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1,401 lines
.rem -----------------PRESS CTRL-G (Go) TO RUN THIS PROGRAM---------
.screen 0
.col 3
.cen(*Your Personal Computer Tutorial - Introduction*)
.cen(*by Alan Elliott, 1988*)
.col normal
│ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ │ ▄ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ° │
│ └──────────┘ ° │
│ ▄ ▄▄▄──▄▄▄ ▄▄▄──▄▄▄ │
│ │││││││ █▄▄__▄▄█ █▄▄__▄▄█ │
.locate 7,35
.color 10
.color 7
.play (*mft160o2l8cdep2*)
.locate 7,35 (* *)
.locate 7,36
.color 12
.color 7
.play (*fgap2*)
.color 14
.loc 6,35 (* IBM*)
.loc 7,35 (*PERSONAL*)
.loc 8,35 (*COMPUTER*)
.play (*bo3c*)
.col 14
.locate 14,64
.loc 15,64
│ │
.loc 16,64
.loc 17,64
.loc 18,64
.loc 19,64
│ │
.loc 20,64
│ │
.loc 21,64
.loc 14,1
.color 3
The IBM Personal Computer awaits your every command.
First, we must know how to tell it to do something. After
typing your answer to a question, you must press the
ENTER key (sometimes called the RETURN key). This key is
located on the right side of the keyboard. It looks like
the one pictured here.
.col 14
.pau(*Press the ENTER key once *)
.loc 14,1
.blank 9
.loc 18,1
.col 3
Very Good! This introduction to the IBM Personal Computer will teach you some
of the fundamentals of your PC. First of all, let's look at the various parts
of the computer.
.col 14
.pause (*Please press the ENTER key *)
.locate 6,50
.color 28
-- This is the MONITOR
.color 3
.locate 18,1
.bla 5
.loc 18,1
The computer monitor is used to display information, so that the computer can
communicate with you. Your monitor may display information in black and
white (or black and green), or it may display information in color.
.col 14
.PAUSE (*Press ENTER to continue*)
.locate 6,50 (* *)
.col 28
.locate 12,55 (*- The COMPUTER CONSOLE*)
.col normal
.locate 18,1
.bla 6
.locate 18,1
.col 3
The computer itself is located in this cabinet. You may have one or two
disk drives installed in the right side of the front panel of your computer.
These disk drives are used to store and read information from diskettes. We
will learn more about disk drives later.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.skip 6
.col 14
Ending a Tutorial
.skip 2
.col 3
If you wish to exit a tutorial lesson before reaching the end, press the
"Esc" key. This key is located on the top row of the keyboard to the left of
the "1" key. Pressing the "Esc" key will take you back to the menu.
.skip 2
.col 14
.pau(*Please press ENTER*)
.col normal
.loc 1,1
│F1║F2││ES║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║ -- ║NumLk║ScrLk│
│F3║F4││-│║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║ │║7 ║8 ║9 ║- │
│F5║F6││Ctrl║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║ ║4 ║5 ║6 ║ │
╞══╬══╡╞═══╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩═╦╩══╬═══╬══╬══╬══╣ │
│F7║F8││ ║\ ║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║ * ║1 ║2 ║3 ║+ │
╞══╬══╡╞═══╩═╦╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩══╩╦═╩═══╬═══╩══╬══╩══╣ │
│F9║F0││ Alt ║ ║CapLk║ 0 ║ . ║ │
.loc 1,16
.color reverse
.loc 2,16
║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║
.loc 3,16
.loc 4,17
║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║
.loc 5,17
.loc 6,18
║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║
.loc 7,18
.loc 8,20
║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║
.loc 9,19
.loc 10,19
║ ║
.loc 11,19
.color 3
.LOCATE 15,1
.col 3
This is a simple picture of the IBM Personal Computer Keyboard. Notice that
it looks very similar to a standard typewriter keyboard, especially the
high-lighted portion.
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.color normal
.loc 1,16
.loc 2,16
║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 9║ 0║ -║ =║
.loc 3,16
.loc 4,17
║Q ║W ║E ║R ║T ║Y ║U ║I ║O ║P ║[ ║] ║
.loc 5,17
.loc 6,18
║A ║S ║D ║F ║G ║H ║J ║K ║L ║; ║' ║` ║
.loc 7,18
.loc 8,20
║Z ║X ║C ║V ║B ║N ║M ║, ║. ║/ ║ ║
.loc 9,19
.loc 10,19
║ ║
.loc 11,19
.color reverse
.locate 5,18
.locate 6,18
║A ║
.locate 7,18
.col 3
.loc 15,1
.bla 9
.loc 15,1
Let's try using the keyboard. Locate the "A" on the keyboard and press it
once. Notice that a lowercase "a" appears on the screen. Press the ENTER key
after you have typed an "a".
@Begin question
@trys 7
.col 14
@READ (*Press the "A" key once, and press the ENTER key :*)
@right (*A*) exact nocase
.col 10
Very, good. Let's continue.
.play (*t160l16o2cdefgabo3cp2p2*)
.col 12
Woops, enter a single letter "A", and press the Enter key.
.play (*o1a1p1p1*)
.loc 19,1
.bla 4
.loc 19,1
@end question
.col normal
.loc 5,18
.loc 6,18
║A ║
.loc 7,18
.col reverse
.loc 1,52
.loc 2,52
║ -- ║
.loc 3,52
.col 14
.loc 15,1
.bla 9
.loc 15,1
.cen(*Correcting a Mistake*)
.col 3
If you type in a letter or number by mistake, you can erase it by using the
-- key at the top of the keyboard. Each time you press this key, it erases
the character to the left of the blinking underline. (This blinking underline
is called the cursor and it tells you where you are typing on the screen).
.col 14
.pau (*Please press ENTER*)
.color normal
.loc 1,52
.loc 2,52
║ -- ║
.loc 3,52
.col 14
.color reverse
.loc 7,13
.loc 8,13
│ ║
.loc 9,13
.loc 7,50
.loc 8,50
║ ║
.loc 9,50
.col 3
.loc 13,1
.bla 11
.loc 13,1
.col 14
The Shift Key
.col 3
Now locate the two keys on either side of the keyboard which are gray, and
contain a picture of an arrow pointing up. These are "shift" keys, and are
used like the shift keys on a typewriter. When a shift key is held down, and
a letter key is pressed, an uppercase letter appears on the screen. Use the
shift to type an uppercase "A" by holding the shift key down, and pressing
the "A" key once.
@TRY 5
.loc 21,1
.bla 3
.loc 21,1
.col 14
@READ (*Enter an uppercase "A" here and press the ENTER key : *)
.col 10
Very good!
.play (*o2l16cdefgabo3c*)
.col 12
Remember, hold the shift key down, and press the "A" key once.
.play (*o1a1p1p1p1*)
.col normal
.loc 7,13
.loc 8,13
│ ║
.loc 9,13
.loc 7,50
.loc 8,50
║ ║
.loc 9,50
.loc 13,1
.bla 11
.loc 13,1
.col 3
The shift key is also used to type characters which appear as the top
character on keys such as the number keys at the top of the keyboard.
That is, a shift 1 key must be typed to get an "!".
Let's type something longer than one character...
.col 6
.col 14
.inf 1 (*Please type your first name, and press ENTER :*)
.col 14
.cen(*Forget the p's and q's - watch those l's and O's*)
.col 3
.loc 6,1
OK, (.inf 1), that's a good start on the keyboard. In the next lesson we will