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Statistical Physics consists of four file:
README this file
STATPHYS.EXE the program
STATPHYS.HLP the help file
INSTALL.BAT the installation batch file
Any questions, suggestions and error reports should
be send to
Rainer W. Gerling
Institut für Theoretische Physik I
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Staudtstr. 7
W-8520 Erlangen
Fed. Rep. of Germany
Feel free to pass the program on to a friend!
To install the software:
Put the disk into drive A
change to drive A by typing A:
type INSTALL C: to install on drive C
type INSTALL D: to install on drive D
The software is ready to run
Just type STATPHYS to run it
The following command line options are supported:
-lcd to set the palette for a lcd display
-bw to set the palette for a monochrome display
-notitle to bypass the title screen
any invalid command line option will print a help
The program shows an title screen. Just press any key
to continue! An experienced user can preselect a menu
by pressing the appropriate key while the title screen
is visible. Pressing ESC at this point immediately
leaves the program.
The mainmenu-bar shows five entries: Cauto, Growth,
Chaos, Ising, and Options. The menues can be selected
by pressing the highlighted letter. The arrow keys can
be used to navigate the highlighted bar. Pressing the
ENTER key executes the chosen menu.
Pressing ESC leaves any menu level. Pressing ESC, when
only the mainmenu-bar is visible, exits the program.
Cauto Growth Chaos Ising Options
│ Cellular Automata 2 │
│ Damage 2 │
│ Cellular Automata 3 │
│ Damage 3 │
│ Demo │
│ Parameter │
You are in the menu to simulate Cellular Automata.
There are 5 selections available in this menu.
Cellular Automata 2: a simulation of a one-dimensional
Cellular Automata with two inputs
Damage 2: a simulation of damage spreading in
Cellular Automata with 2 inputs
Cellular Automata 3: a simulation of one-dimensional
Cellular Automata with three inputs
Damage 3: a simulation of damage spreading in
Cellular Automata with three inputs
Demo: to run a few selected rules
Parameter: to set the starting concentration, the
boundary type, the damage type and, if the
damage type is set to random, the initial
damage size.
Cauto Growth Chaos Ising Options
│ Random Walk │
│ Eden Model │
│ DLA │┌───────────────────────────┐
│ Ballistic Growth >││ Ball. Growth on a Surface │
└────────────────────┘│ Ball. Growth on a Seed │
This menu allows the simulation of different growth
random walk: a simulation of a two-dimensional random
Eden Model: a simulation of the Eden growth model
DLA: a simulation of the Witten-Sanders model
also called Diffusion limited aggregation
Ballistic Growth: This menu point has a further submenu
to select Ballistic Growth on a Surface or
on a Seed.
Cauto Growth Chaos Ising Options
│ Feigenbaum │
│ Parameter │
This menu allows a first contact with a simple chaotic
system. The logistic equation is simulated and the
onset of chaos can be observed.
Under the selection Parameters same input values can be
Cauto Growth Chaos Ising Options
│ Metropolis │
│ Heatbath │
│ Creutz (demon) │
│ Q2R │
│ Swendsen-Wang │
│ Wolff │
│ Parameter │
This menu allows the simulation of the two-dimensional
Ising system with six different algorithms. One can
select single spin-flip algorithms, which are
the Metropolis algorithm,
the Heatbath algorithm.
The Creutz algorithm and
the Q2R algorithm
are microcanonical algorithms and the last two
the Swendsen-Wang algorithm and
the Wolff algorithm
are cluster flip algorithms.
Under the menu point Parameter same variables can be
Cauto Growth Chaos Ising Options
│ Quit Program │
│ Set Colors │
│ Save Configuration │
│ Load Configuration │
│ Random Seed │
The menupoint Exit leaves the program. The same can be
done pressing ESC or F3.
The color selections of the program can be modified to
suit personal taste. There are also command line
options to set special palettes for a LCD or Monochrome
A configuration file containing all important
parameters of the whole program can be saved or loaded.
The seed for the random number generator can be set
under Random seed.
Statistical Physics has a help system which shows after
Pressing F1 twice at any time the following help page:
Welcome to the Statistical Physics's Help System. Here
is a list of the keys that are part of the help system:
F1 Brings up help, if you are not in the Graphics
ESC Exits help and goes back to the program.