file list will appear. ".EMD" is the usual suffix to an
EMSKETCHER's file, though it doesn't have to be. You can then