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CP/M-80 Version 1.0
June 1986
Copyright (c) 1986 by WoolleyWare
All Rights Reserved
v.1.0, Page i
This program is distributed as User-Supported Software. You are
encouraged to copy and share this program and related files with the
following conditions:
1. Except for a nominal handling fee (perhaps $5 or $10), no financial
or other consideration may be charged for distribution.
2. All original files must be distributed together in unmodified form.
If appropriate, you may include additional files, so long as they
are identified separately from the originals.
3. The copyright notice must not be altered, bypassed, or removed from
the original files. As described in this document, you may delete
the copyright notice from your private version of the program.
If you find this program useful, your contribution in proportion to its
value (perhaps $25) will be appreciated. Note that whatever amount you
send may be tax deductible as an expense toward improved management of
your financial records. When you correspond, please identify which
operating system (CP/M-80) and version of the Check Register Program you
are using. The version number is indicated in the default title line at
the top of the screen before your personalized title has been read from
the INF file; your copy may be more recent than the version available
when this document was prepared (1.0). If you expect a response,
include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Absolutely no phone calls,
Jim Woolley
5825 Pilar Court
San Jose, CA 95120
WoolleyWare makes no representations or warranties with respect to the
contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. WoolleyWare
reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from
time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any
person or organization of such revisions or changes.
WordStar is a trademark of MicroPro International Corp. SuperCalc is a
trademark of Sorcim Corp. dBASE II is a trademark of Ashton-Tate.
MBASIC is a trademark of Microsoft. CBASIC is a trademark of Compiler
Systems, Inc. CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research Inc.
v.1.0, Page ii
The Check Register Program simplifies the task of maintaining one or
more checking accounts. Three separate programs are included:
CHECKS The primary application, manages the current check
register, including reconciliation of transactions which
have cleared the bank.
CLEARS Maintains and summarizes transactions after they have
cleared the bank, for historical review.
CHECKSIN Installs the CHECKS.SCR file, adapting CHECKS and CLEARS
to your particular video display terminal or computer
Sample data files are included for tutorial and demonstration purposes.
Commented C language source files are provided in lieu of further
v.1.0, Page iii
LBR Distribution Library 5
CHECKS.SCR File and CHECKSIN Program 5
CHECKS Program 9
Current Date and Yes/No Queries 9
Cursor Movement 10
Save, Quit, and Done Commands 11
New Entry and Date Field 11
Payee Field and Abreviations 12
Category Field 13
Amount Field and Calculator 13
Deposit Field 15
Clear Field 15
Balance Field 16
Insert/Delete Entry and Undo Commands 16
Ordering Entries 16
Check Number 17
Print Command 17
Reconciliation 18
Done Command 18
Balance Brought Forward 19
CLEARS Program 19
Beginning a New Register 24
Insufficient Disk Space 25
Cursor Movement Commands 25
Editing Commands 26
Calculator Commands 27
Save, Quit, and Done Commands 27
Miscellaneous Commands 28
v.1.0, Page 1
As you will surely admit, managing a checkbook by hand is fairly simple;
therefore, one of the primary design goals for this program was to make
using it at least as easy as the manual method. This has been
accomplished by implementing the following features:
o The user interface is modeled after WordStar. If you use WordStar,
you already know how to move the cursor, scroll pages, and edit
text. If you are not familiar with WordStar, a convenient "help"
screen is readily available.
o Transaction date (month, day, and year) will default to that of the
previous entry. Only changes need to be typed. If you are
entering several transactions for the same month and year, only the
day might require revision.
o You may define abreviations for accounts that are paid repeatedly,
such as gas, electric, water, and telephone utilities, revolving
charge accounts, and supermarkets. When an abreviation is entered,
the payee description will automatically expand to the full name
you have linked to the abreviation.
o Each entry may be assigned a category. You may define your own
categories by use of a single character. For example, you may use
H for household transactions and T for tax deductible entries.
Also, categories may be conveniently utilized to manage two or more
checkbooks within one account.
o Extended integer arithmetic is used to keep track of amounts
ranging from -3,276,899.99 thru +3,276,799.99 without losing any
o A simple calculator may be used to add to or subtract from the
amount field of each entry. A memory register is included, which
is retained each time the program is executed.
o Automatic transactions may be defined. Examples include a monthly
loan payment which is automatically withdrawn from your account on
a certain day, or your salary which is automatically transferred
from your employer's bank to your account.
o Entries may be conveniently sorted to primary and secondary levels,
including date and payee, payee and date, category and date, or
amount and date.
o A reconciliation report itemizes checks, deposits, and current
balance for entries which have cleared the bank and for all entries
by category, including a total over all categories.
o Cleared entries are removed to a separate file, retaining only
active transactions in the check register. An independent program
is provided to manage cleared entries.
Features v.1.0, Page 2
o The current check register, the reconciliation report, and an audit
trail of cleared entries may be printed for filing and backup.
o An installation program will quickly adapt the program to work with
your video display terminal or computer console.
Commented C language source files are included. If you require
additional features, feel free to add them.
The Check Register Program requires an 80 column x 24 row video display
with addressable cursor. Various terminals and computer consoles are
supported. The CP/M-80 operating system and one disk drive are
necessary. An 80 column printer with FORM FEED control is desirable.
For a single check register, the database of transactions is maintained
in two separate files, one for those which have not cleared the bank and
another for those which have. The maximum number of active (uncleared)
entries is 128, which is generally sufficient for a very large family or
a very small business, assuming bank statements are received monthly.
Up to 384 cleared entries are kept in the database; for an average
family, this should be sufficient for about six months. When the 384
limit is approached, older records may be marked for summary and
removal; each summary is retained in the database. The program may be
used to manage more than one check register by defining separate sets of
database files.
It is assumed that the CP/M Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) console
display function treats BACKSPACE as non-destructive; that is, the
cursor is moved to the previous character position on the same line
without changing the character. Similarly, it is assumed that a LF
(line feed) character sent to the console from any location above the
24th line will move the cursor down one line without altering the
display. Finally, it is assumed that a CR (carriage return) character
sent to the screen from any location will move the cursor to the
beginning of the same line (without line feed). These assumptions are
not expected to be restricting.
The Check Register Program was developed using WordStar, BDS C, and an
Osborne 1 59K CP/M 2.2 system with 52.5K transient program area (TPA).
You might wish to skip this section until you have had a chance to see a
demonstration of the Check Register Program. To do that, follow
instructions given in the Installation and the Demonstration and
Tutorial section. You can return to this section after determining that
the Check Register Program is worth further consideration. On the other
hand, you may already be convinced; in that case, the following
background information should be useful.
Genesis and Biography v.1.0, Page 3
When I bought my Osborne 1 computer in the Fall of '81, I had no
specific plans for its use. I had been a nuclear engineer with General
Electric Company for 16 years; much of that time was spent developing
engineering computer programs for nuclear power reactors. I had
experience with BASIC, FORTRAN, and assembly language. My wife was
running a small business teaching microwave cooking. My sons were
teenagers. I thought the computer would help organize my wife's books
and the kids might learn something about technology. The kids thought
they could play games with it. I was especially interested in using the
computer to simplify managing our family checkbook.
The Osborne 1 came bundled with CP/M, WordStar, SuperCalc, MBASIC, and
CBASIC. I thought WordStar would get little use. SuperCalc looked
handy for financial analysis. But I knew I could write my own BASIC
programs whenever necessary.
