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+----+ | | |
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+---++ +--+ +--+ - -
Application Programming
and Documentation
Benjamin W. Hartley
Forest Park Estates #103
Jaffrey, NH 03452
Voice#: (603) 532-6248
America OnLine: BHartley
CompuServe: 70033,2612
____|__ | (R)
-| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
The author is a member of the Association of Shareware Pro-
fessionals, the ASP. ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a share-
ware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
directly, ASP may be able to help. ASP's Ombudsman can help you
resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Rd., Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA
(FAX 616-788-2765, 24 hrs./day) or send a message via CompuServe
mail to: ASP Ombudsman 72050,1433.
"QBALL" -- source code, executable files, and documentation
are (c) 1991-93 by Benjamin W. Hartley. All rights reserved.
[ QBALL ii ]
Dedication, Disclaimer, License, Copyright Information... i
Table of Contents....................................... ii
List of Figures........................................ iii
List of Tables......................................... iii
Introduction............................................ iv
About Shareware.......................................... v
Chapter page
1. Getting Started............................. 1
1.1 Files Required............................ 1
1.2 Will It Work ?............................ 1
1.3 Copying the Program....................... 1
1.4 General Instructions...................... 2
1.5 Starting QBALL............................ 3
2. Computing Ballistic or Gun Data............. 7
2.1 Preliminary Data Entry.................... 7
2.2 Computing and Displaying a Range Table.... 8
2.3 Displaying Graphics...................... 10
2.4 Changing Input Data...................... 15
2.5 Other Ballistics Procedures.............. 17
Point-Blank Range........................... 17
Wind Vector Corrections..................... 18
Slant Angle of Fire......................... 19
Sectional Density........................... 20
Free Recoil Velocity and Energy............. 20
2.6 Bullet Lookup Facility................... 21
3. Inferring Ballistic Coefficients........... 23
3.1 First Run: r1 = 0........................ 24
3.2 Second Run: r1 = 25...................... 25
4. Printed Output............................. 27
4.1 Printer Warnings......................... 27
4.2 Screen Dumps............................. 27
4.3 Printer Setup............................ 27
4.4 Print Functions.......................... 28
4.5 Typical Printed Output................... 28
5. Configuring Display/Default Starting Values 31
5.1 The Utilities and Configuration Menu..... 31
5.2 Toggle Active Switches................... 31
5.3 Configuring Display Colors............... 32
5.4 Using the Values You've Set.............. 33
5.5 Invoking a DOS Shell..................... 34
5.6 Reading Range Tables/Translating Graphics 34
6. Recalling Saved Trajectory Data............ 35
7. File Handling.............................. 37
8. QBALL's Associated Utilities............... 39
8.1 RRGTABLE.EXE............................. 39
8.2 GRFXLATE.EXE............................. 40
A. Glossary................................... 43
B. Ballistic Coefficient from Tabular Data.... 49
C. Typical Saved Trajectory File.............. 51
D. Selected Bibliography...................... 53
E. Error Analysis............................. 55
F. QBALL and Other Programs................... 57
G. Error Messages............................. 61
H. Default Starting Values.................... 63
[ QBALL iv ]
QBALL is a menu-driven application for the rapid computation of
ballistic data for small arms projectiles. QBALL will quickly
compute point-of-impact data, velocity and energy levels,
trajectories relative to line-of-sight, and times of flight.
Additional routines permit the calculation of ballistic coeffi-
cients, slant-fire corrections, point-blank range, and gun free
recoil. Printing routines (parallel printers only, LPT1) may be
used to produce hard copy. Starting values and the display to
which the program will default may be changed using the built-in
configuration routines.
You are assumed to have some knowledge of exterior ballistics.
QBALL will not teach you exterior ballistics. Several of the ref-
erences in the Bibliography contain basic introductions to the
subject. Their study will amply repay the effort expended.
Warning! All QBALL-generated data should be used as a guide to
ballistic performance! You MUST verify QBALL's data with a stan-
dard reloading manual. Several manuals are listed in Appendix C.
If you find QBALL of use, but would like it to do something that
it doesn't do now, or have suggestions to improve what it does
already, please send in a copy of the Enhancement Form. If you are
the first to suggest an improvement which is included in a later
QBALL release, you will receive a free copy of that release.
Should you have problems with QBALL, you may call the author at
603-532-6248; no collect calls, please! Try to call during
reasonable hours. (For guidance: no calls later than 11:00 p.m.
Eastern Time.) You may contact the author by CompuServe mail
message to Ben Hartley, 70033,2612; on America On Line, address
BHartley; or on GEnieMail, address B.Hartley1. If you would prefer
to write, please do so. The author will respond to all requests
The latest registered version of QBALL is available from the
author for a $25.00 registration fee. Registration entitles you to
the latest version with one free upgrade, and a 3-hole-punched,
printed manual. The Professional Development System 7.1 source
code for the current version is available to registered users for
$50.00. You may register and get the source code at the same
time for $60.00.
The most current shareware version of QBALL, which is func-
tionally the same as the same-numbered registered version, is
available direct from the author for a $7.50 fee, and on the
EXEC-PC BBS (Modem: 414 789-4210, 1200/2400 8N1); the LegalEase BBS
(Modem: 509 326-3238, up to 14400 8N1); in the CompuServe Outdoor
Forum, filename "QBLnnn.ZIP"; and on America OnLine, in the
"Sports" Conference, keyword "ballistics." (The author uploads to
these services and BBS. Downloads from other sources may not
include all the files -- caveat emptor.)
User's Guide
[ QBALL 1 ]
Chapter 1
Getting Started
1.1 Files Required.
Shareware copies of QBALL are distributed with the following
files in the QBALL220.ZIP/QBL220.ZIP distribution file:
QBALL.EXE The QBALL executable file;
EGA_SAV.0 EGA format trajectory graphics file;
CGA_SAV.0 CGA format trajectory graphics file;
RRTABLE.EXE } QBALL utilities, stand-alone and
GRFXLATE.EXE } callable from within the program;
AMMO.DAT Data for on-line bullet lookup;
D.NDX, M.NDX Index files for bullet lookup;
QBALLODD.DOC Documentation, odd-numbered pages;
QBALLEVN.DOC Documentation, even-numbered pages;
QBALLENH.DOC Suggested enhancement form;
QBALLREG.DOC QBALL registration form;
QBREADME.BAT Prints short intro on screen;
ONEDOC.COM Utility to consolidate documentation.
The only absolutely required file is QBALL.EXE.
1.2 Will It Work ?
QBALL is written in and compiled as a stand-alone .EXE file
using Microsoft Professional Development System 7.1 on a Gateway
2000 AT clone (80286 processor), AMI BIOS, MS-DOS 6.0, 4DOS 4.02,
1-5¼ inch (1.2 meg) and 1-3½ inch (1.44 meg) floppy drive, dual
40-megabyte hard disks, and Samsung CM4531 EGA monitor. No co-
processor was used.
QBALL is fully operational with MS-DOS 3.3, 4.01, 5.0, and 6.0,
both with "plain vanilla" COMMAND.COM and 4DOS 4.00/4.02, and
should function properly on any PC-DOS or MS-DOS computer. QBALL
will also function properly in the WINDOWS 3.n "DOS box;" insuf-
ficient experience is available regarding OS/2 to generalize, but
it is known that QBALL will not operate under OS/2 protected mode.
Routines are included to detect CGA or EGA installation; if no
graphics are available, QBALL internally disables the graphics
1.3 Copying the Program Files.
It would be wise to make a copy of the original QBALL files, and
keep it in a safe place. Run QBALL from copies of the original!
If you have a hard disk, it is recommended that you make a spe-
cial QBALL directory on it. (QBALL will run from a floppy, but it
is s-l-o-o-o-w!) Make sure that you copy QBALL.EXE, RRTABLE.EXE,
and GRFXLATE.EXE to the same directory, or onto the same disk.
QBALL.EXE will look for its associated utility files in the
current directory. Copy AMMO.DAT, the two *.NDX files, and the two
*GA_SAV.0 files to the QBALL directory as well.
[ QBALL 3 ]
1.5 Starting QBALL
Log into the directory or onto the drive where you've put
QBALL.EXE and type:
QBALL (+ [Enter]).
Hint: If you have a monochrome monitor, or you just don't like
colors, start QBALL with: QBALL /b (+ [Enter]). Save the black-
and-white configuration; see Chapter 5.
The next thing you'll see is the opening screen, which looks
something like this:
| +=======+ = = = |
| | | | ___ | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | +---+ +---+ | | |
| | =+ | | | | | | | |
| +=====+=+ +---+ +---+ - - |
| += Reg #N220SW |
| |
| [ Exterior Ballistics for PC's & Compatibles ] |
| [ Using G1 Drag Functions --- version 2.20 ] |
| [ Copyright (c) 1991-3, Benjamin W. Hartley ] |
Welcome to computer ballistics with QBALL!
