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Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0
Title : The Vietnamese Fields Of Death
Filename : VIETNAM.MAP
Author : Devron Shah
Email Address : 101734.1072@compuserve.com
* Play Information *
Episode and Level : Episode 1, Level 1
Single Player : Definitely not!!!
Dukematch Level : Of course it is!!!
Difficulty Settings : No
* Particularly Nifty Bits *
I know that you will simply LOVE this bit : just in front of one
of the trench systems, there is a MASSIVE pit. In front of it,
I have made a line of trees. Just behind them (on the trench side)
there is some health. The poor, unsuspecting person who sees it
will peg itthrough the trees and towards the health, collect it
and fall about 300 feet to their death in the
very-well-camouflaged pit! Another cool thing is the pill-box. One
throw some pipe bombs across and land near one of the trench systems.
Yet another useful bit is the series of pillars in front of one of
the trench systems. If you're clever, you'll use the laser trip mines
to good effect....
* Construction *
Base : None
Editor(s) used : BUILD editor
Known Bugs : None that I know of. If you find any,
please E-MAIL me and tell me about it!
* Where to get this .MAP file *
E-MAIL me to ask for it and I will send it to you
via E-MAIL (Compuserve)!! Alternatively, you could
ring me on : 01753-886348 and ask me for
it (I live in England)!!!!