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Main Menu Info
To choose a selection from the main menu, use the arrow keys (\\)
to highlight the selection you want, and press \<\C\R\>. A quicker way is
to press the highlighted letter corresponding to the desired selection.
To change pilots, activate or deactivate a pilot, create or delete a
pilot, or view pilot records, choose the \("\Duty Roster"\) selection.
The \("\Combat Missions"\) selection allows the user to choose between
various battle scenarios, or Theaters-of-Operation. This leads to a
great deal of variety in the type and quality of opponents. A pilot
must prove his proficiency in multiple theaters to advance far in rank.
If you want to brush-up on some specific aspect of your flying and
fighting skills, then you can choose the \("\Training Missions"\) sel-
ection. This allows you to choose the number and quality of a limited
array of opponents. By default, a pilot flies an invulnerable plane
during the training missions, and thus they are not counted. Note
that if a standard plane is chosen, then these missions DO count
toward a pilot's career, and a pilot can still be killed or captured
in these missions.
You can see who the hottest pilots are by choosing \("display \High score\)
\(CORNCOB 3D\) is shareware. If you continue to use the program, you should
consider registering it. You can find out more about this by choosing
\("\Read This!!!"\) from the main menu.
The \("keyboard/\Joystick setup"\) selection allows the user to choose how
the plane will be controled. The current choices are shown at the
bottom of the main-menu screen.
The \("\Music toggle"\) selection allows the user to turn the music on and
off. The music only plays during the title credits and menus. If you
want to switch to the next song, just turn the sound off and then on again.
See the documentation to learn how to add your own music selections to
When you have finished playing \(CORNCOB 3D\), you may exit the program
by choosing \("e\Xit to dos"\). You may also type \<\E\S\C\>. Note that
this selection does NOT ask for user confirmation, because that would
be silly.
Duty Roster Menu Info
When \(CORNCOB 3D\) is first run, the pilot flying is considered to be
a trainee. The trainee does not have a record, and his exploits and
current selections are erased each time the program is run. The \("\Duty\)
\(roster\) menu allows users to create pilots which can be used in re-
peated missions. Also the current choices (such as theater of operation)
for each pilot is saved when the program exits. Building a career without
being killed is a very challenging and satisfying endeavor.
On the left is a list of selections which you can choose from by using
the arrow keys (\\) to highlight the selection you want, and press
\<\C\R\>. On the right is a list of the currently known pilots. Many of
the selections require the user to choose a pilot from the list on the
right. Choose the desired pilot with the arrow keys and select with
\<\C\R\>. While choosing a pilot, the menu on the left will be replaced
by a box summarizing that pilots career.
You create a pilot with the \("\Create Pilot"\) selection. When you choose
this, a box will pop up prompting you for a pilot's name. After you type
in the name, the program will ask you if you want to activate the pilot.
The \(active\) pilot is the pilot which is used when a mission is flown,
which is probably what you want so just press \<\C\R\> for yes.
You can change the active pilot with the \("\Activate Pilot"\) selection.
This allows you to set the currently active pilot who will fly on the next
Corncob mission.
You may deactivate the active pilot with the \("\Deactivate Pilot"\) se-
lection. When you do this, no pilot in the list is considered active,
and the active pilot will be "trainee" as discussed above.
You may delete a pilot with the \("de\Lete Pilot"\) selection. When you
delete a pilot, his record is permanently removed.
If your pilot is killed or captured during a combat mission, he will be
deactivated, and cannot be activated. You can override this, and bring
a pilot back to life with the \("r\Esurrect Pilot"\) selection. Beware
though, the program keeps track of the number of resurrections, and dis-
plays this information prominently in the pilot's record. It is hard to
brag about what a great career your pilot has when he has been resurrec-
ted several times!
If you don't like the name you chose for your pilot, you can change it
with the \("re\Name Pilot"\) selection. This changes the pilots name with-
out affecting his career.
If you want a detailed view of your pilot's record, choose the \("\View\)
\(Pilot Records"\) selection. Move the highlight to the to the desired
pilot, and press \<\C\R\>. This will bring up a full screen display of
that pilot's record. You can then move through the list of pilots with
the arrow keys, or return to the menu with \<\C\R\>.
Combat Missions Info
\(CORNCOB 3D\) allows a pilot to choose between several different battle
scenarios, or \("Theaters-of-Operation"\). The theaters vary in dif-
ficulty and in the type of opponent.
You can fly a combat mission in one of the theaters-of-operation by
choosing the \("\Fly mission"\) selection.
Most Theaters-of-Operation consists of 9 airfields. Surrounding these
airfields are enemy targets, which you must kill. If you fly from one
airfield to another, then the next time you fly that theater you will
begin at the new airfield. As you fly in a Theater-of-Operation, the
state of the universe is preserved. Thus enemy sites and targets that
you kill in one mission will still be dead when you continue in a later
In the upper-right is a list of the various Theaters-of-Operation. You
select one of these with the \("\Open a new theater of operations"\) selec-
tion from the Theaters menu. This highlights one of the theaters, and
you can change the highlighted name with the arrow keys. Pressing <CR>
chooses the highlighted name. Pressing <ESC> or <BS> aborts the choice
and returns you to the Theaters menu. You may open as many different
theaters as you wish.
In the lower-right is a list of the Theaters you have opened. This
list changes according to the current selected pilot. Each pilot has
a current Theater-of-Operations. When you fly a mission from the main
menu, you fly in your current Theater-of-Operations. The current
theater is indicated by a \(\) in the list at the lower-right as well
as being shown at the upper-left of the theaters menu, underneath the
current pilot.
You can change the active theater with the \(\Activate an open theater\) menu
item. Pressing this item will allow the user to select the desired current
theater from the list of open theaters in the lower-right.
You may choose to play with an invulnerable plane with the \("toggle\)
\(invulnerable \Plane"\) selection. When flying with an invulnerable plane,
you will not be damaged by any alien forces, or by any collision. Flights
taken with an invulnerable plane are never counted toward a pilots record.
While you are inflight, Corncob can put text messages up to guide the
new user until he/she becomes familiar with the game. After the user
learns that you must fly back to the airstrip to get points and so on,
these messages become an annoyance. Use \(Inflight \Comments\) menu
selection to turn off these inflight messages.
New pilots who just start playing Corncob tend to fly into the ground
frequently, and have much trouble learning to turn. Therefore, the
game contains two aerodynamic flight models. The beginner flight
model gently pushes the nose to the correct attitude for level flight.
This helps prevent crashes, and also causes the plane to turn without
the player having coordinate the use of the elevators.
The advanced flight model is much preferred for real combat. Loops,
flying upsidedown, and dives are much easier with this flight model.
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