QBALL provides small arms trajectory data quickly...
Users are encouraged to verify QBALL data with a...
handbook! The author will NOT be responsible for ...
misapplication of QBALL-generated data.
===> press any key <=== Graphics
Figure. 1. Opening Screen.
If your computer is graphics-equipped, QBALL reports what kind
of graphics it has found: "CGA," or "EGA." (VGA graphics "fall
through" to EGA standard.) If no graphics equipment is detected,
QBALL specifies "No Graphics."
The version number are shown on the opening screen. (Here, it's
"version 2.20." If you need to contact the author with comments,
suggestions, or requests for help, it would be helpful if you
include the version number with your communication.
Press any key to continue.
[ QBALL 5 ]
Note, also, that standard metro is shown on the info line. There
are several occasions when you'll need to confirm that QBALL is
indeed using standard metro; make a mental note of what the
standard metro display looks like:
[ Met: 59d 0' 29.53" 78% ].
One frequent use for QBALL is the production of ballistics
tables for a specific cartridge/load. With the Main Menu shown on
the screen, press <C> to open the menu for computation of ballis-
tic and gun data. More information about using this option is
contained in Chapter 2.
If you wish to infer a ballistic coefficient, then press <B>.
More information is to be found in Chapter 3.
Use <U>tilities... accesses the menu which permits changing the
display colors, the status of the printer, graphics grid, and
noise toggles, and several values which QBALL will use when
started. A "shell to DOS" routine is also included. See Chapter 5
for more information about configuring QBALL. You may also access
"RRTABLE" and "GRFXLATE" from within the Utilities Menu.
<R>ecall Saved Graphics...accesses saved trajectory data, and
allows you to use that data. If there is no trajectory data saved,
this option will not appear. (You did copy the two "*GA_SAV.0"
files from the distribution disk, didn't you?) This option is dis-
cussed in detail in Chapter 6, Recalling Saved Trajectory Files.
<Q>uit... -- press <Q> to return to DOS. QBALL will ask you to
confirm that you indeed wish to quit. Press [Y] to return to DOS
or press "N" to continue using QBALL. If you confirm that you wish
to quit, and you have saved trajectory data, you will also be
Retain Saved Data ? ([Y] or N).
The default is [Y] -- that is, keep the saved data. It is strong-
ly recommended that you press <N>: erase the saved data, at least
until you've played with QBALL for awhile.
Let's put QBALL to work...
Press <C> to compute ballistic data, and to do the tutorial
which follows. Go on to Chapter 2, page 7.
[ QBALL 7 ]
Chapter 2
Computing Ballistic or Gun Data
2.1 Preliminary Data Entry.
Before doing anything else, we're going to have to enter some
information for QBALL to chew on. The items of information for
which QBALL will prompt you are, in order, (with suggested
practice entries):
a. The ballistic coefficient (C1) for the
projectile in question................ .300
[ For tutorial purposes, enter ballistic ]
[ coefficients and bullet weight by hand, ]
[ and reserve trying QBALL's bullet look- ]
[ up facility for later on. ]
b. The bullet weight in grains................... 180
[ Automatic entry if data lookup is used. ]
c. Whether or not to use the displayed metro..... [Y]
[ QBALL will default to Standard Metro; ]
[ you can use nonstandard metro, but just ]
[ to keep things simple, stay with stan- ]
[ dard metro for the present. ]
d. The muzzle velocity in FPS.................... 2200
Enter values at the appropriate places when prompted. If you try
to use an impossible value, QBALL will respond with an error
message specifying a valid range of values for that parameter. Try
entering some impossible values and see what happens. A complete
list of QBALL's error messages is contained in Appendix G, with a
description of the most common conditions under which they
are displayed.
[ Bullet Lookup Facility: ]
[ For initial ballistic coefficient and bullet weight entry, ]
[ Press [L] while the appropriate entry box is displayed. Use ]
[ PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, and arrow keys to navigate through the ]
[ list. Press [Enter] to use the highlighted data. Bullet lookup ]
[ sets/resets both ballistic coefficient and bullet weight when ]
[ used. Maker abbreviations: HDY=Hornady, LYM=Lyman, NOS=Nosler, ]
[ SRA=Sierra, SPR=Speer. Bullet lookup is displayed in bullet- ]
[ diameter order by default; press [M] to change to by-maker ]
[ order. ]
[ QBALL 9 ]
Note that the Range <T>able... option will now display the zero
| Range <T>able (0 = 250 Yards) |
Figure 4. Partial Computations Menu, Zero Set
A zero range must be set in order to compute and display a range
table. If no valid zero range is set, QBALL will ask you for one.
You may set or reset the zero range by pressing <Z>; the Range
<T>able... option will display that zero range.
Let's continue with this range table; enter the data shown.
Range to Point of Impact.......... 300
Range Increment................... 50
The following table is displayed:
> Ballistic Computations: Typical Firearm <
Range Table, Zeroed at Highlighted Range
Range R e m a i n i n g Total Path/Sight Line Defl'n Time
Yards Velocity Energy Drop M.O.A. Inches 10 MPH Flght
----- ----------------- ----- --------------- ------ -----
0 2200 1934 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.000
50 2068 1708 0.9 7.8 3.9 0.4 0.070
100 1939 1503 3.9 6.8 6.8 1.5 0.145
150 1816 1319 9.1 4.9 7.3 3.5 0.225
200 1700 1155 17.1 2.6 5.2 6.7 0.311
>>250 1589 1010 28.1 0.0 0.0 10.8 0.402<<
300 1485 881 42.4 -2.8 -8.5 15.9 0.499
===> press any key <===
Figure 5. Typical Range Table
Range tables are interpreted as follows: for a bullet having the
given ballistic characteristics and fired at the given muzzle
velocity, then, at a range of, say, 200 yards, it will retain 1700
FPS velocity, 1155 ft-lbs of energy, will have dropped 17.1 inches
below the line of departure, will have risen to a maximum of 7.3
inches above the line of sight (at 150 yards), will strike 5.2
inches (2.6 minutes of arc) high, will have been blown 6.7 inches
sideways by a 10 MPH crosswind, and will have taken 0.311 seconds
to travel 200 yards downrange from the muzzle. In similar fashion,
data for other ranges may be read from the table for each of the
listed ranges. Note that the table specifies that Path/Sight Line
is 0.0 at 250 yards, the zero range. That line is highlighted on
the screen display; here, it's shown >> thus <<.
[ QBALL 11 ]
> Ballistic Computations: Typical Firearm <
| | * |
|I| * |
| | 5 * 5 |
|N| * |
| | |
| * |
|H| [draw a smooth curve] |
| |-5 [connecting the "*".] -5 |
|E| |
| | YARDS *
|S| 50 100 150 200 250 |
| [ --- Remaining Velocity/Energy, Current Round --- ] |
| >Current< >Previous< +=======================+
|Max Ht : 7.4" @ 135 | *** Graphics Menu *** |
|Min Ht : -8.5" @ 300 | --------------------- |
|MuzVel : 2200 FPS |<G>rid Toggle On/Off |
|TermVel: 1485 FPS |<S>ave Current Data |
|BCoeff : .300 |<R>ecall <0> |
|ZeroRg : 250 Yards | --------------------- |
|Metro : Standard |<ESC>ape to Choose Next|
| [ --- info line schematically indicated --- ] |
Figure 7. The Graphics Screen
The upper portion of the screen represents your firing range as
viewed from the side. The firing point is at the left; the maxi-
mum range, 300 yards, at the right. Each range increment is indi-
cated by a vertical line, numbered across the bottom. The hori-
zontal lines, indicating distance above or below the line of sight
are numbered at both the left and right. The curved line indicates
the bullet's trajectory relative to the line of sight: the
emphasized line numbered "0-0." The circle on the curved line
indicates the point at which the maximum height is reached. The
numbers immediately below the trajectory plot are the remaining
velocity and energy at the indicated range for the current round.
The data shown at the bottom left are: the maximum and minimum
heights, and the ranges at which they occur; the muzzle and term-
inal velocities; the ballistic coefficient; the zero range; and
the metro currently in effect.
Press <G> to redraw the screen without the background grid
lines. Tick marks are displayed at the left and right, and on the
sight line; appropriate numbers are shown. Press <G> again to re-
display the grid lines.
<R>ecall... tells you that you have one set of trajectory data
saved to disk. (Yes, that's a "zero;" I'll explain in a bit.)
