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│ P B / V I S I O N (tm) L I T E │
│ Visual Windowing Library for PowerBASIC 3.0 │
│ >>>>>>>>>> SHAREWARE EVALUATION VERSION <<<<<<<<<< │
│ │
│ │
│ (c) Copyright 1993-94 DSE Software Publishing │
│ Licensed Material. All Rights Reserved. │
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│ └────────────────────────────────────┘ │
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│ DSE Software Publishing │
│ Post Office Box 96 │
│ Willits, CA 95490-0096 │
│ (707) 459-4358 │
│ FAX: (707) 459-4484 │
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│ InterNet: dse.software@genie.geis.com │
│ DSE Online! BBS - (707) 459-4484 │
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PowerBASIC is a registered trademark of PowerBASIC, Inc.
PB/VISION(tm) and PB/WORKSHOP(tm) are trademarks of DSE
Software Publishing. Other product names are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
In the Beginning... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tutor Source Code Organization . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Let's get started with TUTOR1_1.BAS . . . . . 3
1.1.1 What is "%ISPBU" for anyway? . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Trivial, but worth mentioning. . . . . . 3
1.1.3 The "WINDOW.BI" $INCLUDE File. . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Initializing the program with
"AppInit()" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.5 Shutting the Program down with
"AppClose()" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Moving on up to TUTOR1_2.BAS . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 What is all this "Virtual Handle" Mumbo-
Jumbo? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 How come WinOpen() looks so darn
complex? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.3 "Colors, Colors Everywhere" or "Ooh Yuck,
Hexadecimal" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.4 What are "Extended Colors"? . . . . . . 7
1.2.5 And now, back to WinOpen() . . . . . . . 8
1.2.6 Flag Waving Windows . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.7 Displaying a Window . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.8 Another way of Opening a Window . . . 11
1.2.9 Printing to a Window . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.10 Closing an open Window . . . . . . . 12
1.3 Customizing the "Desktop" . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.1 Text or Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.2 Changing the Desktop Color and Fill
Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.3 Adding a "Title Bar" . . . . . . . . . 14
Input, Need Input! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.1 Your First "Event-Driven" Program . . . . . 16
2.1.1 The "EVENT.BI" $INCLUDE File . . . . . 16
2.1.2 Polling "GetEvent()" for Events . . . 17
2.2 Responding to the Keyboard . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.1 Responding to Alpha-Numeric keys with
"KEYGET" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.2 Responding to built-in Keyboard
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.3 Getting Help with <F1> . . . . . . . . 18
2.3 How to create "Custom" Keyboard Event
Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Defining a few Custom Event Codes . . 19
2.3.2 Adding the Custom Events . . . . . . . 20
2.3.3 Responding to Custom Events . . . . . 20
2.4 Of Mice and Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.1 Selecting the Mouse Cursor Style . . . 21
2.4.2 Making your program "Mouse Aware" . . 21
2.4.3 Making Windows Mouse Aware . . . . . . 22
2.4.4 Responding to "Mouse Events" . . . . . 22
3.1 Multi-Threading made easy. . . . . . . . . 23
3.1.1 Assigning Code to a Window. . . . . . 24
3.1.2 Syntax of a Window Subroutine. . . . . 25
3.1.3 Processing Events in a Window
Subroutine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1.4 Returning Event Codes back to
GETEVENT(). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2 Multi-Threading Continued - A Couple of New
Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 Some New Events Codes. . . . . . . . . 27
3.3 Complex Multi-Threaded Program. . . . . . . 27
3.3.1 Making the Code More Readable. . . . . 27
3.3.2 Initializing the Selection Window. . . 27
3.3.3 Responding to Window Clicks . . . . . 28
3.3.4 Returning a Modified Event Code . . . 28
3.4 Child Menus and Forms without Overkill. . . 28
3.5 Background Tasking . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6 Making programs smaller with "Stub" Files. . 30
3.6.1 The "NOGRAPH.OBJ" and "NOTEXT.OBJ" Stub
Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.6.2 The "NOMOUSE.OBJ" Stub File . . . . . 31
Figure 2.1: A little "black box" called GETEVENT() .16
Figure 3.1: Simplified GETEVENT() flowchart. . . . .23
Figure 3.2: GETEVENT() with "Multi-Threading". . . .24
Figure 3.3: "Multi-Threading" multiple objects. . . .24
Chapter 1
In the Beginning...
Welcome to the PB/VISION(tm) tutorial. The purpose of this
tutorial is to gently (and humorously) guide you through the
learning phase of PB/VISION. Step by step, I'll take you
from the simplest possible "Hello, World!" program to
elaborate event-driven object-oriented programs that will
make your friends green with envy.
Important Reading
Before diving into it, please let me give you a word of
WRITE YOUR OWN PROGRAMS! Sorry, I didn't mean to shout but
we get a lot calls from people asking "What tutorial?", or
saying "I just skimmed over them".
In all seriousness, even if you do not plan on using all of
the library features, do not skip or quickly skim over those
parts. This tutorial is designed to build on knowledge
learned from previous chapters. No chapter is self-
contained. If you miss even one, you are going to become
overwhelmed and frustrated, and you will have wasted good
While you experienced programmers may be able to pick up on
things by studying and taking a hatchet to the demos, you
will also miss out on things that will make you say "Dang!"
later on. Please, humor me, keep reading.
Tutor Source Code Organization
Each section of this tutorial is accompanied by one or more
TUTOR??.BAS files. For maximum readability, only the newest
concepts are commented in the source files. You will not
see old comments in a new source file unless it is
absolutely necessary.
So that you can keep track of which part of the tutorial
correlates with the source file, each section of the source
is commented with the chapter and section. I don't think
you will get lost.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 2
1.1 Let's get started with TUTOR1_1.BAS
Start up PowerBASIC and load the file named "TUTOR1_1.BAS".
This is as simple as it gets. I know you're curious, so go
ahead and run it. If all goes well, you should see "Hello,
World" plastered on a blue matte background. If not, read
the "TROUBLESHOOTING" section in the documentation. Ok,
press a key (any key) to get back to the source code.
