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- An MVP Software Production
- By Dan Hilton
- copyright 1993 Dan Hilton
- THREE POINT BASKETBALL is an exciting simulation of the popular three point
- shooting contest seen each year during basketball season. To beat the
- all-stars, you'll need concentration, stamina, and coordination. Good Luck.
- To start playing THREE POINT BASKETBALL, go to the directory in which the
- game files are located. At the prompt type BBALL and hit <RETURN>. The
- title screens will be displayed. Click the mouse button to continue.
- After you have continued through the title screens, the main menu will
- appear. The main menu has four options, which are shown below along with a
- brief description of their functions.
- TOURNAMENT - begins the three point shooting tournament.
- PRACTICE - begins a tutorial on how to shoot the ball, as well as
- giving you the chance to test your skills in a practice
- round.
- SETUP - allows you set the time limit for each round, and
- specify the sound options.
- HALL OF FAME - displays the all time greats.
- EXIT - exit the game.
- 3. SETUP
- The SETUP option allows you to change game settings. The ROUND TIME is
- the amount of time you will be given each round for shooting the ball. The
- ROUND TIME should be set so that it gives you just enough time to shoot all of
- the basketballs. Experiment until you find the time that is right for your
- computer (default is 1:30). The sound option allows you to turn the sound
- on/off. With the sound off there will be no sound at all. The comments
- option allows you to turn on/off the digitized comments. Turning off the
- comments does not affect the music, or sound effects. When the game is
- setup the way you like it, click in the CONTINUE? <OK> box. You will be
- returned to the MAIN MENU. NOTE: You may return to the setup screen any
- time during the game by pressing the right mouse button. From the setup
- screen you may change the time/sound options and continue the game by
- pressing the CONTINUE? <OK> button, or quit to the MAIN MENU by selecting
- the QUIT? <OK> button.
- It can take some practice to be competitive in a three point shooting
- tournament. Taking the practice option allows you to get some instruction
- on how to shoot the ball, as well as a chance to shoot in a practice round.
- The Shooting Coach will explain the method used to direct the ball towards
- the basket. Click through his instructions until you are given the chance
- to practice. To shoot accurately, you must have good distance and good
- right/left accuracy. If your distance is perfect, your right/left
- accuracy can suffer a little and the ball might still go in (and vice versa).
- THREE POINT BASKETBALL allows you to shoot the ball using the left mouse
- button. You will see a shooting box with a red circle in it. Imagine this
- as a top view of the basketball rim. To score you will need to direct the
- ball into the center of this red circle. Begin your shot by pressing the
- left mouse button. You will see a yellow bar moving up the left side of the
- shooting box. To stop this bar, and lock in the distance, release the
- button. The instant you have locked in the distance, a yellow bar will begin
- moving along the bottom of the shooting box from left to right. To stop this
- bar, and lock in the right/left accuracy of the shot, press the left mouse
- button again. Once the distance and the accuracy have been locked in you will
- see a basketball, showing the final destination of your ball. If it is in the
- center of the red circle, the ball will go in. The further the ball is away
- from the center of the target circle, the less perfect the shot. Always try
- to get the ball into the center of the rim.
- You will get five chances to get the hang of shooting the ball before you are
- sent to the arena to try a practice round. Use the mouse cursor to select
- the skill level you want to practice. Click the left mouse button when the
- cursor is pointing at the desired skill level. A higher skill level causes
- the target circle to be smaller. Now specify whether or not you want a
- moving target. A moving target means that the target circle will not be
- located in the same place in the shooting box every time. NOTE: The moving
- target option can make things very difficult, but it can make shooting more
- challenging for experienced players.
- A round consists of 25 basketballs, separated into five racks. The racks
- are located around the perimeter of the basketball court, just outside the
- three point line.
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- You will shoot five balls from each position, beginning at position 1 and
- finishing at position 5. Each ball is worth one point, with the exception
- that the last ball at each position is a "moneyball" which means it is worth
- two points. This makes the total possible score 30 points.
- When the round begins, the clock will start ticking. The shooting box will
- now appear in the bottom left corner. Try to remember what the coach said
- and aim for the dead center of the red target circle. Watch to see the ball
- fly toward the rim. You might get a lucky bounce! Don't worry about the
- time at first, just try to get the ball in the basket. After you start
- making some shots you can try to speed things up. It can take a while to get
- the hang of shooting the ball quickly and accurately, but with a little
- practice, you'll be ready for the TOURNAMENT.
