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Assembly Source File
271 lines
; Module name : CONSOLE.ASM
; Author : James Whorton
; Date written: 09/26/84
; This sample module illustrates how to write an RSX for the 22RSX
; environment. While it is rather simple, it does give you an idea
; on how to proceed with your own modules. Have fun. JHW <--
; This module records the number of times that the following BDOS
; functions have been called since last check: 1,2,5,6,9 and 10.
; When a request is made by using the accompanying program CONSTAT,
; the recorded
cin: equ 1
cout: equ 2
lst: equ 5
dio: equ 6
lout: equ 9
lin: equ 10
request:equ 255 ;this is the request character that
;causes a display of the recorded
fcb: equ 05Ch ;FCB address
; RSX prefix (standard DRI format)
serial: db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;Space for serial # (CP/M 3.0)
start: jmp rsxstrt ;Jump to beginning of actual module
next: jmp $-$ ;Jump to next RSX in line or BDOS jump table
prev: dw 0 ;The loader will patch the address of the
;previous module here.
remove: db 0 ;Remove flag (0=remain, 0FFh=remove at warm boot)
nonbank:db 0 ;Nonbank flag
name: db 'CONSOLE ' ;This is the name of the RSX. It MUST be
; ^^^^^^^^ ;8 bytes, pad with blanks if needed.
loader: db 0 ;Loader flag
db 0,0 ;Reserved for system use
;Module starts here
rsxstrt:mov a,c ;save function #
sta fnc
lxi h,0 ;save user's stack pointer
dad sp
shld userstk
lxi sp,rstack ;set local stack
push d ;save regs.
push b
;check function and branch if one of ours
cpi cin ;input?
jz input ;yes
cpi cout ;output?
jz output ;yes
cpi lst ;list output?
jz list ;yes
cpi dio ;direct I/O?
jz direct ;yes
cpi lout ;line out?
jz linout ;yes
cpi lin ;line in?
jz linin ;yes
jmp passon ;the function call wasn't one of ours,
;BDOS function 1 (console in)
input: lhld incnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump it one
shld incnt ;put it back
jmp passon ;continue
;BDOS function 2 (console out)
output: lhld outcnt ;get pointer
inx h ;bump it one
shld outcnt ;update it
;check for a status request
lda fcb ;get check char
cpi request ;is it a request?
jnz passon ;no, so pass call on
;A request has been made, so report stats...
report: lxi h,in$msg ;console in
call ilprnt
lhld incnt
call outhex
lxi h,out$msg ;console out
call ilprnt
lhld outcnt
call outhex
lxi h,lst$msg ;list out
call ilprnt
lhld lstcnt
call outhex
lxi h,din$msg ;direct I/O in
call ilprnt
lhld dincnt
call outhex
lxi h,dout$msg ;direct I/O out
call ilprnt
lhld doutcnt
call outhex
lxi h,lout$msg ;line out
call ilprnt
lhld loutcnt
call outhex
lxi h,lin$msg ;line in
call ilprnt
lhld lincnt
call outhex
;now reset our counters and exit
lxi h,0
shld incnt
shld outcnt
shld lstcnt
shld dincnt
shld doutcnt
shld loutcnt
shld lincnt
mvi a,0 ;set FCB to something innocent
sta fcb
exit: pop b ;restore regs
pop d
lhld userstk ;restore stack
ret ;back to caller
;BDOS function 5 (list out)
list: lhld lstcnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump on
shld lstcnt ;update it
jmp passon ;continue
;BDOS function 6
direct: pop b ;get regs for compar.
pop d
push d ;put them back
push b
;determine whether in or out and act accordingly
mov a,e
cpi 0FFh ;direct I/O in?
jnz direct2 ;no, must be out
lhld dincnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump one
shld dincnt ;update it
jmp passon ;continue
direct2:lhld doutcnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump one
shld doutcnt ;update it
jmp passon ;continue
;BDOS function 9 (line out)
linout: lhld loutcnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump one
shld loutcnt ;update it
jmp passon ;continue
;BDOS function 10 (line in)
linin: lhld lincnt ;get counter
inx h ;bump one
shld lincnt ;update it
;Restore all regs. and stack pointer and pass call up the line
passon: pop b ;restore regs.
pop d
lhld userstk ;restore stack
jmp next ;later...
; Data storage area
fnc: ds 1 ;function call
incnt: dw 0 ;console in counter
outcnt: dw 0 ;console out counter
lstcnt: dw 0 ;list counter
dincnt: dw 0 ;direct I/O in counter
doutcnt:dw 0 ;direct I/O out counter
loutcnt:dw 0 ;line output counter
lincnt: dw 0 ;line input counter
temp: ds 1 ;temp. storage
userstk:dw 0 ;old stack pointer
ds 20 ;local stack space
rstack: dw 0
in$msg: db cr,lf,' 1 Console In ',0
out$msg:db cr,lf,' 2 Console Out ',0
lst$msg:db cr,lf,' 5 List Out ',0
din$msg:db cr,lf,' 6 Direct I/O In ',0
dout$msg:db cr,lf,' 6 Direct I/O Out ',0
lout$msg:db cr,lf,' 9 Line Out ',0
lin$msg:db cr,lf,' 10 Line In ',0
;== Utility Routines ==
;This routine outputs the contents of <hl> in hex format
outhex: push h ;save value
mov a,h ;get MSB
call outhex1 ;print it
pop h ;get value back
push h
mov a,l ;get LSB
call outhex1 ;print it
mvi e,'h' ;put h on end of address
mvi c,cout
call next
pop h
outhex1:mov b,a ;save number
call outhex2 ;print half of it
mov a,b ;get number back
outhex2:ani 0Fh ;get LSN to send out
adi 090h ;convert to ASCII
aci 040h
push b
mvi c,cout
mov e,a
call next
pop b
;Inline print routine
ilprnt: push psw
push h
push d
push b
ilp: mov e,m
mvi c,cout
push h
ilp1: call next
pop h
inx h
mov a,m
ora a
jnz ilp
pop b
pop d
pop h
pop psw
link '22INSTB'
ilp1: call next
pop h
inx h
mov a,m
ora a
jnz ilp
pop b