As it turned out, WordStar proved to be the most useful application by
far; I used it for correspondence, the kids used it for school, and my
wife used it to print recipes and shopping lists. I set up SuperCalc
spreadsheets to keep track of utility bills and to help reconcile my
checkbook at the end of the month, but found it a little cumbersome. I
discovered a public domain general ledger program to help with my wife's
business. It was written in CBASIC, and I was able to adapt it to the
Osborne 1.
But the thought of committing our check register to a BASIC program was
not appealing. Maintaining the register by hand is fairly easy;
whatever is done by computer should be at least as simple, or it would
not be worth booting the disk. I felt the performance of BASIC in terms
of memory capacity and speed would be insufficient to justify the effort
of struggling with BASIC's syntax and development environment.
In the meantime, I decided to redirect my career from nuclear
engineering into computer engineering. I joined a consulting firm and
began to develop small computer systems and software. Currently I am
specializing in refrigeration control systems for huge cold storage
facilities servicing the food processing industry.
Experience with the public domain (PD) general ledger program led to my
heavy involvement with the First Osborne Group (FOG). For two years, I
served as Disk Librarian for FOG's rapidly growing collection of PD
programs. It was very educational, leading to my interest in the C
programming language, but most of my spare time was consumed by
responsibilities to FOG.
I was still interested in a program to aid with check register
management. I found some PD SuperCalc templates, but they suffered from
SuperCalc's shortcomings. Another PD dBASE II application looked
interesting, but I did not own a copy of dBASE. I thought about
purchasing a commercial program, but they usually offered more features
than I required, such as budgeting or tax preparation. I was concerned
that after buying a package, I would find that keeping the checkbook
manually remained simpler than using the computer.
Genesis and Biography v.1.0, Page 4
When I found myself with some spare time during the Christmas season of
1985, I finally decided to write a program in C to address the
requirements I had in mind when I bought the computer four years
earlier. Since my wife and I keep separate checkbooks with only one
joint account, I wanted to categorize transactions, so that our separate
balances could be easily maintained. Since I am not a good typist, I
wanted to abreviate those accounts that were paid repeatedly, such as
telephone, water, and credit cards. I wanted reasonable default dates,
eliminating the need to reenter the same values for each check or
deposit. Since I sometimes forgot to record automatic transactions,
like a monthly loan payment to the bank, I wanted a feature that would
remember such things. I decided to make the user interface similar to
WordStar, avoiding the need to learn another. I thought it would be
useful to incorporate a simple calculator for the amount portion of each
entry. I wanted to be able to sort entries in a variety of ways. Above
all, I wanted to reduce the effort of reconciling the checkbook against
the monthly statement.
As development progressed and I could see how useful the program was to
me, I began to think that others might be interested, too. Since my
oldest son had just started college, the thought of another source of
income was attractive. I decided to try the concept of User-Supported
Software distribution. This seems to be a winner for both the user and
the developer. Anyone can try the program without making a commitment.
If the program proves useful, they may contribute toward its development
in proportion to its worth. The developer avoids the expense of
packaging and advertising, yet receives a just reward if the program has
any real value to others.
I decided to go one step farther. Many User-Supported Software programs
are distributed without the source files; that is, only executable
files and a document file are usually provided. As a user of such
programs, I've always wanted to have the source files, so that I could
better understand how the program worked. That way, I knew that I could
add features, write separate interface programs, or correct any latent
bugs myself. Also, I believe that the developer should be proud to
display his work.
I decided to include the commented C language files in lieu of further
support. After using the Check Register Program myself for several
months, I believe that it functions correctly. If there are detailed
questions about how the program works, you or a friend familiar with C
are invited to investigate the source files. If you require additional
features, feel free to add them.
I will be interested in your written questions or comments, but do not
expect a response unless you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Naturally, I cannot help you diagnose problems in your own modified
version of the program. On the other hand, if you discover a genuine
bug in the original version, I will be indebted to you for identifying
it to me. But absolutely no phone calls, please.
One final request. Feel free to distribute the Check Register Program
to your friends, but be sure to include all of the original files
Genesis and Biography v.1.0, Page 5
unmodified. You may add your revisions, so long as they are identified
separately from the originals.
LBR Distribution Library
The Check Register Program is normally distributed as an LBR library
file containing several executable COM files, a squeezed (reduced in
size) document DQC file, several squeezed C language CQ and HQ files,
and other files which may or may not be squeezed.
Because of size limitations, the DQC file may be supplied separate from
the LBR file which contains executable programs. For the same reason,
the CQ and HQ files may be concatenated and provided as a single CQ file
separate from the program LBR file. Alternatively, the DQC, CQ, and HQ
files may be distributed together, but in a separate documentation LBR
An appropriate public domain (PD) program such as LU, NULU, or LSWEEP
may be used to extract files from the LBR distribution library. If your
disk will hold approximately 180 KB, you may wish to extract all except
the CQ, HQ, and DQC files onto one disk. After extracting such files,
any which are squeezed (have a Q as the second letter of the file type,
as in FILENAME.TQP) should be unsqueezed using a PD program like USQ or
C language source files of type CQ or HQ may be left within the original
LBR distribution library until needed. The CHECKS.DQC file should be
extracted, unsqueezed to make CHECKS.DOC, and printed for your use. To
print the file, do not use a formatting print routine such as WordStar's
Print function. CHECKS.DOC has already been formatted, so that page
numbers will be consistent with the Table of Contents. It may be
conveniently printed using the CP/M PIP utility. Place PIP.COM and
CHECKS.DOC in drive A. At the A> prompt, type
after first making sure that your printer is set for 66 lines per page
(11 inch page at 6 lines per inch) and 80 columns per line, loaded with
continuous fan-fold paper, and positioned with the print-head at top-of-
Once all necessary files have been extracted and unsqueezed, store the
original LBR distribution disk in a safe place as a backup. That disk
should be used if you wish to make a copy for a friend.
The Check Register Program utilizes the screen parameter file CHECKS.SCR
to identify cursor controls which are compatible with your video display
terminal or computer console. CHECKS.SCR also contains a "help" display
as well as the initial copyright message.
Installation v.1.0, Page 6
An uninstalled copy of CHECKS.SCR is included in the distribution
package. That file may be modified to add the necessary screen controls
by one of three methods:
1. Extract the screen controls from a copy of the WordStar file
WS.COM, which has already been installed for your computer console.
2. Select your terminal or one similar to yours from among the limited
number available within the CHECKSIN.DAT file.
3. Directly edit the CHECKS.SCR file using a text editor such as
WordStar or ED to describe your terminal's screen controls.
The CHECKSIN program will automatically adapt the uninstalled CHECKS.SCR
file to work properly with your equipment by using either method 1 or
method 2. If you have a copy of WS.COM which works with your computer
screen, method 1 is perhaps the easiest. If you choose method 2, the
CHECKSIN program will display the list of terminals found in
CHECKSIN.DAT; since CHECKSIN.DAT is a standard ASCII file, it may be
reviewed using the CP/M TYPE command, also. Instructions for performing
each of the three installation methods are provided in this section.
To execute the CHECKSIN installation program, place CHECKSIN.COM,
CHECKSIN.DAT, and CHECKS.SCR on a single disk in drive A. (If you plan
to use installation method 1 and have only one disk drive, it will also
be necessary to put a copy of WS.COM on the same disk.) You should
leave about 2 KB free space on the disk. Do not remove this disk until
the installation process is complete. At the A> prompt, type
You will be asked to select one of the three installation methods.
