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53 lines
Title : DukeUserMapDeadRAmbo01: Abandoned temple
Filename : DUMDR01.MAP (original: TEMPLE.MAP, but
that's such a common name for a level)
Author : Arjen Schouten
Nick at LC's : Dead Rambo
Email Address : famschou@worldaccess.nl
Misc. Author Info : Well, I live in the Netherlands and I
like playing Duke.
Description : My first completed Duke level. I woked
on some others, but didn't complete
them. Well, it's a Dukematch, but I
have no idea if it's any good, coz I
never played Dukematch. It's a temple
with an outsidey bit with it, and some
water, too.
Additional Credits to : 3dRealms, for an awesome game and a
great editor. My brother, for the idea
of the outsidey bit.
Greetz to : Johnny de la Cruelty/LC, DJ Raver/LC,
Graff-X/LC, Acid Vertigo/LC,
Mike Miller (awesome webpage, Mike!),
Brett Gmoser (for his FAQ, a great
help), and all who I forgot, all nice
people out there!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : User Map
Single Player : Yes, but it sucks, no monsters
DukeMatch Level : Yes, Yes, Yes! 8 players
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : Build
Known Bugs : Bugs? with a bit of salt, yum! :)
Don't know, maybe some textures
aren't alligned right, if somthing is
wrong, please e-mail me, but not for
those textures!
* Where to get this MAP file *
FTP sites: <put yours here!>
BBS numbers: <put yours here!>
Other: <put it here!>