By the way, all of the files were created with a tab size of
8. If you have any other value, the comments are going to
look _real_ funny. You can set the tab size under the
"Options|Environment|Tab Size" menu on the PowerBASIC
Ok, lets analyze this one line by line...
1.1.1 What is "%ISPBU" for anyway?
The first statement reads "%ISPBU = 0". This little
constant (meaning a fixed variable) determines how the file
is going to be used. You see, all of the $INCLUDE files are
designed so that they may be used for creating executable
files (.EXE) or "units" (.PBU). If you are compiling a
normal program, you will use a value of 0 (zero). If you
are compiling a "unit", use a value of 1 (one).
Depending on the way "%ISPBU%" is set, you are telling
PowerBASIC to compile some parts of the file, but not
others. This is accomplished through a method called
"conditional compiling". If you want to get a little more
familiar with the term, drag out the PowerBASIC manuals and
look up references for "$IF/$ELSE/$ENDIF".
1.1.2 Trivial, but worth mentioning.
The next two statements (lines 9 and 10) don't look very
important, but they are. "DEFINT A-Z" tells PowerBASIC to
default to integer math, meaning that all variables are
assumed to be integers (unless otherwise stated so).
Without it, PowerBASIC will use slower "floating point" math
for all calculations. Depending on the CPU, integer math is
up to 20 times faster than floating point.
The "$DYNAMIC" statement, tells PowerBASIC to allocate
memory only as needed. Without it, all memory is allocated
as soon as the program starts and you might find yourself
short on it later.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 3
Simply put, these two lines guarantee that PB/VISION (and
PowerBASIC) will work as fast and efficiently as possible.
You should have these lines in every program you write, even
if you aren't using any PB/VISION routines.
1.1.3 The "WINDOW.BI" $INCLUDE File.
On line 14 we specify the "WINDOW.BI" $INCLUDE file. This
file has the definitions for all of the PB/VISION windowing
routines, and the commands to properly link in the PB/VISION
library. Without this line, you will not be able to use any
PB/VISION routines.
PB/VISION is supplied with other $INCLUDE files for menu,
data entry, and other miscellaneous routines. We will get
to these in a while.
1.1.4 Initializing the program with "AppInit()"
APPINIT() is the routine that turns on PB/VISION. When
called, it determines what type of equipment you have and
adjusts the library routines accordingly. By default, it
paints the screen with a white on blue matte background.
This is called the "desktop". In a few pages, I'll tell you
how to customize the look and feel of the desktop. For now,
we will use the default.
The next couple of lines are pure PowerBASIC code to print
"Hello, World!" and wait for the user to press a key. Press
any key and read on.
1.1.5 Shutting the Program down with "AppClose()"
APPCLOSE() is the opposite of APPINIT(). When called, it
closes all open windows, clears off the desktop, and
restores the screen to the exact same state it was in when
the program started.
That's it for TUTOR1_1.BAS.
1.2 Moving on up to TUTOR1_2.BAS
Now load and run the file named "TUTOR1_2.BAS". In this
demo we open up a window and print some text in it. When
you're ready, press a key to end the demo.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 4
1.2.1 What is all this "Virtual Handle" Mumbo-Jumbo?
Introduced in this section is the WINOPEN() routine, whose
job is to create what is known as a "handle based virtual
window". That's a mighty big concept, but in all actuality,
it is very easy to understand.
The "handle" part is the simplest concept to grasp. Think
of it as your Aunt Edna's telephone number. When you want
to talk to her, you dial her number. A window handle is the
same thing. In order to "talk" to a window, you have to
know its "phone number". Whenever you "open" (create) a new
window, it lets you know what its handle is. In this
particular example, WINOPEN() assigns the window's handle to
a variable called "AuntEdna%".
As for the "virtual" part, well, my dictionary defines this
as "virtuous", but somehow I don't think that this term
applies here. In windowing terminology, "virtual" means
that there is more to the window than the eye can see.
As an example, imagine a piece of paper with a hole in the
middle. Now place that piece of paper over a page in an
open book. All you can see is the text through the hole,
but if you move the book underneath you will be able to see
the rest of the text. This is called "virtualization", and
yes, it is legal in most states.
With a "virtual" window, all you see is the text coming
through the hole. In the library, there are functions that
exist solely to move the "book" around. There are also
functions for printing to a window, scroll text within a
window, clearing text from a window, and all kinds of simple
and fancy window things.
1.2.2 How come WinOpen() looks so darn complex?
At your first glance, all those parameters being passed to
WINOPEN() might scare you off. Don't let it, as it is
considerably easier than it looks. Additionally, if you get
stuck, you can always bring up the help screen for this
routine by pressing <CTRL-F1> when the cursor is on function
or procedure name.
Let's take this routine apart.
AuntEdna = WINOPEN(10, 40, &H10, 1, &H1F, "AUNT EDNA'S
1. Virtual Rows..: 10
2. Virtual Cols..: 40
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 5
3. Attribute.....: &H10 ; black on blue
4. Border........: 1
5. Border Color..: &H1F ; bright white on blue
6. Title.........: "AUNT EDNA'S WINDOW"
7. Title Color...: &HE0 ; black on yellow
8. Window flags..: %SHADOW
The first two parameters specify the "VIRTUAL ROWS" and
"VIRTUAL COLUMNS". In this instance we define a window of
10 rows by 40 columns. There is nothing stopping you from
using larger or smaller numbers. You could in fact define a
window that is 80 rows by 132 columns if the desire hits
1.2.3 "Colors, Colors Everywhere" or "Ooh Yuck, Hexadecimal"
Next comes the "ATTRIBUTE" parameter, whichis a hexadecimal
code that defines the window color. Ole Aunt Edna is
scared of hexadecimal math because she thinks it's witches'
math. You know better. In fact, it is so simple that it is
only going to take you 30 seconds to learn how to use them
if you don't know how yet.
