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Text File | 1992-07-23 | 69.3 KB | 2,484 lines |
- Image Alchemy
- Version 1.6
- Addendum
- Handmade Software, Inc.
- Trademarks Image Alchemy is a trademark of Handmade
- Software, Inc.
- All other products or services mentioned in this
- manual are trademarks, registered trademarks,
- service marks, or registered service marks of
- their respective companies or organizations.
- Even though they are never mentioned in this
- document, you should know that Yellow Pages is a
- registered trademark in the United Kingdom of
- British Telecommunications plc., and may also be
- a trademark of various telephone companies
- around the world.
- Copyright (c) 1990-1992 Handmade Software, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved
- First Printing
- Handmade Software, Inc.
- 15951 Los Gatos Blvd., Suite 17
- Los Gatos, CA 95032
- +1 408 358-1292
- +1 408 358-2694 fax
- +1 408 356-3297 BBS
- Internet: hsi@netcom.COM
- CompuServe: 71330, 3136
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-ii
- Contents
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction.......................... 1
- Image Alchemy for MS-DOS.............. 2
- File Formats.......................... 4
- Alpha Microsystems BMP............. 5
- AVHRR.............................. 6
- CALS............................... 8
- Cubicomp PictureMaker.............. 9
- Dr. Halo CUT...................... 10
- First Publisher ART............... 11
- GEM VDI Image File................ 12
- GOES.............................. 14
- IBM Picture Maker................. 16
- PDS............................... 17
- RIX............................... 18
- SGI............................... 19
- SPOT Image........................ 20
- Sun Raster........................ 21
- Windows Bitmap.................... 22
- XPM............................... 25
- Colour and Palette Options........... 26
- Dither............................ 27
- Gamma correction.................. 29
- Negate............................ 31
- Spiff............................. 32
- Viewing Options (MS-DOS Only)........ 34
- View Image in 15 Bit Mode......... 35
- View Scaled Image in 15 Bit Mode.. 36
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions 37
- Version History...................... 38
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-iii
- Introduction to this Addendum
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Why an Addendum? This addendum covers changes in Image Alchemy
- that were made after the manual was printed.
- These changes consist of new file formats,
- changes to existing file formats, additions and
- changes in colouring options, and changes in the
- viewing options (for the MS-DOS version only).
- Where changes have been made, this manual covers
- the options in their entirety, saving you the
- trouble of having to look at both manuals for a
- single option.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-1
- Image Alchemy for MS-DOS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Use of extended If there is enough extended or expanded memory
- and expanded available, Alchemy will use it instead of the
- memory temporary file it would otherwise use during
- some conversions. To use extended memory you
- must have an XMS driver installed in the
- config.sys file (such as HIMEM.SYS or 386MAX).
- To use expanded memory you must have a LIM 3.2
- or LIM 4.0 expanded memory driver installed
- (such as EMM386, QEMM, or 386MAX).
- It is possible for there to be some
- incompatibility when using some older drivers
- and/or TSRs which also use extended memory.
- Therefore Alchemy's use of extended/expanded
- memory can be disabled. To disable use of
- extended and expanded memory, set an environment
- variable called 'alchemy' to 'x' (type "set
- alchemy=x" at the DOS prompt).
- Note that the availability of extended or
- expanded memory will not allow you to convert
- larger images, just speed up conversions. We
- also have a 386 version of Image Alchemy, which
- will allow 80386 and 80486 users to make use of
- the linear addressing space of those processors
- along with virtual memory to convert images of
- up to 32000 x 32000 (assuming you have enough
- disk space). Please contact us if you are
- running out of memory and are interested in
- upgrading to Alchemy/386.
- Checking for Alchemy will normally check to determine if
- 8514/A boards there is an 8514/A board installed in the
- computer when viewing images. However, this can
- cause problems with some network boards, as they
- use the same I/O addresses that 8514/A boards
- use. To disable 8514/A checking, set the
- environment variable called 'alchemy' to '8'
- (type "set alchemy=8" at the DOS prompt).
- Note that this can be combined with other
- options; for example, to disable both 8514/A
- checking and extended/expanded memory usage, use
- "set alchemy=8x".
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-2
- Limiting maximum Alchemy will automatically choose the lowest
- display resolution which will fit the entire image when
- resolution viewing images without specifying a display
- resolution with a VESA compatible VGA board.
- However, depending on the monitor and VGA board
- combination you have, this can be bad since the
- monitor may not support all the resolutions the
- SVGA board does. Therefore the environment
- variable 'alchemy' may now be set to indicate
- the maximum display resolution which Alchemy
- should use. Set the alchemy variable to the
- highest horizontal resolution which your monitor
- is capable of. Valid values are 1280, 1024,
- 800, and 640. For example, "set alchemy=800",
- if your monitor only supports 640x480 and
- 800x600 mode.
