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280 lines
/* printing routines for the main (upper) screen.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "astro.h"
#include "circum.h"
#include "screen.h"
/* #define PC_GRAPHICS */
#define JOINT 207
#define VERT 179
#define HORIZ 205
#define JOINT '-'
#define VERT '|'
#define HORIZ '-'
char line[NC+1], *lp;
register i;
lp = line;
for (i = 0; i < NC; i++)
*lp++ = HORIZ;
*lp = '\0';
f_string (R_PLANTAB-1, 1, line);
for (i = R_TOP; i < R_PLANTAB-1; i++)
f_char (i, COL2-2, VERT);
f_char (R_PLANTAB-1, COL2-2, JOINT);
for (i = R_TOP; i < R_PLANTAB-1; i++)
f_char (i, COL3-2, VERT);
f_char (R_PLANTAB-1, COL3-2, JOINT);
for (i = R_LST; i < R_PLANTAB-1; i++)
f_char (i, COL4-2, VERT);
f_char (R_PLANTAB-1, COL4-2, JOINT);
/* print the permanent labels, on the top menu and the planet names
* in the bottom section.
f_string (R_TZN, C_TZN, "LT");
f_string (R_UT, C_UT, "UTC");
f_string (R_JD, C_JD, "JulianDate");
f_string (R_LISTING, C_LISTING, "Listing");
f_string (R_WATCH, C_WATCH, "Watch");
f_string (R_SRCH, C_SRCH, "Search");
f_string (R_PLOT, C_PLOT, "Plot");
f_string (R_ALTM, C_ALTM, "Menu");
f_string (R_LST, C_LST, "LST");
f_string (R_DAWN, C_DAWN, "Dawn");
f_string (R_DUSK, C_DUSK, "Dusk");
f_string (R_LON, C_LON, "NiteLn");
f_string (R_PAUSE, C_PAUSE, "Pause");
f_string (R_NSTEP, C_NSTEP, "NStep");
f_string (R_STPSZ, C_STPSZ, "StpSz");
f_string (R_LAT, C_LAT, "Lat");
f_string (R_LONG, C_LONG, "Long");
f_string (R_HEIGHT, C_HEIGHT, "Elev");
f_string (R_TEMP, C_TEMP, "Temp");
f_string (R_PRES, C_PRES, "AtmPr");
f_string (R_TZONE, C_TZONE, "TZ");
f_string (R_EPOCH, C_EPOCH, "Epoch");
f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_OBJ, "Ob");
f_string (R_SUN, C_OBJ, "Su");
f_string (R_MOON, C_OBJ, "Mo");
f_string (R_MERCURY, C_OBJ, "Me");
f_string (R_VENUS, C_OBJ, "Ve");
f_string (R_MARS, C_OBJ, "Ma");
f_string (R_JUPITER, C_OBJ, "Ju");
f_string (R_SATURN, C_OBJ, "Sa");
f_string (R_URANUS, C_OBJ, "Ur");
f_string (R_NEPTUNE, C_OBJ, "Ne");
f_string (R_PLUTO, C_OBJ, "Pl");
f_string (R_OBJX, C_OBJ, "X");
f_string (R_OBJY, C_OBJ, "Y");
/* print all the time/date/where related stuff: the Now structure.
* print in a nice order, based on the field locations, as much as possible.
mm_now (np, all)
Now *np;
int all;
char buf[32];
double lmjd = mjd - tz/24.0;
double jd = mjd + 2415020L;
double tmp;
(void) sprintf (buf, "%-3.3s", tznm);
f_string (R_TZN, C_TZN, buf);
f_time (R_LT, C_LT, mjd_hr(lmjd));
f_date (R_LD, C_LD, mjd_day(lmjd));
f_time (R_UT, C_UTV, mjd_hr(mjd));
f_date (R_UD, C_UD, mjd_day(mjd));
(void) sprintf (buf, "%14.5f", jd);
(void) flog_log (R_JD, C_JDV, jd, buf);
f_string (R_JD, C_JDV, buf);
now_lst (np, &tmp);
f_time (R_LST, C_LSTV, tmp);
if (all) {
f_gangle (R_LAT, C_LATV, lat);
f_gangle (R_LONG, C_LONGV, -lng); /* + west */
tmp = height * 2.093e7; /* want to see ft, not earth radii */
(void) sprintf (buf, "%5g ft", tmp);
(void) flog_log (R_HEIGHT, C_HEIGHTV, tmp, buf);
f_string (R_HEIGHT, C_HEIGHTV, buf);
tmp = 9./5.*temp + 32.0; /* want to see degrees F, not C */
(void) sprintf (buf, "%6g F", tmp);
(void) flog_log (R_TEMP, C_TEMPV, tmp, buf);
f_string (R_TEMP, C_TEMPV, buf);
tmp = pressure / 33.86; /* want to see in. Hg, not mBar */
(void) sprintf (buf, "%5.2f in", tmp);
(void) flog_log (R_PRES, C_PRESV, tmp, buf);
f_string (R_PRES, C_PRESV, buf);
f_signtime (R_TZONE, C_TZONEV, tz);
if (epoch == EOD)
f_string (R_EPOCH, C_EPOCHV, "(OfDate)");
else {
mjd_year (epoch, &tmp);
f_double (R_EPOCH, C_EPOCHV, "%8.1f", tmp);
/* print the calendar for local day, if new month/year. */
mm_calendar (np, all > 1);
/* display dawn/dusk/length-of-night times.
