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141 lines
; QL Data Area
; These flags are actually part of the loaded COM file.
; Re-running QL with a GO command will thus not reset these toggle flags.
AFLAG: DB 0 ; "A" cmnd toggle flag [ascii <==> hex]
CFLAG: DB 0 ; "C" cmnd toggle flag [case sens./non]
TFLAG: DB 0FFH ; "T" cmnd toggle flag [trunc. on/off]
; (COM file may end here)
; Effective DSEG starts here. Data below is NOT initialized (ie mass
; auto-zeroed); individual instructions may initialize individual variables.
; Variables from "init1" thru "end1init" are initialized once / run.
; Variables from "init2" thru "end2init" are initialized each "sweep".
; Variables below that are not initialized. The final group includes any data
; used by the external subroutines in the ZCPR version.
FULFLG: DEFS 1 ; "ff" when table is full
LASTPR: DEFS 2 ; Last pred
ENTFLG: DEFS 1 ; "already entered in table" flag
CODES: DEFS 2 ; Current code?
LFTOVR: DEFS 1 ; Previous input bits still unused
WIDTH: DEFS 1 ; Current encoded cell width
OUTFLG: DEFS 2 ; Repeat flag for output (at outflg+1). 0 or 1
KIND: DEFS 1 ; Version to be decoded. 0..1 for 10/20 resp.
CHAR: DEFS 1 ; Last char of the previously decoded string
AVAIL: DEFS 2 ; Hi byte is reassigning code flag when 0ffh
FFFLAG: DEFS 1 ; Force entries to be marked referenced
NEXTX: DEFS 2 ; Next hashed index ??
@TABLE: DEFS 2 ; Base of decoding table
XLATBL: DEFS 2 ; Translation table, hash to entry
TBLTOP: DEFS 2 ; Negated address
TROOM: DEFS 2 ; Space left in table
STKLIM: DEFS 2 ; Stack Not usage limit
@PTRTBL: DS 2 ; Points to "ptrtbl"
@BUFFER: DS 2 ; Points to bot of working buffer area
DEFDU: DS 2 ; Orig DU, +0 = drive (0 = "A"), +1 = U
LBRDU: DS 2 ; Spec'd file's DU (U same if non-zcpr)
DISPLAY: DS 1 ; (lines per screenful)-1
nlines: ds 1 ; Number of lines on CRT
DESAVE: DS 2 ; Temp loc
FRSTFL: DS 1 ; Zero before initial file selection
BIOSCONOUT: DS 2 ; Adr of jp to BIOS console out rtn
OLDSP: DS 2 ; Calling program sp
$MEMRY: DS 2 ; (only used in zcpr3 version)
; find string buffer for BDOS 10 calls
STRMAX: DS 1 ; Init to "40" at star
; Data from here to 'end1init' is initialized (mass-zeroed) once per run.
; next 2 storage alloc must follow strmax for BDOS 10 to work ??
STRLEN: DS 1 ; # chars typed by user. } Must follow
STRING: DS 40 ; Find string. } STRMAX abv!
BUFPTR: DS 2 ; Addr of file buffer
BYE5FLAG: DS 2 ; -0800h if bye5 is resident, else 0000
CCPCHKSUM: DS 1 ; Chksum of entire CCP
CORE: DS 1 ; Flag for hex dumping memory
FILCNT: DS 1 ; Count of swept files
FILPTR: DS 2 ; Pointer to filename table
SCRNUM: DS 1 ; Used to display more than 72 files
PUTCABRT: DS 1 ; Flag 0FFH only if aborting from PUTC
END1INIT EQU $ ; End of first initialization group
; Data from here thru 'end2init' is re-initialized on every sweep, if sweeping
EXTRACTING: DS 1 ; Nonzero if extract from LBR to disk
FCB3: DS 33 ; Fcb for extracting to disk
FLSECTS: DS 2 ; # of sectors written to disk
COL: DS 1 ; Current display column
CURRLINE: DS 2 ; *lf of curr line
EOFADR: DS 2 ; Highest adr used
FILELEN: DS 2 ; File length in bytes
FNEXT: DS 11 ; Moved to initialized data area
FOUND: DS 1 ; Flag for marking found string
FRCMDMODE: DS 1 ; Flag for find or repeat cmd
FROMQLMSG: DS 1 ; Flag for curr ch from a ql msg:
HEXSRCH: DS 1 ; Flag for hex byte srching
HEXSTRING: DS 20 ; Temp storage for hex byte find $
HIPG: DS 1 ; Highest pg number
INCOMPLETE: DS 1 ; Incomplete read flag
MTFLAG: DS 1 ; Zero if nothing read by "readfile"
JUMPTO: DS 1 ; Pg # to jumpto
LASTUNSQCH: DS 1 ; Saved for repeat count
LASTPGLINES: DS 1 ; # of lines on last pg for summary
LIBRARY: DS 1 ; Flag for working with library
LINEBYLINE: DS 1 ; Flag for 1 line forward display
MATCHADR: DS 2 ; Adr of 1st char find $ match
MATCHES: DS 1 ; Chars matched so far in find
MEMBER: DS 11 ; Member name as fn ext
NSECTS: DS 2 ; # of member sects to read from lbr
NMEMBERS: DS 1 ; # of active members in lbr
PAGE: DS 1 ; Current page #
RESUMESRCH: DS 2 ; Repeat find start adr
SWEEPING: DS 1 ; Flag 0FFH if ambig file was specified
TIMER: DS 2 ; Key delay timer for jumpto page
UNCRSRC: DS 2 ; Memory based ptrs for uncruncher
UNCRDST: DS 2 ; And unsqueezer
WORKAREA: DS 2 ; Debug ptr to 24k uncruncher work area
WSDOC: DS 1 ; Flag for wordstar doc file
END2INIT EQU $ ; End of initialized data
; Memory below this is not initialized at all. The DSEG's of the external
; subroutines follow this in the ZCPR version.
STKAREA: DS 64 ; 64 byte local stack
STACK EQU $ ; Top of stack
ENDPROG EQU $ ; End of Non-ZCPR3 data area.