To get you in the right frame of mind, lets start with
PowerBASIC's built-in "COLOR" statement. You have used this
statement thousands of times. It defines the color for the
next "PRINT" statement. COLOR accepts two parameters:
COLOR foreground%, background%
Lets take this apart:
COLOR 7, 0 ' white on black text
COLOR 1, 7 ' blue on white text
The first digit defines the foreground color, and the second
digit defines the background color. Are you with me so far?
Using hexadecimal, you would simply switch the two numbers
and prefix them with "&H":
&H background foreground
&H07 ' white on black text
&H71 ' blue on white text
All we have done is reverse the two numbers and add a couple
of funny letters. There is nothing more to it. You may
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 6
already know the numbers for most of the colors, but here
are the numbers for all of them.
0 = black 8 = Gray (bright black!)
1 = blue 9 = bright blue
2 = green A = bright green (10)
3 = cyan B = bright cyan (11)
4 = red C = bright red (12)
5 = magenta D = bright magenta (13)
6 = brown E = yellow (14)
7 = white F = bright white (15)
Okay, okay. Not all of them are numbers. I sneaked (or is
that "snuck"?) a few letters in there too, but they work the
same way:
&H1F ' bright white on blue text
&HEC ' bright red on yellow
A word of warning on the last one (&HEC)... Wear very dark
sunglasses if you make a window this color.
If you forget which number corresponds to a given color,
help is a keystroke away. You can bring up the PB/VISION
online help by pressing <F1> and then <SHIFT-F1> while in
the editor.
For the faint of heart, there is a function called ATTR(),
and it works identically to PowerBASIC's own "COLOR"
statement. It does, however, add a minimum of 25 bytes of
code each and every time you use it. Most times it will add
even more.
1.2.4 What are "Extended Colors"?
Just when you thought you knew everything about colors, I am
here to confuse you (not really) again.
I shouldn't be telling you this right now, but I have a
sneaky suspicion that you have been looking ahead at the
other demo programs. If so, you might be getting confused
over the "extended" color codes used when calling particular
Some routines, such as WINHOTPRINT(), allow different parts
of a text string to be printed in different colors. Lets
use the following as an example, which is a variation of the
WINPRINT() routine:
WINHOTPRINT AuntEdna, 1, 1, &H0F07, "Hello, ~W~orld!"
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 7
This statement prints "Hello, World!" to a window. What is
special is that the "W" in "World" is printed in a color
different from the rest of the text. How is this done? I'm
glad you ask, read on...
In routines that allow extended color codes, all text
outside the tilde (~) characters will be printed with the
primary color, and all text braced between two tilde
characters will be printed with the secondary color.
Extended color codes are created by combining two color
codes. The default color is placed on the right side of the
code, and the secondary color is placed on the left. It's
that easy!
WINHOTPRINT AuntEdna, 1, 1, &H0F07, "Hello, ~W~orld!"
Secondary color ────┴┘└┴──── Primary color
&H0F &H07
If you don't supply the secondary code, the primary will be
used by default.
1.2.5 And now, back to WinOpen()
Let's get back to WINOPEN().
AuntEdna = WINOPEN(10, 40, &H10, 1, &H1F, "", &HE0, %SHADOW)
The "BORDER" parameter (1) defines what border style is used
when the window is displayed. While in standard text mode,
there are 17 border styles available. When the graphical
mode is enabled, there is only 1 border style.
For the "BORDER COLOR", at time you may want the color of
the border to differ slightly (or greatly) from the text
color, so modify this to your hearts content.
The "TITLE" and "TITLE COLOR" work the same way. You may
use up to 40 characters in a title. Anything beyond that
point is chopped off.
Finally there is the window "WINDOW FLAGS" parameter. This
deserves a section of its own.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 8
1.2.6 Flag Waving Windows
The "WINDOW FLAGS" parameter defines the look, feel, and
response of a window. It allows you to add a shadow, scroll
bars, icons, and more.
To make things easier for you, all of the window flags have
been defined using constants (variables that don't change).
All you will have to remember are names, and not numbers.
And once again, if you forget any of the names, you can
always pull them up through the online help system.
In this example, only "%SHADOW" is used. This particular
option places a shadow at the lower right corner of the
window. There are quite a few options available, and here
is a list of the rest:
Constant Description
───────────── ────────────────────────────────────────
%AUTOCLOSE Forces window to close if it becomes
%AUTOSCROLL Coordinates window scroll relative to
window viewport and allows mouse and
keyboard scrolling of window.
%BOTTOMBAR Adds an attractive bottom bar to
graphical windows that do not already
have one.
%CONTROL Add a control box icon to the window
%DRAGBAR Add a drag bar to the window.
%HSCROLLBAR Add a horizontal scroll bar to the
%MINMAX Add minimize and maximize icons to the
%NOHORZBORDER Remove horizontal border from window.
%NOCOLOR Defines that all text in the window is
of one color (saves 50% memory).
%NOHIDE Does not allow window to be hidden.
%NOSELECT Disables all mouse manipulation of a
%NOVERTBORDER Remove vertical border from window.
%RESIZE Add a resize icon to the window.
%SHADOW Add a shadow to the window (lower/right)
%VSCROLLBAR Add a vertical scroll bar to the window.
You can use a single flag or you can merge several together.
Don't worry if you don't understand what all the different
flags are for. Each will be discussed as the tutorial
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 9
Let's say that you want a window to have a shadow, a
vertical scroll bar, and you want to drag it around with the
mouse. In this instance, you would use the options:
You may be wondering why "OR" is used instead of the "+"
sign when adding options. There is a very good reason. The
"OR" key word allows you to add numbers without worrying
about adding the same number twice. As an example:
1 + 2 + 8 + 8 = 19
1 OR 2 OR 8 OR 8 = 11
Accidentally adding the same window flag twice could cause
unexpected results. Using the "OR" key word simply insures
that you do not waste time looking for problems caused by
incorrectly adding the same window flags twice.
Here's a trick to make your program much easier to read:
Place all of window flags in a variable and then pass that
variable to WINOPEN():
That's all for WINOPEN(). On to WINSHOW().