- Well, this is it. Your chance at fame and immortality. I know it can make
- you nervous to know that you'll have to go up against the likes of JORDY
- MICHAELS, MYSTIC JOHNSON, and LARRY FOWL. Just try to get a hold of
- yourself.
- After you have taken the TOURNAMENT option from the main menu, you will be
- asked to specify the number of players. Use the mouse cursor to point to the
- desired number and press the left button. You will now be asked to enter
- your first name. When you are finished, press enter. You will be asked
- for your last name. Press enter when you are done. Select the skill level
- you want to play on using the mouse cursor, and whether you want a moving
- target. If there is more than one player you will be asked for player
- two's name etc. NOTE: Each player can specify his own skill level, so that
- beginning players can compete with experienced players.
- Once all the player information has been entered, we go to the TV studio
- where Skip Smiley and Rick Vitality are waiting to start their broadcast.
- Click the mouse button after you have read/heard each of their comments.
- They will look at the bracket so that you can see who you will have to face
- in the first round. Rick Vitality will make predictions about the first round
- matchups; then it is time for the first round action.
- You will see a graphic for each matchup. To start each game, click the mouse
- button. If the matchup is two computer controlled players, you will see a
- final score. Watching the scores is a good way to see which players are
- going to be toughest to beat. If the matchup is between a computer player
- and a human player, you will get to watch live action. A screen will notify
- you to get ready. Watch for your name. When your view of the court appears,
- the time is running. Do your best! You'll have to concentrate to win.
- After all of the first round matchups are complete, you'll return to the
- studio for a brief exchange between Guy and Rick, and a look at the second
- round matchups. If you keep on winning all the way through the final, you
- can get your name engraved on the championship trophy!
- Choosing the HALL OF FAME option allows you to view the ten all time greatest
- three point shooters. In order to make the Hall of Fame, you have to win
- the three point shooting contest, and have a Hall of Fame points total
- that is high enough to get you into the top ten. Hall of Fame points are
- earned during each shooting round in an actual tournament. The number of
- Hall of Points earned is determined by taking the total number of points
- for the round and multiplying it by the skill level. Also, if you choose
- the MOVING TARGET option your point total for the round will be DOUBLED! At
- the end of each round the Hall of Fame points earned that round will be
- displayed. NOTE: Even though you might earn enough Hall of Fame points to
- be among the top ten highest scores, you will not be considered for the
- Hall of Fame unless you win the tournament!
- THREE POINT BASKETBALL requires an IBM compatible computer with 570k
- base memory free. It also requires a Microsoft compatible mouse. The game
- requires about 5 megabytes of space on your hard drive. A SoundBlaster card
- is optional, but is required to hear the background music, and to have
- optimum clarity in hearing the digitized comments.
- CREATOR - Dan Hilton
- PROGRAMMING - Dan Hilton
- ARTWORK - Dan Hilton, Bruce Hilton, Wes Gray
- SOUND - Dan Hilton, Joe Hilton
- PRODUCER - Dave Snyder
- If you like 3 Point Basketball, you'll LOVE 3 Point Basketball Deluxe. The
- deluxe version has twice as many ASBA "stars" against which you can compete,
- plus an additional 3.5 megs of digitized sound and voices. Not to mention the
- new graphics.
- 3 Point Basketball Deluxe is part of the MVP Triplepak, a three-game set with
- something to appeal to every computer gamer. Besides 3 Point Basketball
- Deluxe, you also get Towers, a graphical 3D strategy game, and True Blood, a
- 3D action/arcade game that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
- All three games come with a printed manual and can be yours for just $29.95
- plus shipping. Altogether that's over 7 megs of graphics, sound effects, and
- just plain fun!
- Use your credit card to order by calling 800-968-9684 from the US or Canada,
- or call 616-245-8376 from overseas. Or print and mail or fax the order form,
- at the end of this file.
- Ordering Information
- The MVP Triplepak is available from the following authorized distributors:
- In the United States:
- --------------------
- MVP Software
- 1035 Dallas SE
- Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
- phone: 800-968-9684 24-hour order line only
- (616) 245-8376 information, technical support, or orders.
