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Text File
415 lines
`@Smack [ENTER] to go on.
`@G`4etting the menu text file pointers...
`@R`4eading mail...
`%Please wait while maintanance runs on another node....
`%Thanks For Waiting....
`%You were kicked out of the hotel
`%You get a message!
`9F`1rom: `@
`@M`4aking `%ANSI`4, `%ASCII`4 scorefiles.
`3### Checking for maintanance running
### Checking for last maintanance
### Running daily maintance
### Packing and updating user file and creating scorefile
### User file done...
### Sorting SCR file...
### Checking for mail index file...
### Packing mail index file...
### Deleting messages for dead users...
### Deleting read messages...
### Mail file done...
### Cleaning up...
### Executing custom maintanance program
`3### Running Crash Recovery
### Updating (no maintanance) user file and creating scorefile
### User file done...
### Sorting new SCR file...
`@C`4hange `@Y`4er `@I`4nfo
`%1 `4- `@Y`4er name: `0
`%2 `4- `@W`4hen you win ya say: `0
`%3 `4- `@W`4hen you loose ya say: `0
`%Q `4- `@R`4eturn to Central Park
`9W`1hich do ya wanna change? (`91`1,`92`1,`93`1,`9Q`1)
`$T`6his game has been running for `0
`6 days!
`9E`1nter `9Y`1er `9C`1ommand (`9
`%S`!t`9ats `%F`!o`9r `%L`!e`9vel `%
`@S`4ex: `0
`@W`4ell it's end of the road for ya....yer `%DEAD`4!
`0Y`2ou died of: `0
Drug Overdose
`@Y`4a should consider cutting down on those drugs next time ...
`@Y`4a should consider eating more next time ...
Sexual Diseases
`@Y`4a got a bad luck with girls ... next time ...
`@Y`4a got a bad luck with guys ... next time ...
`@Y`4a should talk to somebody before you get that down ... next time ...
`%But you can still start all over tomorrow and be the best!
`@B`4oy yer hungry....you should eat something not to starve...
`@M`4an yer dying of hunger... If you don't eat today yer gonna die!
`%Ya sure ya really wanna kill yerself? (`0heffta start over`%) (Y/N)
`@E`4xpert mode turned `@ON
`@R`4egular mode turned `@ON
`@R`4eally quit? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`!Y`9ou ain't got an A-Bomb.....
`@R`4eally do it? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4er level has been raised to level `@
`@Y`4er already staying at: `0
`@W`4anna check outta there (no money back)? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4e're still staying at: `0
`@O`4k dude you got it...
`0T`4 - Todays Newz `0Y`4 - Yesterdays Newz `0[Q]`4 - Quit `2:`0
`0H`2ere's what I got:
`0C`2hoose yer new weapon:
`%If you buy an A-Bomb you will have to fight with hands again, but who wants to
fight if you can finish what you came here for ...
`@Y`4a'll heffta sell yer `0
`%Ya ain't got nuff money bro ...
`@B`4uy a `0
`@Y`4a now got the `0
`4so go destroy something ...
`%You ain't got nothing to sell!
`@S`4ell yer `0
`4for `@
`4? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`%You ain't got no hits man ...
`!Y`9er already 100% stoned!
`@Y`4ou take a hit of yer favorite drug ...
`@Y`4ou are now `@
%`4 high
`@Y`4er drug addiction went up by `@10%
`@Y`4er not infected ... (yet) ...
`@I`4t costs `@
`4 to cure `@1%
`@Y`4ou can heal `@
`4% for `@
`@Y`4ou can only afford to cure `@
`0S`2o how much ya want healed (`9Enter`2=`0[
]`2, `9M`2=max `0
`4% cured!
`@Y`4er not addicted to anything...
`0T`2he price is `0
`2 for loosing 1/3 of addiction, do it (`0Y`2/`0N`2)
`%You can't afford it!
`0Y`2ou feel so much better ...
`@Y`4er not hurt ... (yet) ...
`@Y`4ou can heal `@
`@Y`4ou can only afford to heal `@
`4 hitpoints!
`0S`2o how much ya want healed (`9Enter`2=`0[
H`4itpoints were healed!
`0Y`2er not hungry ...
`0A`2s you enter a restaurant you look at the prices ... `0
`2 ... do it (`0Y`2/`0N`2)
`%Well you ain't got enuff cash for that ...
`@Y`4ou feel so refreshed yer hitpoints maxed out ...
`@T`4hough not feeling that hungry anymore, you feel a bit worse and
loose 1/3 of yer hitpoints ...
`%Level 0 players can't steal ...
`@Y`4ou try to steel some food from a supermarket ...
`@Y`4ou just stole enough so yer hunger went down by `@
`@Y`4ou did not manage to steal anything but did not get busted ...
`@Y`4our points went up by `@
`%You already used up all your sex turns today ...
`@Y`4ou look for a victim ...
`@Y`4ou raped some lady and ran away ... `@G`4ood job ...
`@Y`4ou raped some guy and ran away ... `@G`4ood job ...