1.2.7 Displaying a Window
Creating the window was the first step. The next step is to
get it onto the screen. To do this you must use WINSHOW():
WINSHOW AuntEdna, 0, 0, 25, 80
1. Window handle..: AuntEDna%
2. Screen row.....: 0
3. Screen column..: 0
4. Screen rows....: 25
5. Screen columns.: 80
The first parameter, "WINDOW HANDLE" refers to the handle
returned when the window was opened. Remember the
discussion relating it to a "telephone number"?
The "SCREEN ROW" and "SCREEN COL" parameters determine were
the window will be displayed. The example shown in
TUTOR1_2.BAS might confuse you for a second, but don't let
it. When you specify a value of 0 for the row and/or
column, the window is centered in that particular plane.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 10
The "SCREEN ROW" and "SCREEN COL" parameters determine how
many rows and columns of the window will be displayed. This
too might look a little confusing because 25 and 80 are
being passed and you know darn well that the window is only
10 rows by 40 columns. Relax. If you pass values larger
than what is true dimensions of the window, the values are
corrected internally. The purpose of this feature is so
that during product development, you do not have to keep
updating the call to WINSHOW() each time you change
1.2.8 Another way of Opening a Window
The next line introduces an alternative method of opening
and displaying a window.
WINPOPUP() is a routine that provides the functionality of
WINOPEN() and WINSHOW() in a single call, In fact,
internally, that is exactly what it does.
When do you use WINPOPUP() instead of WINOPEN()? That's
entirely up to you. There are no real "rules" governing it
use, but there are advantages to both.
WINOPEN() is best used when you want to display a window
with text already printed within it. Since windows are
"virtual", you can print to them long before you actually
display them. This way you can get the window looking prim
and proper before you show it to the whole world. It might
save you some embarassement if you ever decide to run for
You can use WINPOPUP() when you want to quickly display an
empty window.
Once again, there are no rules. Use which ever is more
convenient at the time.
1.2.9 Printing to a Window
An empty window doesn't do you much good, so a whole slew of
printing routines have been provided for your pleasure.
Here we use the WINPRINT() command. Think of it as a
combination of PowerBASIC's "LOCATE", "COLOR", and "PRINT"
command. Let's examine it:
WINPRINT AuntEdna, 5, 10, &H1E, "Hello Aunt Edna"
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 11
1. Window handle.: AuntEdna%
2. Window row....: 5
3. Window column.: 10
4. Text color....: &H1E
5. Text..........: "Hello Aunt Edna"
The "WINDOW ROW" and "WINDOW COLUMN" parameters (you already
know what the first is) determine the row and column where
printing is to start within the window. Bear in mind, this
is relative to the window, and not the screen itself. You
can print text anywhere you want within the confines of the
The "COLOR" parameter works as discussed earler. If you
don't understand what the "&H1E" means then you were naughty
and skipped the section titled "Colors, Colors Everywhere"
(section 1.2.3). Go back and read it because you are going
to see these types of numbers throughout this tutorial.
This color happens to be bright yellow on blue.
If you don't want to bother keeping track of the window
color, you can always use a value of '-1'. This is always
print in the window's default color.
The "TEXT" parameter is, well, the text itself. Anything
you put in here gets sent to the window.
As I said, there are other printing routines. The notable
ones are WINWRITE() and WINWRITELN(). These work somewhat
similar to PowerBASIC's own commands as they keep track of
and print at an interal window relative cursor position.
WINLOCATE AuntEdna, 5, 10
WINCOLOR AuntEdna, 14, 1
WINWRITE AuntEdna, "Hello Aunt Edna"
I hope they are self-explanatory.
1.2.10 Closing an open Window
When you are finished using a window, you may close it with
WINCLOSE(). This performs various functions. If the window
is being displayed, it is removed from the screen. All
memory allocated to the window is returned to the PowerBASIC
memory pool.
Note that closing a window is quite different from hiding a
window (see WINHIDE). When a window is hidden, it is simply
removed from view. It can still be re-displayed with a call
to WINSHOW(). Once a window is closed, however, the window
is gone.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 12
1.3 Customizing the "Desktop"
For the last few sections, you have been looking at programs
that use the default "desktop" settings. Though they look
okay, you can make things look a lot better by twiddling
around with a few variables.
The next demo, TUTOR1_3.BAS (load it now) shows how to
modify the application initialization variables. These
variables define the look and feel of the desktop. Let's
take quick at a few:
Variable Name Purpose
──────────────── ───────────────────────────────────
APP.ATTR Color of background fill-pattern.
APP.GRAPHICSMODE 0=text display, 1=graphics display.
APP.GRAPHICSMOUSE 0=text mouse, 1=graphics mouse.
APP.PATTERN Background fill-pattern.
1.3.1 Text or Graphics
If you haven't ran TUTOR1_3.BAS yet, please do it now. Do
you notice anything different? If you have an EGA/VGA
monitor, you should be seeing a much crisper, cleaner,
(kinder & gentler too) graphical look.
The APP.GRAPHICSMODE variable is what enabled this fine
feature. When you set this variable to a value of 0, you
get the plain old text mode. This is fine for regular
company, but not when you're entertaining foreign
dignitaries. When you set it to a value of 1, you get the
"graphical mapping" mode that will win you friends.
"Graphical mapping" is not true graphics, but it is a
strikingly close approximation. It is achieved by taking
control of your EGA/VGA video card and "mapping" graphical
icons into the standard character set. The end result is a
program that looks like it is running in graphics mode, but
runs with the full speed of text mode.
There is one "quirk" that you will quickly discover when
using graphical mapping. When you press CTRL-BREAK, or
single-step through your source, the border characters of
the PowerBASIC editor are going to look funny. Don't worry,
your source will remain completely readable. In a day or
so, you won't even notice it anymore. If it does bug you
after a few days, you can always switch in to plain old text
mode while you develop your programs.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 13
1.3.2 Changing the Desktop Color and Fill Pattern
You can also change the desktop color and fill pattern by
modifying the APP.ATTR and APP.PATTERN variables. By
default, the attribute is &H17 (white on blue) and the fill
pattern character is ASCII 176 ('░').