If you choose method 1, you will be prompted to insert an installed copy
of the WordStar file WS.COM into one of your disk drives; you should not
remove it until the CHECKSIN process is complete. Although the WS.COM
file will only be read from and will not be altered in any way, it is
always best to have a backup copy available. You will be asked to
identify which drive contains WS.COM; type the drive letter (A or B or
whatever), then press RETURN.
If you select method 2, you must indicate which drive includes a copy of
the CHECKSIN.DAT file. Assuming you have followed these directions, you
may respond by typing A, followed by RETURN. As with WS.COM above,
CHECKSIN.DAT will not be altered, but it is best to use a backup copy.
When requested to identify which drive contains an uninstalled copy of
the screen parameter file CHECKS.SCR, you may type A and RETURN, as
indicated above. This file will be modified, but a backup of the
original will be created on the same disk and named CHECKS.BAK. Your
disk must have enough free space to store this backup file (about 2 KB).
Whether or not CHECKSIN is used to adapt CHECKS.SCR to your console
screen, you may wish to customize the installation by directly editing
Installation v.1.0, Page 7
this standard ASCII file using ED, WordStar, or some other text editor.
When using WordStar, it is MANDATORY to edit CHECKS.SCR as a Non-
document mode file (select N from the main menu).
The CHECKS.SCR file consists of three sections:
1. The first six lines contain a "help" screen, which is shown
whenever the ^J command (CONTROL and J simultaneously) is given
within the Check Register Program. This section should not be
2. The next eleven lines identify screen controls, which are detailed
below. This section may be customized using your text editor.
3. The last section contains a coded copyright message, which is
displayed whenever the Check Register Program is started. The
coded message is preceded by a single blank line. After seeing the
copyright message a number of times, you may wish to eliminate it,
thus speeding the startup process. This is possible by deleting
the blank line and everything following it. If using WordStar,
position the cursor on the blank line preceding the coded message
and press ^Y (CONTROL and Y simultaneously) until all following
text is deleted.
The second section contains eleven lines identifying screen controls
required by the Check Register Program. An example is given in Figure
1 below.
2 27 61 Clead1 ESC =
0 Clead2 Not Applicable
0 Ctrail Not Applicable
0 32 32 0 Cb4flg Linoff Coloff Ascur
2 27 84 Eraeol ESC T
2 27 82 Lindel ESC R
2 27 69 Linins ESC E
2 27 41 Ivon ESC )
2 27 40 Ivoff ESC (
1 26 Trmini CTRL-Z
100 1 Dloop Inserton
Figure 1: Example of Section 2 of CHECKS.SCR
Each line consists of decimal integers separated by one or more space or
tab character (called white space). There may be white space before the
first integer on a line; anything may follow white space after the last
integer on a line. Except for the fourth and eleventh lines, the format
of each line consists of a count of the number of values contained in
the screen control string, then the decimal equivalents of the string of
ASCII characters which define each screen control; a count of zero
indicates that the string is not applicable. Screen controls identified
on each of the eleven lines are defined by line number below.
The first four lines describe how to position the cursor at a specific
(row,column) coordinate on the screen, where (0,0) represents the upper-
Installation v.1.0, Page 8
left corner. The cursor positioning control sequence must obey the
following model (spaces are for presentation only):
Clead1 P1 Clead2 P2 Ctrail
When Cb4flg is zero, P1 = row + Linoff and P2 = column + Coloff. When
Cb4flg is non-zero, P1 and P2 are reversed. All parameters are detailed
1. Count From 1 thru 8, or 0 if not applicable
Clead1 Cursor positioning string preceding row and column
2. Count From 1 thru 4, or 0 if not applicable
Clead2 Cursor positioning string between row and column
3. Count From 1 thru 4, or 0 if not applicable
Ctrail Cursor positioning string following row and column
4. Cb4flg Zero if row precedes column in cursor positioning
sequence; else, non-zero
Linoff Cursor positioning value recognized as top row
Coloff Cursor positioning value recognized as left column
Ascur Zero if cursor positioning P1 and P2 are to be expressed
as binary values, 2 if expressed as two ASCII digits, or
3 if expressed as three ASCII digits
5. Count From 1 thru 6, or 0 if not applicable
Eraeol Control string to erase from cursor to end of line
6. Count From 1 thru 6, or 0 if not applicable, or -1 to indicate
VT100 compatible horizontal scroll region specified by
ESC [ Pt r
Lindel Control string to delete line containing cursor and move
all lower lines up one line each, making last line blank;
not used if Count = -1
7. Count From 1 thru 8, or 0 if not applicable, or -1 to indicate
VT100 compatible horizontal scroll region specified by
ESC [ Pt r
Linins Control string to insert a blank line and move line
containing cursor and all lower lines down one line each,
pushing last line off screen; not used if Count = -1
8. Count From 1 thru 6, or 0 if not applicable
Ivon Control string to activate highlighting (dim prefered;
else, inverse, underline, or other)
9. Count From 1 thru 6, or 0 if not applicable
Ivoff Control string to deactivate highlighting (return to
10. Count From 1 thru 8, or 0 if not applicable
Trmini Control string to clear the screen; it may be necessary
to include the home cursor control string first
Installation v.1.0, Page 9
11. Dloop Approximate speed of your CPU relative to 4 MHz Z80,
expressed as percent; 200 indicates your CPU is twice as
fast; reducing Dloop reduces the number of loops required
for a given delay time, indicating that your CPU is
slower or that you wish shorter delay
Inserton Zero to startup in overtype (replace) mode when editing
Payee field; non-zero to startup in insert mode
By carefully following instructions described in this section, you
should be able to properly initialize CHECKS.SCR to describe screen
controls compatible with your computer console.
The distribution library contains data files which may be used with the
Check Register Program for demonstration and tutorial purposes. After
CHECKS.SCR has been properly initialized, place that file along with
CHECKS.COM, CLEARS.COM (optional), DEMO.DAT, and DEMO.INF on a disk in
drive A. Be sure to retain a copy of DEMO.DAT, since that file will be
modified during the following exercises.
CHECKS Program
The CHECKS program may be used to manage the check register database.
To start it, type
at the A> prompt. Once the program reads cursor controls from the
CHECKS.SCR file and clears the screen, a copyright notice should appear.
Press any key except ^C (CONTROL and C simultaneously, which causes the
program to stop).
Check register entries will be read from the DEMO.DAT database and
displayed on your console screen. The default title line, which
identifies the CHECKS version number, will appear centered at the top.
To the right of that will be the current filename, including disk drive.
If your console supports it, the top line should appear highlighted (dim
or inverse). After one blank line, a prompt line will be seen; all
program prompts will appear on that line. After another blank line, a
header (highlighted) displays field names applicable to all records
(entries); these are Date (with subfields month, date, and year
displayed as MM/DD/YY), Payee, Category, Amount, Deposit, Clear, and
Balance (a calculated field). If anything looks wrong, verify that your
CHECKS.SCR file was properly initialized as described in the
Installation section.
Current Date and Yes/No Queries
You will be prompted to enter the current date. This is requested
because the DEMO.INF file contains information defining automatic
transactions. In order to determine if an automatic entry should be
generated, it is necessary to compare the current date against the most
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 10
recent date found in the database. For demonstration purposes, make the
current month one greater than the most recent month, which is the
default (e.g., if the default month is 6, simply press 7 and RETURN to
change it). Then press RETURN twice to skip past date and year
subfields. You will be asked if you wish to change the current date and
prompted for a Y/N (Yes/No) response.
