Collection of Education
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notwithstanding; however,
attention must be paid; it does not fit
finest character, regardless of status; business profession;
craftsmanship; hazardous relationships;
most often used; given the impression;
you cannot just fool around; you must learn how to type;
that's all there is to it;
always; another time, another place;
take for granted;
mad dash; acid test;
fresh as a daisy; add insult to injury;
tired as a dog; all in a day's work;
quick as a flash; all over but the shouting;
grind to a halt; all work and no play;
quiet as a mouse; apple of one's eye;
save for a rainy day; armed to the teeth;
ripe old age; as luck would have it;
this day and age; at a loss for words;
by leaps and bounds; at one fell swoop;
straight and narrow; axe to grind;
all work and no play; bag and baggage;
stubborn as a mule; bark up the wrong tree;
get your back up; beat a dead horse;
fill the bill; beat a hasty retreat;
take the bull by the horns; beat around the bush;
all over but the shouting; best foot forward;
pick and choose; best-laid plans;
get your dander up; bigger that life;
all in a day's work; bite off more than you can chew;
high and dry; bolt from the blue;
untimely end; bone of contention;
let well enough alone; breathe a sigh of relief;
fit as a fiddle; bright and early;
straight from the hip; bring home the bacon;
straight from the shoulder; budding genius;
let your hair down; get your dander up;
eat your hat; bull in a china shop;
wear two hats; burning question;
hale and hearty; burn the midnight oil;
sweat of his brow; busy as a bee;
poor but honest; by leaps and bounds;
mad as a hornet; calm before the storm;
skeleton in your closet; can't see the forest for the trees;
when all is said and done; caught red-handed;
gild the lily; checkered career;
draw the line; chip off the old block;
fast and loose; cool as a cucumber;
labor of love; crying need;
burn the midnight oil; cut a long story short;
bite off more than you can chew; dead giveaway;
face the music; diamond in the rough;
on cloud nine; discreet silence;
last but not least; down in the dumps;
apple of one's eye; down your alley;
read the riot act; drastic action;
grain of salt; draw the line;
discreet silence; ear to the ground;
eloquent silence; easier said than done;
reliable source; eat your hat;
leave no stone unturned; eat your words;
month of Sundays; eloquent silence;
wear and tear; epic struggle;
fat's in the fire; face the music;
irons in the fire; fall on deaf ears;
leave in the lurch; a far cry;
separate the men from the boys; fast and loose;
the more the merrier; fat's in the fire;
chip off the old block; feather in your cap;
flash in the pan; few and far between;
armed to the teeth; fill the bill;
throw in the towel; first and foremost;
straw in the wind; fit as a fiddle;
food for thought; flash in the pan;
sick and tired; flesh and blood;
generous to a fault; food for thought;
get down to brass tacks; foot in your mouth;
hard row to hoe; free as a bird;
sow your wild oats; fresh as a daisy;
eat your words; generous to a fault;
none the worse for wear; gentle as a lamb;
stick to your guns; get down to brass tacks;
busy as a bee; get your back up;
free as a bird; gift of gab;
once in a blue moon; gild the lily;
bull in a china shop; goes without saying;
cool as a cucumber; grain of salt;
stir up a hornet's nest; grind to a halt;
high as a kite; hale and hearty;
breathe a sigh of relief; handwriting on the wall;
drastic action; hard row to hoe;
easier said than done; haul over the coals;
wise as an owl; rake over the coals;
in the last analysis; head over heels;
beat a hasty retreat; heave a sigh of relief;
straw that broke the camel's back; high and dry;
last straw; high as a kite;
bag and baggage; hit the nail on the head;
hook or by crook; hit the spot;
play it by ear; hook, line, and sinker;
let the cat out of the bag; hook or by crook;
raining cats and dogs; hue and cry;
in no uncertain terms; hungry as a bear;
bone of contention; in no uncertain terms;
hue and cry; in on the ground floor;
flesh and blood; in the final analysis;
leaps and bounds; in the last analysis;
checkered career; in the long run;
first and foremost; in the nick of time;
best-laid plans; in the twinkling of an eye;
uncharted seas; in this day and age;
in this day and age; irons in the fire;
other side of the coin; the jug is up;
fall on deaf ears; just deserts;
never a dull moment; keep your chin up;
pet peeve; labor of love;
ring true; land-office business;
true blue; last but not least;
wrote the book; last straw;
throw the book at; lean over backward;
in on the ground floor; leaps and bounds;
sell like hot cakes; leave in the lurch;
can't see the forest for the trees; leave no stone unturned;
paint the town red; lend a helping hand;
to little, too late; let your hair down;
beat a dead horse; let the cat out of the bag;
dead giveaway; let well enough along;
caught red-handed; like a house afire;
crying need; lock, stock, and barrel;
at one fell swoop; mad as a hornet;
lend a helping hand; mad dash;
time immemorial; make a long story short;
pretty penny; make ends meet;
red-letter day; matter of life and death;
just deserts; meet your Waterloo;
pretty kettle of fish; method in his madness;
matter of life and death; milk of human kindness;
pillar of society; mince words;
few and far between; month of Sundays;
without further ado; moot question;
gift of gab; more than meets the eye;
budding genius; the more the merrier;
perfect gentleman; motley crew;
psychological moment; naked truth;
view with alarm; necessary evil;
wash my hands of; needle in a haystack;
powers that be; neither here nor there;
bigger that life; never a dull moment;
nip in the bud; never rains but it pours;
out of the frying pan and into the fire; nip in the bud;
ear to the ground; none the worse for wear;
neither here nor there; no sooner said than done;
goes without saying; nothing new under the sun;
milk of human kindness; once in a blue moon;
land-office business; on cloud nine;
in the nick of time; opportunity knocks;
take a dim view of; other side of the coin;
raise Cain; out of the frying pan and into the fire;
diamond in the rough; own worst enemy;
feather in your cap; paint the town red;
in the final analysis; part an parcel;
handwriting on the wall; penny for your thoughts;
never rains but it pours; perfect gentleman;
the jug is up; pet peeve;
opportunity knocks; pick and choose;
wee small hours; pillar of society;
add insult to injury; play it by ear;
bolt from the blue; point with pride;
bring home the bacon; poor but honest;
needle in a haystack; powers that be;
method in his madness; pretty as a picture;
more than meets the eye; pretty kettle of fish;
wide-open spaces; pretty penny;
hit the nail on the head; psychological moment;
bright and early; quick as a flash;
trials and tribulations; quiet as a mouse;
six of one and half dozen of the other; rack your brains;
hook, line, and sinker; raining cats and dogs;
nothing new under the sun; raise Cain;
cut a long story short; read the riot act;
vanish into thin air; red-letter day;
second to none; reliable source;
lock, stock, and barrel; ring true;
in the long run; ripe old age;
make a long story short; rub you the wrong way;
calm before the storm; sadder but wiser;
talk thr