In TUTOR1_3.BAS, the desktop color has been changed to &H9F
(bright white on bright blue), and the fill pattern has been
changed to ASCII 32 (a space character).
Why don't you take a few minutes to play around with the
values of these two variables. I'll wait here till you get
1.3.3 Adding a "Title Bar"
Next comes the APPTITLE() routine. When a title is added to
the desktop, the entire screen is moved down one line, and
the title is displayed at the center of the first screen
You can add a title at any time, but it is best to create it
before calling APPINIT(). This way, when the desktop is
initialized, the title will come up with it. If you want to
add (or change) the title later on, you can do that too.
You will, however, have to call APPREFRESH() to update the
desktop with the new title.
That's it for this chapter. Pick up your certificate at the
front desk and proceed to the next chapter.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 14
Chapter 2
Input, Need Input!
Now that you are a PB/VISION windowing guru, it's time to
move on to ways of getting input from the user.
In any program, there is more to "input" than just asking
the user some questions. Input could be the user typing
something on the keyboard, or using the mouse to manipulate
objects on the screen.
With conventional programming techniques, seamless
integration of the mouse and keyboard is an almost
impossible task. On the opposite side, with "event-driven"
techniques, it becomes ridiculously easy. You no longer
need to respond directly to input from the user. You
instead respond to "messages" delivered to you by the "event
manager". This is how it works in PB/VISION.
Event management in PB/VISION is handled entirely by a
routine called GETEVENT(). Ideally, GETEVENT() periodically
takes control of your program and determines if any "event"
has happened. If any event has indeed occurred, GETEVENT()
returns a unique "message" indicating exactly what happened.
You might now be wondering, "What is an event?". Using the
mouse to move a window is an event. Pushing a button in a
form is an event. Selecting a menu item is an event.
Anything you do to interact with the program is an event.
A "message" is a unique numeric value indicating what type
of event occurred. Moving a window with the mouse will
trigger event #206. Pressing the <ESC> key will trigger
event #102. Stepping on the dogs tail with trigger a "bark
event". There is an event code for every possible important
Keep in mind that even though an event occurs, you do not
need to watch for it, let alone respond to it. Most events,
such as moving a window (#206), are trivial and most
programs do not need to respond to them.
Figure 2.1 should give you an idea of the flow control that
GETEVENT() follows. Don't worry, this isn't going to be on
the test.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 15
║ ┌────────────┴────────────┐ ║
║ ┌─────────┴─────────┐ ┌─────────┴─────────┐ ║
║ │ Poll the Keyboard │ (a) │ Poll the Mouse │ ║
║ └─────────┬─────────┘ └─────────┬─────────┘ ║
║ └────┐ ┌────┘ ║
║ ┌───┴───────────────┴────┐ ║
║ (b) │ Event Decoder │ ║
║ └───────────┬────────────┘ ║
║ ┌───────────┴────────────┐ ║
║ (c) │ Event Dispatcher │ ║
║ │ (processes events) │ ║
║ │ (spits out messages) │ ║
║ └───────────┬────────────┘ ║
Figure 2.1: A little "black box" called GETEVENT()
As the figure shows, on entry to GETEVENT(), the keyboard
and mouse are polled for activity. Any activity is passed
along to an internal subroutine that determines exactly what
the user is attempting to do. Once a course of action has
been determined, the event is dispatched to the appropriate
interface routine. When that routine terminates, it returns
the "message" that GETEVENT() ultimately returns to you.
Strangely enough, there is even an event for a "nonevent".
Event ID #17 indicates that absolutely nothing happened
during this call to GETEVENT().
2.1 Your First "Event-Driven" Program
Load the file TUTOR2_1.BAS into PowerBASIC. This program
demonstrates the simplest possible "Event Loop".
2.1.1 The "EVENT.BI" $INCLUDE File
Near the top of the program you will notice that another
$INCLUDE file has added. To add event-driven control to
your programs, you must include "EVENT.BI".
Hey, what a small section!
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 16
2.1.2 Polling "GetEvent()" for Events
As you can see, it is called an "event loop" because
GETEVENT() must be called repeatedly (in a loop!) in order
for your interface to function. If you don't call
GETEVENT(), nothing will happen.
When an event occurs, an event code is returned and we
descend through a "SELECT CASE" structure to look for code
to respond to that particular event.
In this example, two separate events are being watched for.
The first is event #102, which is triggered when the <ESC>
key is pressed. When this happens, the code drops us out of
the loop via an "EXIT DO" statement and the program
terminates below. Pretty boring, huh?
Meanwhile, to let you know that the program is in fact
working, the word "waiting" is continuously scrolled in the
open window. Don't worry, this is not a built-in feature,
but just a response to a line of code written to handle
event #17 (the "nothing happened" event).
On with the show...
2.2 Responding to the Keyboard
As I mentioned earlier, there is an event code for just
about every occasion. If you pull up the PB/VISION help
file in PowerBASIC's help system, you will find a list of
all of the included event codes. There are predefined codes
for <TAB>, <SHIFT-TAB>, <F1>, and a couple dozen others.
When anyone of these keys are pressed, GETEVENT() will
return the corresponding event codes. This is to save you
from having to poll the keyboard yourself and run yourself
silly checking for scan codes and all that other not so fun
Load TUTOR2_2.BAS. This program is written to watch for a
few common (and not so common) built-in event codes. They
are <ESC>, <CR>, <F1>, <TAB>, <SHIFT-TAB>, <ALT-TAB>,
<CTRL-TAB>, and <ALT-SPACE>. Pressing any of these keys
will display the event code generated, and the meaning of
that event. This program will also respond to any
alphanumeric keys pressed. Run the program for a few
minutes and come back when you're ready.
Just after the call to GETEVENT() is a line of code that
prints the occurring event number each time one occurs.
Because event #17 occurs so often, I opted to add code that
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 17
bypasses all occurrences of event #17. If you place remarks
in front of those lines, the screen gets updated so often
that it gets confusing. Try it if you want.
