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This list contains some important Do's and Do-Not's
Starting GolfTour:
1.. To start GolfTour, copy the entire GolfTour archive into an
empty directory on your hard drive. The directory name is unimportant
however you may want to use a name that is associated with the program.
If this is a registered version the INSTALL procedure has already done
this for you but please read ALL of the following.
2.. After all files are copied into the GolfTour directory, simply
type GOLFTOUR and press your <Enter/Return> Key. The first thing that
GolfTour does is look for a registered "key file" that tells GolfTour
it should run in "registered mode", unlocking all options that are
available to registered users only. If it finds the "key file" it
will, open it and extract certain information from it and verify that
information against other information imbedded into GolfTour itself.
If the information from the "key file" and the imbedded information
combined, result in a certain number between 1 and 18 million, then
GolfTour knows it's supposed to run in "registered mode." If it does
not find the "key file" or the incorrect number is produced, it will
run in the "shareware mode" where certain options are not available
and capacities are limited. GolfTour will advise you as to what
mode it's running in after about 2 seconds have elapsed.
3.. After GolfTour loads and displays the MainMenu screen, you will
notice some words across the top most line. These words are "headings"
that can either be selected with a Mouse or by pressing and releasing
the <Alt> Key. These heading are as follows:
When any of these headings are selected, a PullDown Menu will appear
directly beneath it with several options that can be selected by
either clicking them with the Mouse pointer or by using the DownArrow
and UpArrow Keys to "hi-lite" the desired option and pressing <Enter>.
Use the RightArrow/LeftArrow Keys to move across the headings.
4.. The first thing that must be done is to select the ADD heading
and when the PullDown Menu appears, select "Tournament". To get help
with adding a Tournament record, press the <F1> Key and a help screen
will appear with instructions for adding a Tournament record. Note
that a Tournament record is required before any of the other options
available under the ADD heading will work. Press <F1> when at the
PullDown Menu option "Tournament" to access the online help.
5.. After the Tournament record is completed and saved, you must
either elect to add a Team record or Golfer record, depending on what
type of Tournament you will be working with. Two types of Tournaments
are available; the first type is a "Team event" where teams of from
2 to 6 Golfers compete against other teams. This is a type "1" event.
The other type of Tournament available is where you have individual
Golfers competing against each other. This is a type "2" event.
6.. If you are going to work with a type "1" event, you must add a
Team record for each team competing in the Tournament. After assuring
yourself that all Team or Golfer records are entered into the database,
you may begin adding Game records.
7.. When adding Game records it is VERY IMPORTANT that ALL the Game
records for the FIRST DAY of tournament play are added BEFORE ANY of
the Game records for the second and subsequent days are added. GolfTour
uses the score from the first game recorded for each Team/Golfer to
determine which Flight/Bracket the Team/Golfer is placed in. After the
first day's games are added, it doesn't matter in what order any
additional games are added.
8.. After adding the necessary Tournament, Team or Golfer, and
Game records, you discover that you made a mistake in entering the
data, you must use the options available under the EDIT heading to
correct the error. Note that if you remove a Team or Golfer record
after the Tournament begins, any Game records belonging to the Team
or Golfer removed will also be removed. When removing a Tournament
record, ALL Game records belonging to that Tournament will also be
9.. Team and Golfer records can be left in the database for later
Tournaments and do not have to be entered but one time unless they
are removed. To remove a record of any type, select the heading
UTILS and then select the desired type of record to be removed from
the PullDown Menu. Note that once a record is removed, it will be
overwritten with other records and will not be recoverable.
10. To use any of the options available under the PRINT heading,
you must have a printer. Either dot matrix or Laser is acceptable.
If you wish to review a list of scores or the Flight lists but not
print them, select the REVIEW heading and then select the option of
choice from the PullDown Menu. GolfTour will advise you that it's
searching for and compiling the data, then display it to the screen
or printer, depending on the desired result.
11. While GolfTour has an almost unlimited capacity (limited only
by the available memory and hard drive space), it is best to remove
older Tournament records every now and then. This will help to
increase the speed and decrease the memory required when doing any
type of search and compile operation. The fewer old records that
GolfTour has to wade through the better.
12. GolfTour will also print Sign-Up sheets and Tournament Entry
forms if desired. Either dot matrix or Laser printer is acceptable
when printing these forms. These options are available under the
PRINT heading. Before these forms can be printed, you must have a
Tournament record entered into the database. GolfTour uses the name
of the Tournament and the amount of the Entry Fee from the Tournament
record when printing the Entry forms and Sign-Up sheets.
13. There is a "Course Handicap" option available to registered users
under the REVIEW heading. This option will allow you to determine a
Course Handicap (not to be confused with a Handicap Index) for any
Golfer on any course. You must know the Slope rating of the course
and the Handicap Index of the Golfer before you can get accurate
results. This option was added since GolfTour allows you to input
a "handicap" figure if desired when entering either a Golfer or Team
14. You may also input a handicap figure for a Tournament record if
desired. If you input a handicap figure for an individual Golfer or
Team record, this will take replace any handicap figure that you input
in the Tournament record for this Team or Golfer's games. To use no
handicap for any record just press <Enter> without entering an amount
when you see the prompts asking for a handicap and GolfTour will skip
to the next available prompt.
15. When you encounter a prompt that will not let you skip to the
next prompt by pressing the <Enter> Key, then it's telling you that
you MUST enter something before you can go to the next prompt. If
you wish to quit at any prompt, press <F10> then press <Enter> to
exit without saving the record and return to the MainMenu.
16. Remember the following:
Enter a Tournament record FIRST before entering any other
Be sure Team or Golfer records have been entered BEFORE you
enter any Game records.
Be sure ALL score cards have been received for the FIRST DAY of
play AND entered into the database BEFORE entering scores for the
second or subsequent days of tournament play.
Allow only ONE individual to use GolfTour when entering records
of any type. You may get duplicate