- Note that this can be combined with other
- options; for example, to disable 8514/A
- checking, disable extended/expanded memory
- usage, and limit the viewing resolution to
- 640x480 use "set alchemy=8x640".
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-3
- Output Options
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction Since the release of v1.5 several new output
- formats have been added and several existing
- output formats have had compression modes or
- output options added.
- Formats which have had options added:
- GEM VDI Sun Raster
- SGI Windows BMP
- New formats:
- Alpha Microsystems BMP
- Cubicomp PictureMaker
- Dr. Halo CUT
- First Publisher ART
- IBM Picture Maker
- SPOT Image
- In addition to those changes, the following
- formats are now optimally compressed when they
- are written by Image Alchemy; this can result in
- a significant savings in disk space for certain
- images:
- Utah Raster Toolkit (RLE)
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-4
- Alpha Microsystems BMP -M
- Alpha Microsystems BMP files are used by Alpha
- Microsystems.
- Syntax -M compressionType
- Parameter compressionType:
- 0:None
- 1:Packed
- The default is None.
- Extension .bmp
- Creator Alpha Microsystems.
- Used by Alpha Microsystems workstations.
- Variations Reads and writes 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit unpacked
- and packed (run-length encoded) RGB images.
- Limitations Reading and writing HLS images is not supported.
- Comments When reading an image without a palette Alchemy
- will generate a gray-scale palette.
- Examples Convert the GIF file, bigpict.gif, to an
- uncompressed Alpha Microsystems BMP file:
- alchemy bigpict.gif -M
- Do the same thing, but force a 24 bit image, and
- compress the image:
- alchemy bigpict.gif -M1 -24
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-5
- AVHRR files are used for satellite image data.
- Syntax --R outputType
- Parameter outputType
- 1:IDIDAS Uncompressed
- 2:IDIDAS Compressed type 1
- The default is 1 (IDIDAS Uncompressed).
- Extension .sst
- Creator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- (NOAA)
- National Environmental Satellite Data
- Information Service (NESDIS)
- Used by IDIDAS
- Variations Reads 8 and 11 bits per pixel IDIDAS AVHRR
- files.
- Writes 11 bits per pixel IDIDAS AVHRR files.
- Limitations Level 1B AVHRR files will be supported at a
- later date; please contact us for more
- information.
- Alchemy discards all but the top 8 bits when
- reading 11 bit AVHRR files. When writing, the
- bottom 3 bits are padded with 0.
- Any graphics information is discarded when
- reading the file.
- Since AVHRR images are always grayscale, Alchemy
- assumes the use of the -b and -8 options when
- writing a AVHRR file.
- Comments AVHRR images contain a lot of information which
- is not part of the image data. This information
- includes the time and date the image was
- captured, the satellite which captured the
- image, the type of instrumentation used, etc.
- When reading AVHRR images this information is
- discarded; when writing AVHRR images 0 is
- written for all values for which data is
- unavailable.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-6
- Examples Convert the GOES file, florida.goe, to an
- uncompressed IDIDAS AVHRR file:
- alchemy --R1 florida.goe
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-7
- CALS --c
- Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support
- (CALS) files are black and white images used by
- the US Government as part of their transition to
- electronic media.
- Syntax --c
- Extension .cal
- Creator Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
- Used by Department of Defense (DoD)
- Variations Reads and writes type 1 (Group 4 raster) CALS
- images.
- Limitations Document labels, such as document ID and figure
- ID, are ignored.
- Comments Since CALS files are always black and white,
- Alchemy assumes the use of the -b, -8, and -c2
- options when writing CALS files.
- CALS images are Fax Group IV compressed and are
- therefore a good way of storing black and white
- line drawings and scans.
- Examples Convert the TIFF file page1.tif to a CALS file:
- alchemy page1.tif --c
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-8
- Cubicomp PictureMaker --P
- Cubicomp PictureMaker files are used in
- broadcast-quality three dimensional modelling
- and animation.
- Syntax --P
- Extension .r8 (Red channel image data)
- .g8 (Green channel image data)
- .b8 (Blue channel image data)
- .a8 (Alpha channel image data [optional)
- Creator Cubicomp Corp.
- Used by Cubicomp PictureMaker
- Variations Reads and writes 24 bit true colour images.
- Limitations If an alpha channel exists, it will be ignored.
- 8-bit paletted PictureMaker files are
- unsupported.
- Comments This format is not the same as IBM Picture
- Maker.