[ QBALL 13 ]
Now let's play "what if...?" What would happen to the trajec-
tory if, say, the muzzle velocity is increased from 2200 to 2700
FPS? Let's find out. Press <ESC> to return to the Computations
Menu, and with the Computations Menu displayed, press <N> to
access the "New or Changed Input Data" Menu.
A complete explanation of the New Input Data Menu can wait for a
bit; this time, when it is displayed, press <V> to change the
muzzle velocity. Note that "2200" is displayed in the entry
window; overtype the new velocity, thus:
Muzzle Velocity (FPS) 2700
Note that is possible to change more than one item of input data
at a time; this is not recommended, because it is difficult to
determine which change has which effect. Now <ESC> back to the
Computations Menu. Note that your zero range, 250 yards, is still
set. Note that Press <T>, and note that the maximum range, 300
yards, is also set. Press <enter> to accept the displayed range;
then press <enter> again to accept the range increment of 50
yards. After the range table is displayed, press any key. When
presented with the "Choose Next" menu, press <G>. The new graphic
representation of trajectory data looks like Figure 9, page 14.
[ HINT: ]
[ ]
[ If you plan to save a lot of data, especially range ]
[ tables, you need all the disk room you can get! Range ]
[ tables get big, fast. If either of the following is ]
[ true: ]
[ ]
[ You're running QBALL from the distribution disk, ]
[ (tsk,tsk!) ]
[ You're running QBALL on any floppy with other files on ]
[ it, ]
[ then quit QBALL (from here, the ]
[ keystrokes are: <ESC><ESC><ESC><Q><Y><Y>) and copy all ]
[ the QBALL*.* files to a fresh (empty) disk. Then re- ]
[ start QBALL from the new disk. ]
[ QBALL is set up to detect a "disk full" error but why ]
[ take the chance? Should a "disk full" error occur, ]
[ QBALL disables all "save" functions for the duration of ]
[ the current session. ]
[ QBALL 15 ]
> Ballistic Computations: Typical Firearm <
| | * |
|I| * |
| | 5 * * * 5 |
|N| * * |
| | * |
| * |
|H| [draw smooth curves ] |
| |-5 [connecting the "*".] -5 *
|E| |
| | YARDS *
|S| 50 100 150 200 250 |
| [ --- Remaining Velocity/Energy, Current Round --- ] |
| >Current< >Previous 1< +=======================+
|Max Ht : 4.6" @ 138 7.4" @ 135 | *** Graphics Menu *** |
|Min Ht : -5.3" @ 300 -8.5" @ 300 | --------------------- |
|MuzVel : 2700 FPS 2200 FPS |<G>rid Toggle On/Off |
|TermVel: 1877 FPS 1485 FPS |<S>ave Current Data |
|BCoeff : .300 .300 |<R>ecall <0> thru <1> |
|ZeroRg : 250 Yards 250 Yards | --------------------- |
|Metro : Standard Standard |<ESC>ape to Choose Next|
| [ --- info line schematically indicated --- ] |
Figure 10. Two Sets of Data Graphics Screen
2.4 Changing Input Data.
From time to time, you may wish to change some or all of the
data which you have input to the program. The <N>ew Input Data
Menu, Figure 11, may be accessed from the Computations Menu for
that purpose. Press <N> to display the:
| *** New Input Data Menu *** |
| ----------------------------- |
| <C>artridge/Bullet Identifier |
| Muzzle <V>elocity |
| <B>allistic Coefficient |
| Bullet <W>eight |
| <M>etro (dF 'Alt "Hg %RH) |
| Sight <H>eight |
| Yds/Mets <S>wap (Now Yards) |
| ----------------------------- |
| <ESC> to Computations Menu |
Figure 11. New Input Data Menu.
Cartridge/Bullet Identifier: You may change the designation of
the cartridge, bullet, or firearm with which you are working.
Enter any string of characters at the prompt, e.g., ".30-'06
Springfield." Identifiers are limited to a length of 40 charac-
ters; QBALL defaults to "Typical Firearm." You may keep the same
identifier by writing QBALL initialization data as explained in
Chapter 5.
[ QBALL 17 ]
2.5 Other Ballistics Procedures.
Five "other ballistic procedures" are described in this section.
Two, point-blank range and wind vector corrections, directly
affect the range table/graphics displays. The remaining three,
slant angle of fire corrections, sectional density, and gun free
recoil are informational in nature, only. From the Computations
Menu, press <O> to display the "Other Procedures Menu."
| *** Other Procedures Menu *** |
| ----------------------------- |
| <P>oint-blank Range |
| <W>ind Vector Corrections |
| Slant <A>ngle of fire |
| <S>ectional Density |
| <F>ree Recoil of Gun |
| ----------------------------- |
| <ESC> to Computations Menu |
Figure 12. Other Procedures Menu
Point-Blank Range.
The point-blank range for any weapon/ammunition combination may
be defined as that range for which the trajectory deviates not
more than a specified distance above or below the line of sight.
Press <P> to access the point-blank range determination routines.
Enter the maximum deviation in inches, say, 5, as shown in figure
| |
| Determination of Point Blank Range |
| ---------------------------------- |
| |
| Maximum Deviation 5 |
| |
| Trial Zero Range = 512 Yards |
| |
Figure 13. Enter the Maximum Deviation.
After a pause, during which the trial zero range changes several
times, the following is displayed:
| |
| ---------------------------------- |
| Point Blank Zero Range = 257 |
| Maximum Range = 304 |
| ---------------------------------- |
| |
Figure 14. Point Blank Range Displayed.
[ QBALL 19 ]
Slant Angle of Fire.
Virtually all firing tables and ballistics computation pro-
grams, QBALL among them, assume that the angle of fire is
relatively close to horizontal. It is known, however, that firing
"upslope" or "downslope" will cause the bullet to hit high
relative to the point of aim. How high? Press <A>, and enter the
following data: maximum range 400 yards and range increment 100
yards. You may enter the "vertical" dimension as an angle, or as a
height in feet above/below the firing point. You'll be prompted
Use <H>eight above/below firing point or
Vertical <A>ngle above/below horizontal:
For this example, press <A> and enter the vertical angle 25d (the
vertical angle may be entered as positive or negative). The fol-
lowing table is displayed.
| |
| Hits High for Slant Fire, 25d |
| Above or Below Horizontal |
| ----------------------------- |
| Range True Hits |
| Yards Drop High |
| ----- ----- ----- |
| 0 0.0 0.0 |
| 100 3.6 0.3 |
| 200 16.2 1.5 |
| 300 41.0 3.8 |
| 400 82.9 7.8 |
| ----------------------------- |
| ===> press any key <=== |
| |
Figure 16. Slant Fire "Hits High" Display
The table tells you that the given weapon/ammunition combina-
tion, fired at an angle of 25d above or below the horizontal, will
hit high by the specified distance at each listed range. The
effect is relatively small at short range and smaller vertical
angles, but can become large enough to be of real concern as the
range or the vertical angle increases. Try several examples and
QBALL prompts...
---> More? ([Y] or N) <C>ontinuous <---
...if there are more data lines than will fit on
one screen. Acceptable values for this routine are as follows:
Range and range increment: As for Range Tables;
Vertical Angle: 0d to 45d, inclusive; or
Vertical Height: Height difference expressed in
feet (1200 in the example).
[ QBALL 21 ]
Unfortunately, these figures are relatively meaningless without
some basis for comparison. Here are three for starters, all data
computed using QBALL:
| | Weapon |
| Selected Weapon, Caliber, +----------+--------+
| and Load | Velocity | Energy |
| | FPS | Ft-Lbs |
| | | |
| 1. Ruger M77R (6.75 pounds) | | |
| .22-250 Remington | 7.86 | 6.49 |
| Muz Vel = 3680 | | |
| Bul Wt = 55 | | |
| Pow Wt = 36 | | |
| | | |
| 2. Marlin 336CS (7 pounds) | | |
| .30-30 Winchester | 10.67 | 12.39 |
| Muz Vel = 2390 | | |
| Bul Wt = 150 | | |
| Pow Wt = 35 | | |
| | | |
| 3. M1 Garand (9.5 pounds) | | |
| .30-'06 Springfield | 10.88 | 17.47 |
| Muz Vel = 2700 | | |
| Bul Wt = 180 | | |
| Pow Wt = 50.5 | | |
| | | |
Table 1. Free Recoil, Selected Weapons.
The ammunition specified is a "best estimate" using published
Winchester data for velocities and bullet weights; the powder
weights are from the Hornady Handbook. The weapon weights were
taken from the 1991 edition of Gun Digest.
2.6 Bullet Lookup Facility.
Whenever QBALL prompts for a ballistic coefficient or a bullet
weight, you may press [L] to activate the bullet lookup facility.