Queries which may be answered Yes or No normally show a default
response. If you simply press RETURN (or any other control command),
the default response will be assumed. Pressing ESCAPE will toggle the
default reponse, but you will still have to press RETURN if you wish to
accept the new default. Press Y or N (without RETURN) to respond Yes or
No regardless of the indicated default.
There is a shortcut way to specify the current date. After making the
minimum number of changes to convert the default date into the current
date (e.g., after changing the month), simply press ESCAPE. This will
cause the new date to be accepted immediately. Notice that no changes
will be necessary if the default date is satisfactory; ESCAPE will be
Assuming you have made the current month one greater than the most
recent previous month, tell the program that you do not wish to change
it. You should then see several automatic transactions entered near the
bottom of the screen. You will be asked if you wish to accept each.
After appropriate automatic transactions have been completed,
abreviation information will be read from DEMO.INF and installed into
memory. Finally, the personalized title line found in DEMO.INF will be
read and displayed on the top line. At this point, you will be prompted
to either start a new entry or press ^J for help. Take a look at the
"help" screen by pressing ^J (CONTROL and J simultaneously).
Throughout the balance of this document, a carat symbol (^) indicates
use of the CONTROL key in conjunction with another key, which is similar
to the use of SHIFT to type an upper case letter.
Cursor Movement
Now roam around the check register. Move the cursor using ^D, ^S, ^E,
and ^X, which form a diamond pattern on the keyboard. Notice that the
cursor jumps left and right by field except within the Payee field,
where it moves one character at a time. Try ^F and ^A, which jump from
word to word within the Payee field but work like ^D and ^S outside of
Payee. Within Payee, ^F and ^A always stop at the first non-space
character following one or more spaces, or at the start or end of text,
without regard to punctuation. Notice that TAB and ^I do the same thing
as ^F; also, BACKSPACE and ^H work like ^S. Scroll up and down one
"page" at a time with ^R and ^C, or one line at a time with ^W and ^Z.
Use ^QW and ^QZ for continuous scrolling, or ^QR and ^QC for a quick
jump to the extremities. Find screen edges with ^QD, ^QS, ^QE, and ^QX.
Notice that ^Q appears at the top left whenever you have entered only
the first half of a quick cursor movement command; this command display
changes to show the cursor line number after completing the command.
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 11
Also notice that the second half of a two key command may be entered by
pressing either the lower case, upper case, or CONTROLed form; for
example, ^Qc, ^QC, and ^Q^C all move to the bottom of the check
Save, Quit, and Done Commands
You may wish to interrupt the demonstration and return to it at a later
time. To record all changes made to the check register without quitting
the program, use the ^KS command. This will save a complete copy of the
current register after first making a backup copy of the original
register. The filename specified on the command line when the program
was initiated, which also appears at the right edge of the top display
line, will be used for each file. For the demonstration, the filename
is DEMO. Therefore, the original database file DEMO.DAT will be renamed
DEMO.BAK, and the current check register will be saved as DEMO.DAT. All
entries including any cleared entries (see Clear Field later in this
section) will be saved.
There are two ways to stop the program. ^KQ will quit without saving
any revisions you may have made to the check register. If there have
not been any changes since you first started the program or since the
last time you saved the register using ^KS, then the program will quit
immediately. If the register was modified, you will be queried to
verify that you wish to abandon the current register without first
saving it. You may respond Yes or No (see Yes/No Queries earlier in
this section). If the response is Yes, then the program will quit; if
No, it will resume.
The other way to exit the program is by use of the Done command ^KD (or
^KX, which is a synonym for ^KD). In this case, any cleared entries
(marked CLR in the Clear field) will first be appended to the CLR file
(DEMO.CLR for the demonstration), the DAT file will be renamed BAK
(DEMO.BAK), and all active entries (those which have not cleared the
bank) will be saved in a new DAT file (DEMO.DAT). Notice that if there
are any cleared entries, ^KD is not the same as ^KS followed by ^KQ,
since ^KS saves all entries, both cleared and active. The Done command
is described in more detail later in this section.
New Entry and Date Field
When at the end of the check register, you may start a new entry by
pressing RETURN. The first time a new entry is initiated, the Date
field will default to whatever you entered for current date during
program startup. After that, the preceding entry's date will be used as
the default. You may change the date by entering a new value when the
cursor is in an appropriate subfield; only two digits are permitted.
RETURN or any other control command (except ^G, DEL, or ^U, which are
discussed below) will cause whatever appears on the display to be
accepted as the value for the subfield. For the Date field only, the
slash character (/) will produce the same result as RETURN, and the
cursor will advance. The value is not checked to be sure that a valid
date has been entered, allowing flexibility in your definition of dates;
however, the automatic transaction processor and the sorting routine
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 12
assume that dates are calendar values displayed as MM/DD/YY
Notice that the prompt line changes each time the cursor enters a new
field or subfield. Also, pressing RETURN always causes the cursor to
advance to the next field or subfield. Date subfields may be edited by
pressing ^G or DEL; further information on editing numeric values is
postponed until description of the Amount field. When you are satisfied
with the date for your new entry, move to the Payee field.
Payee Field and Abreviations
Before entering text into the Payee field, check which abreviations are
available by using the ^KA command. Abreviations defined in DEMO.INF
and installed during startup will be shown in alphabetical order. If
there are too many to display on one screen, scroll up or down with ^W
or ^Z. Press ESCAPE to restore the check register display.
Pick one of the abreviations to define the payee for your new entry.
Type the three character abreviation using either upper or lower case
(or both), then pause briefly. The abreviation will be automatically
expanded, leaving the cursor at the end where additional text may be
The program checks for an abreviation whenever only three characters
have been entered for the payee, regardless of case, but only if there
has been a brief delay after the third character was typed. Therefore,
the same three characters may be used to enter a complete payee
description without abreviation expansion, if typed continuously at
normal speed. The necessary delay will be shorter (longer) if the value
of Dloop found in CHECKS.SCR is reduced (increased) as described in the
Installation section. The normal delay is one-half second.
Characters may be inserted into the middle of a payee description by
moving the cursor to the appropriate position, then typing additional
text. If INSERT mode is ON, then previous text will be pushed to the
right to make room for the new characters; if INSERT mode is OFF, new
characters will overtype (replace) previous ones. Whenever the cursor
is within the Payee field, the current mode will be displayed on the
prompt line. Pressing ^V will toggle between INSERT ON and INSERT OFF.
As described in the Installation section, the value of Inserton in
CHECKS.SCR defines the initial mode.
The Payee field may be edited using ^G (delete cursor character), DEL
(delete previous character), ^T (delete balance of word), ^QY (delete
from cursor to end of field), and ^QDEL (delete to beginning of field
except cursor). Each deletion may be restored (undeleted) by pressing
^U before additional editing (insert or delete) has been performed.
Notice that after the cursor has been moved out of the Payee field, ^U
will still be effective once the cursor is returned anywhere within the
Payee field; the entire contents of Payee are restored whenever ^U is
used. The editing commands ^T, ^QY, and ^QDEL are meaningful only
within the Payee field and have no effect outside of that field.
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 13
DEL has been used in the previous paragraph to signify the DELETE key.
The combination represented by ^_ (CONTROL and UNDERLINE simultaneously)
is always a synonym for DEL, so ^Q^_ will function the same as ^QDEL.
When reading this document, DEL should be understood to indicate either
the DELETE key or the ^_ combination.
Notice that a check for abreviation expansion will not occur when the
payee description has been edited until only three characters are left.
Instead, the check is performed only after the third character is typed.