- PictureMaker images have either three or four
- separate files per image: a red, green, blue,
- and optional alpha channel. You specify the
- name of the .r8 file and Alchemy automatically
- generates the name of the .g8 and .b8 files
- When writing a PictureMaker file Alchemy will
- overwrite, without warning, existing .g8 and .b8
- files.
- Examples Convert the 24-bit JPEG image stones.jpg to
- PictureMaker files:
- alchemy --P stones.jpg
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-9
- Dr. Halo CUT --C
- Dr. Halo CUT files are used by various MS-DOS
- based paint software.
- Syntax --C
- Extension .pal (palette and header)
- .cut (pixel data)
- Creator Media Cybernetics
- Used by Dr. HALO III Paint Package
- HALO Desktop Imager
- Variations 8 bits per pixel
- Comments Dr. Halo CUT images are actually two files. You
- specify the name of the .cut file and Alchemy
- automatically generates the name of the .pal
- file.
- When writing a Dr. Halo CUT file Alchemy will
- overwrite, without warning, existing .pal files.
- Examples Convert the image test.pcx to a Dr. Halo CUT
- file:
- alchemy test.pcx --C
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-10
- First Publisher ART --F
- First Publisher ART files are black and white
- images used as clip art by First Publisher.
- Syntax --F
- Extension .art
- Creator Software Publishing Corp.
- Used by First Publisher
- Variations Black and white, 1 bit per pixel.
- Comments Since ART files are always black and white, 1
- bit per pixel, Alchemy assumes use of the -c2
- and -b options when writing them.
- Examples Convert the image scan.pcx to a First Publisher
- ART file:
- alchemy scan.pcx --F
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-11
- GEM VDI Image File --g
- VDI files are files that were developed by
- Digital Research to use with GEM.
- Syntax --g
- Extension .img
- Creator Digital Research Inc.
- Used by GEM
- Variations Reads 1-8 bit grayscale and 3 and 4 bit colour
- files.
- Writes 1, 3, and 4 bit grayscale and 3 and 4 bit
- colour files.
- Limitations The support for colour and multiple bit
- grayscale GEM files is not very universal.
- Therefore make sure the application you are
- using to read the GEM files can in fact handle
- them.
- Alchemy defaults to writing out a 1 bit, black
- and white GEM file. You can explicitly force a
- 3 plane colour file by use of the -c8 option and
- a 4 plane colour file by use of the -c16 option
- (you may add a -b to write a grayscale file
- instead of a colour file).
- Comments Because colour GEM files have only 3 or 4 bits
- of information and no palette support the
- quality is generally not very good for scanned
- images. The GEM format seems to have been
- designed for line drawings.
- Examples Convert the image scan.pcx to a black and white
- GEM file:
- alchemy scan.pcx --g
- Convert the image bigscan.tga to a 640x480, 8
- colour GEM file, using nearest neighbor scaling
- and type 2 dithering:
- alchemy -c 8 --g bigscan.tga -X640
- -Y480 -d2
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-12
- Do the same thing but write an 8 shade grayscale
- file with no dithering:
- alchemy -c 8 --g bigscan.tga -X640
- -Y480 -d -b
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-13
- GOES --G
- GOES files are used for satellite image data.
- Syntax --G goesType
- Parameter goesType:
- 0:GARS format
- 1:McIDAS format
- The default is 0 (GARS format).
- Extension .goe
- Creator The University of Wisconsin
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- (NOAA)
- National Environmental Satellite Data
- Information Service (NESDIS)
- Used by Various satellite image processing software,
- including the McIDAS system.
- Variations Reads 8, 16, and 32 bits per pixel GOES images.
- Writes 8 bits per pixel images.
- Limitations When reading 16 and 32 bit images Alchemy
- discards all but the top 8 bits of data.
- Alchemy discards any calibration data and level
- maps when reading images.
- Because of difficulty in getting a sufficient
- number of test images in the GOES format
- (especially the PUT format) reading GOES images
- has not been thoroughly tested. If you have any
- GOES images which Alchemy does not read
- correctly please contact us.
- Comments The GARS format is a 7680 bytes per block,
- Motorola byte-order, EBCDIC format; the MCIDAS
- format is a continuous data, Intel byte-order,
- ASCII format.
- Since GOES images are always grayscale, Alchemy
- assumes the use of the -b and -8 options when
- writing a GOES file.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-14
- GOES images contain a lot of information which
- is not part of the image data. This information
- includes the time and date the image was
- captured, the satellite which captured the
- image, the type of instrumentation used, etc.
- When reading a GOES image this information is
- discarded; when writing a GOES images 0 is
- written for all values for which data is
- unavailable.
