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Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template V1.0
Filename : E1M1FULL.MAP
Author : C. Richard Phillips
Email : CR_Phillips@msn.com
: 75563.3210@compuserve.com
: IBEDIVN@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : Rich is a great guy
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : User level - DOOM E1M1 conversion
Single Player : Yes, but optimized for Dukematch
DukeMatch Level : Big time, but COOP is *not* supported
Difficulty : Not implemented
* Construction *
Base : Modified and Dukerized Doom E1M1
Editor used : BUILD - game release version
Known Bugs : Some textures get messed up after
windows are blown out - sorry
Where to get this file : Initially on CIS in the Action Games
and Realms forums.
Notes : This level is basically DOOM E1M1 with
Duke textures, goodies and bad guys.
There are secret elevators and doors, two
underwater areas, teleporters, earthquakes,
murder holes and the like. This level is
a classic for DM games.
The Nuke button goes to a status screen which
then goes to nowhere - can't figure a way around it.
I used this conversion as a way to learn the editor.
There were lots of others things I could have added,
but had to draw the line somewhere.
Now on to my own warped creations!
Legal Note: This conversion is freely distributable to others
and can be modified and passed on as long this
document is included and I get credit for the
original conversion. I am not responsible for
anything bad that happens to anyone for playing
this .MAP file, nor will I be liable for any loss
to any human, plant, or animal harmed because
of playing this great conversion .MAP. In essence,
you are completely on your own. Send comments
or suggestions to me at the above E-mail
*** HAVE FUN ***