Therefore, to insure that a valid abreviation will be expanded, it is
necessary to edit until only two characters are left, then type one
Category Field
When contents of the Payee field are satisfactory, press RETURN or an
appropriate control command to move to the Category field. The default
category is blank or SPACE. You may enter any single character which
will display on the screen, such as a letter, digit, or punctuation
mark. Letters will always be converted to upper case. Therefore, the
most useful categories are represented by 26 letters and 10 digits. For
example, you might use H for household expenses, U for utilities, etc.
Or if keeping two separate check registers with one account, you might
let 1 represent the first register and 2 the second. It is often
satisfactory to accept the default and leave the category blank.
The effect of pressing ^G or DEL while in the Category field is to
delete the existing character and leave a blank, which is the same
result as pressing SPACE. The undo command ^U has no effect upon
category (although it may restore an entry which was previously deleted
using ^Y).
Amount Field and Calculator
Next move to the Amount field and enter a value for your new entry. The
default amount for new entries is zero. When another value is started,
it will replace any previous value. Amounts are always positive, so a
plus or minus sign is not required. If plus or minus is pressed, it
will be assumed the start of a calculation, which is described below.
Amounts should be entered using digits and decimal (or period); a
numeric keypad is particularly useful. RETURN or any other control
command except ^G, DEL, or ^U, completes the value.
It is not always necessary to enter a decimal followed by two digits.
If a value is completed before or immediately after pressing decimal,
then the value is assumed to be whole dollars; it will be displayed with
zeroes following the decimal. If the value is completed after entering
a decimal and one digit, then the digit is assumed to be tens of cents
and zero is shown in the units place. No more than two digits are
permitted after typing a decimal. For example, typing
123 RETURN results in 123.00
123. RETURN results in 123.00
123.4 RETURN results in 123.40
123.45 RETURN results in 123.45
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 14
Numeric fields (Date and Amount) may be edited by pressing ^G or DEL.
The effect of either is to delete digits from the right, so that new
low-order digits may be substituted. If ^U is pressed before completing
a new value, an edited numeric field will be restored to its original
value; this is true even if the only editing has been substitution of
another value, rather than use of ^G or DEL.
Another way to complete a new value is to enter a calculator command.
The calculator may be used to add to or subtract from the Amount field.
Also, the current amount may be added to or subtracted from calculator
Memory, which is displayed on the prompt line whenever the cursor is in
the Amount field. Finally, Memory may be cleared, or it may be recalled
to the Amount field. Note that calculator Memory will be saved with
check register entries, so that it will be available the next time the
program is executed.
The available calculator commands are listed below:
+ Add Value to Amount
- Subtract Value from Amount
= Display Result as Amount
m+ Add Amount to Memory
m- Subtract Amount from Memory
mc Clear Memory to Zero
mr Recall from Memory to Amount
To add to (or subtract from) the current amount, press + (or -) followed
by the value to be added (or subtracted). Press = to complete the
addend (or subtrahend) and display the result. Any other calculator or
control command except ^G, DEL, or ^U will also complete the result.
Adding and/or subtracting several values may be done in series. For
example, if the Amount field contains 1.23, then entering
+ 4.56 - 7.89 + 10.11 =
will result in 8.01 for Amount. Notice that aftering entering 7.89 +,
the Deposit field changes to show that the sign of Amount has changed;
this will be discussed in more detail below.
When using the + or - command, the value entered after the command may
be used as a constant in a series calculation. Before making use of
this constant feature, it is best to press = to make sure the current
value is complete. For example, if Amount is 12.00, then entering
= + 6 + + + =
results in 36.00 for Amount, which is 12.00 + ( 6.00 x 4 ). Or when
Amount is 36.00, then
= - 5 - - - =
yields 16.00, as in 36.00 - ( 5.00 x 4 ). Finally, with Amount at
16.00, then
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 15
= + 4 - + - =
produces no change in Amount. If there is no value entered after the
first + or - command, then the original value of Amount will be used as
the constant. For example, if Amount is 16.00, then entering
= + + + =
yields 16.00 + 16.00 + 16.00 + 16.00 = 4 x 16.00 = 64.00.
Calculator Memory may be used in calculations. Assuming that Amount is
64.00 and Memory is 12.34, typing
+ mr - 9.87 mc m- + 3.45 m+ - 1.23 =
produces 69.92 for Amount and 2.22 for Memory. Notice that m commands
may be entered using upper or lower case, but are always displayed in
lower case.
Deposit Field
As previously mentioned, amounts are always positive. When the cursor
is within the Deposit field, a query on the prompt line asks whether the
amount represents a deposit. The response may be Yes or No; the default
response will be equal to the current value of the Deposit field, which
will be No for a new entry. A Yes response will cause DEP to display in
the Deposit field, indicating that the amount is a deposit. If the
amount is a withdrawal, then the response should be No, and the Deposit
field will be blank.
As described near the beginning of this section, the default response
for a Yes/No query will be toggled each time ESCAPE is pressed. To
accept the default, press RETURN or any other control command. Press Y
or N (without RETURN) to respond Yes or No regardless of the indicated
default. Editing commands including ^G and DEL have no effect within
the Deposit field. Similarly, ^U will not restore the previous value of
Deposit (although it may restore an entry which was previously deleted
using ^Y).
If the amount becomes negative as a result of calculator commands, then
the Deposit field will automatically be reversed to restore the amount
to a positive value. For example, if Amount is 12.34 and Deposit is
blank (No), then entering
- 23.45 =
will cause Amount to become 11.11 and DEP (Yes) to display in the
Deposit field.
Clear Field
When a transaction is recorded by the bank, it should be marked by
positioning the cursor in the Clear field and responding Yes to the
query. This will cause CLR to display in the Clear field, signifying
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 16
that the check has cleared the bank. The default for a new entry will
be No, which is indicated by a blank Clear field.
As described for the Deposit field, the default response will be toggled
between Yes and No each time ESCAPE is pressed. Press RETURN or any
other control command to accept the default. Press the single character
Y or N to respond Yes or No directly. Editing commands including ^G and
DEL have no effect, and ^U will not restore the previous value.
Balance Field
Notice that it is not possible to position the cursor within the Balance
field; therefore, this field may not be directly altered. Instead, the
cumulative balance is automatically calculated and updated whenever
The balance will display within parentheses whenever it is negative
(i.e., overdrawn or deficit). In this unfortunate case, it will display
with two digits following a decimal over the range ( 0.01) thru
(9999.99); beyond that, cents will be rounded off to display ( 10000)
thru (3276899). A positive balance will display from 0.00 thru
99999.99, then round off cents to show 100000 thru 3276799, which would
be a clear indication of affluence.
Insert/Delete Entry and Undo Commands
As we have discussed, it is possible to start a new entry by pressing
RETURN whenever the cursor is at the end of the check register. To
insert a new entry in the middle of the check register, position the
cursor on the line where the entry is desired (any field will do), and
press ^N. The previous entry on that line will move down to make room.
It should be noted that the program will permit up to 128 active
entries. If this limit would be exceeded, you will not be permitted to
create a new entry. Normally, cleared entries are transferred from the
active database file to a separate file, freeing space for new entries.
To delete an entry, place the cursor within any field and press ^Y.
After an entry has been deleted, it may be restored by positioning the
cursor on any line of the check register and within any field, then
pressing the Undo command ^U. This feature may be used to move an entry
from one line to another by first deleting it, then restoring it at the
new location. It is also possible to make several copies of an entry by
first deleting it, then pressing ^U repeatedly.
