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Getting Started
"It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it
frankly and try another. But above all, try something."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Installing the Toolkit
The Toolkit is available in a variety of disk densities and sizes. This
section assumes that you are installing the software from a two disk
set. If you are using a single disk set, simply assume that all the
files are contained on a single disk and ignore the instructions for
inserting the second disk.
The program disk includes an installation program INSTALL.EXE. This
program can be used to automatically install the software onto your
hard disk. It will prompt you to enter the appropriate source and tar-
get directories, and will not modify your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
files. Alternatively, you may install the Toolkit manually. Please note
that the files are stored on disk in compressed form, and must be
uncompressed (decompressed?) before they can be used.
The Install program will transfer the Toolkit files from the diskettes
to a specified hard drive. To run the install program, insert the
Source Disk in drive A (or another floppy drive) and then:
q Type the command: A:INSTALL [KEYCAP].
q Press [KEYCAP] at the installation screen.
q Follow the prompts.
It is recommended that you install the source files in a sub-directory
TOT beneath the main Turbo Pascal directory. Similarly, the demo files
should be installed in a TOTDEM subdirectory.
During the installation process, files will be copied from the Toolkit
disks to your hard drive. The files will then be compressed. Once the
files have been installed, the Installation program will ask if you
want to view the README file. This file contains last-minute details
about the Toolkit. A following section describes how to view the README
file after installation.
If the installation is not successful, follow the manual installation
method described in the next section.
2-2 User's Guide
Manual Installation
The disks contain the following files:
INSTALL.EXE the Toolkit Installation program
SOURCE.EXE a self-extracting file which contains the .PAS source
files for the Toolkit units
DEMO.EXE a self-extracting file which contains the .PAS demon-
stration files, which illustrate how to use the Toolkit
DOCS.EXE a self-extracting file containing all this documenta-
tion in ASCII form
README.COM a self-displaying text file which lists all the last-
minute changes and enhancements
REGISTER.EXE a self-extracting file which contains all the ShareWare
information and instructions
We recommend that the source files are installed in a separate sub-
directory "underneath" the compiler directory. For example, if your
compiler is stored in the directory C:\TP, then create a directory
C:\TP\TOT. You can insert the source disk in the A drive and install
the source files as follows:
The SOURCE.EXE program will then place all the source code files in the
newly created directory. The README.COM file should also be copied to
the TOT sub-directory.
Although not essential, the demonstration files are referred to
throughout the documentation and it is recommended that you do install
them. Furthermore, it is recommended that you install them in a sepa-
rate subdirectory as follows:
Getting Started 2-3
You do not need to install the DOCS.EXE and REGISTER.EXE files, since
you are a registered user and you are reading the documentation. These
files are included so that you may give an evaluation copy of the
Toolkit to a colleague who may try the software. Refer to the License
Agreement for further information.
The Toolkit Files
Listed below are the source files that have been installed on your hard
TOTFLAGS.INC contains global compiler directives
TOTLOOK.PAS controls the overall look and feel of your programs
TOTREAL.PAS provides numeric co-processor support and supports
extended reals
TOTSYS.PAS contains objects for ascertaining hardware and operat-
ing system configurations
TOTINPUT.PAS provides mouse and keyboard support
TOTFAST.PAS supports writing to physical and virtual screens
TOTWIN.PAS contains a variety of window objects
TOTMSG.PAS provides objects for displaying messages and prompts in
Pop-up windows
TOTLINK.PAS includes a variety of objects for managing linked lists
TOTLIST.PAS provides objects for displaying string arrays or linked
lists in a window
TOTDIR.PAS includes a directory display object
TOTIO1,2,3.PAS three units for building full screen input
TOTMENU.PAS includes routines for building pop-up and pull-down
TOTSTR.PAS contains a host of string manipulation functions
TOTDATE.PAS includes a set of functions for managing Julian and
Gregorian dates
TOTMISC.PAS provides a potpourri of procedures and functions
TOTBUILD.PAS used to re-build all the TOT TPUs
In addition to the source code files, there are a host of demonstration
files. All the demonstration filenames begin with DEM. The files which
demonstrate how to extend the Toolkit begin with EXT. The major demon-
2-4 User's Guide
stration file is DEMTOT.PAS. All the other files are designed to be
small and concise illustrations of how to get the most from the
The file README.COM is actually a self-displaying text file which con-
tains any last-minute changes or additions to the documentation. To
view the contents of the README file, simply change the default
directory to the TOT source and execute README, e.g.
Configuring Turbo Pascal
Having installed the Toolkit, you must configure Turbo Pascal so the
compiler knows where to locate the Toolkit files. Configure the inte-
grated environment as follows:
q Execute the IDE by changing the default directory to the main
Turbo Pascal directory, and enter TURBO.
q Select the Directories