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MAPIT (v 1.3)
Allison Software
166 Shady Lane
Apollo, PA 15613 USA
412-727-2198 CompuServe 72600,1200
Product Description:
MAPIT - Bringing detailed world mapping to your PC.
MAPIT is an integrated world-wide mapping system of amazing detail
which lets you create customized maps for work, school, or fun.
Use MAPIT to:
* Print detailed, professional-quality, customized maps.
* Import maps into your word processing documents.
* Record and track data.
* Add your own customized detail: text, hidden text, figures, and
line data.
* Zoom to any level and navigate around the world.
* Plot great circles - the shortest distance between any two points.
* Measure distances in miles, kilometers, or nautical miles.
* Calculate to/from azimuth bearing angles.
* Plot range curves and calculate associated areas.
* Save your private data in compact files for easy, efficient
distribution and retention.
* Do all of the above with 100 foot precision - ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.
A powerful reference tool, MAPIT contains a wealth of information and
is just plain fun to use.
Insert or import lines to customize features. Mark locations with
multiple copies of your own figures (simple line drawings). Document
with MAPIT's seven stroked text fonts in any size at any angle. Use
hidden text to hide a screen's-worth of data behind a small marker you
can pop up with the click of a mouse.
School age children will amaze their teachers and friends with the
accurate maps of foreign countries and states they can plot from
MAPIT's database. And your little ones will love to color-fill the
oceans, lakes, islands, and countries imported into their favorite
paint brush program from MAPIT
The more serious user has a choice of exporting data in the colorful
.PCX screen dump file format or in the ultra-detailed HP-GL/2 graphics
plotting language format accepted by many laser printers and pen
plotters. You can even merge this data into publication-quality
compound (text and graphics) documents supported by modern word
MAPIT displays a true Mercator projection, the choice of navigators.
Layout great circle tracks between multiple points totaling their
distances in statute miles, nautical miles, or kilometers. Dynamically
plot range curves up to half way around the world measuring the
enclosed area as you go.
MAPIT includes almost 6000 international cities and 19,000 US cities
with their 1990 populations. Click on any city to pop up its size.
The underlying vector-based geographic database consists of over 5
million points organized by coastlines, lakes, rivers, canals, reefs,
salt flats, national boundaries, and US and Canadian state and
provincial boundaries. Believe me, you'll find places in this
database you never imagined existed.
MAPIT comes network-ready for multi-user installations. The large
read-only main database can be located on a shared disk for more
efficient operations.
If you are looking for more than just a pretty picture -- or perhaps
need many different pretty pictures, let MAPIT be the end of your
graphical quest. Home, school, or office, MAPIT can do the job!
MAPIT, your electronic notepad on the world.
Quick Start:
MAPIT, as a compute and disk-intensive application, requires a fast
IBM-compatible computer, 512KB RAM, an EGA or VGA display, and a MOUSE.
Install a Mouse.
MAPIT REQUIRES A MOUSE. Unless you have a mouse physically attached to
your computer AND have installed its driver, you will be unable to
operate MAPIT. You can exit MAPIT from the keyboard by entering
Install the mouse driver by issuing the following command at the
command prompt.
> "path"\MOUSE (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\MOUSE)
where "path" is the path to the directory containing the mouse driver.
Place this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT so MOUSE is always available.
Caution: Windows is smart and will show a mouse cursor without the
mouse driver's being installed. If the cursor doesn't appear when you
run MAPIT, <CTRL>Q out and try to edit a file with the standard DOS
editor from the DOS prompt (EDIT README.DOC). If you don't have a
mouse cursor in the editor, the driver isn't loaded. Try loading it
from the DOS prompt as above, and if that works, add the same command
near the end of your AUTOEXEC.BAT but before any call to WINdows.
Install MAPIT.
The shareware version of MAPIT is distributed as a one, two, or
three disk set. The entire set must be loaded onto your hard drive
before beginning.
Insert the first MAPIT diskette into floppy drive A: (or B:) and enter
The install program will ask where you want the MAPIT data stored
(C:\MAPIT ?) and complete the installation for you.
Run MAPIT with the shareware data by entering
Each time MAPIT runs, it looks for the private database EXTENDED.MP3.
If not found, it creates a zero length EXTENDED.MP3.
To run MAPIT with the Columbus demo, copy COLUMBUS.MP3 over
EXTENDED.MP3 before runing MAPIT.
You may also wish to print the text file COLUMBUS.DOC to have a
hardcopy in front of you as you run the demo.
Follow the instructions in Hidden Text 1 (Press Left Mouse button in
triangle 1) to follow the Columbus demo and learn to use MAPIT. When
you are finished with the Columbus demo, delete EXTENDED.MP3.
In general, MAPIT is started from the command line by entering
> MAPIT [main_mp3_data] [/extended=mp3_data_file]
[/figure=figure_file] [/font=font_file] [/save=save_file]
main_mp3_data -
The primary .mp3 format data file opened read-only.
Defaults to WORLD.MP3 if not specified.
MAPIT looks for four other files at startup time:
/extended=mp3_data_file -
A private .mp3 format data file opened for update with user
data or changes. If none exists, a zero length file is created.
Defaults to EXTENDED.MP3 if not specified.
/figure=figure_file -
The standard figures file. Normally this file is
user-created by FIGEDIT and contains the user's custom figures.
Without it, figures won't be displayed. Defaults to STD.FIG if
not specified.
/font=font_file -
The standard font file. Without it, stroked text
doesn't work. Defaults to STD.FNT if not specified.
/save=save_file -
The file holding MAPIT's final state. Defaults to
MAPIT.SAV if not specified.
/delete -
Allows the MAPIT menu selection EDIT/Copy & Delete to work by
opening main_mp3_data for update.
Enter MAPIT /? from the command line for a listing if you forget
these options.
You can abbreviate command line switches short of the point of
ambiguity. /fig=x is the same as /figure=x, but /f=x will induce an
error message listing the ambiguous possibilities as /figure and
Entering just a / is a sly way of forcing MAPIT to list all
its command line switches.
Using the Mouse
There are two distinct ways to use the mouse.
DRAGGING - Some selections (eg. Zoom by Corners) require depressing
the left button