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Understanding Computers (multiple volume series) By editors of
Time-Life Books. 1985. Reader information service, 541 North
Fairbanks Court, Chicago, Ill 60611. Found in most libraries,
this multiple volume set of lavishly illustrated computer guides
covers topics such as computer security, data input,
programming, computer history, new technology and other topics.
Nicely done series with better color illustrations than any
computer book yet published.
Managing Your Hard Disk. Don Berliner. 1988 Que Publishing.
Topics include installing and formatting a hard disk, learning
about subdirectories, backup methods plus many tips, tricks and
traps in using the all essential hard drive in your PC. Also
includes suggestions for use of many popular software packages
such as Automenu and other hard drive management systems.
Next, the popular "Build Your Own...And Save A Bundle" series:
Build Your Own IBM Compatible and Save A Bundle
Upgrade Your Computer And Save A Bundle
Build Your Own 80286 And Save A Bundle
Build Your Own 80386 And Save A Bundle
Build Your Own 80486 And Save A Bundle
Above books by Aubrey Pilgrim. TAB-McGraw-Hill Publishing. Order
via toll free telephone number 1-800-765-1714. This series of
books features detailed photos, notes, diagrams and PLAIN ENGLISH
instructions on how to assemble or upgrade a complete computer
system. Save hundreds of dollars on equipment. Over 200,000
copies sold of this popular series. Incidentally, you can obtain
a free catalog listing the TAB-McGraw-Hill computer books by
calling 1-800-822-8138.
The Printer Bible. Scott Foerster, Que Corporation, 1990. This
is by far the biggest and best book ever written on using ANY
type of printer effectively. How to fully use, buy, maintain,
upgrade everything from the humble dot matrix printer to the
flashiest laser. Contains a thorough review of printer
technology, comprehensive charts, installation tips, postscript,
ribbons, ink technology, the works!
Using 123. 1989 Que Publishing. With over one million copies
sold, this is far and away the number one choice in Lotus 123
guides. Includes basics of command structure, installation,
spreadsheet template examples, graphing, traps and techniques
for advanced use, menu structure, effective macro use and much
more. 837 pages of detailed information.
Dvorak's Guide to PC Telecommunications. John Dvorak and Nick
Anis. 1990 McGraw-Hill. At over 1037 pages this is the essential
book for those interested in learning about modems, bulletin
board systems, E-Mail, Compuserve or anything related to
computers and telecommunications. Contains two disks with useful
programs such as Telix, CED, Shez, PKZip, Modem Tutor, and
others which compliment the text section of the book. Essential
reading. Appendix sections include the Hayes AT command set and
hundreds of BBS telephone numbers plus discount coupons for
products and services.
The PC Configuration Handbook. John Woram. 1991 Bantam Computer
Books. The total guide to troubleshooting hardware related
problems. A 768 page resource rich with notes on tests such as
configuration of laser printers and other hardware setup needs.
The Winn Rosch Hardware Bible. Winn L. Rosch. 1991 Brady Computer
Books. A hands on approach to repairing and troubleshooting PC
problems. Including printers, memory, keyboards, software
settings and more. 628 pages.
The Laserjet Handbook. Steven Bennett. 1991 Brady computer
Books. 518 pages with a utility diskette for information on the
care and feeding of the HP Laserjet printer.
Using PFS: First Choice. George Omura. 1988 Sybex. A thorough
beginners guide to mastering the First Choice integrated program
which is popular with those needing a single program which
contains a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report
generator, graphics and telecommunications package. If you need
a single program and a single book to do it all on your PC this
is the choice.
Using Wordstar. Steve Ditlea. 1988 Que. Wordstar 5 users will
delight in over 600 pages of tips on this classic word
processing package. Covers installation, editing, printing,
command structure, mail-merging techniques, spell-checking,
macros and much more. Also includes tips on using this classic
word processor with other packages such as 123 and PC-Outline.
Recommeded Wordperfect Resources:
Wordperfect 5.1 Tips, Tricks and Traps. Charles Stewart III
Wordperfect 5.1 made Easy. Mella Mincberg
Wordperfect 5.1: The Complete Reference. Karen Acerson
Wordperfect 5.1 Macros and Templates. Gordon McComb
Wordperfect Desktop Publishing in Style. Daniel Will-Harris
Wordperfect 5.0 Instant Reference. Greg Harvey
Computer Viruses, Worms, Data Diddlers, Killer Programs and
other Threats to Your System. John McAfee and Colin Haynes. 1989
St Martins Press. Written by the chairman of the Computer Virus
Industry Association, this book presents a chillingly detailed
look at viruses and other destructive software progams. Includes
actual programming code for two virus samples as well as
detailed reviews of software protection programs, computer
security methods and historical anecdotes about virus infections
in corporate and university settings. A frighteningly accurate
look at a subject most computer users do not understand.
Computer Viruses. Ralph Roberts. 1988 Chilton Books. A detailed
discussion of programs which deliberately attempt to corrupt
your data. Discusses many known viruses, how they work,
telephone and on-line sources for help and virus antidotes.
IBM XT Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook
IBM AT Clone Buyers Guide and Handbook
386 Buyers Guide and Handbook
By Edwin Rutsch. 1988. Modular Information Systems. This trilogy
of books cover computers of all major categories in the IBM clone
world. Buy an edition which is six months or less old; frequent
updates are common. Back issues of PC Magazine also review
computers and recommend "editor's choices" and best buys in most
classes of IBM clone computers.
Dr. File Finder's Guide to Shareware by Michael Callahan and
Nick Anis. ISBN: 0-07-881646-7. A book and disk package teaching
you how to find and use the best in shareware. Learn about disk
vendors, computer club sources, details about the very best
shareware in 20 categories. Disk includes such popular programs
as Qmodem, Dos line editor, Anarkey, MackMail and more. Two
additional disks available upon submission of a postcard
contained in the book.
Writing & Marketing Shareware - a book and companion cassette
tape by Steve Hudgik, HomeCraft, P.O. Box 974, Tualatin, OR
97062. Tel 503/692-3732. The best book in the industry for
learning about programming, designing and MARKETING shareware
for maximum financial return. Shows you how to become a
successful shareware author who develops WINNING shareware for
maximum income. Incl