`@Y`4ou couldn't find any victim ...
`@Y`4ou went out with a pretty nice chick ... `@G`4ood job ...
`@Y`4ou went out with some cool guy ... `@G`4ood job ...
`@Y`4ou couldn't find anybody who'd like you ...
`@T`4he sex turns went down anyway ...
`@Y`4ou can get a hooker fer `@
`4 ... (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@O`4k there you go ...
`@Y`4ou wanna list all the female players (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4ou wanna list all the male players (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@W`4ho ya wanna ask out (`@full`4 or `@partial`4 name):`0
`@G`4ot no idea who you mean ...
`@H`4ow you gonna ask? (`@/s`4=save `@/a`4=abort):
`@S`4aving ...
`@A`4borted ...
`@W`4ell it aint the real thing, but at least you don't feel that you didn't
have `@REAL`4 sex in such a long time, and you can't get sick like this.
`0Y`2ou got `0
`2 condoms.
`0H`2ow much ya want? (`9Enter`2=`0[0]`2, `9M`2=max `0
`@O`4k you now got `@
`4 condoms.
`@Y`4ou used a condom and got only 1/2 infected ...
`@Y`4ou are now `0
`4% infected with `0
`0H`2ow much ya want to deposit? (`9Enter`2=`0[0]`2, `9M`2=max `0
`@Y`4ou got `@
`4 in the bank ...
`0H`2ow much ya want to widthraw? (`9Enter`2=`0[0]`2, `9M`2=max `2
`4 on ya...
`@Y`4ou try to steel some money from the bank ...
`@Y`4ou just stole `@
`4 without getting busted, good job ...
`@Y`4ou did not manage to steal anything but did not get busted ...
`0Y`2er drug of choice is: `0
`0T`2he price is `0
`0H`2ow much ya want? (`9Enter`2=`0[0]`2, `9M`2=max `0
`@O`4k you now have `@
`4 hits!
`0Y`2a can sell it for `0
`0H`2ow much ya wanna sell? (`9Enter`2=`0[0]`2, `9M`2=max `0
`%You are addicted to another drug ... First you heffta get off of that ...
`@W`4hich drug you wanna switch to ...`0
`@Y`4ou'll heffta sell all the hits of yer old drug! Do it?(`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4er drug of choice set to: `0
`%Sorry that name is already in use ... choose a different one ...
`!T`9his game contains violence, sex, drugs ... `!Y`9a sure ya can handle that?(`!Y`9/`!N`9)
`@N`4ot everybody was born with a vicious mind ...
`@N`4ow that we got through that, I'll heffta ask ya a few questions ...
`0W`2hat is yer name: `0
`@W`4hat is your sex (`@M`4/`@F`4):
`@W`4ell? :
`!D`9id ya enter all that stuff correctly?(`!Y`9/`!N`9)
`9Resetting User Record ...
`9Writing to user file ...
`@W`4ell nothing 'round here ... (yet)
`0Q`2 - Quit
`%Loading ...
`@Y`4ou cannot bomb anymore today, try again tomorrow ...
`@Y`4ou cannot poison people anymore today, try again tomorrow ...
`%Stuff happens ...
`@Y`4a find a rich new car ...
`@S`4mash it? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4a find an open car ...
`@T`4here is money inside ...
`@T`4ake the money? (`@Y`4/`@N`4)
`@Y`4a consider the risks and decide it ain't a good idea
`@W`4ow, the guy that owns the car came back and beat you up!
`@Y`4a lost almost all yer hitpoints and 1/2 the money on ya!
`@Y`4ou totally smashed that car ... a very nice job ...
`@Y`4a find a bunch of hippies ...
`@Y`4a smoke some dope with them ...
`@T`4hey give ya hit of yer favorite drug ...
`@A`4nd yer hitpoints max out!
`@Y`4a fell inside a hole ...
`@Y`4a lost 1/3 of yer hitpoints ...
`@Y`4a enter the hospital ...
`@Y`4a ain't got no fights left ... come back tomorrow
`@Y`4ou meet `0
`@H`4e got a bad lokin' `0
`@S`4treet `@F`4ight`0
's `@H`4itpoints: `0
`@Y`4er `@H`4itpoints: `0
`@W`4hat ya gonna do? (`@[A] T G Y`4)
`@Y`4a hit `0
`4fer `0
`4hits you fer `0
`@Y`4a got away ...
`@Y`4a couldn't find a way outta this ...
`@Y`4ou beat up `0
`@Y`4a find `@
`4 bucks and ya get `@
`4 points!
`@L`4ookin fer yer enemy ... (`%S`4) to stop ...
`@U`4ser is not online anymore!
`@O`4nline `@P`4layer `@F`4ight
`@W`4aiting ...
`@Y`4er enemy droped carrier on ya!
`@G`4o and kill him offline!
`@W`4aiting fer enemy response ...
`@Y`4er enemy ran away in fear ...
`@Y`4a `%WON`4!
`@D`4o y