Who was the father of David the King? Jesse Solomon Boaz Noah Obed MATTHEW 1:6 Who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus? Jacob Eliud Does not say David Josias MATTHEW 1:16 How many generations are there from Abraham to David? 14 12 9 7 21 MATTHEW 1:17 How many generations are there from David to the carrying away into Babylon? 14 12 9 7 21 MATTHEW 1:17 How many generations are there from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ? 14 12 9 7 21 MATTHEW 1:17 Which word is interpreted "God with us"? Emmanuel Jesus Angel Holy Savior MATTHEW 1:23 Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem of Judaea Jerusalem Egypt Land of Canon Isreal MATTHEW 2:1 What gifts did the wise men present unto Jesus? Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Gold, Silver and Myrrh Gold, Silver and Jewels Silver, Bronze and Franfincense Frankincense, Myrrh and rubies MATTHEW 2:11 Who warned the wise men not to return to Herod? God John the Baptist Angels Peter A prophet MATTHEW 2:12 Who sought to destroy the young child Jesus? Herod Pilate The wise men Saul Archelaus MATTHEW 2:13 What was the name of Herod son that reigned in Judea? Archelaus Pilate Aminadab Asa Phares MATTHEW 2:22 Where did Jesus come from to Jordan to be baptized of John? Galilee Jerusalem Bethleham Judaea Isreal MATTHEW 3:13 How was Jesus led up into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil? Of the Spirit Of God Of man's sin By John the Baptist By Moses MATTHEW 4:1 How many days and nights did Jesus fast in the wilderness? 40 49 21 120 70 MATTHEW 4:2 What was the occupation of Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother? Fishers Tentmakers Tax collectors Temple guards Lawyers MATTHEW 4:18 What did Jesus say to do to them which despitefully use you, and persecute? Pray for them Curse them Love them Bless them Do good to them MATTHEW 5:44 Where are we to lay up treasures?` In heaven In storehouses On earth In our homes In our body MATTHEW 6:20 What is the light of the body? The eye The heart The ear The mouth The mind MATTHEW 6:22 Who feeds the fowls of the air? Our heavenly Father Man Nature The grass of the field Solomom in all his glory MATTHEW 6:26 What did the wise man build his house upon? A rock Sand Brick Mortar Land MATTHEW 7:24 Who was sick of fever in Peter's house? His wife's mother His servant His daughter His wife His father MATTHEW 8:14 What was Jesus doing when the ship he was on was covered with waves? Sleeping Praying Talking with his disciples Healing the sick casting out demons MATTHEW 8:24 Who did Jesus come to call? Sinners to repentance The righteous The whole The publicans The Pharisees MATTHEW 9:13 What was wrong with the woman that touched the hem of Jesus's garment? Diseased with an issue of blood Sick of palsy Possessed of devils Sick of fever Had leprosy MATTHEW 9:20 How did the Pharisees say that Jesus casted out devils? Through the prince of the devilsThrough the Spirit of God By His commands By witchcraft Through the Holy Spirit MATTHEW 9:34 Jesus told his disciples that the labourers were what? Few Plenteous