:popup_list{ // lists for current working dimstyles
key = "style";
list = "";
edit_width = 31;
label = "&Nome:"; // style name
width = 9;
fixed_width = true;
:edit_box{ // for user to enter/specify
key = "editstyle";
edit_width = 31;
edit_limit = 217;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
:button{ // save/create edited dimstyle
label = "&Salva";
key = "save";
width = 10;
:spacer{ width = 0.5; }
:button{ // rename selected dimstyle name
label = "Rino&mina";
key = "rename";
width = 10;
:spacer{ width = 0.2; }
// Since DCL doesn't support m x n matrix radio buttons,
// we have to manually track the choice from multiple clusters
// as if they were a sinble cluster.
// When a button from the other cluster was selected, turn off
// the current button by sweeping the cluster first, then let
// the chosen button on. This operation is done in apps.
label = "Gruppo";
key = "family1";
label = "&Principale";
key = "parent";
label = "&Lineare";
key = "linear";
label = "&Radiale";
key = "radius";
label = "&Angolare";
key = "angle";
key = "family2";
// Somehow in this layout of clusters, they are
// slightly off balanced. In other words, the buttons
// in each clusters are not displayed horizontally.
// To correct the bias, we used a spacer of 1.5.
: spacer { height = 1.5; }
label = "D&iametro";
key = "diameter";
label = "&Ordinata";
key = "ordinate";
label = "&Direttrice";
key = "leader";
alignment = top;
:spacer{ height = 0.7; }
:button{ // calls subdialog
label = "G&eometria...";
key = "geometry";
:button{ // calls subdialog
label = "&Formato...";
key = "txtloc";
:button{ // calls subdialog
label = "Anno&tazione...";
key = "annotation";
// Dimension Geometry Subdialog
ddimx_geometry :dialog{
label = "Geometria";
fixed_height = true;
// This is boxed column for Dimension Line.
label = "Linea di quota";
key = "g_diml";
label = "Sopprimi: ";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
label = "&Prima";
key = "sd1";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
label = "&Seconda";
key = "sd2";
label = "&Estensione: ";
key = "dle";
label = "In&tervallo: ";
key = "dli";
// This is boxed column for Extension Line.
label = "Linea di estensione";
key = "extline";
key = "g_extl";
label = "Sopprimi: ";
:spacer{ height = 0.3; }
label = "&1¬";
key = "se1";
:spacer{ height = 0.3; }
label = "&2¬";
key = "se2";
label = "Estensi&one: ";
key = "exe";
label = "O&ffset origine: ";
key = "exo";
// This is boxed column for Arrwos.
// In this popup lists, 'User Arrow' will let you open another
// subdialog called 'ddimx_userarr'.
label = "Punte della freccia";
key = "g_arrs";
fixed_width = true;
alignment = right;
color = 0;
width = 8.7;
aspect_ratio = 0.36;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = right;
key = "arr_icon1";
color = 0;
width = 8.7;
aspect_ratio = 0.36;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = right;
key = "arr_icon2";
label = "Prim&a: ";
key = "blk1";
list = "Nessuna \nChiusa \nPunto \nChiusa piena \nChiusa vuota \nObliqua \nSegno architettonico\nAperta \nIndicazione origine \nAngolo destro\nAperta 30 \nPunto vuoto \nPunto piccolo \nQuadrato pieno \nQuadrato \nTriangolo pieno \nTriangolo \nIntegrale \nFreccia utente...";
edit_width = 20;
label = "Secon&da:";
key = "blk2";
list = "Nessuna \nChiusa \nPunto \nChiusa piena \nChiusa vuota \nObliqua \nSegno architettonico\nAperta \nIndicazione origine \nAngolo destro\nAperta 30 \nPunto vuoto \nPunto piccolo \nQuadrato pieno \nQuadrato \nTriangolo pieno \nTriangolo \nIntegrale \nFreccia utente...";
edit_width = 20;
label = "D&imensioni: ";
key = "asz";
key = "cenmarks";
// This is boxed column for center marks.
// Choosing a button, its image will be shown in the image box.
label = "Centro";
key = "cen_mark";
label = "Contrasse&gno";
key = "cen_mk";
label = "&Linea";
key = "cen_ln";
label = "Ness&uno";
key = "cen_no";
color = 0;
width = 11;
aspect_ratio = 0.8;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
key = "cen_icon";
:spacer { height = 0.1; }
label = "Di&mensioni: ";
key = "cen";
label = "Scala";
fixed_width = true;
label = "Scala ge&nerale: ";
key = "gdscl";
:spacer{ height = 0.1; }
label = "Scala allo spa&zio carta";
key = "pspace";
// Dimension Text Location Subdialog
ddimx_txtloc :dialog{
label = "Formato";
fixed_height = true;
:spacer{ height = 0.3; }
label = "Definito dall'&utente";
key = "jus";
label = "Forza &linea all'interno";
key = "tofl";
:text {
label = "&Adatta: ";
key = "jfit";
list = "Testo e frecce\nSolo testo\nSolo frecce\nAdatta\nDirettrice\nNessuna direttrice";
:spacer{ height = 0.5; }
// This is boxed column for Justification.