- Examples Convert the Erdas file, florida.gis, into a GOES
- GARS image:
- alchemy --G0 florida.gis
- Do the same thing, but write out a GOES McIDAS
- image:
- alchemy --G1 florida.gis
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-15
- IBM Picture Maker --i
- IBM Picture Maker files are used by IBM
- presentation software.
- Syntax --i
- Extension .pic
- Creator IBM
- Used by IBM Storyboard Live!
- Variations Reads and writes 256 colour Picture Maker files.
- Limitations 16 colour Picture Maker files are not supported.
- Picture Maker images can not be larger than
- 640x480.
- Comments This is not the same format as Cubicomp
- PictureMaker.
- 256 colour Picture Maker files may be either
- 320x200 or 640x480. Image Alchemy will write
- the smallest variation that the image will fit
- in, with the image centered; the borders will be
- filled with colour 0.
- Examples Convert the PCX file, giraffe.pcx, into an IBM
- Picture Maker file:
- alchemy --i giraffe.pcx
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-16
- PDS --p
- PDS labeled images are used by NASA for
- planetary images.
- Syntax --p
- Extensions .ibg
- .imq
- Creator NASA
- Used by NASA distributes collections of planetary images
- on CD-ROM in PDS format.
- Variations Reads 1 and 8 bit uncompressed and 8 bit first
- difference Huffman compressed files.
- Writes 8 bit gray-scale uncompressed PDS files.
- Limitations PDS images must begin with either an
- "SFDU_LABEL" or a "FILE_TYPE" record for Alchemy
- to be able to identify it.
- Occasionally a PDS labeled image has a palette.
- There doesn't seem to be any standard format for
- the palette; Image Alchemy handles the palettes
- we've encountered.
- Any portions of the PDS labels not required to
- extract the image, such as longitude and
- latitude, are ignored.
- Comments Since Image Alchemy only writes gray-scale PDS
- images, Alchemy assumes the use of the -b option
- when writing PDS files.
- Some PDS images actually consist of two files, a
- label file and a data file. To read that type
- image you should use the name of the label file
- and Alchemy will find the data file.
- Examples Convert the GOES file, phoenix.goe, into a PDS
- labeled image:
- alchemy --p phoenix.goe
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-17
- RIX -R
- RIX files are colour files developed by ColoRIX
- to use with their paint software.
- Syntax -R
- Extension .scx
- .rix
- Creator RIX Softworks, Inc.
- Used by ColoRIX software
- Variations Reads and writes Type 0 (8 bits per pixel) and
- Type 4 (4 bits per pixel) images.
- Limitations We would like to add support for Type 1 and Type
- 2 images but we haven't been able to find any;
- if you have some please contact us.
- Comments A type 0 file will be written if there are more
- than 16 colours in the image; otherwise a type 4
- file will be written.
- Examples Convert the file test.gif to a RIX file:
- alchemy test.gif -R
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-18
- Silicon Graphics Image (SGI) -n
- Silicon Graphics Image files are used by Silicon
- Graphics workstations.
- Syntax -n compressionType
- Parameter compressionType:
- 0:Verbatim (uncompressed)
- 1:RLE compressed
- The default is 0 (Verbatim).
- Extension .sgi
- Creator Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- Used by Silicon Graphics workstations.
- Variations Reads and writes 1, 8 (gray-scale), and 24 bit
- verbatim (uncompressed) and RLE files.
- Comments Only gray-scale images may be 8 bit files.
- Alchemy will automatically switch to 24 bit mode
- when writing a colour image.
- Example Convert the Sun raster file sun.im8 to a SGI
- file called sgiout:
- alchemy -n sun.im8 sgiout -.
- Do the same thing, but write out a RLE
- compressed SGI file:
- alchemy -n1 sun.im8 sgiout -.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-19
- SPOT Image --S
- SPOT Image GIS data files are high-resolution
- satellite images produced by SPOT Image
- Corporation.
- Syntax --S
- Extensions .hdr (For image header information)
- .bil (For pixel data)
- .clr (For palette data [optional])
- Creator SPOT Image Corp.
- Used by SPOT Image Corp.
- Variations 8 bits per pixel
- Limitations Only 1 band, GIS images are supported; if you
- have any other type of SPOT GIS images we would
- be interested in supporting them, please contact
- us.
- Comments SPOT Image images are actually three files. You
- specify the name of the .hdr file and Alchemy
- automatically generates the name of the .bil and
- .clr files.
- If no palette file (.clr file) exists Alchemy
- will assume the image is grayscale.
- There may also be a statistics file with a .stx
- extension, but Alchemy ignores this file.
