Collection of Education
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90 lines
New in Version 1.30
+ Added automatic word wrap feature when the teacher is entering
a new question.
+ Scoreboard files (*.SCB) are now encrypted to prevent any
possibility of students changing their scores.
+ The student can change the order of questions from random to
sequential mode from within the program at the Options Menu.
+ New command line parameter "ENFORCE" when used with "STOPAT="
or "STARTAT=" parameters will prevent a student from exiting
the program/quiz until the specified range or quantity of
questions have been attempted.
+ New command line parameter "NODUPES" when used in random mode
will guarantee that no duplicating questions will be given to
the student. In other words, each question presented to the
student will appear only once (i.e., no duplicates).
+ New command line parameter "QTY=" where "QTY=5" specifies that
five RANDOM questions MUST be answered before exiting a quiz.
+ Directive pointers can be imbedded in an answer that will force
what question number the student will be presented based upon
their answer of the previous question.
+ Documentation can be printed from within the program.
New in Version 1.34
+ Longer multiple-choice answers
+ Replace the "_" fill-in-the-blank default character with a
different character using FIBCHAR=x
+ NOREVIEW withholds answers and/or reviewing of previous
choices during an on-screen test.
+ SCOREALL prevents user from bypassing the top 10 score chart.
+ NOOPTS suppresses the "Play Options" menu.
New in Version 1.35
+ Longer references (up to 19 lines via use of ALT+M maximize
+ REFNOTES parameter forces automatic display of long reference
notes after each question
+ Fixed a bug that causes computer lockup when two or more players
participate using sequential question mode. After the last
question is displayed, the program locked up. Problem now fixed.
+ Alternating background colors are now used when more than one
student is taking an on screen quiz. Player #1's background
color is blue, player #2's is red, and so on... This helps
to identify whose turn is up when playing contests.
+ When sequential question mode is active during an on screen
quiz, a new "How many questions remaining" indicator appears
in the status bar at the top of the screen. The number of
remaining questions is identified as "Left: ###" where "###"
is the number of questions remaining to be answered before
the quiz is finished.
New in Version 1.36
+ Allowed use of a double comma token to represent a true
comma in a fill-in-the-blank answer. Example, if the question
was "What is 500+500? _" the answer the student may think to
enter may be 1,000 or 1000. Since a comma represents a
separator between multiple answers, previous versions would
not except "1,000" as a correct answer since "1,000" would
be interpreted as either "1" or "000". To avoid this problem
the teacher can now use a double comma when creating a fill-
in-the-blank question where there is a need for an actual
comma in the answer itself. In the example above, the teacher
would code the actual answers as "1,,000, 1000".
+ Fixed a bug that would lock up the computer if the user was
taking a sequential quiz and reached the very last question
and having answered the question then pressed [ESC]. If the
student then selected "Exit to D.O.S." from the Options menu,
the computer would lock up. This problem has been fixed.