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Version 9.2 of ANSIMP released on 17/06/89
a. A new utility called 'PHONCOPY' is now available to copy the phone Library
from one version of IMP to the next. Just type 'PHONCOPY' without any
parameters for help...
Version 9.1 of ANSIMP released on 12/04/89
a. ANSIMP now recognizes when the Peter Broughton 512k system is in 25-line
mode, and will use the same screen position, and not move the screen up
by one line.
b. New Utility called 'ZAPANSI' added to the Library which will remove all
Control-Zs, remove all ANSI characters and replace all Graphics
characters in a disk file. Type 'ZAPANSI' with no parameters for a help
screen. Useful for those who want to use an editor or word processor such
as WordStar on the disk file of a terminal session.
c. Typansi now has a 'Q' or Quiet switch to avoid the slow help screen.
Again, just type 'TYPANSI' with no parameters for help.
Version 9.0 of ANSIMP released on 17/01/89
a. Uses Version 245 of IMP written by Irv Hoff. Get IMP245.LBR for the
various support files and documentation for this version.
b. The ';' IMP puts at the beginning of a line to indicate that the buffer
save is active interferes with some ANSI positioning. Consequently the
first line line only of the display will show the ';' - thereafter the
word 'capture' will appear in the top left-hand corner to indicate that
this function is active.
Version 8.2 of ANSIMP released on 24/12/88
a. Reworked LF sequence fixing bug which occurred when cursor was on line 25
in column 48 or greater and a LF was received not accompanied by a
corresponding carriage return
N.B. IMP uses the whole of memory, do not have an RSX loaded as there
is no room for it........
Version 8.1 of ANSIMP released on 01/10/88
a. Changed algorithm of RI, CUU and CUD sequences
b. Port B version has option of 57600 bps
c. Display of bps above 19200 is now shown correctly after set command etc.
d. Use 'set 19k' rather than 'set 19.2k' for 19200 bps
e. Reworked CR, LF and BS sequences
Version 8.0 of ANSIMP released on 18/08/88
a. Added time display for MicroBees with RTC installed
b. In ADM3A mode save and use colour as set up in the BIOS
c. Music bytes when recognized, are no longer stored in the command buffer
d. home cursor if cursor restore sequence with no prior cursor save
e. better recognition of an incomplete ansi sequence
Version 7.1 of ANSIMP released on 18/06/88
a. Fixed screen displacement bug when linefeed encountered on line 25
without an accompanying carriage return
b. Fixed section of erase_from_cursor_to_end_of_line sequence code which
caused an occasional corruption of a small section of the color ram.
c. Fixed bug in background colour routine for Premium (being treated as
none-Premium colour)
d. Condensed messages so that A-Port Version can also run at 38k
( despite the strange baud rate message it works!)
Version 7 of ANSIMP released on 21/05/88
a. Hardware scrolling added
b. Screen format is 80 x 25 fixed at 80 x 25
c. Support for older type colour MicroBees added
Version 6 of ANSIMP released on 19/03/88
a. Supports 80 x 24 line screen
b. Supports 128k and 512k MicroBees with SCC installed
c. suffix a is for 'A' port and b for 'B' port
d. For help with 'TYPANSI' just type 'TYPANSI' with no parameters in CP/M
Changes to Version 6 from Version 5 are :-
1. Support for 128k non-Premium MicroBees in ANSI mode with extended Graphics
characters etc. (with some restrictions)
2. Option of 8 bits no parity '8' or 7 stop bits even parity '7'
3. Different handling of 'delete' key in Ansi mode
4. Bugs in code for 'Newline' and 'Index' ( esc E and esc D ) fixed
5. Minor bug in cursor forward sequence fixed
Ansi Codes supported in Version 5 and up are :-
Name Code Notes
---- ---- -----
Save Cursor esc 7 Graphics attributes saved also
Restore Cursor esc 8 Graphics attributes restored also
Index esc D see above
New Line esc E see above
Reverse Index esc M
DECALN esc # 8
Music esc [ M .... 0Eh Codes stored then ignored
Erase in Line esc [ Ps K Ps = 0 Erase from cursor to end_of_line
Ps = 1 Erase from start_of_line to cursor
Ps = 2 Erase all of line
Erase in Display esc [ Ps J Ps = 0 Erase from cursor to end_of_screen
Ps = 1 Erase from screen_start to cursor
Ps = 2 Erase all of screen
Select Graphics esc [ Ps m Ps = 0 Normal Mode
Rendition Ps = 1 Highlight ***
Ps = 4 Underline ***
Ps = 5 Blink ***
Ps = 7 Reverse Video ***
Ps = 8 Non-Display ***
Ps = 3x Foreground Colour +++
Ps = 4x Background Colour +++
Colour x 0 - Black
1 - Red
2 - Green
3 - Yellow
4 - Blue
5 - Magenta
6 - Cyan
7 - White
Cursor Position esc [ Pn ; Pn H First Pn line, second column
Horizontal and esc [ Pn ; Pn f First Pn line, second column
Vertical Position
Cursor Up esc [ Pn A Move Cursor up Pn lines in same column
Do not scroll up
Cursor Down esc [ Pn B Move Cursor down Pn lines in same column
Do not scroll down
Cursor Forward esc [ Pn C Move Cursor Right Pn positions in line
Allow wrap to next line
Cursor Backward esc [ Pn D Move Cursor Left Pn positions in line
Do not go back past position 0
Save Cursor esc [ s Graphics attributes also saved
Restore Cursor esc [ u Graphics attributes also restored
Reset Mode esc [ Ps l Only wrap parameter acted upon
Set Mode esc [ Ps h Only wrap parameter acted upon
*** Ignored on 128k standard MicroBee
+++ Ignored on 128k standard MicroBee Versions for ANSIMP Versions 5 and 6
Suggestions, bugs, requests for additional sequence support .....
leave a message on SMUG (02-476-6396) for Tony Ellis
.... AGE 06/05/89