mm_twilight (np, force)
Now *np;
int force;
double dusk, dawn;
double tmp;
int status;
if (!twilight_cir (np, &dawn, &dusk, &status) && !force)
if (status != 0) {
f_blanks (R_DAWN, C_DAWNV, 5);
f_blanks (R_DUSK, C_DUSKV, 5);
f_string (R_LON, C_LONV, "-----");
f_mtime (R_DAWN, C_DAWNV, dawn);
f_mtime (R_DUSK, C_DUSKV, dusk);
tmp = dawn - dusk; range (&tmp, 24.0);
f_mtime (R_LON, C_LONV, tmp);
mm_newcir (y)
int y;
static char ncmsg[] = "NEW CIRCUMSTANCES";
static char nomsg[] = " ";
static int last_y = -1;
if (y != last_y) {
f_string (R_NEWCIR, C_NEWCIR, y ? ncmsg : nomsg);
last_y = y;
mm_calendar (np, force)
Now *np;
int force;
static char *mnames[] = {
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
static int last_m, last_y;
static double last_tz = -100;
char str[64];
int m, y;
double d;
int f, nd;
int r;
double jd0;
/* get local m/d/y. do nothing if still same month and not forced. */
mjd_cal (mjd_day(mjd-tz/24.0), &m, &d, &y);
if (m == last_m && y == last_y && tz == last_tz && !force)
last_m = m;
last_y = y;
last_tz = tz;
/* find day of week of first day of month */
cal_mjd (m, 1.0, y, &jd0);
mjd_dow (jd0, &f);
if (f < 0) {
/* can't figure it out - too hard before Gregorian */
int i;
for (i = 8; --i >= 0; )
f_string (R_CAL+i, C_CAL, " ");
/* print header */
f_blanks (R_CAL, C_CAL, 20);
(void) sprintf (str, "%s %4d", mnames[m-1], y);
f_string (R_CAL, C_CAL + (20 - (strlen(mnames[m-1]) + 5))/2, str);
f_string (R_CAL+1, C_CAL, "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa");
/* find number of days in this month */
mjd_dpm (jd0, &nd);
/* print the calendar */
for (r = 0; r < 6; r++) {
char row[7*3+1], *rp = row;
int c;
for (c = 0; c < 7; c++) {
int i = r*7+c;
if (i < f || i >= f + nd)
(void) sprintf (rp, " ");
(void) sprintf (rp, "%2d ", i-f+1);
rp += 3;
row[sizeof(row)-2] = '\0'; /* don't print last blank; causes wrap*/
f_string (R_CAL+2+r, C_CAL, row);
/* over print the new and full moons for this month.
* TODO: don't really know which dates to use here (see moonnf())
* so try several to be fairly safe. have to go back to 4/29/1988
* to find the full moon on 5/1 for example.
mm_nfmoon (jd0-3, tz, m, f);
mm_nfmoon (jd0+15, tz, m, f);
mm_nfmoon (jd, tzone, m, f)
double jd, tzone;
int m, f;
static char nm[] = "NM", fm[] = "FM";
double dm;
int mm, ym;
double jdn, jdf;
int di;
moonnf (jd, &jdn, &jdf);
mjd_cal (jdn-tzone/24.0, &mm, &dm, &ym);
if (m == mm) {
di = dm + f - 1;
f_string (R_CAL+2+di/7, C_CAL+3*(di%7), nm);
mjd_cal (jdf-tzone/24.0, &mm, &dm, &ym);
if (m == mm) {
di = dm + f - 1;
f_string (R_CAL+2+di/7, C_CAL+3*(di%7), fm);