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Welcome to Corncob 3D. Copyright 1991,1992 Pie in the Sky Software
Table of Contents
1) Getting Started
2) \(The Story so Far\)
3) Hardware Requirements
4) What to try if Corncob Crashes Your Computer
5) Inflight Keys
6) Keyboard Play and How to Handle the Rudder
7) Combat Missions: Theaters-of-Operation
8) Training Missions: Design-your-own
9) Friendly Structures
10) Enemy Structures
11) How to Take Off, Fly Level, and Land
12) How to Turn Your Plane
13) Running Around - Welcome the Assassin
14) Scoring and Promotion
15) Commonly Asked Questions
16) The Corncob Other Worlds Campaign Order Form
17) Technical Information and Disclaimer
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Getting Started
Welcome to Corncob-3d!
Corncob-3d is an easy game to use.
If you just want to get in the cockpit and fly, then type <CR> at the
main menu. Doing so will bring up the Training Missions menu. Just
type <CR> again, and you will receive the pre-flight report, which gives
information the mission. Hit <CR> again to begin the mission.
Once in the plane, the blinking message reminds you that the F4 key
gives inflight help.
The Story so Far
The date is August, 1949. This is not the 1949 that we remember, though.
In this 1949 WWII never happened (this is because among other factors,
Adolf Hitler was killed at the age of 19 when hit in the head by a thrown
beer bottle), but all was not peace in this alternate age.
In 1938 aliens swept down out of the skies and began to set up struc-
tures. Allthough many attempts were made to communicate, the aliens did not
respond. It soon became obvious that these creatures simply were not
interested in us, or in any other life on the planet. When human dwellings
or sites were in their way, the aliens destroyed them and continued their
seemingly random construction plans.
So in 1941 the world governments agreed to band together in an alliance
for humanity. No attacks were launched until November 1941. The plan was
a simultaneous all out blitz against the extraterrestrials in every part of
the globe.
Your mission is critical in this plan. You must destroy several alien
structures, and in the process, many aliens themselves. If you do not
succeed the entire human effort will fail.
Hardware Requirements
Corncob requires an IBM PC/AT-type, 12Mhz or faster, with a color VGA
display, and 560k free RAM. A hard drive is recommended.
NOTE: If you are running Corncob from a high-density floppy disk: you must
copy COMMAND.COM from your DOS disk onto the root directory of this floppy
What to do if Corncob crashes your computer.
Corncob has been tested on a variety of systems and has run reliably
with no crashes for weeks of game play. However, Corncob 3D does do some
rather unorthodox things which may cause problems with certain TSR
If you encounter problems reboot with no TSR or menu programs loaded.
Inflight Key Definitions
F1 - Boss Screen (Customize your own boss screen by editing BOSS.TXT file)
F2 - Intelligence Info
F4 - Help
F5 - Recenter Joystick
escape - end mission now (for best score, use near your airstrip tower)
cntl-c - abort mission (end mission, pretend mission never happened)
Keypad arrow keys (NEVER use cursor keys, use KEYPAD arrow keys only!)
7,9 - left, right rudder control (Must use these for taxiing on ground)
(Tap lightly; Don't hold rudder keys down continuously in flight!)
8,2 - nose down, nose up
4,6 - roll counterclockwise, roll clockwise
numlock - toggle between {keypad arrows = views} or {keypad arrows = controls}
left cntl key - use with keypad arrow keys for views
left shift key - hold down to switch gun mode to cannons
left shift key - apply brakes
a - autopilot toggle on/off
b - drop bomb now
c - fire missiles (Keyboard control only)
e - eject (must press space bar to pull ripcord) ALSO: (step out of plane)
f - flaps toggle
g - ground detail dots toggle on/off
i - ignite rocket booster (15 second burn, 120 seconds recharge)
m - map mode (arrows, pgup=move down, pgup=move up, shft arrows=change angle)
p - pause toggle, (use spacebar to go through help screens when paused)
r - toggle reverse window on/off
s - toggle sound on/off, also use for reseting sound board in case of glitch
t - hold down for accelerated time
x,z - left/right rudder
(Tap lightly; Don't hold rudder keys down continuously in flight!)
keypad +/- increase/decrease throttle
joystick button 1: fire guns
joystick button 2: fire missiles
Standing on the Ground Key Definitions
d - detonate your planted assassin bomb
m - go to map mode
p - pause (same as inflight)
s - toggle sound on/off, also use for reseting sound board in case of glitch
t - hold down for advanced time
v - radio for a rescue van
j - hold down, release to jump. The longer held down, the higher the jump
keypad 2,8,4,6 - turn your head down, up, left, right
keypad 5,0 - run forward, backward in direction you are facing
left cntl - changes function of keypad arrow keys to operate views
caps lock - toggles remote control mode: fly plane from ground
space bar - fire handgun (Keyboard control only)
joystick button - fire handgun
Keyboard Play
A great deal of effort was put into Corncob in order to make keyboard
play work well. The keyboard is interrupt driven, and your key presses
are timed to within 1/1000 th of a second. Also, Corncob has no problem
detecting keystrokes even when 3 keys are held down at once.
Remember that to apply gentle tweaks to the control, you must press
keys on and off rapidly, with the average time spent down being the
desired roll/pitch rate. You have three displays on the front panel
which show you what you are presently sending to the control stick.
These meters are just to the right of the ALT light.
NOTE: if the keypad arrow keys suddenly appear to be not functioning
properly, perhaps you have bumped the numlock key. See the 'inflight
keys' section for the function of the numlock key.
Combat Missions: Theaters-of-Operation
To fly a mission a pilot first chooses in which theater of operations he
wishes to fly. A theater of operations is a terrain filled with airports
and areas of enemy concentrations. After opening a theater, select 'F'
from the combat missions menu in order to fly a mission in that theater.
A pilot selects his mission by either flying there from the airstrip, or
simply pressing F2 to bring up a list of the local missions. The pilot
selects the mission by using the arrow keys to move the text until the
start coords for the desired mission light up. Then by pressing the
<enter> key, he/she will be teleported right to the action.
After you have completed your mission, you must fly back to your
airstrip to get credit for your victory. If you can land the plane, your
points will be much higher than