Each time ^U is pressed, the entry last deleted by ^Y will be restored
at whichever line the cursor is positioned. If a character insert or
delete (such as ^G) has intervened since the last ^Y, then the affected
Payee field or numeric value may be restored by the first ^U command,
but the deleted entry will be restored by the second ^U.
Ordering Entries
Check register entries may be conveniently ordered (sorted) according to
several criteria. Press ^KO to order all entries. You will be prompted
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 17
to select the primary field, which implies a specific secondary field as
Primary Field Secondary Field
Date Payee
Payee Date
Category Date
Amount Date
All entries will be ordered by ascending value of the primary field.
Entries having the same primary field contents are ordered according to
their secondary field. The Payee field will be sorted by ascending
ASCII value, which means that upper case letters will come before lower
case. Category will be sorted by ASCII value, also, but lower case
letters are not allowed in the Category field.
It is possible to order a subset of the entire check register. Position
the cursor anywhere within the first entry of the subset and press ^O
(or ^B, which is a synonym for ^O). As for the ^KO command, you will be
prompted to choose the primary field; however, only the remainder of the
register will be sorted. That is, all entries above the current entry
will be disregarded when ordering is commanded with ^O (or ^B).
For example, suppose you wish to sort entries since January 1st (or any
other date) by category. First order all entries chronologically by
using ^KO and identifying Date as the primary field. Then position the
cursor at the entry with the earliest date of interest and press ^O to
order remaining entries by the Category field.
Check Number
You may have noticed the absence of any field to identify the number
which is usually printed on a check by the bank. The reason for this is
personal; I have never found any particular value in trying to keep
track of a check's number. Therefore, I preferred to make the Payee
field as long as possible, rather than reserve space for a number field.
For those who must record the number, the easiest way may be to add it
at the end of the Payee field. Unfortunately, there will not be any
convenient way to sort by number if this method is used. Alternatively,
you may add the number at the start of the Payee field, so that ASCII
ordering by payee will provide some kind of sequence. If you wish to
use the latter approach, it is suggested that you first type the payee's
description, taking advantage of the abreviation feature, then return to
the start of the Payee field to insert the check number, using INSERT ON
Print Command
The entire check register may be printed by using the ^KP command (or
^P, which is a synonym for ^KP) regardless of the cursor location. You
will be prompted to prepare the printer, then press RETURN when ready.
The paper should be positioned at the top of a clean page and the
printer should be on line before pressing RETURN. The prompt line will
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 18
display an appropriate message while printing continues. When complete,
a form feed will cause the paper to roll to a new page.
In most cases, the bank sends a statement each month indicating which
deposits and withdrawals have been recorded for your account. At that
time, it is convenient to reconcile your check register against the bank
statement. Each transaction recorded by the bank should be marked CLR
in your register's Clear field. A convenient way to reconcile is to
first order all entries by amount using the ^KO command. Then each
statement transaction may be easily located in the register by scanning
for the correct amount. Moving the cursor up and down in the Clear
field (with ^E and ^X) permits appropriate entries to be directly marked
(with ESCAPE or Y) when found. If the statement indicates bank fees
have been withdrawn, you should create a debit entry and mark it CLR.
Similarly, any interest paid by the bank should be noted as a deposit
and cleared. For demonstration purposes, you should mark about a dozen
entries CLR.
A special reconciliation display is produced by use of the ^KR command.
This report itemizes beginning balance, checks (debits), deposits
(credits), and current balance summed for each category, including a
total over all categories. Checks, deposits, and current balance are
listed for cleared entries first, then for all entries (cleared plus
uncleared). For each category and for the bottom line, date of the most
recent entry will be displayed. If the report is too long to fit on the
screen, it may be scrolled up or down using ^Z or ^W. The ^P command
will cause the report to be printed. To return to the complete check
register, press ESCAPE.
By comparing checks, deposits, and current balance totaled over all
cleared entries relative to the bank statement, correct reconciliation
may be confirmed.
Done Command
As described earlier in this section, the Done command ^KD (or ^KX,
which is a synonym for ^KD) is the most convient way to save the current
check register and exit the program. Any cleared entries (marked CLR in
the Clear field) will first be appended to the CLR file (DEMO.CLR for
the demonstration), the DAT file will be renamed BAK (DEMO.BAK), and all
active entries (those which have not cleared the bank) will be saved in
a new DAT file (DEMO.DAT).
The CLR file is able to hold up to 384 cleared entries, which are stored
chronologically. In order to maintain the proper order, the check
register will be sorted by date before transferring cleared entries to
the CLR file. If the number of new cleared entries to be appended will
cause the CLR file to exceed its limit, you will first be asked to
authorize eliminating enough of the oldest entries from the CLR file to
avoid the problem. If you answer No, you may use ^KS to save all
current entries including cleared entries, followed by ^KQ to quit the
CHECKS program, then use the CLEARS program (described later in this
section) to review, edit, summarize, and delete CLR file entries. If
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 19
you answer Yes, then the oldest entries will be automatically discarded.
Notice that a backup of the previous CLR file is not made.
Before separating them from the active check register, you will be
prompted to print an audit trail of cleared entries for your permanent
records. You may respond Yes or No.
The same disk drive accessed for the original register database file
will be used to save the final files. Before writing, all drives will
automatically be reset; therefore, it will be possible to change the
disk without causing an operating system error. If there is a problem,
such as insufficient space on the disk, then you will be prompted to
replace the disk and try again; all data should be recovered. For your
information, the DAT file will require no more than 7 KB, and the CLR
file, 20 KB maximum.
Balance Brought Forward
Entries which have been marked CLR are transferred from the active
database DAT file to a separate CLR file when the ^KD command (or ^KX,
as described earlier in this section) is used to save the register and
stop the program. Before a cleared entry is transferred, its amount
will be added to a special BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD entry, which is
retained in the active database. This insures that the cumulative
balance based upon active entries will be accurate. For a
demonstration, you should use the Done command (^KD or ^KX), then
restart the CHECKS program using the procedure indicated at the
beginning of this section.
A separate BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD is determined for each unique
category (see Category field); all cleared entries with the same
category will be summarized by a single BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD. The
date of the BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD will be made equal to that of the
most recent cleared entry added to the summary. All BALANCE BROUGHT
FORWARD entries will be sorted to the top of the check register in order
of their date.
Because of the special significance of a BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD entry,
it may not be directly modified. Whenever the cursor is within such an
entry, the prompt line will query whether its BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD
status should be canceled. If the response is Yes, verification will be
requested, since this action removes the entry's special protection. If
verified, the change will be denoted by converting all characters in the
Payee field to lower case. Once BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD status is
removed, the entry may be edited or deleted; however, this may have a
significant impact upon the check register's cumulative balance, so it
should be carefully considered. If you simply wish to revise the
entry's category, for example, then you may wish to mark it CLR, so that
it will subsequently be summarized into another BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD
CLEARS Program
The CLEARS program may be used to manage cleared entries stored in the
Demonstration and Tutorial v.1.0, Page 20
are in drive A. At the A> prompt, type
Once the program reads cursor controls from the CHECKS.SCR file and
clears the screen, a copyright notice should appear. Press any key
except ^C to continue.
Cleared entries will be read from the DEMO.CLR file (created earlier
during this demonstration) and displayed on your screen. The default
title line, which identifies the CLEARS version number, will appear
centered at the top. To the right of that will be the current filename,
including disk drive. A customized title will be read from the DEMO.INF
file and displayed in place of the default title. Other information in
DEMO.INF, including abreviations and automatic transactions, will be
As you will see, CLEARS operates in a manner which is very similar to
the CHECKS program. The Clear field is replaced by the <M>ark field.