If the AMMO.DAT file and either of the *.NDX files is present, a
listing of a number of bullets is "windowed" over the prompt screen.
(A sample appears on the next page.) The supplied AMMO.DAT file
contains information about 502 bullets from several makers.
Assuming that D.NDX is available, bullet lookup defaults to a
listing sorted by diameter and weight. If you prefer, and if M.NDX
is available, you may change to a list sorted by maker, diameter and
weight by pressing [M].
You may navigate through the list by using the PgUp, PgDn, Home,
End, and the arrow keys. Press [Enter] to accept the highlighted
bullet, or [ESC] to exit and enter the value manually.
[ QBALL 23 ]
Chapter 3
Inferring Ballistic Coefficients
From time to time, you may have need of the ballistic
coefficient of a particular bullet, and the available tables do
not include that data.
Select "Infer <B>allistic Coefficient" at the Main Menu. (The
first time you invoke this routine in a given session, you will be
encouraged to read this section of the manual.) Press [Y] to
continue with the routine, or "N" to return to the Main Menu.
QBALL will ask you for four pieces of information: two ranges,
and two velocities. The following diagram, a schematic layout of a
firing range viewed from above, will help you visualize the setup.
(Two chronographs are shown. See the note on page 26 if only one
chronograph is available.)
| | ( > > > > = bullet path ) |
| | ( C = chronograph location) |
| +---[r1]----+ +-------------------------------+
| +-----------[r2]----------+ |
| |
| Gun > > > > C > > > > > > C > > > > > > > > > > > > |
| v@1 v@2 |
| |
| r1 = range, muzzle to first chronograph |
| r2 = range, muzzle to second chronograph |
| v@1 = velocity at first range |
| v@2 = velocity at second range |
| |
Figure 18. Schematic Layout, Infer Ballistic Coefficient.
It is possible for r1 to equal zero; in that case, of course,
v@1 would equal the muzzle velocity. (This is the only time that
QBALL will allow you to enter a range of zero; "zero" is the de-
fault value for r1.)
The routine for inferring a ballistic coefficient allows use of
nonstandard metro, should you have developed your own velocity
data from live firing. You may change the metro conditions to be
used before beginning to enter velocity data. The ballistic coef-
ficient reported, however, is adjusted to standard metro
conditions in all cases.
You may enter as many as twenty-five (25) individual range/vel-
ocity pairs. The average v@1, v@2, and ballistic coefficient are
reported. If r1 is greater than zero, i.e., you are not working
with a muzzle velocity, QBALL reports an inferred muzzle velocity.
Let's work through the process. We'll do this twice: once, with r1
set to 0, and once more with r1 set to 50; r2 will be set at 100
in both cases. (The data is that found in the table on page 9.)
[ QBALL 25 ]
3.2 Second Run: r1 = 50
Enter "first range" = 50 and "second range" = 100. When prompted
for the velocities, enter 2068 and 1939. You should end up with
the following display:
| ----------------------------------- |
| Metro: as displayed |
| Relative Air Density = 1.000 Relative Sonic Velocity = 1.000 |
| ----------------------------------- |
| |
| |
| For Round Number 1 |
| First Velocity (Ft/Sec) 2068 |
| Second Velocity (Ft/Sec) 1939 |
| |
| For Standard Atmosphere, C1 = .299 |
| |
| Calculate another Round? ([Y] or N) |
| |
| |
| |
| [ Lower & Upper Ranges (yards) 50 & 100 ] |
Figure 21. Ballistic Coefficient Entry 2.
Press "N"; (you would probably use more than one round in a
"real world" situation.) After a pause, the following is dis-
| ----------------------------------------- |
| Average C1 for 1 round = .298 |
| Between Mean Velocities 2068 and 1939 |
| Calculated Muzzle Velocity = 2201 |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| |
| Print C1 Data? ([Y] or N) |
Figure 22. Ballistic Coefficient Display 2.
Press "N" to skip printing the table, and return to the Main
Menu. Again note that the information line shows the calculated
muzzle velocity and the inferred ballistic coefficient. You may
now go on to calculate ballistic data using the values obtained
using this routine; QBALL will use the calculated ballistic
coefficient and muzzle velocity until changed.
Now, granted, the calculated muzzle velocity does not equal what
we know it has to be, that is, 2200 FPS, nor does the ballistic
coefficient exactly match what we know to be correct. If, however,
you run a range table using 2201 FPS and C1 = .298, and another
using 2200 FPS and C1 = .300, the difference is well within
QBALL's roundoff error. (Try it using the input data used to
develop the table on page 9 and see.) You may use the calculated
muzzle velocity and still expect excellent practical accuracy.
[ QBALL 27 ]
Chapter 4
Printed Output
4.1 Printer Warnings.
QBALL is internally configured to print to parallel printers,
only, specifically, to LPT1. If your printer is connected to
another parallel port, you will need to "swap" ports for the
duration of the QBALL session, or even reconfigure your printer
QBALL will detect whether or not your printer is on/on-line; it
is not specifically set up to detect "paper out." Ensure that
your printer is properly set up before you try to print any QBALL
output! (The error recovery routine dumps you back into the
previous menu, so you do end up losing some displayed data.)
Some "generic" printer buffers will not respond properly to the
print routines. If you are using a printer buffer, and you keep
getting the error message "Printer does not respond," then try
bypassing your buffer. Buffers which are built into printers do
not seem to cause any problem.
While no extensive testing has been done, QBALL's print routines
have been found to work properly on an ALPS Allegro 24, an Epson
LQ-570, and a Tandy DMP-130.
4.2 Screen Dumps.
It is possible to print a screen's worth of tabular information
using the Shift-PrtScr key combination available in DOS. This
practice is not recommended, however, as you might very well lose
information which has already scrolled past on the screen. If your
computer is properly configured, however, you might want to print
out a graphics screen using Shift-PrtScr; see your DOS documenta-
tion, probably under "Graphics," for details.
4.3 Printer Setup.
You need not set up your printer to skip perforations in fanfold
paper; QBALL keeps track of the number of lines printed and issues
a formfeed (ASCII12) when appropriate. Continuation pages are
sequentially numbered, and each page will have the appropriate
column heading printed on it. (No formfeed is issued at the end of
any table.)
You need not set your printer to indent from the left margin,
either. It is best, in fact, to use a printer setup of "left mar-
gin = 0," as QBALL is set up to indent each table an appropriate
number of spaces.
You may also toggle the printer prompt completely off, replacing
it with a "press any key" prompt. This feature is useful if you do
not have a printer, or you are sure you won't want hard copy.
QBALL defaults to printer "ON," and displays the
[ QBALL 29 ]
Typical printed "Infer Ballistic Coefficient..." output, using
the data from Chapter 3, second run, looks like this:
> Inferring Ballistic Coefficient for: Typical Firearm <
Given the following meteorological conditions:
Temperature..........: 59 deg F Barometric Pressure....: 29.53"Hg
Relative Humidity....: 78 % Gun Altitude...........: 0 Feet
Relative Air Density.: 1.000 Relative Sonic Velocity: 1.00
and the number of rounds shown, the ballistic
coefficient (C1) was computed using the veloci-
ties indicated.
Round V1 V2 C1
----- ---- ---- ----
1 2068 1939 .298
Average C1 for 1 round = .298
Between Mean Velocities 2068 and 1939
Calculated Muzzle Velocity = 2201
Figure 25. Sample Printed Output,
Inferring Ballistic Coefficient.
[ Hint: Don't want to wait while the printer churns through ]
[ a long range table? Rather than choosing <P>rint in the ]
[ Choose Next Output menu, choose <S>ave instead. Then, ]
[ when you go off to lunch, or whatever, issue the follow- ]
[ ing command: COPY RGTABLE.nn PRN and let the machinery do ]
[ the work while you do something else that's more fun..... ]
[ QBALL 31 ]
Chapter 5
Configuring Display and Default Starting Values
5.1 The Utilities and Configuration Menu.
Should you wish to change some or all of QBALL's start-up data
or its current configuration, access QBALL's associated utilities,
or invoke a DOS shell, press <U> at the Main Menu, to display this
"Utilities Menu:"
| *** Utilities Menu *** |
| --------------------------- |
| Toggle <S>witches |
| Change Display <C>olors |
| <W>rite QBALL.INI Data |
| Invoke a <D>OS Shell |
| <R>ead a Range Table File |
| <T>ranslate a Graphics File |
| --------------------------- |
| <ESC> to M A I N M E N U |
Figure 26. The Utilities Menu.