- When writing a SPOT file Alchemy will overwrite,
- without warning, existing .bil and .clr files.
- Examples Convert the Erdas file, phoenix.lan, to a SPOT
- Image file:
- alchemy --S phoenix.lan
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-20
- Sun Raster -s
- Sun Raster files are used by Sun Microsystems
- workstations.
- Syntax -s compressionType
- Parameter compressionType:
- 0:None
- 1:Run length compression
- The default is None.
- Extensions .rast
- .ras
- .im
- .im1
- .im8
- .im24
- .im32
- Creator Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Used by Sun workstations
- Variations Reads 1, 8, 24, and 32 bit Standard, BGR, RGB,
- and Byte Encoded (RLE) files.
- Writes 1, 8, 24, and 32 bit Standard files, and
- 1 and 8 bit Byte Encoded (RLE) files.
- Limitations For a short time a version of the PBM toolkit
- wrote Sun Raster files which had the wrong RGB
- order. Unfortunately there seem to be many
- images which were generated with this incorrect
- RGB order. Please be aware that Alchemy's Sun
- Raster reading and writing capability has been
- extensively tested and compared to various other
- tools; the RGB order we use is correct.
- Comments Sun Raster files are normally not compressed and
- so take up lots of disk space.
- There is no standard extension for Sun Raster
- files; the extensions that Alchemy uses seem to
- be the most common.
- Example Convert the SGI file sgiout to a sun raster file
- called sun.im8:
- alchemy -s sgiout sun.im8
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-21
- Windows Bitmap (BMP) -w
- Windows BMP files are used by Microsoft Windows.
- Syntax -w compressionType
- Parameter compressionType:
- 0:None
- 1:RLE
- 10:Write an ICOn file
- The default is none.
- Extension .bmp
- Creator Microsoft Corp.
- Used by Microsoft Windows
- Variations Reads 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit RGB (raw), RLE4, and
- RLE8 files.
- Writes 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit RGB (raw), RLE4, and
- RLE8 files.
- Limitations Several of the programs which claim to read and
- write RLE files do not do so correctly; we do
- not recommend writing RLE files unless you have
- verified that they work with your intended
- application.
- Comments Microsoft supplied Windows utilities cannot read
- nor write RLE4 or RLE8 files.
- If you are converting an image to use as
- wallpaper on a 16 colour display you will want
- to match the palette of the output image to one
- of the existing 16 colour BMP images supplied
- with Windows (chess.bmp, for example). If you
- do not do this the wallpaper will not be loaded
- correctly. See the example section below.
- If you are converting an image to use as
- wallpaper on a 256 colour Windows 3.1 display
- you will want to reserve the first 8 colours.
- Use the -c 256 8 option to do this (see below
- for an example). This will force the first 8
- colours of the palette to be the standard
- Windows colours.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-22
- If you are writing a Windows icon (.ico) file
- you must scale the image to a width and a height
- of 16, 32, or 64 pixels (32 being the best
- choice, since Windows displays all icons as
- 32x32). Also, Windows seems to remap all icons
- to the standard 16 colours, so the best results
- can be obtained if you match the palette of your
- icons to an existing icon (see the -f option).
- If you don't have any other icons you can also
- match to one of the 16 colour wallpaper files
- supplied with Windows.
- Alchemy can write an image with a palette
- identity file as specified in the Microsoft
- Multimedia Development Kit. These images
- provide for quicker bitmap loading when used
- with the Multimedia Extensions. A palette
- identity file has the first and last 10 palette
- entries reserved for 20 system defined colours.
- Alchemy will write such an image if you specify
- -c 246 10 as part of the command line. Note
- that ordinarily this would produce a file which
- has 246 palette entries, but in this special
- case the file will have 256 palette entries (20
- fixed by the Windows specifications and 236
- chosen by Alchemy). Note that you can also
- specify a number smaller than 246, but the
- palette will always have 256 colours (since the
- last 10 have to occupy positions 246 through
- 255)
- Related options -c Specify number of colours
- -f Match to existing palette
- Examples Convert the image test.gif to a Windows BMP
- file:
- alchemy test.gif -w
- Convert the image test.gif to a 16 colour
- Windows BMP file to be used as wallpaper (the
- file chess.bmp is supplied with Windows 3.0
- (substitute leaves.bmp when using Windows 3.1);
- this example assumes that it is in the current
- directory):
- alchemy test.gif -f chess.bmp -w
- Convert the image test.gif to a 256 colour
- Windows BMP file to be used as wallpaper with
- Windows 3.1:
- alchemy test.gif -c256 8 -w
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-23
- Convert the image test.gif to an icon file for
- use with Windows 3.1:
- alchemy test.gif -Xb32 -Yb32 -w 10 -f
- leaves.bmp
- Convert the image test.gif to an identity
- palette BMP file:
- alchemy test.gif -w -c 246 10
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-24
- XPM --x
- XPM files are used by the X Windowing System.