2.2.1 Responding to Alpha-Numeric keys with "KEYGET"
Whenever you press a key that GETEVENT() doesn't know what
to do with, event #100 is triggered. At the same time, a
variable called "KEYGET%" is loaded with the value of the
key pressed. If the pressed key was alphanumeric, KEYGET
will hold that key's ASCII value. If any cursor or function
key, or any <ALT> keys are pressed, KEYGET is loaded with an
extended keyboard code. You will find a list of these codes
in the PB/VISION help screens under "Keyboard Codes".
In the example we assume it is an ASCII character if KEYGET
is less than 256, otherwise it is assumed to be an extended
keyboard code, which we want to ignore for now.
2.2.2 Responding to built-in Keyboard Events
The next group of events are the event codes for all the
different <TAB> key combinations and <ALT-SPACE>. When any
of these keys are pressed, the program responds with a line
of text indicating which combination was pressed.
2.2.3 Getting Help with <F1>
To make adding a help system to your program as simple as
possible, the <F1> key has been set aside as the dedicated
"Help" key. When you press <F1>, event #103 is triggered.
In a couple of chapters, I'll tell you how to add a context
sensitive help system that pops up whenever <F1> is pressed.
By the way, <F1> is the only function key that has a built-
in event code. <F2> is _not_ going to trigger event #104 no
matter how hard you press it. If you want to learn how to
trap other function keys, keep reading.
2.3 How to create "Custom" Keyboard Event Codes
In this section of the tutorial, I am going to teach you two
of the most important features of event-driven program. The
first is getting input from the keyboard, and the second is
creating your very own custom event codes.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 18
With the multitude of event codes allowed, you would think
that our programmers labored for years to come up with them.
Why yes, as true as it is, there are many events that are
not built-in. Pressing the "A" key while wiggling your left
pinky toe is one of them. While this may be important to
some programmers, it is not important to most. For us to
include this as part of the package would only hinder
programmers who don't want that feature. By now you must be
wondering what in the world I am talking about.
Let's say that you want to detect when the user of your
program presses <ALT-X>. In most programs this indicates
that you would like to terminate execution of the program.
Well, <ALT-X> doesn't have a event code for this key
combination. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?
The answer is that you need to create a "custom event code".
In this section, I'll show you how to create custom keyboard
event codes. Following sections will show you how to create
custom menu, form, and status bar event codes.
To get started, load TUTOR2_3.BAS.
2.3.1 Defining a few Custom Event Codes
The first step in creating a custom event code is figuring
out what the event code numbers will be. PB/VISION's
internal event codes never go above 1000, so seems like a
good starting point.
At the head of TUTOR2_3.BAS, four custom event codes are
defined. Since remembering names are a lot easier than
remembering numbers, I have assigned the event numbers to a
few constants.
%cmF3 = 1001
%cmF4 = 1002
%cmAltX = 1003
%cmPookie = 1004
As you might expect, the custom events created in this
example will be triggered when the user presses <F3>, <F4>,
and <ALT-X>.
You must be wondering what "%cmPookie" is for. It's to
prove a point. The names you use for the constants are
purely arbitrary. The "F3" in "%cmF3" does nothing to
affect the code. Nothing. It's just easier to remember. A
"%cmPookie" event is triggered with <ALT-P>. It could
easily be relabeled "%cmAltP".
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 19
Incidentally, "Pookie" was the nickname of my friend Ross's
sister when I was a kid in Detroit. I think her real name
was Sherry.
2.3.2 Adding the Custom Events
A little further down the code is where the custom events
get added to the list of events that GETEVENT() watches
for. This is the purpose of HOTKEYADD(). It lets you
assign an event code to a particular keyboard key. When the
user presses the key, it triggers the corresponding event
The first line:
assigns the "%cmF3" event to the <F3>. "&H3D00" is the
extended keyboard code for the <F3> key. The rest of the
calls work the same way.
If you want to find a list of the possible extended keyboard
codes, bring up the PB/VISION help system and select
"Keyboard Codes".
2.3.3 Responding to Custom Events
You might be wondering what these custom events will
accomplish. By looking at the code, you will see that <F3>
prints "Hello, World!" in the top window; <F4> brings the
next logical window to the top; <ALT-X> terminates the
program; and <ALT-P> says "Hi" to my long lost friend's
older sister.
2.4 Of Mice and Windows
A major part of event-driven programming is the ability to
use a mouse to control the interface. That's what this
section is about. To get started, load TUTOR2_4.BAS.
In this example, the windows can be dragged about the screen
by positioning the mouse cursor on the top line of the
window, and holding the left mouse button down, and moving
the mouse hither and yon (that means "here and there" for
those of you in Rio Linda). The window can also be re-sized
by grabbing the bottom left edge with the mouse and moving
it about in the same manner.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 20
Moving a window with the mouse triggers event #206, re-
sizing one triggers event #207, and simply selecting one
triggers event #202. There are other mouse/window events,
but you can look them up in the docs.
A word of warning to advanced programmers. Never attempt to
mix in any of your own mouse routines. It will cause your
computer to explode! Just kidding! But seriously, using
non-PB/VISION mouse routine will most likely cause the mouse
to lock up.
2.4.1 Selecting the Mouse Cursor Style
Before initializing the mouse routines, you must determine
what type of mouse cursor you want, text or graphical. The
text mouse gives you the familiar block character mouse, and
the graphical cursor gives you that, well, graphical look.
The purpose of the "APP.GRAPHICSMOUSE" variable is to
determine which one you want. For text, use a value of 0,
and for graphical, use a value of 1.
During development of your program, it is best to use the
text mouse. If you happen to insert a breakpoint in your
code while the graphical mouse is enabled, you will get an
ugly, though harmless, blob of characters for your mouse
cursor. It's hideous and scares farm animals. When you are
ready to compile your program to disk, you may then enable
the graphical cursor.
2.4.2 Making your program "Mouse Aware"
The next step is to initialize the mouse and turn it on.
MOUSEINIT() is the magic function that accomplishes this
feat. When called, it will not only enable the mouse, but
it will tell you how many buttons are on it. This is always
a good topic of discussion at cocktail parties. The more
buttons you have, the more affluent you are.