If an entry is <M>arked, it will be added into a SUMMARY BROUGHT FORWARD
entry and deleted from the database of cleared entries (CLR file) when
the Done command (^KD or ^KX) is executed. The SUMMARY BROUGHT FORWARD
is analogous to BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD; all <M>arked entries with the
same category will be added to a single SUMMARY BROUGHT FORWARD. The
Done command and the Save command (^KS) will replace the CLR file
without altering the active database DAT file.
The cursor will enter only the Category and <M>ark fields, since those
are the only ones which may be changed. The other fields cannot be
modified, to preserve integrity of the original entries. Changing
category permits you to redefine which SUMMARY BROUGHT FORWARD will be
used for a <M>arked entry.
The ^KR command produces a report analogous to the reconciliation
report, with beginning summary, checks, deposits, and current summary
for <M>arked entries and for all cleared entries itemized by category,
including a total over all categories.
CHECKS commands which are not meaningful for the CLEARS program include
^V (insert mode), ^N (insert line), ^T (delete word), ^QY (delete to
EOL), ^QDEL (delete to BOL), and ^KA (display abreviations). Delete
character commands ^G and DEL are applicable only while the cursor is
within the Category field. Other commands function as expected. In
particular, ^Y may be used to delete entries from the CLR database, ^U
will restore the last entry deleted by ^Y, ^KO (and ^O) may be used to
order entries, and ^KP (or ^P) will print them.
The Check Register Program requires that CHECKS.SCR, which has been
installed with your console's screen controls, reside in the default
disk drive (indicated as part of the > prompt). When the program is
started, it will look for an information file of type INF (described in
Executing the Program v.1.0, Page 21
a following section) and a database file of type DAT, which need not be
on the same disk as the COM or SCR files. When the program is stopped
using ^KD (or ^KX), it will add any cleared entries to a file of type
CLR, rename the original DAT file to be of type BAK, and write the
current active register to a new DAT file. The INF, DAT, CLR, and BAK
files will all be on the same disk and will all have the same filename;
the default filename is CHECKS, but you may choose another name. In
this way, you may manage more than one check register by giving each a
different name.
On the command line, you may indicate which check register to use. For
example, if you wish to work with a register named FAMILY located on a
disk in drive B, place CHECKS.COM and CHECKS.SCR in drive A and at the
A> prompt type
The program will look for FAMILY.INF on drive B. If it is not found,
you will be given an opportunity to stop or proceed (the information
file is optional). Next the database file FAMILY.DAT will be located on
drive B. If it does not exist, which will be the case when you start a
new register (described in a later section), you may again choose to
quit or continue; in this case, the check register will be empty, and
you may begin filling it with entries. When you are done, enter the ^KD
command. The program will append any cleared entries to FAMILY.CLR on
drive B or, if there were no previous CLR file, it will create one.
Finally, FAMILY.DAT (if it existed) will be renamed FAMILY.BAK, and the
active check register will be written to a new FAMILY.DAT file on the B
In general, the command line may be typed as
u>v:CHECKS w:filename
where u represents the default disk drive containing CHECKS.SCR, v
indicates the drive where CHECKS.COM is located, and the register files
may be found on drive w with the name "filename". If v: is not
specified, the COM and SCR files will be assumed on default drive u.
Similarly, if w: is not included, register files will be read and
written on the default drive. Finally, if "filename" is blank, the
default name CHECKS will be assumed. Therefore,
CHECKS.CLR all on drive A. Also,
will look for CHECKS.COM and CHECKS.SCR on drive A, while CHECKS.INF,
CHECKS.DAT, CHECKS.BAK, and CHECKS.CLR will each be on drive B. Other
valid commands include
Executing the Program v.1.0, Page 22
A>B:CHECKS with CHECKS.SCR in drive A
B>CHECKS A: with CHECKS.SCR in drive B
The CLEARS program is initiated in a similar manner. CHECKS.SCR must be
on the default disk. CLEARS will read the filename.INF and filename.CLR
files and write a new filename.CLR file; DAT and BAK files are not
involved with the CLEARS program. The general command line is
u>v:CLEARS w:filename
where the default "filename" is CHECKS. Therefore, the procedure for
running CLEARS is the same as that for CHECKS; simply substitute CLEARS
in place of CHECKS.
The information file is a standard ASCII file which may be created using
any text editor, such as ED or WordStar. If WordStar is used, the file
must be edited in Non-document mode (select N from the main menu). You
may give the file any name of type INF, such as FAMILY.INF. The default
name is CHECKS.INF.
The INF file may contain three sets of information, which are automatic
transactions, abreviation definitions, and customized title. Each set
is identified by a keyword. Only the first five characters of each
keyword are significant; they may be in upper or lower case. The
keywords are
AUTOMatic transactions
Each keyword must begin in the first column of a line. When the first
five characters are determined to be a keyword, remaining characters on
the same line are ignored. Each line of text following a keyword will
be interpreted as a definition of the type indicated by the keyword,
until another keyword is recognized. If the first lines of the file do
not contain a keyword, they will be ignored. No line may contain more
than 148 characters.
Each automatic transaction definition must appear on a separate line and
must contain the following five fields:
Date Category Amount Deposit Payee
The fields must be separated by one or more space or tab (white space).
Each of the first four fields may not contain any embedded white space.
Examples are
Information File v.1.0, Page 23
Automatic Transactions
1 - 1234.56 D Salary
15 h 765.43 w First National Bank, mortage payment
5 H 88.00 - United Power & Light, utilities
Date is a single number representing the date of the month when the
automatic transaction should occur. Category will be converted to upper
case; a hyphen (-) will be interpreted as a blank (default) category.
Amount should always be positive; any leading minus sign(s) will be
ignored. If the deposit field is D or d, a deposit transaction will be
indicated; any other non-space character will define a withdrawal.
After skipping any white space following the Deposit field, remaining
characters on the line will be considered part of the Payee field. Note
that abreviations will not be expanded for automatic transactions.
Each abreviation definition must appear on a separate line and must
contain two fields separated by white space. The first three characters
on each line (including white space) will be converted to upper case and
interpreted as an abreviation. Any white space following the first
three characters will be ignored. Up to 42 remaining characters on the
line (including white space) will replace the abreviation whenever it is
recognized in the Payee field. Examples include
FNB First National Bank
sal Salary
Uni United Power & Light
The title line displayed by CHECKS and CLEARS may be customized by
including the desired text on a separate line following the TITLE
keyword in the information file. The first 62 characters will be
interpreted as the new title and displayed on the title line. If more
than one line of text appears after the TITLE keyword and before the
next keyword, only the last will be retained as the new title. An
example is
Jones Family Check Register
Each of the three sets of information recognized in an INF file may
appear in any order and may be included more than once. That is, you
may define abreviations, then a title, then more abreviations, then
automatic transactions, then another title, etc. The recommended order
is automatic transactions, followed by abreviations, and finally a
A special character will be recognized whenever it appears in the
information file. If a vertical bar (|, which is ASCII 7C hex or 124
decimal) appears on any line, then that character and all following
characters on the same line will be ignored. This permits you to
include comments in the INF file, which will not be included in the
definitions. A complete INF file example follows:
Information File v.1.0, Page 24
| Information File for Check Register Program
1 - 1234.56 D Salary| 1st of each month
15 h 765.43 w First National Bank, mortage payment
5 H 88.00 - United Power & Light, utilities
FNB First National Bank| use for deposits or cash withdrawals
sal Salary
Uni United Power & Light| gas and electric company
Jones Family Check Register
| End of Information File
The INF file must carry the same filename as the check register database
DAT file; for example, FAMILY.INF goes with FAMILY.DAT.