- XPM files are C source code files which can be
- read and written by various X utilities and are
- designed to be included in C source code for use
- as icons and other bit-mapped graphic images.
- Syntax --x
- Extensions .xpm
- .pm
- Creator MIT
- Used by The X Windowing system
- Variations 8 bits per pixel
- Limitations Because .xpm files are actually C source code
- files there can be many variations of .xpm
- files. Since adding a C preprocessor to Alchemy
- to handle all the theoretically allowable .xpm
- files is impractical we have instead designed
- Alchemy to interchange .xpm files with the PBM
- utilities and the X supplied utilities, and to
- read the sample .xpm files from IBM. If you run
- across any .xpm files which Alchemy can not read
- please contact us.
- Some XPM files contain colour names instead of
- colour values for some of the colours. The
- conversion table of these names into values is
- in the file rgb.txt. Alchemy will look for this
- table in the current directory and automatically
- use it to convert XPM files if it is needed.
- Therefore you may have to copy the rgb.txt file
- to the current directory (its location is system
- dependent; ask you system administrator if you
- need help finding it).
- Comments When writing an XPM file with less than 27
- colours Alchemy writes 1 character XPM files,
- otherwise Alchemy writes 2 character XPM files.
- Example Convert the file picture.im32 to an XPM file
- using high quality scaling and preserving the
- aspect ratio:
- alchemy --x -Xb64 -+ picture.im32
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-25
- Colour and Palette Options
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Introduction Since version 1.5 we have added two options to
- the colour and palette section:
- Image Negation
- Gamma Correction
- Also the options for these options has been
- expanded:
- Dithering
- Spiffing
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-26
- Dither -d
- Purpose Specifies the type of dithering to apply to the
- image.
- Syntax -d[s] ditherType [perturbation]
- Parameters If the -d is immediately followed by an 's',
- then a serpentine raster is used.
- ditherType can be:
- 0:None
- 1:Floyd-Steinberg
- 2:Stucki
- 3:Jarvis, Judice, & Ninke
- 4:Stevenson and Arce
- 5:Sierra Lite
- 20:Halftone (clustered dot)
- 21:Bayer (dispersed dot)
- The default is Floyd-Steinberg.
- perturbation
- 0 through 127
- The default is 0.
- Comments Dithering is used to reduce colour banding in an
- image caused by the palette not having a perfect
- match for every colour in the image.
- Types 1 through 5 are all error-diffusion
- dithers. Types 1 and 5 are the fastest of the
- diffusion dithers, and they usually look the
- best on low resolution devices like CRTs. Types
- 2, 3, and 4 all tend to cause an image to appear
- more grainy on low resolution output devices
- (such as CRTs). However, they produce better
- results than types 1 or 5 on high-resolution,
- low colour output devices such as laser
- printers.
- Type 20 is a digital halftone; this will produce
- the most accurate grays on a laser printer, but
- the image won't be as sharp as one produced by
- the error-diffusion dithers. Type 21 is a
- dispersed dot ordered dither; it's only
- advantage over the error-diffusion algorithms is
- speed.
- The -d option only has an effect if the number
- of colours is being reduced or the image is
- being re-mapped to a new palette.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-27
- Specifying a perturbation adds noise to the
- image, which can help break up visible patterns
- introduced by dithering. The parameter
- specifies the magnitude of the noise.
- Perturbation has no effect on dither types 20
- and 21.
- Using a serpentine raster can also help to
- reduce visible patterns introduced by dithering.
- Using a serpentine raster has no effect on
- dither types 20 and 21.
- Examples Convert the 256 colour file image.gif to a 16
- colour PCX file using a uniform palette and no
- dithering:
- alchemy image.gif -p -c16 -d0 -u
- Convert the true colour image sample.jpg into a
- 256 colour GIF file called sample.gif, using
- Stucki dithering:
- alchemy -g -d2 sample.jpg
- Convert the 256 colour image sample.gif into a
- one bit black and white PCL file called
- sample.pcl, using Jarvis, Judice, and Ninke
- dithering, a serpentine raster, and a little
- noise:
- alchemy -P -b -c2 -ds3 20 sample.gif
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-28
- Gamma correction -G
- Purpose Specify the gamma of an input, output, or
- palette file and/or perform gamma correction.