Toggle <S>witches will change several of QBALL's opera-
ting settings; ...<C>olors is used to choose the display colors;
<W>rite QBALL.INI Data saves the current configuration; and
...<D>OS shell permits "dropping" to the operating system without
exiting QBALL. <R>ead... and <T>ranslate... "shell out" to the two
associated QBALL utilities, RRTABLE.EXE and GRFXLATE.EXE; if the
utility program is not present in the current directory, the op-
tion is disabled. <R>ead and <T>ranslate are discussed in detail
in Chapter 8, QBALL's Associated Utilities, page 39.
5.2 Toggle Active Switches.
Press <S> to display this "Switch Toggle Menu." Pressing the
appropriate key toggles that particular item; the current setting
is reflected immediately, and QBALL will act accordingly until it
is again changed.
| *** Switch Toggle Menu *** |
| -------------------------- |
| Yds/Mets <S>wap (Now Yards) |
| Graphics <G>rid (Now ON) |
| <P>rinter on/off (Now ON) |
| <N>oises on/off (Now ON) |
| -------------------------- |
| <ESC> to Utilities Menu |
Figure 27. The Switch Toggle Menu.
[ QBALL 33 ]
Figure 28 indicates "Now set -- " as the supplied default
settings. If you started QBALL with the "/b" switch, the values
will be, in order: 7, (white/light gray); 15, (high intensity
white); 7, (white/light gray); 0, (black); 0, (black).
5.4 Using The Values You've Set.
Having set the display colors and toggles as you like them,
<ESC> to the Utilities Menu, where you may:
<W>rite QBALL.INI Data
or, you may:
<ESC> to M A I N M E N U.
If you're sure of the values you've entered, press <W> to write
the new QBALL initialization data to the end of QBALL.EXE. (And
remember, if you change your mind, there's nothing to stop you
from running Configuration again.)
If you'd like to use the values for this session only, perhaps
to see how they work out, press <ESC>. If you decide later to save
your "temporary" setup, choose <U> from the Main Menu, then choose
<W> immediately from the Configuration Menu. QBALL doesn't care if
there's a delay between choosing configuration values and writing
the configuration data; it will quite cheerfully write that data
using whatever values are in effect at the time the <W> option is
If you choose the <W> option, remember that the QBALL.INI data
includes a good bit more information than just the display colors
and toggle status. It also controls the starting text and values
for the:
a. Cartridge/bullet identifier;
b. Meteorological conditions; and
c. Sight height.
Upon invocation of the <W>rite... option, the new configuration
data will include the text or values of these items which are
currently in effect. This allows you to "tailor" your copy of
QBALL to match your own conditions: your weapon, and the actual
(or anticipated) metro which is encountered at your own firing
Specific times you might very well want to use metro values
other than standard are, for example, if your range is not at sea
level, or if you're shooting during the summer, when the tempera-
ture might very well exceed 59° Fahrenheit. You can configure
QBALL to start with the altitude of your range, or an expected
temperature, without the hassle of changing the values after
In similar fashion, you may configure QBALL to start with the
name of your own weapon, say, "Ruger M77/.270" and the actual
measured height of that weapon's sight, say, 1.25 inches.
[ QBALL 35 ]
Chapter 6
Recalling Saved Trajectory Data
Assuming that one or more trajectory graphics files exist on/in
the current disk/directory, QBALL's Main menu allows you to access
them without having to work your way to the graphics display
routines. At the Main menu, press <R>ecall Saved Trajectory Data
to access this informational screen and the Recall Trajectory Data
Recall Saved Graphics Data
EGA_SAV.0 Typical Firearm
Muzzle Velocity 2700 FPS Ballistic Coefficient .300
Bullet Weight 180 grains Zero Range 200 Yards
Metro conditions Standard Maximum Range 300 Yards
| *** Recall Trajectory Data *** |
| ------------------------------ |
| <R>ecall <0> thru <1> |
| Display Trajectory <G>raphic |
| Use Displayed As <D>efault |
| ------------------------------ |
| <ESC> to M A I N M E N U |
Figure 29. Recall Trajectory Data Display and Menu
For purposes of this example, it is assumed that you have copied
the two saved trajectory files from the distribution disk, and
that one trajectory file was saved when you ran the "tutorial" in
Chapter 2.
The information shown above the menu specifies the saved file-
name, the identifier, and sufficient other information to permit
you to decide which one you're looking at. (If you are using a
CGA-equipped computer, the specified filename will be
"CGA_SAV.0.") This routine always displays *GA_SAV.0 first. You
may recall the others by pressing <R>ecall, then the <number>;
e.g., to examine EGA_SAV.1, press <R>, then press <1>.
Option <G> and option <D> will reset the input data. If you
don't want to change the input data, press <ESC> to return to the
Main menu.
[ QBALL 37 ]
Chapter 7
File Handling
QBALL does perform disk reads and disk writes. Running QBALL
from a floppy disk is possible, but reads and writes are necess-
arily slow. It is recommended, therefore, that you run QBALL
from a hard disk, or, if at all possible, a RAM disk.
That said, QBALL deals with the following disk files.
QBSHELIT.BAT batch file.
When first started, QBALL writes a special batch file to the
current disk or into the current directory: QBSHELIT.BAT. This
batch file does several things, the most visible of which is
setting the DOS prompt within the shell. That prompt looks like
[ Exit >> QBALL ] [drive:]\[directory] > _
Additionally, QBALL will look for this batch file when being
started. If QBSHELIT.BAT is found, you'll be shown "QBALL is
already loaded!" and get dumped back to the DOS prompt; this
prevents starting a second copy of QBALL while you're in a DOS
shell. (If you're running QBALL from a floppy, ensure that there
is a copy of COMMAND.COM on that floppy! Otherwise, you'll be able
to run only one command in the shell.)
QBSHELIT.BAT is erased upon normal exit from QBALL, i.e., when
you <Q>uit... QBALL from the Main menu. If, however, you break out
of QBALL using, say, Cntrl-Alt-Del to reboot, you will be unable
to start QBALL again until QBSHELIT.BAT is erased, which you'll
have to do manually in this case. Log onto the disk or directory
where QBALL resides, and enter this command:
DEL QBSHELIT.BAT (+ [enter]).
QBALL will now start normally.
Under ordinary circumstances, the operation of QBSHELIT.BAT is
completely transparent; you won't even know it's there.
Graphics Trajectory Data.
Trajectory data saved with QBALL versions 2.09 and preceding are
not compatible with those saved with QBALL 2.20, and QBALL 2.20
will simply ignore them. The only workaround, if you've got some
favorites, is to "start from scratch" with version 2.20 and regen-
erate the graphics files. Please note, too, that CGA-equipped
computers are directed to ignore EGA graphics files; EGA compu-
ters, to ignore CGA graphics files. It is possible to translate
from one format to the other; see Chapter 8, QBALL's Associated
Utilities, page 39.
[ QBALL 39 ]
Chapter 8
QBALL's Associated Utilities
Two custom utilities are included with QBALL 2.20: RRTABLE.EXE
and GRFXLATE.EXE. Both may be accessed from the QBALL Utilities
menu, and either may be started from the command line, as well.
Once loaded, the procedures are exactly the same; the remainder of
this chapter assumes that you are accessing the utilities from
within QBALL.
8.1 Range Table Reader (RRTABLE.EXE).
In order to access the Range Table Reader from within QBALL,
both of the following conditions must be true: first, QBALL.EXE
and RRTABLE.EXE are on/in the same disk/directory; and second, a
saved range table--" RGTABLE.[ext]"-- exists on/in that disk/di-
rectory. If either of these conditions is untrue, QBALL disables
the <R>ead a Range Table File option in the Utilities menu, i.e.,
the option is displayed in low-intensity video.
At the Utilities menu, assuming that the option is activated,
press "<R>." After a short pause, the following screen will
===== - - - ------ ---------- --- ------------------
| | |-+ -+ | | +-+| - | |-|+-+| |- +-+|- |-|| ||- +-+
| | | | +-| | | ||_|_| | | ||_||__|__ ||_|__| ||_||__||_
|___| |_| |_| | | 1.0
-- |_----------------------------------------------------------
1 QBALL-generated Range Table found:
Enter file EXTENSION ("0" exits):
Figure 31. QBALL's Range Table Reader
There is one range table available to be read. Enter "1" (or
"01") to examine that range table. Looks a lot like the printed
output from Chapter 4, doesn't it? It should: it's the same file,
stripped of blank lines, form feeds, and page continuation head-
ers. If this saved range table were longer, you would use the up-
and down arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End keys to navigate. Press
<ESC> to return to the opening screen as shown in Figure 31. If
you had more than one range table available, you could then read
one (or more) additional tables. When you're finished looking at
range tables, enter "0" to return to QBALL.