label = "Giustificazione orizzontale";
fixed_height = true;
height = 6.5;
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
color = 0;
width = 11;
aspect_ratio = 0.8;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
key = "horjust_icon";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
key = "horjust";
/*list now in DDIM_C_25..29, was DDIM_DCL_59*/
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
label = "Testo";
fixed_height = true;
color = 0;
width = 11;
aspect_ratio = 0.8;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
key = "tioh_icon";
fixed_width = true;
:spacer{ width = 0.5; }
fixed_height = true;
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
label = "&Dentro orizzontale";
key = "tih";
label = "&Fuori orizzontale";
key = "toh";
// This is Vertical Justification.
// Choose one, then highlight the related image box.
// Conversely you can choose a image box, then highlight
// the pull down list item.
label = "Giustificazione verticale";
fixed_height = true;
height = 6.5;
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
color = 0;
width = 11;
aspect_ratio = 0.8;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = centered;
key = "tad_icon";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
key = "tad";
list = "Centrata\nSopra\nFuori\nJIS";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
// Dimension Annotation Subdialog
ddimx_annotation :dialog{
label = "Annotazione";
fixed_width = true;
// This is boxed column for Dimension units.
// The 'Units' button opens another subdialog called 'ddimx_units'.
// This part is for the primary units.
label = "Unitα primarie";
fixed_width = true;
label = "&Unitα...";
key = "annot_unitsp";
label = "&Prefisso: ";
key = "post_1";
edit_width = 12;
edit_limit = 91;
label = "&Suffisso: ";
key = "post_2";
edit_width = 12;
edit_limit = 105;
color = 0;
// width = 14;
height = 2;
aspect_ratio = 0.45;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = right;
key = "post_icon1";
allow_accept = false;
// This is boxed portion for Tolerance.
label = "Tolleranza";
label = "&Metodo: ";
key = "toltypes";
list = "Nessuno\nSimmetrico\nDeviazione\nLimiti\nDi base";
edit_width = 16;
label = "&Valore superiore: ";
key = "tp";
label = "Valore &inferiore: ";
key = "tm";
label = "Gius&tificazione: ";
key = "tolj";
list = "Alto\nMezzo\nBasso";
edit_width = 10;
label = "A<ezza: ";
key = "tfac";
:spacer{ height = 0.1; }
// This is boxed column for alternate dimunits.
// The 'Units' button opens another subdialog 'ddimx_units',
// but this one is for Alternate Units and the values in
// ddimx_units subdialog are of the alternate units. It is
// different from the stuff for the primary units.
label = "Unitα alternative";
key = "alts";
label = "&Abilita unitα";
key = "alt";
fixed_width = true;
label = "U&nitα...";
key = "annot_unitsa";
key = "apost";
label = "P&refisso: ";
key = "apost_1";
edit_width = 12;
edit_limit = 91;
label = "Su&ffisso: ";
key = "apost_2";
edit_width = 12;
edit_limit = 105;
color = 0;
// width = 14;
height = 2;
aspect_ratio = 0.45;
fixed_height = true;
fixed_width = true;
alignment = right;
key = "post_icon2";
allow_accept = false;
label = "Testo";
label = "Stil&e: ";
key = "txsty";
edit_witdh = 31;
list = "";
label = "Altez&za: ";
key = "txt";
label = "Intervall&o: ";
key = "gap";
label = "Arroton&damento:";
key = "rnd";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
// Dimension Units Subdialog - This is called by Annotation dialog.
// There are two calling cases, one for
// the primary units and another is for
// the alternate units.
ddimx_unitsp :dialog{
label = "Unitα primarie";
fixed_width = true;
ddimx_unitsa :dialog{
label = "Unitα alternative";
fixed_width = true;
units_ufac :column{
label = "Scala";
label = "Linea&re: ";
key = "ufac";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
:spacer { width = 5; }
label = "Solo spazio &carta";
key = "psufac";
units_list :column{
// Horizontal cluster that contains the Units and Angles clusters.
// Units cluster.
: boxed_column {
width = 24;
label = "&Unitα";
// Radio cluster for the units format selection.
: popup_list {
key = "u_list";
list = "Scientifiche\nDecimali\nIngegneristiche\nArchitettoniche (sovrapposte)\nFrazionarie (sovrapposte)\nArchitettoniche\nFrazionarie\nDesktop di Windows";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
// Angle Formats Control.
: boxed_column {
width = 24;
label = "Ango&li";
// Radio cluster for the angle format selection.
: popup_list {
key = "u_alist";
list = "Gradi decimali \nGradi/min/sec \nGradi centesimali \nRadianti \nUnitα topografiche";
:spacer{ height = 0.2; }
label = "Quota";
// Linear Units Precision popup_list (System variable LUPREC).