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295 lines
`@C`4entral `@P`4ark
`9You find yerself sitting on the grass ... thinking bout yer next move...
`@S`4 - Street Fights `@E`4 - Evil Stuff To Do
`@C`4 - Cop Fights `@B`4 - Bank...Money...and Stuff
`@P`4 - Player Fights `@H`4 - Healing
`@F`4 - Food `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@D`4 - Drugs `@W`4 - Who's online
`@A`4 - Arm Yerself `@L`4 - List Players
`@G`4 - Get Laid `@R`4 - Rest Somewhere
`@U`4 - Use Atomic Bomb `@N`4 - Newz
`@M`4 - Mail `@O`4 - Other Stuff
`@I`4 - Change Yer Info `0!`2 - Instructions
`%X`4 - Help Level Toggle `0K`2 - Kill Yerself (Start over)
`0Q`2 - Quit to BBS
`@E`4vil `@S`4tuff
`9So you wanna do some damage ....
`@S`4 - Steal from beggars `@D`4 - Destroy a car
`@B`4 - Burn a school down `@R`4 - Break a window
`@P`4 - Poison water `@W`4 - World trade center bombing
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@B`4ank ...`@M`4oney ...`@A`4nd `@S`4tuff ...
`9Money...Yeah...Gotta get some...
`@D`4 - Deposit in Bank `@G`4 - Go steal some money
`@W`4 - Widthraw from Bank `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`9You enter a hospital... that smell is familiar... horrible memories ...
`@H`4 - Heal wounds `@C`4 - Cure STD's
`@D`4 - Drug rehab `@Y`4 - Yer Stats
`@Q`4 - Get out of the hospital
`9Well you gotta eat sometime ...
`@G`4 - Go eat out `@S`4 - Steal some food
`@E`4 - Eat from dumpster `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`9You enter the drug strip... This is heaven you say to yerself...
`@B`4 - Buy Drugs `@U`4 - Use some drugs
`@S`4 - Sell Drugs `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@C`4 - Change Yer Drug `@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@A`4rm `@Y`4erself
`9You call up a friend of yours ... he deals illegal guns ...
`@B`4 - Buy some weapon `@S`4 - Sell your weapon
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@L`4 - List Prices
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@G`4et `@L`4aid
`9Looking to score? ...
`@G`4 - Get Laid `@S`4 - Score other Players
`@B`4 - Buy some condoms `@M`4 - Masturbate
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`9Ahhh post office ...
`@S`4 - Send Mail `@R`4 - Read Yer Mail
`@A`4 - Anounce Something `@O`4 - Online Message
`@C`4 - Colors Info `@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@R`4est `@S`4omewhere
`9So u wanna go to sleep and come back tomorrow ...
`@C`4 - Cheap Motel... `@R`4 - Regular Hotel
`@E`4 - Expensive Hotel `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`2By `0Franz
`4Version `@`v `%`w
`1Copyright 1995, George Lebl
`@E`4 - Enter The Streets
`@L`4 - List Players
`@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@N`4 - Newz
`@Q`4 - Quit I don't wanna die
`9So you wanna beat someone up ....
`@K`4 - Fight a Player `@H`4 - Heal wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a drug
`@L`4 - List Consious Players `@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`9So you wanna beat up some cops ....
`@L`4 - Look for some cop `@H`4 - Heal wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a drug
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`9So you wanna beat up somebody ....
`@L`4 - Look for enemies `@H`4 - Heal wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a drug
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`0O`2nline `0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`%T`3h`9e `%N`3e`9w `%Y`3o`9rk `%T`3i`9mes
`0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`0C`2onsious `0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`@[A] `4- `@A`4ttack
`@[T] `4- `@T`4ake `@D`4rug `@A`4nd `@A`4ttack
`@[G] `4- `@G`4et `@O`4utta `@H`4ere
`@[Y] `4- `@Y`4er `@S`4tats
`7Of course blowing up New York with an A-Bomb did wonders to your body
basically what I'm saying you died... but you completed yer mission ...
just think of all the people that died with you ...
`@W`4ell the maintanace is running on some other node so please come back
later, or if it is a one node bbs or the sysop's running the maintanance in
the nightly batch file then he should delete the MAINT.RUN flag file....
`%A`2. (price `0 70`2) `0P`2epper `0S`2pray
`%B`2. (price `0 1,500`2) `0K`2nife
`%C`2. (price `0 7,000`2) `0C`2hain
`%D`2. (price `0 30,000`2) `0G`2un
`%E`2. (price `0 130,000`2) `0R`2ifle
`%F`2. (price `0 500,000`2) `0L`2aser `0G`2un
`%G`2. (price `0 2,000,000`2) `0S`2hotgun
`%H`2. (price `0 8,000,000`2) `0M`2achine `0G`2un
`%I`2. (price `0 30,000,000`2) `0G`2ranade `0L`2auncher
`%J`2. (price `0130,000,000`2) `0B`2laster
`%K`2. (price `0500,000,000`2) `0A`2tomic `0B`2omb
`@W`4hich one ya wanna attack:
`%0`4. `0Museum Nightguard
`%1`4. `0School Security Guy
`%2`4. `0Old Sergant
`%3`4. `0Regular Street Cop
`%4`4. `0Motocycle Cop
`%5`4. `0Detective
`%6`4. `0Gang Unit Member
`%7`4. `0Special Assigment Member
`%8`4. `0Anti Terrorist Unit Guy
`%9`4. `0SuperCop
`@W`4elcome `@T`4o `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`0T`2his game is quite self explanatory... `0T`2hough here is yer mission...
`0Y`2ou are the child of terrorism, your grandfathers could only dream of what you
rare about to do ...`0B`2low up `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `2...
`0F`2or this you will need an `0ATOMIC BOMB`2...
`@H`4ere are a few game tips: (read the instructions anywayz!)
`@I`4f you get drug addiction of an addictive drug to 100% you die and heffta start
over. `@S`4ame with hunger and sexual deseases ... so watch those percentages.
`@A`4lso read instructions on the efects of drugs ... `@O`4ne more tip, if you
don't have sex fer a while, your attack force goes down. `@K`4eep it in mind!
`@C`4olors can be used in messages and in the stuff you say or namez!
`@W`4hat are you....
`01`2. `0H`2eadbanger
`02`2. `0H`2i