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Graphics Interchange Format  |  1992-08-05  |  45KB  |  640x480  |  4-bit (16 colors)
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OCR: SN 1987A Position: RA: 5h 35m 345 DE: - 69d 9' 26" IRAFNAME: x0c80106t_cvt.coh ORIGIN: STScl-STSDAS Date of Observation: 24-Aug-1990 04:37:59 GIF-image has been created from the abovementioned HST-Image using the programs PCVISTA and PICTOR, by GR This clip from the original FITS-image shows several of the problems HST has to live with. Those problems are again clipped out and shown in the bottom part of the image. Problems: The main contents and surprising result of this image is the ring around the Supernaova 1987A. Spikes The ring is made from material which was ejected as a stellar wind from the presupernova. That material is now Extended image ligthened by the flash of the Supernova. Further the material blown out from the SN is first seen in this image. Diffraction rings The Supernova was detected on Feb. 23. 1987 at different positions in the southern hemisphere. Due to the fact that several big telescopes are available in the south, the Supernova could be monitored even before it's maximum. Other Supernovae, observed in far away Galaxies are The surprise: normally only detected at maximum light. Therefore SN1987a had several impacts on the theory of The ring stellar evolution and will have on a couple of other topics once the available material will be fully processed. A few examples: For the first time, the presupernova Extended stellar image could be identified, proofing that a massive star had Blown out material exploded. Once the angular extend will be measurable, this will lead to better distances of the Cepheid stars in the Background from HST LMC, since the distance of the supernova will be know with or image processing high precision. This will hopefully lead to more precise distances for Galaxies.