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HC124, 1st February 1995:
- Reorganised Hydraulic Pipe (Tube) and added tube dimensions
according to: JIC Australian Standard and ASTM A179.
- Fixed bug in routine calculation of minimum total pressure and
travel distance shown in page 5 of 5.
- Removed warning and limitation on Maximum Pressure Rating. This
information is available on page 2 of 5 by comparing Supply Pressure
and Maximum Pressure Rating and on Stroke - Braking Pressure chart.
- Added View Saved Results of CALCULATION (HCRESULT.TXT should be
firstly saved using Help/Print/File/Continuous). If file exists new
information will be apended to old file.
- Improved and added HCReader ver. 1.1 online.
- Added view MANUAL.DOC online.
- Some cosmetics.
HC123, 29th December 1994:
- Fixed missing description in online-help for:
View Stroke-Braking Pressure Chart
Reset All Data
- Tidied up some internal routines.
- Added abillity of saving analysis' results in standard ASCII text
file (HCRESULT.TXT) in directory where HydraCyl software resides.
- Fixed units for Stroke and Stop Tube.
- HydraCyl now saves any entered or calculated data when EXIT command
is issued.
- Fixed bug in "Mounting Orientation". Selection and Description of
mounting orientation are now correctly displayed. This bug has no
influence in calculation in former versions of HydraCyl.
- Online MANUAL.DOC. This is copy of complete manual that comes with
registered version without Figures and Tables.
- Removed appearance of 'About' box in registered version at first
start up HydraCyl. The 'About' is still available in Help Menu.
HC122, 26th June 1994:
- EGA video card is not supported any more. Files HCE.BAT and HCE.PIF
have been removed. Analysing speed of entered data is slightly
- Software package is under new management and directly accessible
from U.S.A and Australia.
HC121, 04th April 1994:
- HydraCyl has been optimised.
- Fixed the bug: When 1" Cylinder Bore Diameter in the Cylinder
Dimensions menu is choosen, the program gives the message: "Only
Cylinder Diameters up to 2.00 inches are available in this DEMO
HC12, 28th February 1994:
- Fixed Printer Setup bug.
- Reorganised Mounting Orientation. In HydraCyl 1.1 there were 9
cylinder positions. Now the program provides only 6 positions with
incorporated angle (cylinder slope) which will facilitate the
selection of appropriate cylinder.
- The earlier version (1.1) required a friction coefficient only for
horizontal operations (positions 7,8 and 9). It is now required by
the program that a friction coefficient be input for any selected
mounting orientation.
- Applied mass was optional. Now, it has to be input by the user.
- The written description on 'Deceleration Device' has been replaced
by the Stroke-Braking Pressure Chart. This chart is dynamically
drafted function of the parameters input by user. The option for
saving generated chart in PCX format is added to program. This chart
can be easily redisplayed by any graphics program (example: Windows
3.x Paintbrush) and redirected to the printer.
- Standard Tube (Pipe) Dimensions between cylinder ports and hydraulic
valve (device) are now available.
- Undamped Natural Frequency of a cylinder has been added. With this
data the user is provided with the information on a minimum
acceleration/deceleration of a mass attached to the cylinder and
required distance and time to achieve full speed.
- The following 'Dimensions' are now available in HydraCyl 1.2:
Heavy Duty Cylinder (Inches):
The same as in version 1.1
Medium Duty Cylinder (Inches):
Bore Rod(s)
---- ------------------------------------------------
1.00 0.500, 0.625
1.50 0.625, 1.000
2.00 0.625, 1.000, 1.375
2.50 0.625 1.000, 1.375, 1.750
3.25 1.000, 1.375, 1.750, 2.000
4.00 1.000, 1.375, 1.750, 2.000, 2.500
5.00 1.000, 1.375, 1.750, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500
6.00 1.375, 1.750, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500, 4.000
8.00 1.375, 1.750, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500, 4.000,
4.500, 5.000, 5.500
HC11, 8th August 1993:
This is the initial release of the HydraCyl.