If a mouse is found, MOUSEINIT() will return some positive
value. If it returns a value of 0, that means you don't have
a mouse and you probably have no idea what I am talking
about right now.
Once the mouse is initialized, you can make it visible with
a call to MOUSECURSORON(). Until then, it is invisible and
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 21
By the way, for any of this to work, you must include
"MOUSE.BI" in your list of $INCLUDE files (see line 10).
2.4.3 Making Windows Mouse Aware
Just because a program is "mouse aware", doesn't mean the
windows are mouse aware. You have to turn on a couple of
options in each window to let the event manager know how far
you will let the mouse go with the windows.
For purposes of this example, the windows should be dragable
and re-sizable. Adding these traits is a simple as adding
the "%DRAGBAR" and "%RESIZE" flags to the list of window
2.4.4 Responding to "Mouse Events"
Take a moment to run the program. When you move the window
(event #206) the program displays some text (in the window,
of course) to call attention to it's unwavering fondness for
you. Re-sizing the window (event #207) displays some other
funny statement which hasn't been determined at press time.
Simply clicking the window will display a third statement
that doesn't appear to be funny at all.
For a list of other mouse events, pull up the "Event Codes"
help screen in the PowerBASIC editor.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 22
Chapter 3
3.1 Multi-Threading made easy.
If you have seen the PB/WORKSHOP demo (or if you own the
real thing), you may be wondering how there can be so many
data entry forms on the screen at a single time and that all
of them seem to be active.
This is accomplished through "multi-threading". STOP!
Don't run away. This is a $10.00 word for a 10 cent
concept, a sheep in wolves clothing, something so simple
that even a politician could understand. You get the point.
In five (maybe 10) minutes you're going to be an expert on
the subject.
In a normal program GETEVENT() returns every event back to
you right after the event occurs. Simplifying Figure 2.1
shown way at the beginning of the tutorial, events are
processed as shown in Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: Simplified GETEVENT() flowchart.
Whenever the user does something important (like selecting a
menu item or pressing a key), the event code is returned to
you immediately by GETEVENT(). Simple, right?
When you multi-thread a window, menu, or form (objects), you
add an intermediate function in the middle of the whole
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 23
Figure 3.2: GETEVENT() with "Multi-Threading".
This time around, your own function gets called just before
GETEVENT() returns the event code. The only time your
function gets called is when you act directly upon the
window it is assigned to. Because of this, you can assign
different functions to different objects as shown in Figure
3.3. Each function will only be called when you do
something to the object it belongs to.
┌─────────┴────────────┐ ┌──────────┴───────────┐
└─────────┬────────────┘ └──────────┬───────────┘
Figure 3.3: "Multi-Threading" multiple objects.
So how does this all relate when it comes to real programs?
That is the purpose of WININSTALLCODE(), and the subject of
next couple of sections.
To get started, load TUTOR3_1.BAS
3.1.1 Assigning Code to a Window.
Here we open a window just like all of the other windows
opened so far. Nothing special so far.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 24
The big step comes with WININSTALLCODE(). Here we must pass
it the handle of the window, as well as the address of the
function that will be assigned to the window.
1. Window handle........: win1%
2. Routine code segment.: CODESEG(YourRoutine)
3. Routine code offset..: CODEPTR(YourRoutine)
If you are not familiar with CODESEG() and CODEPTR(), these
are PowerBASIC routines that return the segment and offset
of a function, sub, or line label.
This is how the program knows what function to call when you
do something to a particular window.
3.1.2 Syntax of a Window Subroutine.
When your subroutine gets called, several parameters are
passed to it. These are all passed by value (BYVAL).
FUNCTION YOURROUTINE% (WinHandle%, EventNo%, Parm1%,
The first parameter is always the window's handle. Since is
it possible to assign the same function to different
windows, it is always nice to know which window is being
acted upon.
The second parameter is the event code. This is the same
code that GETEVENT() would have returned had you not
installed the subroutine.
The last two parameters vary with the event code. If you
move the window, PARM1% and PARM2% will reflect the new row
and column where the window was moved to. If you re-size
the window, PARM1% and PARM2% will reflect the new size of
the window in rows and columns. If you just click on the
window, they will be the row and column within the window
where the click occured. Most other times, they will both
be 0.
It is important that you use this exact syntax for your
window subroutine. You can cut and paste a generic template
from PB/VISION's help file by pressing SHIFT-F1 and
selecting "WinInstallCode() Template".
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 25
3.1.3 Processing Events in a Window Subroutine.
This should look quite familiar. Inside of your subroutine
you act upon the event codes just as if they had been
returned by GETEVENT(). There is absolutely no difference.
Remember, the only time this subroutine gets called is when
this window gets acted upon. You don't have to worry about
events triggered by other windows. Also, if you have a
pulldown menu or status bar active, the event codes will
_not_ be passed to your subroutine. They will be passed to
GETEVENT() as normal.
3.1.4 Returning Event Codes back to GETEVENT().
The final step is to return the event code back to
GETEVENT(). Since this is a function, you just return the
value like you would in any other function.
YourRoutine% = EventNo%
Hmmmm. This could be interesting. If you want to, you
could even return a different event code altogether. In
this example, we do just that. Look up a few lines. Do you
see the "CASE 203"? This is the event code returned when
you click the control box on a window. Here we intercept
this event, and reassign "EventNo = 102". This is the event
code for the <ESC> key.
CASE 203
EventNo = 102
YourRoutine% = EventNo%
This way, event code 102 is returned back to the main
GETEVENT() loop and it thinks someone pressed the <ESC> key.
3.2 Multi-Threading Continued - A Couple of New Events.
In the next TUTOR3_2.BAS you will be introduced to a couple
of new event codes.
Before examining the source code, please run the demo.
Using the mouse, click the center of each window a couple of
times. Do you notice anything different? Keep reading.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 26
3.2.1 Some New Events Codes.
When you switch from one window to another, _two_ event
codes are triggered. The first event is #200. This event
lets a window know that it just got focus. The second event
is the regular event code. At the same time, in the other
window, event #201 is triggered. This lets the other window
know that it is no longer the center of attention.