- Syntax -G gammaType gammaValue
- Parameters gammaType:
- i:Specify input gamma
- o:Specify output gamma
- p:Specify gamma of palette
- gammaValue:
- 0.0 to 4.0
- Comments To perform gamma correction, Alchemy needs to
- know both the input and output gamma. For some
- file formats the gamma is known; if you're
- reading a file with known gamma, such as JPEG,
- PICT, PCPAINT, or a Targa file with the gamma
- field, you don't need to specify the input
- gamma. Likewise, if you're writing a file which
- has a fixed gamma you don't need to specify an
- output gamma. Even if reading or writing a file
- format which has a known gamma you may override
- it by using the -Gi or -Go option.
- However, even if both input and output gamma are
- known based on the input file and the output
- format, you must still enable gamma correction
- for any correction to take place; you can do
- this with just '-G' (if you had specified input,
- output, or palette gamma, this would be
- implied). This is because there are quite a few
- images around that have specified or implied
- gammas that are wrong, which could cause Alchemy
- to make matters worse instead of better.
- Typical values for gamma are 1.0 for images from
- Macintoshes and 2.2 for images from PCs.
- Examples To convert the Mac PICT file test.pic, which has
- a gamma of 1.0, to a PCX file for use on a PC
- (which should have a gamma of 2.2), use:
- alchemy -p -Gi1.0 -Go2.2 test.pic
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-29
- The input gamma could have been omitted, as PICT
- files have an implied gamma of 1.0, but it's
- best to include it to reduce confusion.
- To convert the file image.tga, which has a gamma
- of 2.2, to a GIF file for use on a Mac, matching
- the palette test.pal which was created with a
- gamma of 1.5:
- alchemy image.tga -g -Gi2.2 -Go1.0 -Gp1.5 -
- ftest.pal
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-30
- Negate -N
- Purpose Changes the image to a negative.
- Syntax -N
- Comments This is equivalent to a photographic negative.
- When used on black and white images black is
- changed to white and white is changed to black.
- On colour images each of the Red, Green, and
- Blue channels are inverted separately (so that
- bright blue will become bright yellow).
- Examples Negate the file sample.gif, generating a GIF
- file called negative.gif:
- alchemy sample.gif -N -g negative
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-31
- Spiff -S
- Purpose Enhance the image contrast by stretching the
- pixel colour values to the full 0 to 255 range.
- Syntax -S spiffType
- Parameter spiffType:
- a:histogram stretching
- b:histogram linearization
- The default is histogram stretching.
- Comments This command can be used if the image you are
- converting is shifted in brightness or squished
- in contrast. This can happen if you scan or
- digitize a very dark or very bright image.
- The default type, histogram stretching, simply
- insures that the image has pixels which are
- distributed over the entire output range (0 to
- 255).
- Histogram linearization insures that the
- distribution of pixels over the output range is
- linear.
- Histogram linearization can produce
- significantly better results than histogram
- stretching for some images. Generally you will
- want to try both types to see which gives better
- results.
- Limitations The -S option cannot be used at the same time as
- the -b option when converting from a true colour
- image. A work around is to do the operation in
- two steps, converting it to black and white
- first and then spiffing the resulting image.
- Using the spiff option at the same time as the
- match palette, -f, or false colour, -F, options
- is not allowed. This is because the spiff
- option would be performed before the palette is
- changed, which would nullify the effects. A
- work around is to do the matching or false
- colouring first, and then spiff the resultant
- image.
- Related options -b Black and White
- -f Match palette
- -F False colour image
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-32
- Example Convert the file gloomy.pcx into a PCX file
- called better.pcx:
- alchemy gloomy.pcx -S -p better.pcx
- Do the same thing using histogram linearization
- instead of histogram stretching:
- alchemy gloomy.pcx -Sb -p better.pcx
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-33
- Viewing Options (MS-DOS Only)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Display hardware Image Alchemy v1.6 supports VESA compatible and
- S3 equipped SVGA boards for 15 bit viewing. In
- addition, a scaled 15 bit viewing option has
- been added.
- There are also two new environment variable
- options which affect viewing. One allows the
- disabling of checking for the 8514/A board
- (which causes problems with some network adapter
- boards) and the other allows you to specify the
- maximum resolution that your monitor is capable
- of when viewing with a VESA compatible VGA
- board; see the section on installing Image
- Alchemy earlier in this addendum.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-34
- View Image in 15 Bit Mode --v
- Purpose View file using 15 bits/pixel mode. This allows
- true colour images to be viewed without
- dithering to a uniform palette.
- Syntax --v horizontalResolution
- Parameter horizontalResolution
- 640:Use 640x480 mode
- 800:Use 800x600 mode
- 1024:Use 1024x768 mode
- 1280:Use 1280x1024 mode
- Comments Requires either a Tseng 4000 equipped SVGA, an
- S3 equipped SVGA board, or a VESA compatible
- SVGA board with a Sierra DAC and 1 Megabyte of
- memory on the SVGA board.
