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Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0
Title : Bad City
Filename : badcity.map
Author : Rexxx (Chris Bromley)
Misc. Author Info : Also created WAREHOUS.MAP a while back.
Wasn't anything special. I also run
Duke Nukem 3D Editor's Guild
Description : Full cityscape. Very detailed. NOT a
"FIRST" map. Please send any comments
to me at the above Email addresses! Without
your comments, I simply won't bother to
make any more quality maps.
Additional Credits to : Extreme thanks to SKIPP2000@AOL.COM for
his invaluable help in spotting and fixing
bugs. He also playtested the thing and
gave mucho feedback. I couldn't have
finished this thing without his help.
Thanks Skip (Chris)
Extra thanks to XTZJIM@AOL.COM. His extra
textures came in REAL handy in this map.
They made making it that much more fun!!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level : badcity.map
Single Player : no
Dukematch Level : YES 2 to 8 players. The more the merrier.
Difficulty Settings : Not Implemented.
Requirements : You MUST have Registered DUKE, *AND* you
ABSOLUTELY MUST have the extra texture
pack from XTZJIM. You can get it at
my website. The file is JEMTILES.ZIP.
Place it in your DUKE3D directory and unzip
it. It will unzip as TILES15.ART. If you
do NOT have a TILES14.ART, then rename it
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : BUILD editor
Known Bugs : LA Texture overlaps, but not a real problem.
In fact, it really isn't noticable. It IS a
large map and can be slow on some machines.
I play it on my 486-66 and it runs ok, though
with MINOR slowdowns in some detailed areas.
There is supposedly a bug in the museum door,
but I could not find it.
* Where to get this .MAP file *
You can always choose a .MAP file from Setup in the Duke directory
(this is how you would do it for Dukematch before connecting)
you can also use these simple command lines:
To Play : Duke3D /map badcity.map
To Record: Duke3D /map badcity.map /r (kind of pointless alone)
Recording in multiplayer is done the same as always (in the game under
Options) before choosing New Game then User Map.
AddOn .MAP recordings can be run after loading the game (with the map)
then hitting Quit To Title * you can only watch once because the 2nd
time it will be trying to use the normal Duke enviroment perameters
unless you exit the game again.
Copyright Stuff===========================================
Hey, feel free to use this map as you wish. If you want to edit
it and make it even better, feel free. The only thing I ask is that
you give me credit for creating it, and thank the people I already have
above. (Oh, and send me the map you turned it into when you're finished.)