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░░░░▒▒║ <ASP> Thanks for trying AstroFormulaCalculator 3 <ASP> ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ from ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ PCSCC, Inc. ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ AstroFormCalc 3 and its closely-related family of programs ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ which include AstroEquationSolver 3, AstroDataFitter 3 and ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ AstroShadowBox 3 have been developed for the professional ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ who needs to make calculations but doesn't care to much about ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ math. The programs are among the highest level of interactive ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ problem-solving application programs because they require ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ the least amount of effort to set up and perform virtually ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ any calculation. For example, complex formulas or explicit ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ calculations can be entered directly on the DOS command line. ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ The program self-formats all displays for optimum readability. ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Full calculator power, variable creation and advanced ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ algebraic functions are always available. The versatility and ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ease-of-use features found in AstroFormCalc 3 are carried over ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ into the more advanced areas of simultaneous equations ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ and data fitting in the programs AstroEquationSolver ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ and AstroDataFitter, respectively. The TSR member of the ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ family, AstroShadowBox 3, allows fully interactive math to ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ be added to any program such as a word processor, editor or ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ even a more traditional spreadsheet! ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Information on registering for AstroCalculator 3 and ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ordering other ASTRO 3 programs can be found in the ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ file REGISTER.DOC which is included in this package. ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ <ASP> <ASP> ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ For more information, please contact: ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ PCSCC, Inc. Dept. SF3 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ P. O. Box 173 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Botsford, CT 06404 USA ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Support ONLY, 1-203-270-9079 E-mail to CIS, 72263,1657 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ AstroFormulaCalculator 3 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Provides full spreadsheet/calculator functions with many ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ simple-to-use features including: ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Integration: ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ L= ƒ 4*A*SQR(1-K^2*SIN(Φ)^2) δΦ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ from Φ = 0 to 1.57 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Differentiation: ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ δ Y ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ─ of Y = 0.2*T^2*EXP(-0.2*T) at T=2.45 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ δ T ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Summation: ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ L = Σ 2*N/FACT(2*N)^2 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ from N = 0 to 10 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Solving for the value of X in Y = f(X): ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Y = N * R * T / X ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ If Y = 3, then X = ? ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Solving for the value of X in Y = f(X) = W = g(X) = Z = h(X) ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Y = 1.735551*X+0.209225 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ W = SQR(ABS(17.54480-X^2)) ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Z = 0.4374873*X^3+0.1804274 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ For what value of X do Y = W = Z ? ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ AstroEquationSolver 3 ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ Provides high-level support to solve simultaneous equations ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ both linear and nonlinear. ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ For example, a group of simultaneous linear equations might be:║▒▒░░░░
░░░░▒▒║ ║▒▒░░░░