- 24 bit images will be dithered to 15 bit when
- using this option. You can turn off dithering
- (speeding up the display and slightly reducing
- the image quality) by using the -d option.
- Related options --V View scaled image in 15 bit mode
- -d Specify dither type
- Example View madonna.tga:
- alchemy madonna.tga --v
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-35
- View Scaled Image in 15 Bit Mode --V
- Purpose View image in 15 bit mode while scaling image to
- fit on monitor and correcting aspect ratio.
- Syntax --V horizontalResolution
- Parameter horizontalResolution
- 640:Use 640x480 mode
- 800:Use 800x600 mode
- 1024:Use 1024x768 mode
- 1280:Use 1280x1024 mode
- Comments Requires either a Tseng 4000 equipped SVGA, an
- S3 equipped SVGA board, or a VESA compatible
- SVGA board with a Sierra DAC and 1 Megabyte of
- memory on the SVGA board.
- This command will scale the image and correct
- the aspect ratio of the image by removing rows
- and/or columns from the image.
- Note that this option can also be useful for
- displaying images which are not larger than the
- screen but which have an aspect ratio different
- than the display.
- Limitations The same limitations as for scaled 8 bit viewing
- apply (see page 7-7 in the User's Manual).
- Related options -D Specify image resolution
- --v View image in 15 bit mode
- Example View sample.jpg:
- alchemy sample.jpg --V
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-36
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Question How do I get a copy of the current draft JPEG
- standard?
- Answer The JPEG standard is a ISO/IEC standard
- currently in Committee Draft form.
- Contact your local ISO/IEC office to get a copy.
- The reference numbers are ISO/IEC JTC 1 and /SC
- 2 N2215; the document number is ISO/IEC CD
- 10918-1.
- In the United States you can contact ANSI at:
- 11 West 42nd St.
- New York, NY 10036
- (212) 642-4900
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-37
- Version History
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.6 Released for MS-DOS, 80386 Protected Mode, Sun
- 05/92 SPARC, Interactive UNIX, SCO UNIX, IBM RS/6000,
- HP 9000/7xx & 8xx, and Silicon Graphics IRIS.
- Format Added AVHRR support.
- Added PDS support.
- Added RIX support.
- Added SPOT Image support.
- Added GOES support.
- Added CALS support.
- Added Alpha Microsystems BMP support.
- Added Dr. Halo CUT support.
- Added First Publisher ART support.
- Added PictureMaker support.
- Added XPM support.
- Added IBM Picture Maker support.
- Disabled LZW Compression in TIFF pending
- resolution of patent issues (and changed default
- TIFF compression to PackBits).
- Added support for reading tiled TIFF images.
- Added support for reading JTIFF images.
- Added support for several additional types of
- incorrect TIFF files.
- Added support for reading type 1, mapped PICT
- files.
- Added support for reading and writing multi-bit
- grayscale and colour GEM files.
- Added support for reading 4 bit XWD files.
- Added support for an additional type of
- incorrect Targa file.
- Made PCL reading more robust (including adding
- support for landscape files).
- Added support for reading old format BMP files.
- Added support for Gamma information in Utah RLE
- files.
- Added default palettes to WPG reading.
- Added support for reading 5-5-5 PICT files.
- Added compression option to Sun Raster and SGI
- files.
- Added compression to writing Utah RLE, GEM, and
- WPG files.
- Added support for writing BMP Icon files and BMP
- palette identity files.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-38
- Display Added support for 15 bit VESA compatible SVGA
- (MS-DOS) boards.
- Added support for S3 equipped 15 bit SVGA
- boards.
- Added scaled 15 bit view option.
- Added environment variables to indicate monitor
- resolution.
- Misc Decreased memory usage for MS-DOS version
- (allowing the conversion of larger images).
- Added 5 new dithering types.
- Added histogram equalization option to spiff.
- Added negative flag.
- Added gamma correction.
- Bugs fixed Writing to directories not on the current disk
- (MS-DOS).
- Reading certain 1 bit PCX files.
- Reading certain PICT files.
- Checking for Targa files.
- Viewing on certain VESA boards (MS-DOS).
- Reading certain 8 bit ILBM files.
- Scaled viewing of very skinny images (MS-DOS).
- Histogram equalization (non MS-DOS).
- Writing WPG files.
- Writing 1 bit PBM files.
- Image Alchemy v1.6 Copyright (c) 1992 Handmade Software Inc. Addendum-39
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