[ QBALL 41 ]
After a short pause, during which GRFXLATE will report that it
is, indeed, translating, you will be asked if you wish to trans-
late another file. A "no" response returns you to QBALL.
If you invoke GRFXLATE and decide that you don't want to
translate any files at all, press <ESC>, which returns you to
QBALL. The newly-translated EGA_SAV.2 is now fully usable by
QBALL's graphics routines.
Both RGTABLE.EXE and GRFXLATE.EXE may be used as stand-alone
utilities, invoked from the command line, as noted above. Their
use, either accessed from within QBALL or from the command line
requires a series of disk reads, and in the case of GRFXLATE.EXE,
disk writes. These are necessarily slow on floppy disks. Further-
more, you may discover that a floppy doesn't have sufficient space
for QBALL, its associated utilities, and any saved data.
Experimentation is in order.
Note, too, that both RGTABLE.EXE and GRFXLATE.EXE obtain their
start-up colors from QBALL.EXE. If you have temporarily changed
QBALL's display colors, those in the utilities display won't
[ QBALL 43 ]
Appendix A
absolute zero - Properly, that temperature at which all molecular
motion ceases. For practical purposes, -459.67d Fahrenheit, or 0d
air density - The mass (or loosely, the weight) of a unit volume
of air.
air resistance - The retardation of a bullet's forward flight due
to the atmosphere.
altitude - The vertical distance above or below sea level.
Altitudes above sea level are taken as positive; those below, as
ballistics - The study of moving projectiles. Commonly, what is
meant is exterior ballistics: that portion of the bullet's flight
between the muzzle and the point of impact. (Internal ballistics
studies events prior to the bullet's exit from the muzzle; term-
inal ballistics, the interaction between the bullet and the
ballistic coefficient - The ratio of the sectional density of a
projectile to its coefficient of form. A measure of how well a
bullet retains its velocity. Commonly supplied by reloading
manufacturers, or it may be derived from their ballistic tables.
In QBALL, the ballistic coefficient is always taken at standard
metro. The program corrects for nonstandard conditions, but does
not display the corrected ballistic coefficient(s). See also:
standard metro.
ballistic efficiency - The relative ability of a bullet in flight
to overcome air resistance.
bore - The inside of a firearm's barrel. In rifled firearms, the
bore diameter is the original dimension of the barrel before the
rifling grooves are cut or swaged in it. Bore diameter may also be
taken as the transverse dimension between the lands of the rif-
ling. See also: grooves, lands, rifling.
brass - Alloy of copper and zinc commonly used in the fabrication
of cartridge cases. Also, one or more cartridge cases containing
neither powder, primer, nor bullet.
bullet - The actual projectile in small arms ammunition. Commonly
corrupted to refer to the entire cartridge.
bullet weight - Weight of the actual projectile, usually stated in
grains. See also: grain.
[ QBALL 45 ]
Ft.-Lbs. (also FtLbs and Ft#) - Foot pounds. A unit of energy
equal to the effort required to lift one pound a vertical distance
of one foot.
form factor - A multiplier which relates a bullet's shape to that
of the standard projectile used to prepare a particular ballistic
grain - A unit of weight equal to 1/7000 of a pound, or 1/(437.5)
ounces. May also refer to an individual particle, or kernel, of
powder. In cartridge specifications, always refers to the weight
of the powder charge, never to individual particles.
grooves - Swaged impressions or cuts spiraled through a bore to
impart spin to projectiles. See also: lands.
group - The pattern made at the target by a number of shots fired
at a single point of aim and (usually) a common sight setting.
Usually measured from center-to-center of the two most widely
spaced holes.
gun - In popular usage, refers to firearms, generally. Properly, a
type of artillery or naval ordnance.
handgun - A firearm designed to be held and fired with one hand.
hold off - The distance a shooter must shift his point of aim to
the left or right to compensate for wind deflection.
hold over - The distance a shooter must raise his point of aim to
be on target when his firearm is zeroed at a lesser range.
horizontal fire - That type of fire occurring if the firearm's
barrel is not elevated significantly above or below the horizon-
tal. Generally taken as 1 degree of arc or less.
Ingalls' Tables - A set of ballistic tables first calculated by
Col. J. M. Ingalls in 1918. Probably the most widely used tables
for small arms ballistics calculations.
iron sights - In popular usage, metallic sights.
lands - Those portions of a rifled bore not cut away by rifling
grooves. See also: grooves.
lead - (leed) How far ahead of a moving target a shooter must aim
to be assured of hitting it.
lead - (led) Soft, dense, silvery-gray metal with relatively low
melting point which forms the basis for many bullets.
line of departure - An imaginary line formed by extending the axis
of a firearm's bore in a downrange direction.
[ QBALL 47 ]
point of aim - That downrange point with which a firearm's sights
are aligned.
point of impact - That point which a bullet actually strikes. In
most cases, considered in relation to point of aim.
powder - The propellant material used in firearms. Usually not in
powder form, but in the form of small rods, spheres, or flakes.
primer - Impact-sensitive component of a cartridge which ignites
the powder charge upon being struck by the firing pin or the
striker of a firearm.
projectile - A bullet, shell, golfball, rock, or other object
shot, hit, thrown, or hurled in space; a projectile receives a
single impetus, and continues in motion by its own inertia. A
bullet is not properly a projectile until it is in motion.
relative air density - The density of air at the measured metro
divided by the density of air at standard metro, expressed as a
dimensionless decimal fraction; e.g., 1.000.
relative sonic velocity - The velocity of sound at the measured
metro divided by the velocity of sound at standard metro, ex-
pressed as a dimensionless decimal fraction; e.g., 1.000.
remaining energy - A projectile's energy in foot-pounds at a given
remaining velocity - A projectile's velocity in FPS at a given
rifling - The spirally-cut or swaged grooves in a firearm's bore,
taken collectively with the resulting lands, which impart a stab-
ilizing spin to the bullet. See also: grooves, lands.
round - One complete cartridge. May also refer to the sequential
number of a shot in a number of shots; e.g., "Round #3."
scope - Optical or telescopic, as opposed to metallic, sights.
sight height - The measured vertical distance between the horiz-
ontal centerline of the sights and the axis of the bore.
sighting in - The process of firing to determine point of impact
at a given range and adjusting the sights so that the point of
impact has the desired relationship to the point of aim. See also:
sight radius - The distance between the rear and the front sight,
on those weapons equipped with iron (non-optical) sights.
small arms (also smallarms) - Rifles, pistols, or revolvers,
[ QBALL 49 ]
Appendix B
Example of Ballistic Coefficient from Tabular Data
The following tables summarize the determination of a ballistic
coefficient using tabular values. The values for Table B1 are
taken from data published in the 1990 edition of The Gun Digest,
page 229; the values for Table B2 were calculated using QBALL.
| From Gun Digest Table for 30-06 Spfd, 180 gr bullet:|
| |
| Range in Yards |
| ------------------------------------ |
| Muz 100 200 300 400 |
| ------------------------------------ |
| Velocity 2700 2469 2250 2042 1846 |
| Energy 2913 2436 2023 1666 1362 |
| Trajectory -1.5 2.5 0.0 -9.3 -27.0 |
Table B1. Data Taken From Published Table.
Using the "Infer Ballistic Coefficient" routines in QBALL,
entering 100 and 200 yards for the required ranges, and using the
velocities as published, QBALL reports that C1 (the ballistic
coefficient) is equal to 0.384.
Returning to QBALL's Main Menu, selecting the Calculate
Ballistic Data option, and entering the appropriate values for
muzzle velocity, bullet weight, and zero range, QBALL produces
the data shown in Table B2.
| QBALL Data Table for 30-06 Spfd, 180 gr bullet: |
| |
| Range in Yards |
| ------------------------------------ |
| Muz 100 200 300 400 |
| ------------------------------------ |
| Velocity 2700 2470 2251 2043 1846 |
| Energy 2913 2437 2024 1668 1362 |
| Trajectory -1.5 2.1 0.0 -9.0 -26.2 |
Table B2. Data Calculated Using QBALL.
The maximum variations are: Velocity, 1 FPS; Energy, 2 FtLbs;
and Trajectory 0.8 inches. It may be seen, therefore, that QBALL
can produce results in substantial agreement with published data.