3.3 Complex Multi-Threaded Program.
When it comes down to it, multi-threading is best left to
data entry forms and menus, but you can do some very
interesting things to dress up a plain old window. That is
what will be done in this section.
TUTOR3_3.BAS (load it now) shows a more realistic use of
multi-threaded techniques to manage objects on the display.
This program displays a window from which you can make a
color selection. When you select a color, the output window
is re-colored with that color. This is accomplished by
assigning a subroutine to the selection window so that it
responds to mouse clicks in specific parts of the window.
Whenever one of the specific areas is clicked, such as on
one of the color tiles, the subroutine responds accordingly.
3.3.1 Making the Code More Readable.
To make the program more readable, all of the code that
initializes the selection window has been placed in it's own
subroutine. This subroutine is labeled "PENWINDOW.INIT".
You will find it a little lower in the program source.
3.3.2 Initializing the Selection Window.
In PENWINDOW.INIT(), the selection window is opened and the
multi-threading subroutine, PENWINDOW.ROUTINE(), is assigned
to it. The final call in PENWINDOW.INIT() simply calls the
assigned subroutine once with dummy values that force it to
initially paint the window.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 27
3.3.3 Responding to Window Clicks
As the program runs, clicking on the selection window will
trigger event #202. As you may recall, this is the "window
click" event. At this time, PENWINDOW.ROUTINE() gets called
with the last two parameters signifying the row and column
within the window where the click occurred. In previous
programs these two parameters were labeled "Parm1%" and
A little lower in the code, the row and column get parsed
through a SELECT CASE structure to figure out exactly what
color was desired. Next the output window gets re-colored.
3.3.4 Returning a Modified Event Code
To inform the main event loop (and you) that the color was
changed, a custom event code labeled "%cmColorChange" was
defined at the beginning of the program. After the window
is re-colored, the "EventNo%" parameter is changed to
reflect the color change and this value gets returned back
to GETEVENT(). At that time, some text gets printed to the
output window in the new color.
3.4 Child Menus and Forms without Overkill.
Now onto a new subject...
There are many times you want to be able to bring up a menu
or form, make a selection, and then have it go just away.
Multi-threading is severe overkill is this case.
The best way to structure this is to put the entire second
object in its own subroutine. The following routine should
serve as a template:
SUB SecondObject
saveState% = WINLOCKSTATE ' see text below
' code to open and display object goes here
WINLOCKALL WINGET ' see text below
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 28
CASE 102 ' esc key
' code to hide and close object goes here
WINLOCKRESTORE saveState% ' see text below
There are three very important routines that must be called
when bringing up a secondary object.
1. The WINLOCKSTATE%() function returns information
about the internal state of the window management
code. You must save this information in an
INTEGER variable _before_ bringing up the second
2. WINLOCKALL(WINGET) completely locks the top most
object in place and does not permit selection of
any other screen object. This is called _after_
the new object is displayed.
3. WINLOCKRESTORE() must be called after the second
object has been closed. This puts the window
manager back to its original state. You should
pass it the same variable you used for
3.5 Background Tasking
For those of you developing communications programs or
programs that perform a lot of report printing, "Background
Tasking" becomes a necessity.
With communications programs it is important that you check
the input buffer on a regular basis. If you do not, the
buffer fills up and you either lose data or communications
is halted. When it comes to printing, most programs tie up
the computer until the printing is completed.
None of this is true if you plan your program carefully and
use PB/VISION's background tasking routine
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 29
As the name implies, TIMERINSTALLCODE() allows you to create
a special routine that will be called automatically up to 18
times per second. While this is not a true "interrupt
handler" as most assembly programmers would know it, it
suits the purpose quite well.
To use the routine, you must first create the function that
will be called:
FUNCTION MyTask% (BYVAL UpdateSafe%)
SOUND 20000, .1 ' sound a 'tick'
MyTask% = 0
When PB/VISION internally calls your routine, it passes a
single parameter that tells whether it is safe to update the
screen. If '1' is passed, it is safe to perform _any_
PB/VISION specific screen (desktop) operation. If '0' is
passed, do not do anything that will update the screen
Since MyTask%() is a function, it can return a value. This
value will be returned by GETEVENT(). If you were to change
the above to "MyTask% = 102", GETEVENT() would also return
102. You would be left thinking a ghost pressed the <ESC>
key since 102 is the <ESC> key event.
There is _one_ exception to the last paragraph. The only
time your routine will return a value back to GETEVENT() is
when the "UpdateSafe%" parameter has a value of '1'. It is
ignored if "UpdateSafe%" is '0'.
MTIMER.BAS and SPOOLER.BAS are two programs that fully
demonstrate the mechanics of the routine.
3.6 Making programs smaller with "Stub" Files.
On those rare occasions you feel you can do with the fancy-
schmansy graphics mapping and/or rodent control, several
special stub files have been included.
3.6.1 The "NOGRAPH.OBJ" and "NOTEXT.OBJ" Stub Files.
Adding this module to you program will remove all support
for graphics mapping and the arrow style mouse. It will
trim about 8K off the size of your program.
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 30
To use it, just $LINK it in right below the "%ISPBU"
assignment in the main module of your program:
%ISPBU = 0
Before the call to APPINIT() you should add:
app.graphicsmode = 0
app.graphicsmouse = 0
If you are real daring and only want to support EGA/VGA
graphics mapping, you can perform the exact opposit with:
%ISPBU = 0
and then:
app.graphicsmode = 1
app.graphicsmouse = 1
3.6.2 The "NOMOUSE.OBJ" Stub File
To remove all mouse support from PB/VISION you can link in
"NOMOUSE.OBJ". It's job is to make sure that all of
PB/VISION's internal mouse calls have some where to go.
This will trim about 4K off your program size.
To use it, just $LINK it in right below the "%ISPBU"
assignment in the main module of your program.
%ISPBU = 0
(c) Copyright 1993-1994 DSE Software Publishing 31