- fax: (616) 245-3204
- order price: $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping -- $32.95 total
- In Australia:
- ------------
- Budgetware
- 9 Albermarle St
- Newtown NSW 2042
- phone: (02) 519-4233 Fax: (02) 516-4236
- order price: $A54.00 (includes shipping)
- In the United Kingdom:
- ---------------------
- Testware Publishing
- 46 The Avenue
- Harrogate
- N Yorkshire HG1 4QD
- phone: (0423) 886 415 Fax: (0423) 889 728
- order price: £29.95 plus £2 shipping
- In Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland:
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- Pro-Soft
- Benloese Skel 4 G
- DK-4100 Ringsted
- phone: (+45) 53 61 90 42
- fax: (+45) 53 61 93 91
- order price: 310,00 kr. incl. MOMS + s/h 25,00
- In Japan:
- --------
- P. & A. Company Ltd
- 302 Bellwins, 1367-23
- Nakagami, Akishima
- Tokyo 196
- phone: 425-46-9141
- fax: 425-46-9142
- BBS: 425-46-9143
- order price: yen 4,000 (includes shipping)
- In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland:
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- JDS -- Software Vertrieb
- Jens Driese
- Postfach 1269
- D-26302
- phone: 04451-85743
- fax: 04451-860500
- CIS: 100273,2252
- price: 49 DM (includes taxes) plus 6 DM shipping
- In The Netherlands:
- ------------------
- HaSa Software Applications
- PO Box 414
- 9500 AK Stadskanaal
- phone: 5990 50161
- fax: 5990 50124
- BBS: 5990 50212 or 50314 or 50232
- CIS: 100115,542
- price: Call for current price
- In Italy:
- --------
- Systems Comunicazioni srl
- via Olanda
- 6 - 20083 Gaggiano
- phone: (02) 9084 1814
- fax: (02) 9084 1682
- BBS: (02) 9084 1811
- price: Lire 62.000 IVA inclusa
- Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE
- If your favorite BBS doesn't have an MVP file section, then you may be
- missing some great shareware. To get all the latest and greatest MVP
- shareware releases, call one of the leading boards listed below, and check
- out the FREE MVP file area.
- In Grand Rapids, Michigan -- Ryan's Bar (616) 456-1845 or (616) 456-5342
- In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4360
- In New York, New York -- The Invention Factory (212) 274-8110
- In Boston, Massachusetts -- Channel 1 (617) 354-3230
- In Kansas City, Missouri -- Sound Advice (816) 436-1492
- In Palo Alto, California -- Space BBS (415) 323-4193
- In Reston, Virginia -- WorldNet (703) 620-8900
- Even better, tell your favorite sysop about the MVP Distribution Network and
- how he can be assured of getting all of the latest MVP shareware hits as soon
- as they are released. See the SYSOP.DOC file for details.
- Name ________________________________________________________________
- Address _____________________________________________________________
- City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
- Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
- All orders are shipped on 3.5" disks.
- Price of MVP Triplepak $29.95
- Shipping and Handling (US) 3.00
- Shipping and Handling (Canada) add 1.00
- Shipping and Handling (all other countries) add 2.00
- Michigan residents add sales tax 1.32
- ------
- Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
- Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
- Card number __________________________________________
- Expiration number ____________________________________
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
- ==================== in future products.
- Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486
- Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___
- Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________
- (speed) (type)
- Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro SB 16 Thundercard
- PC speaker only Other ____________________________________
- Where did you get 3 Point Basketball?
- Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy Ryan's Bar Exec-PC Sound Advice
- Invention Factory Channel 1 Space BBS WorldNet
- Other BBS (name): _______________________
- Shareware Distributor (name): _________________________________________
- Please answer the following questions about what you like and don't like in
- computer games.
- Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____
- Circle preference: Beautiful graphics Game complexity
- Circle preference: Solo against computer 2-Player
- Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Sports Other_________
- Game playability: Few levels with hard difficulty Lotsa levels
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Send this order form and your check for $32.95 to:
- MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
- US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684. Fax: 616-245-3204.
- Tech support, information, or overseas order line: 616-245-8376.