[ QBALL 51 ]
Appendix C
Typical Saved Trajectory Data File
The following table represents, in part and in somewhat com-
pressed form, the EGA_SAV.0 file provided in the distribution
package. The header data contains data as detailed in the key,
below. The first data column is the range; the second, the
trajectory height relative to the sight line. Note that the range
increment is 1/100 of the maximum range. This is true if the
computer used is equipped with an EGA card/monitor. CGA_SAV.*
tables use a range increment of 1/50 of the maximum range.
| Yards |
| 1 |
| 2700 1876.864 .3 200 2.580286 |
| -10.07583 111 300 166.53 |
| 180 Typical Firearm |
| 59 0 29.53 78 |
| 0 -1.0 |
| 3 -0.8 |
| 6 -0.6 |
| 9 -0.5 |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| (major portion of data omitted) |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| 291 -8.8 |
| 294 -9.2 |
| 297 -9.6 |
| 300 -10.1 |
| 06-01-1993 12:00:00 |
| [end EGA_SAV.0 ] |
Table C1. Saved Trajectory Data File.
Key to values listed in the table:
[Unit of Range Measure]
[Sight Height]
[Muzzle velocity] [Terminal velocity] [Ballistic coefficient]
[Zero range] [Max Height][Min Height] [Range at Max Height]
[Max Range] [Metro Constant]
[Bullet weight] [Identifier]
[Fahrenheit Temperature] [Gun Altitude] [Barometric Pressure]
[Relative humidity]
[Range] [Bullet position ± sight line]
[Date] [Time]
[End of file indicator with Filename and number]
| Graphics files generated by QBALL v 2.20 are |
| not compatible with any other QBALL version. |
[ QBALL 53 ]
Appendix D
Selected Bibliography
Davis, William C., Jr. "Ballistics on the Home Computer," The
American Rifleman, CXXXI, 6 (June, 1983), p. 36.
Davis, William C., Jr. "Ballistics on A Pocket Calculator," The
American Rifleman, CXXXV, 6 (June, 1987), p. 42.
Davis, William C., Jr. "Calculate Ballistic Coefficients," The
American Rifleman, CXXXVII, 3 (March, 1989), p. 44.
Davis, William C., Jr. "What Is The Ballistic Coefficient?," The
American Rifleman, CXXXVII, 3 (March, 1989), p. 12.
Federal 1992 Ammunition [Catalog and Guide]. Anoka: Federal
Cartridge Company, 1991.
Hodgdon Basic Data Manual, Shawnee Mission: Hodgdon Power Company,
Incorporated, 1987
Ramage, C. Kenneth (ed.). Lyman Reloading Handbook. 46th ed.
Middlefield: Lyman Products Corporation, 1982.
Reiber, Ron L., and Heers, Edward A. (eds.). Hornady Handbook of
Cartridge Reloading, Rifle-Pistol. 3d ed. Grand Island: Hornady
Manufacturing Company, 1980.
Reloaders' Guide for Hercules Smokeless Powders. Wilmington:
Hercules Incorporated, 1988.
Remington Firearms, Ammunition, Clothing and Accessories Catalog.
Wilmington, Remington Arms Company, Inc., 1992.
Speer Reloading Manual #11, Lewiston: Omark Industries,
Incorporated, 1987
Warner, Ken (ed.). Gun Digest, 1990. 44th ed. Northbrook: DBI
Books, 1989.
Warner, Ken (ed.). Gun Digest, 1991. 45th ed. Northbrook: DBI
Books, 1990.
Warner, Ken (ed.). Gun Digest, 1992. 46th ed. Northbrook: DBI
Books, 1991.
Warner, Ken (ed.). Gun Digest, 1993. 47th ed. Northbrook: DBI
Books, 1992.
Winchester Ammunition Product Guide. East Alton: Winchester/Olin
Corporation, 1993.
[ QBALL 55 ]
Appendix E
Error Analysis
Results from several QBALL runs were compared with comparable
data from two sets of published tables: the Speer Reloading Manual
#11, and the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading, 3d edition.
Two questions were to be answered: first, how well do velocity
figures compare between the three sources?; second, are the
trajectories found by the different sources comparable?
Some difficulty was experienced in the choice of ballistic coef-
ficients and velocities due to the differences between the two
published sources. Speer, for example, rounds all ballistic coef-
ficients to two decimal places, while Hornady carries three. In
addition, when comparable values of ballistic coefficients could
be found, the Hornady tables quite often did not have the spread
of velocities available in the Speer manual.
The following table summarizes as-comparable-as-possible velo-
city data from all three sources. While severely limited, the data
shows that the results obtained from QBALL are in general agree-
ment with the two published sources.
| Remaining Velocity, Conditions as Shown |
| ======================================= |
| [ Range = 200 yards, Standard Met ] |
| MuzVel = 2100 MuzVel = 2500 MuzVel = 3300 |
| C1 = .12 C1 = .26 C1 = .50 |
| --------------- --------------- --------------- |
| QBALL 1112 1879 2899 |
| SPEER 1102 1872 2895 |
| HORNADY 1126 1875 2892 |
(Key: MuzVel = Muzzle Velocity C1 = Ballistic Coefficient)
Table D1. Remaining Velocities With Given Inputs. Note should
be made that the Hornady ballistic coefficients were actually
.122, .259, and .496 for the three sets of data shown. This
accounts for the apparent "high-on-low" spread of values seen
here. QBALL was run with the ballistic coefficients as shown.
An examination of the data in Table D1 indicates that remaining
velocities found using QBALL will be, on average, 0.47% high rel-
ative to the Speer data, and 0.42% low relative to to the Hornady
data. The Hornady data, however, must be considered suspect, as
the actual ballistic coefficients available in the Hornady table
do not exactly match those specified. Even so, it would appear
that QBALL's velocity results are certainly within one or two
percent of published data. In practical terms, there is probably
that much variation in velocity between successive rounds in a
string, if not more. QBALL, it would appear, can produce velocity
figures which are accurate enough for practical purposes.
[ QBALL 57 ]
Appendix F
QBALL user Jim McCausland, out Washington State way, provided sev-
eral sets of data developed with other ballistics programs, all
believed to be "commercial" in nature (i.e, they aren't "share-
ware." The following tables contain the information which Jim sent
along, with as-comparable-as-possible QBALL data.
| Program: Sierra Ballistics. |
| Input Data: |
| Ballistic Coefficient (C1)....... .299 |
| Bullet Weight.................... 130 grains |
| Zero Range....................... 200 yards |
| Maximum Range.................... 450 yards |
| Range Increment.................. 50 yards |
| Sight Height..................... 0.9 inches |
| Crosswind........................ -- no wind -- |
| Metro............................ Standard |
|Range R e m a i n i n g Total Path/Sight Line Defl'n Time |
|Yards Velocity Energy Drop M.O.A. Inches 0 MPH Flght |
|Sierra Ballistics Reports: |
| |
| 0 3000.0 2597 0.00 -0.90 +0.00 0.000000 |
| 50 2840.3 2328 0.46 +-----+ 1.07 +0.00 0.051389 |
| 100 2686.3 2083 2.00 | Not | 1.96 +0.00 0.105659 |
| 150 2537.4 1858 4.74 |Given| 1.66 +0.00 0.163151 |
| 200 2393.3 1653 8.83 +-----+ 0 +0.00 0.224021 |
| 250 2253.9 1466 14.43 -3.17 +0.00 0.288606 |
| 300 2119.1 1296 21.74 -8.05 +0.00 0.357243 |
| 350 1989.0 1142 30.98 -14.85 +0.00 0.430310 |
| 400 1863.9 1003 42.41 -23.85 +0.00 0.508220 |
| 450 1744.1 878 56.34 -35.35 +0.00 0.591424 |
| |
|QBALL Reports: |
| |
| 0 3000 2598 0.0 0.0 -0.9 0.0 0.000 |
| 50 2840 2329 0.5 2.1 1.1 0.0 0.051 |
| 100 2686 2083 2.1 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.106 |
| 150 2537 1858 4.9 1.1 1.6 0.0 0.163 |
| 200 2393 1653 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.224 |
| 250 2254 1466 14.6 -1.3 -3.2 0.0 0.289 |
| 300 2119 1296 22.0 -2.7 -8.1 0.0 0.357 |
| 350 1989 1142 31.4 -4.3 -15.0 0.0 0.431 |
| 400 1863 1002 42.7 -6.0 -23.8 0.0 0.508 |
| 450 1744 878 56.9 -7.9 -35.5 0.0 0.591 |
Table F1. Sierra Ballistics and QBALL Compared
Summary of absolute differences. Remaining Velocity: 0.9 FPS; Re-
maining Energy: 1 FtLb; Total Drop: .56 inches; Path/Sight Line:
0.15 inches; Time of Flight: 0.000424 seconds.
