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/* NETS */
/* */
/* a product of the AI Section */
/* NASA, Johnson Space Center */
/* */
/* principal author: */
/* Paul Baffes */
/* */
/* contributing authors: */
/* Bryan Dulock */
/* Chris Ortiz */
A layer is defined in this system as a grouping of nodes which are
treated in a uniform manner. This is similar to the slab concept
put forth by Hinton in his discussion of the Boltzman machine.
In the generalized delta concept, all that is necessary is that
all of the connections between nodes by unidirectional, and that
no cycles be placed in the graph. Nothing, however, is stated
which requires that all nodes within a layer be connected to all
nodes in another layer; weights between layers are node-to-node.
However, to keep things simple, we decided NOT to detail each node
connection, but rather treat all nodes of a layer identically.
At a later time, control over particular nodes may be desirable,
and I would suggest that a new type (and module) be created for
the concept of a NODE at that time.
4-4-88 I've added a new feature which allows the connections be-
tween layers to be more flexible than the strict connect-all
scheme. The idea is that each layer is given dimensional info, as
though it represented a grid. Then, two layers can be connected
via smaller rectangular "maps" which map several nodes "close
together" in the larger layer to one node in the smaller layer.
These mappings can also overlap. Anyway, the upshot is that the
layer information must be stored somewhere, and this is the most
appropriate spot, in the X_dim and Y_dim elements.
4-6-89 Interesting! Almost a year later to the day I'm adding another
change to the layer structure. Anyway, there are two new additions
to the layer structure: "node_bias" and "prev_deltaB". Apparently I
had some difficulty understanding all the theory outlined by Rumelhart
in the PDP book since I left out the bias term. It functions exactly
like a weight, but with one difference. The bias is assumed to be
"connected" from an imaginary incoming node whose value is always
1.0 to the node in question. Thus the bias term is exactly that: it
biases the final dot product sum before it is fed through the
activation function.
4-12-89 today I'm adding another element to the layer structure. This
is in response to the idea that each layer might well be best treated
as having a unique learning rate. In part this arises out of work on
the spectrum problem, where the number of connections between different
layers varies from 1200 to 30. The large range makes small weight
changes drastic for one layer and insignificant for another. The
"max_incoming" integer indicates the maximum weights coming into the
4-13-89 Because there is some debate as to whether or not each layer
should have its own learning rate, I have moved the three structure
elements regarding learning to this layer structure from the net
typedef struct layer_str {
int ID; /* identification number for layer */
int num_nodes; /* num of nodes in the layer */
int max_incoming; /* max weights coming into the layer */
int X_dim; /* X dimension of the layer */
int Y_dim; /* Y dimension of the layer */
D_Sint cur_learn; /* current learning rate for layer */
float learn_base; /* base learning rate for layer */
float learn_scale; /* scale for learning rate if csc used */
float momentum; /* momentum for layer */
Sint *node_outputs; /* An array of Sint's, size = num_nodes */
Sint *node_deltas; /* as above, but for delta values */
Sint *node_bias; /* as above, but for bias values */
Sint *prev_deltaB; /* as above, but for last bias change */
struct weights_lst_str *in_weights;
/* ptr to a list of weights which have */
/* this layer as their target */
struct weights_lst_str *out_weights;
/* ptr to a list of weights which have */
/* this layer as their source */
} Layer;
the following is a structure for keeping a doubly linked list of the
layers in the net. This list should be created in the order that
the layers should be evaluated for forward propagation. Then, of
course, backward propigation can be done in the reverse order. Thus
the list needs to be doubly linked so that one may move through it
in either order.
typedef struct layer_lst_str {
Layer *value; /* a ptr to a layer */
struct layer_lst_str *prev; /* ptr to previous element in the list */
struct layer_lst_str *next; /* " " next " " " " */
} Layer_lst;