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This library contains a commented disassembly of the "PASSWORD" program
from "CP/M Utilities, Volume 2, Phil Wheeler, 16th December 1983" as
distributed on SIG/M a SIG/M Public Domain software library disk.
Having already had my 10M hard disk trashed once by a "Trojan Horse"-type
Public Domain program, I have made a resolve to (wherever possible)
disassemble any P.D. programs I receive BEFORE experimenting with them.
I am pleased to say I have not yet found any program with malicious intent
(apart from the unfortunate original case), but have learnt quite a deal
from my efforts in this area, and even been able to improve the utility of
some programs by adding to or altering facets of their operation.
I have also made a practice of putting the results of my labours into the
public domain, in the hope that it will inspire people to add their own
input to the source code and improve it still further, and to encourage
writers of public domain software to provide source code with their
This disassembly was carried out using the public domain DazzleStar
disassembler, and a .MAC file (for Microsoft's M80 assembler) was
produced. This was subsequently edited for greater clarity. The original
PASSWORD.COM file as well as the DazzleStar control (.DZ) file and the
commented source code (.MAC) are included in this library. I have
reassembled the .MAC file and checked that the resulting .COM file is
equivalent in operation to the original.
Ted Harper
6th Feb, 1987.
The following documentation is a direct copy of that provided with the
original release of the program :-
This program allows a CP/M system to be password protected. By
including this program as either the autostart command (for CP/M V2.2),
or as the first line in PROFILE.SUB (for CP/M V3.x), access to CP/M is
denied without knowing the current password. Command:
PASSWORD - Wait for password
PASSWORD NONE - Set password check off
PASSWORD password - Set new password to 'password'
To change the password, the current password must be entered. The
program stores the new password within itself on drive A:. If the
password check is off, the program exits without waiting for a
password. No guarantees are given for the infallibility of this
program - its just a useful check on system access.
password. No guarantees are given for the infallibility of this
program - its just a useful ch