[ QBALL 59 ]
| Program: BALTEC. |
| Input Data: |
| Ballistic Coefficient (C1)....... .295 |
| Bullet Weight.................... 130 grains |
| Zero Range....................... 200 yards |
| Maximum Range.................... 600 yards |
| Range Increment.................. 50 yards |
| Sight Height..................... 0.9 inches |
| Crosswind........................ 10 MPH |
| Metro............................ Standard |
| Range R e m a i n i n g Total Path/Sight Line Defl'n Time |
| Yards Velocity Energy Drop* M.O.A. Inches 10 MPH* Flght*|
| BALTEC Reports: |
| |
| 0 3000 2598 0.0 0.0 -0.9 -0.00 -.000 |
| 50 2838 2325 0.5 -2.2 1.1 0.24 0.051 |
| 100 2682 2076 2.1 -2.0 2.0 1.04 0.106 |
| 150 2531 1850 4.9 -1.1 1.7 2.36 0.163 |
| 200 2386 1643 9.0 0.0 0.0 4.26 0.224 |
| 250 2245 1454 14.7 1.3 -3.2 6.91 0.289 |
| 300 2109 1283 22.1 2.7 -8.2 10.28 0.358 |
| 350 1977 1128 31.5 4.3 -15.0 14.38 0.432 |
| 400 1850 988 42.9 6.0 -24.0 19.27 0.509 |
| 450 1730 864 57.2 8.0 -35.8 25.34 0.594 |
| 500 1616 754 74.4 10.1 -50.6 32.43 0.684 |
| 550 1507 656 94.7 12.4 -68.4 40.40 0.780 |
| 600 1407 572 119.2 15.1 -90.4 49.73 0.883 |
| |
| QBALL Reports: |
| |
| 0 3000 2598 0.0 0.0 -0.9 0.0 0.000 |
| 50 2838 2325 0.5 2.2 1.1 0.2 0.051 |
| 100 2682 2076 2.1 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.106 |
| 150 2531 1850 4.9 1.1 1.7 2.4 0.163 |
| 200 2386 1643 9.0 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.224 |
| 250 2245 1454 14.7 -1.3 -3.2 6.9 0.289 |
| 300 2109 1283 22.1 -2.7 -8.2 10.3 0.358 |
| 350 1977 1128 31.5 -4.3 -15.0 14.4 0.432 |
| 400 1850 988 42.9 -6.0 -24.0 19.3 0.509 |
| 450 1730 864 57.2 -8.0 -35.8 25.3 0.594 |
| 500 1616 754 74.4 -10.1 -50.6 32.4 0.684 |
| 550 1507 656 94.7 -12.4 -68.4 40.4 0.780 |
| 600 1407 572 119.2 -15.1 -90.4 49.7 0.883 |
| *BALTEC requires two tabular displays. Combined data shown. |
Table F3. BALTEC and QBALL Compared
Summary of absolute differences. Deflection for 10 MPH crosswind:
0.04 inches.
Available with BALTEC, unavailable with QBALL. Bullet Momentum in
Lb-Seconds; Maximum Ordinate, Maximum Height, both in inches.
[ QBALL 61 ]
Appendix G
QBALL error messages, with a description of the circumstances
under which they will be encountered.
AMMO.DAT Not Found: You've called for bullet lookup and the required
bullet data file is not on/in the current disk/directory.
Cannot sort by [key]: The required bullet lookup index file is not
on/in the current disk/directory, or the listing is already sorted
on the requested sort [key].
Disk Full: Insufficient space remains on/in the default disk/dir-
ectory to write the desired file. This most commonly occurs when
running QBALL from a floppy disk which has other files on it. Copy
QBALL.EXE to a fresh disk, and start over.
Enter 0.000 < Ballistic Coefficient < 1.000: You're trying to
enter a value outside the acceptable range of between 0.000 and
1.000. Ballistic coefficients are, by definition, greater than
zero and less than unity.
Enter 25 < Barometric Pressure < 35: You're attempting to enter a
barometric pressure value which is out of range. (These are rea-
sonable "real world" values.)
Enter Bullet Diameter > 0: In determining sectional density, the
bullet must have a diameter.
Enter 0 < Bullet Weight < 1000: You're attempting to enter a zero
bullet weight. (1000 gr = 2.3 ounces.)
Enter -1312 < Gun Altitude < 29028: You're attempting to enter a
gun altitude value which is out of range. (-1312 is the altitude
of The Dead Sea; 29028, of Mount Everest.)
Enter 0 < Gun Weight <= 30 lbs: In determining gun free recoil,
you're attempting to enter an out-of-range gun weight.
Enter Lbs + [space] + 0 <= Ounces < 16: In determining gun free
recoil, you're entering an incorrect format for pounds/ounces
data. Enter whole pounds, then a space, then ounces.
Enter 0 < Powder Weight < 200 gr: In determining gun free recoil,
you're attempting to enter a zero propellant weight.
Enter Range greater than zero: You're really trying to enter a
range of "zero." Range = 0 is valid only when inferring ballistic
[ QBALL 63 ]
Maximum Deviation Reset to Sight Height: Not an error, really, but
a warning. In determining point-blank range, the sight height is a
built-in deviation.
Not Enough Velocity Remains - Input Greater MV: QBALL is unable to
complete a computation because the remaining velocity is less than
300 FPS.
Printer does not respond: Your printer is off or off-line.
QBALL is already loaded!: You're attempting to load a second copy
of QBALL from within the DOS Shell. Alternatively, QBSHELIT.BAT
wasn't deleted from the current disk/directory. See page 34.
[ QBALL 65 ]
Appendix H
Default Starting Values
QBALL stores its initialization data in binary format at the
"tail end" of QBALL.EXE. That data is used to set the display col-
ors and several of the values with which QBALL starts. As supplied
that data is as follows:
"Typical Firearm" 15 10 7 1 7 "Yards " "Meters" 1 -1 59 0 29.53 _
78 1 -1 -1
In order, the individual entries translate as follows:
Firearm" Cartridge/bullet identifier
15 Foreground (text) color ( = HI white )
10 Highlighted text color ( = HI green )
7 Title/Info line color ( = white )
1 Background color ( = blue )
7 Help display background ( = white )
"Yards " Unit of range measure (trailing space necessary)
"Meters" Alternate unit of range measure
1 Sight height in inches
-1 Noises on or off ( = on )
59 Air temperature, degrees Fahrenheit
0 Gun altitude in feet
29.53 Barometric pressure in inches of mercury
78 Relative humidity, in percent
1 Relative air density at given metro
-1 Graphics grid on or off ( = on )
-1 Print prompt on or off ( = on ).
Invoking the "<W>rite .INI Data" option from QBALL's Utilities
Menu will replace the existing intialization data with whatever
values are in effect when the option is invoked. This will cause
DOS to redate the QBALL.EXE file, and may (or may not) change
QBALL.EXE's size on disk. If you regularly use a virus-scanning
utility, it may react to these changes. If your virus detector can
be directed to ignore certain files, you may wish to instruct it
to ignore QBALL.EXE.
[ QBALL 67 ]
-A- ballistic coefficient 7
Already Loaded! 34, 37 bullet [L]ookup 7
AMMO.DAT 21 bullet diameter 20
Automatic 3 bullet weight 7
file renaming 38 default metro 7
graphics detect 3 gun weight, decimal pounds 20
printer detect 3 gun weight, pounds/ounces 20
maximum deviation 17
-B- maximum range for table 9
Ballistic Coefficients 23 muzzle velocity 7
[L]ookup 7 powder (propellant) weight 20
entry 7 range, slant angle of fire 19
example from tabular data 49 range increment, slant angle
inferring (calculating) 23-26 of fire 19
valid limits 16 range increment for table 9
Bibliography 53 target above/below gun 19
Bullet [L]ookup 7 wind direction 18
AMMO.DAT 21 wind velocity 18
changing input data 16 zero range 8
index (*.NDX) files 21 Default values 4
initial data entry 7 changing/saving 33
using and display 21-22 metro 4
Bullet Weight range unit 4
[L]ookup 7 sight height 4
valid limits 16 supplied 65
DOS Shell 34
Cartridge/Bullet Identifier 15
Changing Input Data 15-16 -E-
ballistic coefficient 16 Error Analysis 55-56
Bullet [L]ookup 15 Error Messages 61-63
bullet weight 16 Exiting QBALL 5
Identifier 15 -F-
metro 16 Files 1
muzzle velocity 16 automatic renaming 38
sight height 16 copying 1
swap range units 16 distribution 1
Chronograph 23 QBSHELIT.BAT 37
using single 26 required 1
Configuring... 31 trajectory data 51
alert noises 32 trajectory incompatible 37
graphics grid 32 Free Recoil Velocity, Energy 20
printer on/off 32 data entry 20
range units 32 examples of... 21
saving configuration data 33 gun weight 20
screen colors 32 powder (propellant) weight 20
valid data limits 20
Data Entry 7