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333 lines
- ODE -
A program for the interactive solution of systems of
ordinary differential equations
IBM PC version 2.5 October 16, 1990
Written by Keith Briggs
PO Box 75
Heidelberg West 3081
This brief documentation is for the shareware version of ODE only.
It is not intended to be complete. For more information refer to the help
screens (Press F1). Registered owners will receive a full printed manual.
The shareware version of ODE may be freely distributed, as long as no charge
is made for copies, and all files are distributed together.
No printed manual.
No saving of ODE files.
No sixth order Runge-Kutta method.
No Bulirsch-Stoer method.
No fixed step size.
No transient steps.
No printer support.
No mouse support.
These options appear in the menus, but are black and unselectable.
Registered owners will receive a full version without these restrictions.
In Australia: Send $A 75 to the above address.
Elsewhere : Send a bank cheque for $US 75 to the above address.
ODE full version and printed manual will be sent airmail.
Email address for enquiries: matkmb@lure.latrobe.edu.au.oz
ODE solves numerically initial value problems for systems of ordinary
differential equations such as arise in all branches of science. The
solution is presented graphically or as a table of values. ODE contains a
text editor for manipulating the equations. It is suitable for teaching and
small research problems.
ODE runs on an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible with one of the following
graphics cards: CGA, EGA or VGA. A 80x87 numeric coprocessor is recommended.
To install the program on a hard disk, type the following at the DOS
and follow the directions on the screen. This will install the main program,
and several sample programs. (These have the extension .ODE)
Type ODE at the DOS prompt to start the program. The ODE main menu will
Try the following:
(to start an ODE file.)
(ODE will create a new file of this name, because one does not
currently exist. ODE will then place you in the text editor.
Enter the following text:)
# exponential growth
y = 1
a = 1
y' = a*y
(Pressing the escape key quits the editor and compiles the program.
If you have made any errors ODE will place you back in the editor.
Press <Esc> and correct the error.
This system has the solution y(t)=exp(at). The first equation sets the
initial value of y, the second sets the parameter a, the third defines the
differential equation. The first line is a comment. Spaces are ignored,
so you may use them freely to make the equations more readable.)
(i.e. solve. This solves the equation over the default range (0,1).)
any key
(to exit from graph mode)
(to examine the current values of the variables. Y should be
(to edit your program. Change line 3 to a=1, 0.5, 0.2. Use <Esc> to quit
the editor.)
(The solution will now be graphed with the three different values of a.)
The most important main menu options are the following:
E - invokes the built-in text Editor.
F - File submenu.
L allows loading a previously created File, or creating a new file if the
name entered is not in the default directory.
F3 - Loads a file into the editor.
F4 - Solves the system.
F9 - displays the current value of all Variables.
Q - Quits ODE.
Yellow indicates the currently active setting.
1,2,3,4,5 - Selects the order of the numerical method used.
All numerical solutions to differential equations are approximate.
The order of a method describes how the error scales with stepsize.
For example, if you halve the stepsize with a fourth order method,
the error will reduce by about a factor of 2^4=16.
3,4 are classical Runge-Kutta methods.
5 is the Runge-Kutta-Dormand-Prince method.
4 is the default and is suitable for most simple problems.
1 (Euler method) and 2 (midpoint method) are included for teaching
purposes only. They can be unstable and are not recommended for
serious work.
N - selects the number of steps.
The initial stepsize will be the independent variable range divided by the
number of steps.
T - sets the tolerance for the automatic stepsize selection. The N option can
be used to control the initial stepsize, because the first stepsize tried
is equal to the independent variable range divided by the number of steps.
T controls the accuracy of the computed solution. It represents an
relative tolerance, except when the solution is near zero.
D - selects single point graphing.
C - selects small crosses.
J - selects straight lines joining the computed solution points.
S - selects cubic spline interpolation to the computed solution.
The spline will be one dimensional if the x axis variable is monotonic,
else two dimensional. Use splines for the smoothest looking graphs.
H - allows manual control of the Horizontal axis scaling. Use <enter> to
accept the displayed defaults.
V - as H for Vertical scaling.
<Esc> - return to main menu.
Cursor keys (Up,Down Left,Right) - moves cursor.
<CTRL> Left or Right - next word left or right.
<Enter> - New line. If the cursor is at the end of a line, the new line
will be below the cursor, else above it.
<HOME>,<END> - moves cursor to start or end of the line.
<CTRL y> - Deletes line.
<Backspace> - Deletes character before cursor and backspace.
<DEL> - Deletes character at cursor.
<Alt F2> - quits the editor without compiling.
<ESC> - quits the editor and compiles the program.
The editor in ODE version 2 has no block moves. If you need to make large
changes to your program, quit ODE and use any ASCII text editor or word
processor to make the changes.
The rules are mostly common sense. Differential equations must be written
with the '= notation. In all equations, all variables on the right hand
side must previously have appeared on the left hand side of an equation.
Initial values must be set before the corresponding differential equation.
The independent variable is anonymous. If it corresponds to a physical
quantity in your system, you can name it (say time) by including the
following two statements:
This becomes essential if time appears explicitly in the equations.
ODE is insensitive to the case of alphabetic characters, or to blanks.
Variable names may be up to 20 characters, starting with an alphabetic and
containing a..z,_,0..9. The following are valid:
Fish_population TIME Delay_period Omega1 Retarded_Distance0_1
Valid binary operators are + - / ^.
(But use sqr and cub instead of ^2 and ^3).
The following functions are recognized:
abs - absolute value.
sign - +1 if argument nonnegative, else -1.
sin, cos, tan.
atan or arctan.
ln (or log - both mean natural log).
sqrt - square root.
sqr - square.
cub - cube.
pi - pi times its argument. Use pi(1) for 3.1415926535.....
Commas separate alternative ini