Beginning a New Register
The simplest way to begin a new register is to create an information
file with the default name CHECKS.INF. Use a familiar ASCII text editor
such as ED or WordStar (Non-document mode) as described in the preceding
section. Define any automatic transactions, which might include salary
deposits, mortgage payments, or checking account fees. Add abreviations
for utility companies, loan companies, credit cards, supermarkets, etc.
Then compose a title for your personalized register.
Place CHECKS.COM, CLEARS.COM, and CHECKS.SCR (installed for your screen)
on one disk in drive A and CHECKS.INF on another disk in drive B. At
the A> prompt, type
The program will indicate that CHECKS.DAT is not available, but you
should choose to continue. You will then be presented with an empty
Find the oldest uncleared entry in your previous paper check register.
Determine the account balance which existed prior to that transaction,
and enter the balance amount into the new register as a deposit (DEP).
Call that entry something like "Current Balance", and mark it cleared
(CLR). Then proceed to transfer all remaining transactions from your
previous register to your new register, marking them CLR if appropriate.
When completed, you may wish to order (^KO) and/or print (^KP) the
result. Finally, use ^KD to quit the program.
You should observe that CHECKS.DAT and CHECKS.CLR have been added to
drive B. You may wish to investigate these files by restarting CHECKS
or by executing CLEARS (in the same manner as CHECKS).
Getting Started v.1.0, Page 25
Insufficient Disk Space
It is usually more convient to have CHECKS.INF, CHECKS.DAT, and
That way, the program may be started simply by inserting the disk in
drive A and typing at the A> prompt
However, you must remember that the DAT file may grow to be 7 KB, there
will probably be a BAK file of the same size, the CLR file can be up to
20 KB, and there must be sufficient space for a copy of the CLR file
while appending cleared entries. Therefore, you should verify that the
disk can hold about 54 KB in addition to the INF, SCR, and two COM
files. If you wish, CLEARS.COM need not be on the same disk.
If you run short of disk space while executing either Done (^KD) or Save
(^KS), the best way to recover is to remove the disk when prompted and
replace it with a formatted disk having about 7 KB free space; make sure
that the physical write protect tab is disabled, so that it is possible
to write on the disk. Do this even if the removed disk contains the COM
and SCR files, since these are not required after the program has
started. Then use ^KS followed by ^KQ (Quit). Finally, put the INF and
CLR files from the old disk together with the DAT file from the new
disk, making sure that there is enough free space left over to match the
size of CLR and DAT combined. Restart the Check Register Program to
verify that your data was recovered properly.
This section describes each command recognized by the Check Register
Program. The commands are shown on the left side of the page, along
with any applicable synonyms. The description of each command appears
on the right side. Commands are grouped according to logical function.
The carat symbol (^) indicates use of the CONTROL key in conjunction
with another key, in a manner which is analogous to the use of SHIFT to
type an upper case letter. The second half of a two key command may be
entered by pressing either the lower case, upper case, or CONTROLed
form; for example, ^Qc, ^QC, and ^Q^C all move to the bottom of the
check register.
Cursor Movement Commands
^D Move cursor right one character if in Payee field;
otherwise, move right one field or subfield.
^S or ^H Move cursor left one character if in Payee field;
or BACKSPACE otherwise, move left one field or subfield.
^E Move cursor up one line if below the first line.
^X Move cursor down one line if above the last line.
Commands v.1.0, Page 26
^F or TAB or ^I Move cursor right one word if in Payee field;
otherwise, move right one field or subfield.
^A Move cursor left one word if in Payee field;
otherwise, move left one field or subfield.
RETURN Move cursor right one field or subfield.
/ Only while in Date field, move cursor right one
^R Scroll up one page.
^C Scroll down one page.
^W Scroll up one line, if below first line.
^Z Scroll down one line, if above last line.
^QW Continuously scroll up one line at a time. Speed is
adjustable by typing a single digit, 1 for fast thru
9 for slow. Press any non-digit key to stop
^QZ Continuously scroll down one line at a time. Speed
is adjustable by typing a single digit, 1 for fast
thru 9 for slow. Press any non-digit key to stop
^QR Jump to beginning of register.
^QC Jump to end of the register.
^QD Jump to last field on the line.
^QS or ^QH Jump to first field on the line.
^QE Jump to top register line displayed on the screen,
but stay within the same field.
^QX Jump to bottom register line displayed on the
screen, but stay within the same field.
Editing Commands
^V Toggle INSERT mode if in Payee field; otherwise, not
^G Delete the character at the cursor. Not applicable
if in Deposit or Clear field.
DEL (DELETE) or ^_ Delete the character preceding the cursor if in
Payee field; otherwise, same as ^G.
Commands v.1.0, Page 27
^T Delete balance of word if in Payee field; otherwise,
not applicable.
^QY Delete from cursor to end of field if in Payee
field; otherwise, not applicable.
^QDEL or ^Q^_ Delete from beginning of field to but not including
cursor if in Payee field; otherwise, not applicable.
^N Insert a new entry at the line containing the
cursor. Move existing lines down.
^Y Delete the line containing the cursor.
^U Undo most recent deletion. If in Date subfield or
Amount field, restore previous value. If in Payee
field, restore last deleted character. Otherwise,
insert previously deleted line.
Calculator Commands (while in the Amount field)
+ Add to current amount.
- Subtract from current amount.
= Display calculated result as new amount.
m+ Add current amount to Memory.
m- Subtract current amount from Memory.
mc Clear Memory to zero.
mr Recall from Memory to Amount field.
Save, Quit, and Done Commands
^KS Rename filename.DAT to be filename.BAK, then save
all entries, cleared and uncleared, in a new DAT
^KQ If there have been no changes, quit immediately;
otherwise, verify that the current register is to be
abandoned without saving changes.
^KD or ^KX Append all cleared entries to filename.CLR after
adding to BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD amount for each
category. Rename filename.DAT to be filename.BAK,
then save all uncleared and BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD
entries in a new DAT file. Quit the program.
Commands v.1.0, Page 28
Miscellaneous Commands
^KO Order all entries by Date and Payee, or Payee and
Date, or Category and Date, or Amount and Date.
^O or ^B Order all entries from the current cursor line thru
the remainder of the register, with the same options
as ^KO.
^KP or ^P Print the complete check register.
^KA Display all abreviations.
^KR Display reconcilition report.
^J or LINEFEED Display help.
ESCAPE Only when queried for a Yes/No response, toggle
to opposite default.
All of the commands described in this section are applicable to the
CHECKS program. All perform similar functions when used with the CLEARS
program, except for ^V, ^T, ^N, ^QY, ^QDEL, and ^KA. Notice that ^L is
the only alphabetic control character which is not used as a command.
Future plans for the Check Register Program include:
o Porting from CP/M-80 to MS/PC-DOS and to CP/M-86 and its
o Relaxing memory constraints for 16-bit computers.
o Addition of a program to print new checks which have been entered
into the check register.
o Possible addition of a field for check number.
o Possible extension of the Payee field, with horizontal scrolling
when the number of characters exceeds the display window.
o Implementation of ideas submitted by you.
Let me know what you think.